Is slinger dead?

Mostly just asking to see if you guys have been experiencing the same thing as me. Since the nerf, i haven't seen a single slinger. I used to see at least 1-2 every day, but i have not seen a single one recently. I never tested the nerf myself because i'm not a masochist, so i don't have the greatest perspective on how bad it was, but i can't be the only one experiencing this right? Has anybody else not seen any slingers lately?
I only seen 2 of them since the nerf and they were having a bad time.
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I saw one but he never used his gun.
wheenever he did he missed.
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He now has the same issue as Billy. He takes way too much skill for the reward of mastering him
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I played slinger for few days straight. Perk wise you need snowballed save best for the last, as otherwise the chases take 1 year. wipe of blood, reload, aim, reel, slap…
With current state of game, no, he is not a great pick for sweaty games
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I've only seen 1-2 of them since he's been nerfed. He's just like Billy now: High skill, low reward.
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Surprisingly enough, he's not that bad even after his nerf. The buffed movement speed actually makes his zoning a lot better, and can help with aiming. I actually find him... more fun to play as?
I do believe the nerf was unnecessary, but it actually feels a bit good to be able to land shots more. Only changes I would make to his kit is to give him better add-ons (please keep the stun duration add-ons, they're not op at all), make it take longer to break out of the chains, and remove the sensitivity cap in ADS.
Or you can just revert him altogether to bring back quickscoping, I don't really mind.
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Not the same. Billy is much less clunky and he is fun to play even when he is hard.
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Again unnecessary nerfs came in he use to be a regular killer. I've seen him once since.
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I tested the nerf a bit more and he's still pretty much the same strength wise if you run something like Monitor or Starstruck to compensate the TR nerf.
I don't blame everyone who left though. I used to be pretty good at him, but now I'm relearning him again. Unnecessary change.
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I'm playing on crossplay off right now on PC.
I've only seen 2 the past 3 days. He used to be a lot more common that's for sure.
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More fun is subjective but they are both clunky in different ways.
Billy has clunky animations and an micromanagement system he doesn’t need which punishes you for playing well.
Slinger has multiple cool downs after missing or hitting but is still fairly fast to shoot
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I havent seen a single one since the nerf.
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i still go slinger, he's pretty solid.
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I play him maybe once a week. I usually 4k by bringing either q Mary's Letter or Game offering with Stqrstruck.
He doesnt feel that fun honestly but hes ok if you bring a killer sided map
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Yes, he joined the dead killer club to meet his cowboy friend Billy.
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he is death
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I still play him and have fun with him. I just enjoy his gameplay in general.
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In terms of beiing fun to play yes, yes he is.
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He's dead to me.
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I've rarely seen him since the nerf, and the ones I have seen run NOED, since that's the perk people run on a killer that they're not confident they can win with.
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I've seen 1 Slinger since his nerf, and I currently have 83 cakes rotting on him :(
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He was essentially deleted from the game in the way behavior has done to other killers.
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He slung his last death
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I'm playing this killer occasionally to farm with him knowing I will get 0k.
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Just another punch bag for survivors.
Who the F cares about killers fun as long as 4 other players have fun why they bully another underperforming killer on coldwind farm :)
Seriously at this point they just can give the killer role to an AI.
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I haven't played against many since the changes but i personally don't think that means they butchered him. Many players just leave things they could abuse and try to find other cheap things. The same with DS, still a good perk but it's usage rate dropped significantly because everyone on the forums said it's dead and useless. Same with Spirit, still one of the best but no one is playing her anymore because shes harder now. Again, i'm not a Slinger expert and what ive heard he's weaker significantly but generally i'm careful with opinions like that.
I'm playing another game, card based, and there was one card that was so OP that everyone complained about it. The Devs nerfed it, suddenly no one used it anymore, it was dead. Fast forwarding 10 months, the card is absolute meta again and dominates most decks, without any buffs. It's still strong just not overpowered anymore.
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His uniqueness is gone, so design wise he's dead. Strength wise, also
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How would that be fun? Why would survivors want to play vs an AI that has no feelings and thus won't care if it loses nor care about whatever the survivors begin saying post game or when they tbag in game? No, the winning formula is to just steal Friday the 13th's method of picking the killer. Everyone queues as survivors, one "lucky" queued player is picked to be the killer and is forced to play the killer that round even if they didn't want to. That way you can still taunt and belittle the killer and feel good about yourself since you'll know you're ruining a real persons time.