What is the best Survivor and Killer BloodPoints & Perks Plan in Dead By Daylight?

I made the post on Steam forum then I quickly realised the most hardcore players can be found on the game's official forum. I don't know whether it counts as double-post, but sorry in advance.
Since the game has a level-up and perks system that kind of reminds me of a mobile game, I decided to look online to "craft" the perfect Survivor and Killer level up recipy, so I can waste less time until I get the best Survivors and Killers I want.
I'm new to the game so I mostly looked online.
Great Perks:
- Prove Thyself (Dwight - amazing, Faster generators when co-op)
- Bond (Dwight, good not great, above-average but not top quality - see teammates)
- Dead Hard (King - amazing, Sprint)
- We're Gonna Live Forever (King, good not great, mostly for farming Bloodpoints)
- Borrowed Time (Bill - Protects survivors after you unhooked them)
- Unbreakable (Bill - You can completely recover from the Dying state)
- Self-Care (Claudette - You can heal yourself although more slowly)
- Lithe (Feng Min - amazing, after you fast vault, sprint)
- Iron Will (Jake Park - lowers ground of pain, no sound at purple quality)
- Sprint Burst (Meg - when you start to run, sprint)
- Spinechill & Ressilience combo (Common - increases actions speed, including gen repair)
- Soulguard (Cheryl Mason - after you're healed you can't be killed)
- Decisive Strike (Laurie Strod - can stab the killer and escape after being unhooked)
- Adrenaline (Meg - When the gates open, heal 1 health and get sprint)
- Kindred (Common - survivors see each other when someone including you is hooked)
- Urban Evasion (Nea) & Iron Will (Jake) combo (makes you good at hiding in bushes)
- Lightweight (Common - scratches dissapear faster)
So I was considering going:
- Start to max Dwight so that I can get teachable Prove Thyself. I also got teachable Bond but I think that was a mistake, it's good, but not as good as the other.
- Now I'm maxing King to get teachable Dead Hard. I'm confused whether I should also get teachable We're Gonna Live Forever or not, I mean it's good, but only good for farming Bloodpoints, one farming character is good enough. Should I?
- Then I will go for Claudette to get the teachable famous amazing self-heal.
- Then I will go for Bill to get teachable Borrowed Time & Unbreakable.
- Then I will go for Jake Park to get the teachable Iron Will.
- Then I will go for Meg to get Teachable Sprint Burst & Adrenaline.
- In the meantime, try to pick: Spinechill, Ressilience, Kindred and Lightweight perks whenever I see them, as they seem the best common perks.
With this, I should have every important perk from the game.
I don't have the DLCs for perks like Feng Min's Lithe, which is arguably better than Dead Hard and Sprint Burst for sprinting. Or Soulguard, Decisive Strike and other DLC perks. But thankfully, most important perks are in non-DLC characters.
As for the best character. Everyone says Ace is amazing. He is very quiet, the best simple standard character you can get.
- Kate Denson is the second best.
- David Tapp is third place, he's very quiet, his only drawback is being big.
- Zarina Kassir and Yui Kimura are 4th best.
- Then Yun-Gin Lee and Jill Valentine on equal 5rd place.
- Then 6th place is Jake Park (first non-DLC character)
- 7th place is Nancy Wheeler and Nea Karlson (another non-DLC).
Unfortuantely Claudette Morel and Meg Thomas very loud. While Dwight (non-DLC) and Leon Kennedy are average, not great not terrible. Usually the ones with good perks like King & Bill are terrible with sound and hiding.
So, since I don't have the DLCs, I should get either Jake Park or Nea Karlson and get the good teachable perks on them. If I were to get 9.000 points to buy a character, buy Ace.
For killers, I don't know very much, and would appreciate some help. As well as feedback on the Survivor section. Am I correct?
- Hex: Ruin (Hag) & Hex: Undying (Blight) combo (this combo is a beast, gamechanger)
- Hex: Ruin (Hag - amazing, all generators automatically regress while not worked on)
- Hex: Undying (Blight - amazing, your hexes get a 2nd life)
- Discordance (Legion - when 2 survivors work on a generator, you can see them)
- Barbecue & Chilli (Cannibal - when you hook a survivor, you can see the others)
- Infectious Fright (Plague - when you down a survivor, you hear those close nearby)
- Sloppy Butcher (Pig - slows healing of people hit with M1, amazing on Nurse)
- Tinkerer (Hillbilly - when a generator is 70% complete, hear it and get undetectable)
- Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown - after you hook someone, next gen kick's regress is huge)
- Hex: Devour Hope (Hag - if you manage to get 3 stacks, every hit becomes insta-kill)
- Hex: Devour Hope (Hag) & Hex: Undying (Blight) combo (another gamechanger)
- Enduring (Hillbilly - reduces time of pallets stun)
- Monitor & Abuse (Doctor - reduces your terror radius outside of a chase)
- Save the Best for Last (Myers - m1 attack time reduction up to 8 tokens, 40%)
- Lightborn (Hillbilly - you're immune to flashlight blindness)
- A Nurse's Calling (Nurse - you can see survivors that are healing)
- Corrupt Intervention (Plague - blocks 3 generators for being used for 3 minutes)
- Hex: No One Escapes Death (Common - faster and can insta-down after exit gates open)
- Sloppy Butcher (Common - survivors hit by M1 bleed more and take longer to heal)
- Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face - when pick surv, see gen worked and blocks non-worked)
- Surveillance (Pig - see regressed generators not regressed anymore in yellow)
- Deadlock (Cenobite - when a gen is done, second most prog gen is locked and you see it)
The only non-DLC killers with overall good perks are Hillbilly and Nurse. They are also good killer gameplay-wise.
While Hillbilly is a budget version of the Cannibal, Nurse is arguably the best killer in the game but also requires high skill to play properly, unlike Hag.
When it comes to the best killers considering their powers:
- the Spirit & the Nurse on the 1st place (people debate which is the best)
- the Oni on the 2nd place
- the Nightmare on the 3rd place (not sure why, seems like regular M1 outside dreams)
- the Hag on the 4th place (she's also very easy to use, so best low-skill top killer)
- 5th the Blight (but is high skill)
- 6th the Huntress (people say best ranged in the game, I say her song ruins everything)
So out of the non-DLC characters, the Nurse & the Huntress are considered top play. It's good that the devs leave you with something objectively good in the non-DLC version, effectively not making the game pay to win, even if you actually pay to buy the game.
- The Wraith (non-DLC) I also heard is decent and manageable in high tier gameplay.
- While the Hillbilly (non-DLC) is okay, playble, buy below average, budget Cannibal.
- And the Trapper (non-DLC) is really terrible, one of the worst killers in the whole game.
So far, I play the Hillbilly because he's very straightforward despite not being as good as other direct killing killers like Cannibal and Doctor (which I want to get if I make 9000 points, due to his direct M1 method and cool hallucinations), the Wraith is very good and very sneaky with his invisibility, while not needing as much skill as the Nurse. The Huntress, I hate playing it and have an easy time avoiding it but people say it's good, so I place her as a good choice. And the Nurse is an absolute beast if the player is skilled. So I would say the non-DLC roaster is pretty good.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the non-DLC perks. Only the Hilbilly and the Nurse have good non-DLC perks, as far as I know. Most great killer perks are locked on DLC killers.
That's it.
Do you have any advice or suggestions? Anything I did wrong or should do better?
Anything I missed? Maybe a good survivor / killer perk I completely skipped out?
Any help is appreciated.
I'm currently focusing on farming Bloodpoints rather than rushing the ladder, so can I start rushing the rank ladder when I already have good perks so I won't be at a disadvantage.
For blood points and hence advancement your best perks are BBQ&Chili and WGLF. For long-term advancement, get the Cannibal to level 40, unlock BBQ. I really like Franklin's Demise but only unlock the perks that you want. Ditto for David King.
After you've advanced the Cannibal and David King, advance the other killers and survivors you think you want to play until you get their respective BP farming perk at tier one. You can somewhat increase your chances of them showing up by picking other tier one perks you might not want (the Bloodweb will randomly pick from those available so less to pick from is a higher chance for those).
Go through and unlock the teachable perks you want on a killer or survivor and then advance the ones you want until you have the perk.
Once you have all the ones you want if you play a lot and don't use your iridescent shards buy up more teachable perks and exchange them for 150,000 BP per purchase via the Shrine of Secrets. Keep in mind your Bloodweb will be messier with less perks you want after this.
If you care about prestiging then consider if you want to prestige them first before unlocking more perks. Each perk you unlock you don't want reduces the chance of getting the perk you do want.
Eventually, you can get any perk you want on any character but, at the beginning, if you want the process to be more efficient do those.
Also, as a beginning player keep in mind that 8 hooks and 0 K will typically give more BP than 4 hooks and 4 K. It's also better for learning to not facecamp and tunnel as you need to learn how to spot and chase survivors. You can figure out when to do that later with more experience.
As a survivor, you'll die a lot. As with killer, don't be afraid to lose. You'll learn a lot and that will just help you in the long run.
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Thanks for the reply, unfortunately I don't have any DLCs so I can't get the Cannibal's Barbecue & Chilli, although I can see how this is a great if not the best Bloodpoints farmer for the killer.
I'm already using David King's We're Gonna Live Forever bloodpoints farming perk. Should I turn it into a teachable or it's enough to just have it for 1 survivor? I think if you unlock a teachable, it decreases the chance of getting other teachables perks, so you should only unlock the teachables you really want.
Franklin's Demise's is useful but I think situational at low rank gameplay (I'm currently Ash I on both Survivors and Killers) where items are probably not that good quality and Survivors not very good with them.
Come to think of it, I don't even know how to active them myself, or when to activate them.
By ditto you mean David King's Dead Hard? Already on my way to unlock it as teachable. Probably one of the most powerful escape perks in the game with Feng Min's Lithe and Meg's Sprint Burst.
I was thinking of a plan to get the best teachable perks first:
- Survivor -> Dwight (Prove Thyself; maybe Bond but I'm not so sure anymore it was worth it) -> King (Dead Hard) -> Bill (Borrowed Time, Unbreakable) -> Claudette (Self-Care) -> Jake Park (Iron Will). With those, I should have pretty soild perks for Survivor using only non-DLC characters. I'll be a already good enough to get a main like Jake Park or Nea Karson (or Ace if I get 9000 points) and put those teachable perks on them. Maybe get Meg (Adrenaline) -> Urban Evasion (Nea) afterwards. With commons like Kindred, Lightweight, Spinechill & Ressilience I should have a pretty good perks roaster to pick from even on a competitive level.
- Killer -> Not much to pick here in terms of non-DLC. Hillbilly (Tinkerer, Lightborn, Enduring) -> Nurse (Nurse's Calling) and then maybe I'll main Wraith (maybe Doctor if I get 9.000). Other than that, I have to count on great common perks: Hex: No One Escapes Death, Sloppy Butcher. As the really great perks like: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Hex: Undying (Blight), Discordance (Legion), Monitor & Abuse (Doctor), Hex: Devour Hope (Hag) are locked behind DLC killers.
When it comes to Teachable perks. Can I sell the teachable perks I got through the Bloodweb for 150.000 Bloodpoints each? Like Leader (Dwight) which if fairly bad and I have no need for? or will I be stuck with it forever as a teachable?
I don't understand what you mean by prestige. What happens after you reach level 50 ? Will you still have more random Bloodwebs full of perks & items or you're forced to prestige or stay level 50 ? and what bonuses you get from prestiging?
Any tips on how to spot and chase survivors better? What should I do at the beginning of the game? and when there's a group of people working on a generator, how do I pick my target? How do I manage looking for survivors vs. looking for gens?
There are also some Killer perks that sound good to me but I didn't hear many people talking aboout them as being great:
Dragon's Grip (Blight - After a survivor works on a generator you just kicked, you can insta-down them for 60 seconds)
Make Your Choice (Pig - After a survivor saves someone from the hook, the savior can be insta-down for 60 seconds)
Iron Maiden (Legion - when survs exist lockers, you can see them and insta-down for 30 sec, not as useful as others but an underdog)
Rancor (Spirit - can see all survs when a gen is done but obsession can see you, can insta-down&kill obsession when all gens are done)
Starstruck (Trickster - can insta-down in your terror radius when carry, can still insta down for 30 secs those in your terror radius when hooking or dropping)
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By ditto, I meant WGLF. For WGLF, it depends on what you want. I run it on every survivor but you have to consider the time sink for that vs just advancing one survivor. If you have it loaded you will get more BP but if you put it on more than one survivor you have to spend BP to advance them. Realistically, survivors are just cosmetics and, to increase your BP for each side, do daily rituals and tome challenges whenever possible.
For perks and seeing them used watch Otzdarva's videos. They're really helpful.
For prestige, once you hit level 50 you can reset to lvl 1 and get a slightly higher than normal chance to get better items. You can prestige up to three times.
For teachable perks once they're unlocked they're unlocked forever. You can just trade shards for BP when they show up on the Shrine of Secrets. If the RNG gods favor you you might get a perk you want that way instead of having to level up a character for it.
When you're looking for survivors don't look in random places. Patrol gens. As for who to target, if a survivor is good at being chased and tries to lure you off either being clicky clicky, teabagging or just being hard to catch abandon the chase if it'll take too long and chase someone else. Hard to catch survivors are a lot easier to catch when most of their teammates are dead and, while you're chasing, if they have multiple teammates those teammates are working on gens and escaping.
Also, don't overlook surveying from the high ground for a couple of seconds when you get a chance. It's a bit easier to spot survivors outside your TR that way.
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The best perks for a survivor is Unbreakable and Borrowed Time from Bill, Dead Hard from David King, Decisive Strike from Laurie Strode, Sprint Burst from Meg and Iron Will from Jake. 5 of those are from free survivors that you already have, so focus on those. If DS comes up in the Shrine of Secrets, get it. We're gonna live forever is by far the best perk for farming bp as a survivor, you should absolutely get it, you're leveling up David King anyhow to get Dead Hard, and you can unlock WGLF before you can unlock DH anyhow. Unlock it on whatever survivor you want to play as you main. It's also useful as it helps you heal other survivors from dying state faster, which can often be useful. Keep in mind that you can get dalies requiring you to play a specific survivor, so leveling up all your survivors to the point that they have some useful perks is a good idea. Don't worry about prestiging characters to start with, it's mostly just a bloody skin, the increased rarity of items in the bloodweb is barely noticable.
Let me also give you an early warning, Self-Care and Urban Evasion can both be useful perks, but the vaaaaast majority of players use them all wrong, same kinda goes with Sprint Burst.
Don't run off and Self-Care every chance you get, it takes a long time, and that's time that you can spend on doing gens and increase your chance of escaping. If the killer isn't near you, it doesn't matter if you're full health or injured. It's almost always preferable if you can find a teammate to heal you instead, since it's much faster, alternatively, if someone has CoH (circle of healing, boon perk that comes from Michaela), heal while inside it's radious, as it's twice as fast (you don't need to have Self-Care equipped to heal with CoH).
Urban Evasion, most players sadly use it to crawl around everywhere on the map, hiding in some corner, and being generally useless for the team. The speed that you crouch-walk around the map with Urban Evasion, is the same as if you're just walking normally. The only advantage is that you're slightly harder to spot. Most of the time, you should be running from place to place, so if you Urban Evasion around everywhere, you're wasting a huge amount of time, which can easily be the difference between an escape or being killed, because you spent 3 minutes crawling around instead of just running to a gen and getting it done. Urban Evasion can be useful to hide when you hear the killer come near you, and can sometimes be used to great effect when being chased, in getting the killer to lose track of you.
Sprint Burst suffers from a similar issue as Urban Evasion does. Many players will just walk or crouch-walk all over the map when they have Sprint Burst, because they don't want to trigger it until the killer is about to get a hit on them. This again means that you're wasting lots of time walking around the map when you should be running. It'll recover whenever you're not running, if you learn to use it propperly, you can almost always have it ready to go whenever you actually need it, use it to get to the next gen when you're not in a chase, and it can be more powerful than Dead Hard is. For most players, they struggle to use Sprint Burst correctly, so Dead Hard is simply better for them.
Do take the time to find tips and guides on Youtube! There's lots of great content creators that have super useful guides on there, they are absolutely worth the time! Make sure that they were made fairly recently though, the game has gone through a lot of changes over the years, so a guide that's 3 years old can easily have bad advice for the game as it currently is.
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Thank you both! Very useful info. Do you have similar suggestions for killer perks?
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I consider using the following builds (non-DLC):
Jake Park: Self-care, Dead Hard, Kindred, Prove Thyself. (focused on survival & doing gems)
Nea Karlson: Borrowed Time, Lithe, We're Gonna Live Forever, Lightweight. (focused on healing others; maybe experiment with Unbreakable / Kindred too). Are these good perks combo?
Maybe I get lucky and Lithe appears as teachable on Shrines of Secrets.
Legion: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Discordance, A Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher. (am thinking of buying Legion when I get 9.000 points)
Wraith: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Discordance, Lightborn, Sloppy Butcher.
This requires Hex: Ruin (Hag). If I can't get that, then I'll settle for common Hex: No One Escapes Death. If I can get Hex: Undying (Blight) it would be amazing. Barbecue & Chilli is great, but unlikely. As well as Monitor & Abuse. While Tinkerer is a viable alternative to Discordance for gen doms.
I also consider trying Blight afterwards as I find his power really cool.
Are they any good?
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What I did was unlocked BBQ and Ruin, and then got those on all killers before unlocking other perks. To be honest, that was before boons and mmr. Ruin is kind of whatever now. It is strong for new players, but with mmr, you do not need strong perks anymore and will probably learn faster without it.
Corrupt/Deadlock is way better if you did want something suitable for high mmr. Not sure I would recommend buying Pinhead to beginners, however.
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By Bloodpoints progress so far is this one:
- I started with Dwight, unlocked Bond & Prove Thyself, got him to level 35.
- Followed up wtih David King, unlocked Dead Hard, got him to level 35 (no We're Gonna Live forever, as I saw it useless except for farm)
- 3rd was William Bill Overbeck, unlocked Borrowed Time & Unbreakable, to level 40 (they're must have; Left Behind is very situational)
- 4th is Claudette Morel, unlocked all her 3 perks: Empathy, Botany Knowledge, Self-Care; got her to level 50. Since she had: Bond, Prove Thyself, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable from the other characters' teachables. She is the first "maxxed out" character I have. With other common perks like: Kindred, Lightweight, Spinechill, Ressilience (all purple quality) I have a pretty good & competitive characters that I can always switch perks with to fit my playstyle.
- My 5th character will be Jake to get Iron Will.
Of course, my path is not yet complete, but I got most of the good stuff covered. There are still plenty of non-DLC perks I have yet to unlock:
- Iron Will (Jake Park - lowers ground of pain, no sound at purple quality, very OP on sneaky characters)
- Sprint Burst (Meg - when you start to run, sprint, great alternative to Dead Hard)
- Adrenaline (Meg - When the gates open, heal 1 health and get sprint, can be life-saving in many situations)
- Urban Evasion (Nea) & Iron Will (Jake) combo (makes you good at hiding in bushes)
But after these 4 non-DLC characters, I will really need DLC characters to get into the other good stuff:
- Lithe (Feng Min - amazing, after you fast vault, sprint; probably works best with Lightweight; you scratch marks dissapear 3 seconds faster, in 7 seconds instead of 10)
- Decisive Strike (Laurie Strod - after you're being unhooked, if the killer tries to hook you again too soon, you'll stun him for 5 seconds, so annoying as a killer)
- Soulguard (Cheryl Mason - after you're healed you can't be killed)
However, what I wasn't able to find, is a good perk build to play with. Previously, I considered 2 builds, but after experimenting with what I already have, I'm not so sure right now.
- Jake Park: Self-care, Dead Hard, Kindred, Prove Thyself. (focused on survival & doing gems)
- Nea Karlson: Borrowed Time, Lithe, We're Gonna Live Forever, Lightweight. (focused on healing others; maybe experiment with Unbreakable / Kindred too).
Prove Thyself proved to be (no pun intended) not that impressive. It's only a small difference and most killers already have that perk from Legion when they can see when 2 people are working generators. So I decided to swap Prove Thyself for Lightweight. And my current build is: Self-care, Dead Hard, Kindred, Lightweight. Is this good enough? It feels good, but not good enough.
I also tried to play with Spinechill, very good perk, except I can't use it, I'm simply not paying attention to it that often, any good tips to improve with using Spinechill?
For the 2nd experimental perk. I just removed We're Gonna Live Forever since you don't get to use its ability to heal downed survivors that often and it's basically just a Bloodpoints farm for the unhooks, so I used Empathy instead. Borrowed Time is a must in this healing perk so you can actually save survivors. And I used Dead Hard instead of Lithe since I don't have it. Essentially, my healing build began to look like my survival & gems build, except for Borrowed Time <-> Self-care difference. Borrowed Time, Dead Hard, Empathy, Lightweight.
I considered running Empathy or something that would allow me to escape chases instead of We're Gonna Live Forever, but I couldn't think of anything that would help me escape chases. So keeping it short.
- Do you have an idea for a good survival and gems build?
- What about an idea for a medic and unhook build?
- And what about an idea for a unhook and killer chases build?
And some other survivor perks, not as good as the other ones in my opinion, but still worth considering and being aware of:
- Tenacity (Detective David Tapp - move faster while downed and can recover while moving)
- Technician (Min Feng - gens make less noise when repaired, and if you fail a skill-check have 50% chance to not trigger a noise)
- Quick and Quiet (Meg - you make no noise when entering a locker or fast jumping a window)
- Premonition (Common - you get a sound notification when looking in the direction of the killer, budget Spinechill)
- Poised (Jane Romero - when a generator is completed, your scratchmarks are hidden for a few seconds)
- Open-Handed (Ace Visconti - increases the range of all aura-reading ability by 8 meters. Works great with: Bond, Kindered, Blood Amber)
- Object of Obsession (Laurie Strode - you can see the killer when looking in his direction and he can see you)
- Mettle of Man (Ash J. Williams - allows you to ignore damage that would normally down you, after taking 3 protection hits, and the killer can see you after using it)
- Distortion (Jeffrey Johansen - hides your aura 3 times per match, when it would otherwise be revealed, also hides your scratch marks for the duration)
- Hope (Common - 7% extra movement speed for 2 minutes after all 5 gens are completed)
- Head On (Jane Romero - stun a nearby killer after being inside a locker for 3 seconds, great combo with Dance with Me & Quick and Quiet)
- Flip Flop (Ash J. Williams - the progress you make towards healing in the dying state is converted to wiggle progress)
- Empathy (Claudette Morel - allows you to see the aura of injured allies at any distance)
- Diversion (Adam Francis - creates a loud noise notification 20 meters away from you after speding 45 seconds near the killer)
- Detecive's Hunch (Detective David Tapp - after you complete a generator you can see all chests and totems in a large area)
- Deliverance (Adam Francis - after you unhook an ally, you can unhook yourself)
- Dance with Me (Kate Denson - hides your scratch marks for 3 seconds after vaulting a window or leaving a locker; great combo with Lithe)
- Breakdown (Jeffrey Johansen - after being unhooked, breaks the hook for 3 minutes and reveals the aura of the killer for 6 seconds)
- Bottany Knowledge (Claudette Morel - heal and self-heal is faster)
- Boil Over (Kate Denson - increases the effect of your wiggle while being carried and disables the killer's ability to see auras of nearby hooks while carrying you)
- Balanced Landing (Nea Karlson - silences the sound you make when falling down, reduces the stagger duration and grants a speed boost upon landing)
- Alert (Min Feng - revelas the killer's aura anytime they break a pallet or a generator)
- Aftercare (Jeffrey Johansen - reveals your auras to your allies and their auras to you, when you heal or unhook them or they heal or unhook you, cancels after you get hooked)
- Windows of Opportunity (Kate Denson - reveals the aura of pallets and windows within 20 meters)
- We'll Make it (Common - after unhooking an ally, increases your healing speed by 100% for 90 seconds)
- Wake Up (Quentin Smith - reveals the aura of the gates, lets you open them 15% faster and reveals your aura to all allies when you do so)
- Off the Record (Zarina Kassir - after being unhooked, hides your grunts of pain and hides your aura from the killer for a short time)
- Inner Strength (Nancy Wheeler - after cleansing a token, entering a locker will heal you for 8 seconds)
- For the People (Zarina Kassir - allows you instantly heal an ally for 1 health state at the cost of becoming injured and broken meaning can't heal for 90 seconds)
- Better Together (Nancy Wheeler - reveals the aura of the generator you are working on to all the survivors in 32 meters, and the aura of all your teammates for 10 seconds when someone gets downed)
- Red Herring (Zarina Kassir - creates a loud noise notification to a nearby geneator after you hide in a locker, can backfire and create a notification to a generator an ally is working on)
- Second Wind (Steve Harrington - after healing an ally, will automatically heal you 30 seconds after being unhooked)
The most OP survivor perks are: Sprint Burst, Spinechill, Lithe, Kindred, Iron Will, Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Bond, Unbreakable
- I started with Trapper (big mistake), made him level 15. Then moved to Hillbilly and made him level 15. Not much progress so far, but for the killer side I have in mind the following Bloodpoints plan:
- 1st Get the Hillbilly to level 40 to unlock all his 3 good perks: Enduring & Lightborn & Tinkerer.
- 2nd the Nurse level 40 to unlock all her 3 good perks: Stridor & Thantophobia & A Nurse's Calling. (first 2 optional, the last very good)
- 3rd the Wrath since he is the one I want to main, but only after I have the good skills from Hillbilly & Nurse.
- In the meantime, look at the Shrine to spend 2000 purples for the following killer perks: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Hex: Undying (Blight), Discordance (Legion), Barbecue & Chilli (Cannibal), Pop Goes the Weasel (Clown), Monitor & Abuse (Doctor).
- The only good common killer perks I found is Sloppy Butcher (Common - hitting survivors by M1 is making survivors bleed more and increasing their healing times) and Hex: No One Escapes Death (Common - faster and can insta-down after exit gates open, which is very situational depending on the killer).
There are some secondary perks too, that I consider good but not good enough to waste 2.000 purple points on: Infectious Fright (Plague), Hex: Devour Hope (Hag), Save the Best for Last (Myers), Corrupt Intervention (Plague), Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face), Surveillance (Pig), Deadlock (Cenobite).
Maybe Corrupt Intervention (Plague) has a chance to be one of the best ones worth buying, for that 3 minutes block, but if that's the case, I find it the worst out of those that are worth buying for 2.000 purple points, not because it's bad, but there are better alternatives.
I said I considered using these killers builds:
- Legion: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Discordance, A Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher. (am thinking of buying Legion when I get 9.000 points)
- Wraith: Hex: Ruin (Hag), Discordance, Lightborn, Sloppy Butcher. (maybe Surveillance instead of Discordance)
And that I also consider buying the Blight. Or maybe the Oni as an alternative option second to Blight and Legion. But so far I cannot comment on any of these builds as I haven't reached that far, any thoughts? Do they sound like good builds for a killer?
The most key killer perk here is Hex: Ruin (Hag). If I can't get that, then I'll settle for common Hex: No One Escapes Death. If I can get Hex: Undying (Blight) it would be amazing. Barbecue & Chilli is great, but unlikely. As well as Monitor & Abuse. While Tinkerer is a viable alternative to Discordance for gen doms. Alternatively, I heard that Thantophobia works really great with Legion because he is able to injure survivors very quickly, making the most of the perk.
And some other killer perks, not as good as the other ones in my opinion, but still worth considering and being aware of:
- Unrelenting (Common - you recover faster from missed attacks, this perk is bad but good for beginners)
- Whispers (Common - when a survivor is close to you the perk lights up and you hear a noise)
- Coup de Grace (Twins - after a gen is completed, your next lunge is 60% longer)
- Oppression (Twins - after you kick a gen, 3 other random gens start to regress)
- Franklin's Demise (Cannibal - survivors hit drop their items)
- Overcharge (Doctor - when a survivor starts working on a gen you hit, they get a difficult skill check and regression if they fail)
- Blood Warden (Freddy - if you hook someone when the exit gates are open, the exit gates get blocked for a while)
- Fire Up (Freddy - for every generator completed, you perform actions faster)
- Make Your Choice (Pig - if you are within 32 meters when a survivor is unhooked, you get a notification and the unhooker gets exposed)
- Bamboozle (Clown - after you hop a window, the survivors won't be able to use that window for a time)
- Hex: Haunted Grounds (Spirit - when a survivor cleanses the hex, all survivors get exposed for a few seconds)
- Thrilling Tremors (Ghost Face - when you pick up a survivor, the gens not worked on are blocked for a few seconds and you see the ones worked on)
- Surge (Demogorgon - starts regressing gen within 32 meters of dying survivors)
- Blood Echo (Oni - After hooking a survivor, all survivors get hemmorage and exhausted status effects, works great with Plague or Legion)
- Trail of Torment (Executioner - after kicking a gen you become undetectable but the gen can be seen by survivors)
- Dragon's Grip (Blight - after you kick a generator, if a survivor starts working within 30 seconds, they get exposed)
- Hex: Blood Favor (Blight - blocks pallets from bring used after hitting a survivor for 30 seconds)
The most OP killer perks are: Nurse's Calling, Barbeque & Chilli, Hex: Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, Discordance, Hex: Undying, Save the Best for Last.
Hex: Ruin and Surveillance is a great combo.
If there is anything you would like to add feel free to tell me. I would love to know if there is something wrong or there was something I could have done better. Also, do you know any good common killer perks?
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