When you ban for DC, you should also ban players that induce DC

JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
edited November 2021 in General Discussions

There are killers out there, like some streamers with DC in 30 to 40% of their trials because they are toxics, hard camping and tunneling first hook. You clearly have stats about it, why do you still let them playing the game while half the time someone is DCing ?

Personaly, when i play killer, no one is DC'ing, it happens like 1 time out of 50 trials.

Ban those toxic players and the toxicity will hugely decrease.



  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    You cannot troll if DCing still gives a ban penalty.

    You don't know the killer you are facing, if he has a toxic history or not.

    Killers that have a huge survivors DC rate are just toxic. When a killer has 30 to 40% DC rate on 1000 trials, sure this player must be removed from the game.

    And you can check some streamers, some of them have DC in pretty much all their games and why ? Because they are camping and hard tunneling. They show the bad side of the game/community and give a terrible example on how to play the game.

    As a survivor i'm at a MMR where it is impossible to have a fun game, camping and tunneling 1st hook in like 80% of the trials. Expulsing a survivor that could not do anything but being tunneled for 5 minutes and die is not a tactic, it's just bullying, being toxic and it's like harassment.

    As a killer, i never camp/tunnel and in the end chat the survivors often thank me for this... some even tell me that there are almost no fair killer left.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,667
    edited November 2021

    Camping and tunneling aren't considered as bannable offense (only tunneling IF you keep targeting the same survivor repeatedly every time, ignoring everyone else on purpose). Are those things unpleasant? Yes. Can you counter them? Yes, pretty much easily i might add. So no, your request won't be granted. Regarding DC this is considered a bannable offense for various reasons:

    1 You can deny a certain tome challenge or achievement, just for your boosted ego (happened to me when I had to sacrifice 4 people in the basement in a single trial and no, without doing something unpleasant, just for the simple fact that one of them understan that I had that challenge cause I was using agitation)

    2 you can bypass certain gameplay mechanics (hatch that will spawn immediately right after the DC. Now imagine this with a hatch offering and you have a granted escape for the last remaining survivor) or deny them (bbq stack or pop goes to Weasel won't proc)

    3 you'll ruin the experience of every player in the trial (survivors will have a harder time and killer less points. This should be considered griefing

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Yes it is insta loss, doesn't change that camping is not fun for the concerned survivor and not fun or the killer that does not play.

    My thread just meant that BHVR has to do something to prevent camping/tunneling and to balance the game in order to give a chance to all killers.

    But hey if you cannot understand between the lines, not my fault. Ppl doing shortcuts cause they cannot think outside of the box 😅

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    It's not about "I". When a given player induces so many opponents DC to a point where 30% to 40% of the trials he/she plays there is a DC, this player is a problem.

    It's not like he/she does this from time to time, it's all the time. Without the DC penalty system, this player would have near 100% DC.

    And no there is no counter to being camped and tunneled. Other survivors can gen rush but the concerned survivor has not a single counter and he/she will be MMR punished cause he will die no matter what.

    You find it healthy for the game ? Then explain why, i'm waiting for your arguments but you won't have any. Maybe because you are playing exclusively like this, camping and tunneling first hook and cannot get any kill without camping/tunneling ?

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    So you think BHVR forces people to camp due to game balance, but you still think players who camp should be banned? Nice logic then.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    Ye well, i usually play Nurse, Billy, Spirit and Pinhead, 3 of them are the worst unfun killer to face for many and i never have any DC. You are clearly the problem.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    I think BHVR forces the camp mechanic cause the design doesn't allow killers to win and yes i think players camping are just players that cannot accept to loose and feel that it is better to stay static for 5 minutes instead of actually playing :

    • You ruin the game for another survivor that is not responsible for the game design
    • You don't play standing still for 5 to 10 minutes if you camp two survivors
    • You break the stats getting 2k or 3k just by using terrible broken mechanics and then BHVR think the game is balanced and will never fix it

    Think before writing something.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    In this exact situation, how many times does a survivor DC'ing ? 1 time out of 50 trials ? You won't get a 30 to 40% DC rate in the opponent team just by playing the game without camping and tunneling.

    All of you are clearly killer mains and once again you just prove that ppl maining one side are just unaware of the global state of the game. You are all just selfish players thinking only about your little small side and personal experience without thinking how it goes for the other side.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    It is your own choice to DC, itnis not induced by anyone else than your own ego and entitlement. Play out the game and move on.

    The killer isn't breaking any rules, they are playing the game and shouldn't be punished for it.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Devs said they are not happy with the current camping/tunneling aspect of the game, update yourself. Last Q&A stream.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    I mean if you want to kill the game, sure.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851
    edited November 2021

    Lmfao I played 6 killer trials yesterday and it happened in 5 of them, vs Freddy, Demo, Pyramid, Wraith, and Nurse

    (also yeah I main killer but I literally don't camp or tunnel if I can avoid it because it's unfun yall need to stop with the assumptions because it's highkey tragic)

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    You guys have no moral at all, it is crazy this new generation, i'm wondering what your education is.

    When a boss push you to the limit to the point you burn out it is your own fault ?

    A killer that has 30%+ trials where opponents DC is an abuser and deserve a permaban exactly as when a boss has 30% of his/he employees in a burn out, he deserves a law punishment. The problem doesn't come from the burned out ppl, the cause is the boss.

    It is exactly the same here. But well, without being mean, seeing the new generation living their life through dumb videos on TikTok, TV reality and Instagram, no wonder why the Transvaluation of values exist and we can blatantly see it here.

    The bully is the victim and the real victim is the idiot that deserve to be punished.

    Great way of seeing "life". Don't expect positivity in your life thinking like this, you will be frustrated all the time 😂

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    It’s not the killer’s problem nor responsibility so why should they be punished? It’s nonsensical.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    "Devs are not happy with the amount of it" does not mean "it should be punished by banning all killer players who aren't throwing".

    And if the devs have any sense, they'll also realise that the solution is not "punishment for what will always be the two most effective ways to achieve a killer's goals" (make sure one person dies at a time, one way or the other and therefore reduce survivor speed... or flat out just get a kill for camping), but to make the ineffective tactics more rewarding and viable.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    "Lose on my terms you you don't get to play" is perfectly summarized. Thank you.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    I play ten times more Survivor games than I do Killer games, easily. When I play Killer I might play 3-4 games total before I get disgusted. I can play Survivor for six hours straight.

    So no. You are objectively wrong about your whole "You are all just killer mains" claim.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    And? If you ban all the behaviours that survivors don't like, you may as well just replace the killer player with a mediocre AI that moves down the list of survivors to hook them all in order, because you're pretty much just taking away all choice from the killer in how to play anyway.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    As I said to you in the last one, no - you don't get to DC on demand and no, tunneling and proxying are not against the rules. Facecamping...if a killer does that, they already get penalized. I've seen literally 0 killers do this outside of being teabagged/flicky flicky macroed.

    Stop DCing and you'll stop getting banned.

    If you really want to get out of the match ASAP, run to the killer and suicide on the hook. Otherwise you are just punishing them for winning and messing over your allies.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    It can happen but honestly, on my side when i play killer, i have 1 DC every 20 or 30 trials. Almost never happening.

    So between 5% DC and 40% DC there is a huge margin.

    Moreover, camping/tunneling first hook will often result a trial ending between 2k and 4k. So kill rate statistics are biased, devs will buff survs and killer mains will cry, vicious circle.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    I already feel the ban for D/C system is quite poor because it already can't tell the difference between losing connection, "legitimate" D/Cs and people just D/C'ing because they can't take an L.

    I don't think it will get any better if the game now also punishes you for other peoples behaviour or internet connection.

    And even if you say any type of D/Cs are rare, it still just doesn't seem right to me.

    I'd rather the devs invested time into making the game more fun and fair, to stop people D/Cing, rather than doublign down an already poor ban system.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    No. Just no lmao. It's not that deep. You seriously gonna blame the children for your inability to cope with DC's in a stupid game? Hahaha

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    Well when i face a killer that has a ton of message on steam saying "-rep tunneler camper first hook" and that's what he/shed did in the trial i have just played and when i see streamers with a DC half their games, sure there is a problem but don't turn it around, the responsible of the DC is the killer as he/she is the common denominator in all those games.

    If the way he/she is playing result in a high DC rate, 10,20 or 30% higher than the usual average rate of the global playerbase, the problem comes from this player.

    If you ever did stats in your life you would know it's the plain truth. But most of you disagree because you are killer mains, surely camping and tunneling in all the trials you play. Cannot be otherwise.

    You guys defending this are exactly the same as players defending teamkills in FPS competitive games.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    And why should the survivor be penalized when the only thing he/she can do in the game is either stay on hook doing nothing and not even earning points + getting a MMR loss or DC ?

    Either way he/she is punished, with the latter he/she is not loosing time.

    If you allow the killer to be toxic and use a broken anti-gameplay mechanic then allow the survivor to be able to dodge this withotu any penalty.

    And as i have said before, you guys crying because survivors are DCíng is your fault, you clearly camp/proxy camp and tunnel first hook. I never have any DC, even with Nurse. But i knew you were all mostly killer mains camping and tunneling, if you were fair players, you wouldn't defend camping/tunneling. No way.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Well this thread is over, you are basically saying that people who are disagreeing are just Killer mains, and it simply "cannot be otherwise".

    So you've proven to us your mind is already set and you are pretty stubborn and now making assumptions on anyone who dares to disagree with your idea.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I have zero sympathy for people who DC at will. It ruins the game for the other four players and is the epitome of selfish impulsive behavior. Not to mention almost always just an example of sore losing. Is it any mystery that virtually all the DCs I’ve seen are right after a down or locker grab or hook?

    People who DC regularly can go play a different game as far as I’m concerned. Good riddance.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Just no.

    No. No. No. No. No.


    Stop trying to turn this around. The common denominator here is you. Clean your own room before worrying about the rooms of some hypothetical people.

    I play a goodly amount of DbD. I also watch plenty of streams.

    I never facecamp unless someone is BM. I get DCed on constantly.

    The streamers I watch get DCed on constantly too. It's almost expected and it's insanely frustrating, as you are denying the killer BP and messing with your allies. Just search for the 'Otzdarva Law' on YouTube if you want to know more.

    Hell, as any killer would tell you, the hardest part of doing an Adept is finding a group that won't DC.

    When you decide to throw a sulk because you got hooked first and DC, you are just punishing the killer for winning and punishing your allies while you are at it.

    Slugging, tunneling and proxy-camping are playing the game *as intended*.

    Facecamping is BM, but it's vanishingly rare as killers take a pretty big penalty when they do this.

    Also - well done. You've mixed an Ad-Hominum into a Red Herring fallacy to make a Red-Hominum. The world is a worse place now.

    League of Legends nailed it with LeaverBuster.

    One DC once in a while? No problem.

    Lots of DCs in a short time? You'll get a penalty, but by the time your internet issues are fixed, it should have expired.

    DC regularly over a period of time? You'll eventually start getting 3 day, 1 week, 2 week and finally a perma ban.

    I would give my little toes for DbD to have a similar system. DCs are frustrating as now I have to either waste my time giving the enemy team a break because they got paired with a jerk, or I have to wipe them out and get shouted at in postgame.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    I have never said that players face camping once in a while should be banned. But playres abusing it in all their trials resulting in a huge amount of DC in the trials they play should be banned, definitely or have a ban Penalty.

    How can the devs accept that some killer players have a DC in 5% of the trials they play and other players having 40% ? There is a problem here, clearly and i don't think it's the survivors fault.

    Honestly today it's almost impossible to play as a survivor at a fairly high MMR without getting a killer camping and tunneling even if there are 4 gens left...

    Sure DC ruins the round for 4 other players.

    But doesn't a killer camping/tunneling the first hook in every trials ruin the trials for the 4 other players ?

    The hooked survivor doesn't play and the 3 remaining survivors are just holding M1, have 0 gameplay/interactions with the killer during the whole trial. Is it not ruining others experience ? I guess it is but maybe i'm wrong.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,255

    You want someone to be banned for playing a way you don't like. Can we banned those players who bullies the killer and run the same loops? If someone dc it cause they can't accept the loss. I had dcs as both survivor and killer's side.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Small nitpick on your post, but its the Otzdarva's Law, not Rule

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    calling it a rule implies it can be broken sometimes

    I like to think of it as one of the laws of nature

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited November 2021

    Well i have rarely seen any DC if the players has not been tunneled the whole time. It's extremely rare.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    You are now doing what is known as 'concern trolling'. Basically, you are inventing a hypothetical situation and pretending that it's your everyday experience.

    You are also...wrong.

    The killer does get punished. You take a pretty nasty score hit for facecamping. This is why killers barely do it anymore, outside of endgame collapse or situations where you want to punish a teabagger.

    But okay - want to dodge without any penalty? Try to unhook yourself, fail, die and move onto your next game. Bravo - you've escaped the match and didn't get a penalty.

    Or - hang in there and wait for your allies to help you. You will be hooked sometimes. It happens.

    And yay - that's a perfect example of a Kafkatrap. All I need now is a Whataboutism and I have my fallacy Bingo!


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2021

    One of the worst suggestions I've seen on these forums.

    I can play a completely fair killer game and still get survivors DCing just because they expected to loop me for 5 hours but they messed up and I downed them in 20 seconds.

    If you don't want a DC ban, don't DC.

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    The fact of the matter is, tunnelling and camping are a part of the game. If someone doesn’t like it they can either DC and rightfully eat a penalty, or stop playing the game entirely. There are plenty other games out there.

    Now, I rarely camp or tunnel when I play killer, but sometimes the situation calls for it and even at the highest standard of play these strategies are valid and can be required.

    Is being camped etc fun? Of course not. You either suck it up and wait a few minutes, buying your team some time, or you DC. If you choose the latter, you should absolutely be penalised as not only are you ruining the match for everyone else involved, but if there were no penalties, the entire game would be broken and essentially unplayable, as everyone would DC all the time. It happens whenever they disable the penalties.

    For camping and tunnelling to be removed or de-incentivised, the entire game would need significant rebalancing as killers are notably weaker than survivors.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I've had survivors DC because they were the first one to be found. Why the hell should I get a dc ban for that?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Tunneling is not toxic.

    Tunneling is how the killer is supposed to play.

    Also, yep. We have fallacy bingo!

    This is known as the Motte and Bailey. You started talking about facecamping being ultra common and causing DCs, but when people pointed out that this was bogus, you switched to tunneling.

    Just...stop. You aren't doing yourself any favors here.

    Manner up, stop DCing because you think you can't win that game.

    Facecamping is vanishingly rare.

    You have a plethora of anti-tunneling perks at your disposal.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Can we ban Survivors that genrush aswell?