Do something with "The Game", Devs.

I played Blight(one of the only high mmr viable killers) and ofc that the new SWF I'm up against sends me to "The Game".
Lost my ruin+undying in 40 seconds, CoH all over the place. I'm fine with that, I'm used to lose ruin but what made me lose my temper wasL every survivor just camps a safe pallet, waits for me to get close and drops it.
If i try to pressure gens after injuring one, the boon totems is there to heal them, I just can't with this map anymore. felt like even with blight that I'm decent with, I can't do anything to counter the constant - camp a pallet, move to the next one that is just 3 meters away.
I'm used for losing games in High MMR, but not in such skill less ways as "The Game" map provides the survivors with 30 god pallets every 4 meters and their 2 floor free AoE healing perk.
I'm taking a break from the game again, it feels like I can play killer in dbd for 2 days only, then having to take a break from this game for at least 2 weeks, that's my life/circle span in this game now.
Map reworks were a huge failure that destroyed what we loved and ruined everything they touched but, among these monsters, The Game really stands out as one of the worst.
This map used to be a paradise for stealth killers, filled with dangerous areas while also giving Survivors resources to survive. It was also one of my favorite maps.
And the map looks like #########, and its balance can be resumed as "worse than the older old Blood Lodge, A.K.A Pallet Town".
Why, devs?
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Do the boons work across floors as well? i.e. the radius also goes vertically? The Game sounds like it would be a nightmare if you could have boons in effect on multiple floors.
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It does.
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That map is so terrible in design. There's no need to really loop anything, just basically pre drop almost all pallets. There mostly all safe and there are so many the match will be over before you run out anyway.
I was excited for the map rework series as I thought they were finally listening to us about how unbalanced the maps were. In reality it was nothing but a graphical rework and basically all the maps are near just as unbalanced as they were before with some even being worse, such as The Game.
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Oof, as if I needed anymore reasons to hate the Game
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This honestly doesn't even apply to just The Game, there are many maps with the same terrible balance issues. Red Forest, Ormond, Haddonfield, Badham ect ect.
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The game is a horrible map but blight can do well on it. The collision is pretty consistent too.
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I’ll do you much better in the long term to master Nurse when you’re getting to higher MMR. It’s obviously not ideal that few killers are viable in the top bracket, but at least with Nurse you’ll get to ignore much of these bad game mechanics.
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The game is one of the few maps that gives some slight counterplay to Blight having 5 slams into walls. I think you are used to the other barren maps being easy and then this map being a challenge. Boons are OK because finding Ruin on this map is also chore. I've actually seen Ruin last the entire match or Devour Hope kill everyone because they couldn't find the totem.
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All area effects go through floors. Any perk with an area, not just Boons, and the killer’s terror radius all go through floors.