I was accused of cheating. Will I get banned?

I just played a match as survivor and I was lagging super badly, the game was so unplayable. After the match, the killer accused me of hacking. They said that I was abusing torrent hacks?? because I was glitching from place to place. That was obviously lag, the survivors even saw me glitching from place to place when they were downed or hooked, because of the aura yk and one of them even backed me up in the End Game Chat. But the killer said to report me, now I'm scared I might get banned, even tho I wasn't hacking. :(
Nope. Ive had the game for 4 years? I get accused of wall hacking everytime i use bbq. Havent been banned yet.
Even actual cheaters with video evidence hardly get banned -.-
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Alright, thank you! I appreciate the answer.
And yeah, I've heard about that, it sucks. :[
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If you weren't actually cheating then you have nothing to worry about.
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BHVR doesn't even ban the real cheaters (or at least they take at least a month to do so), you'll be fine.
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True, thank you!
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Mate they can't even do anything about actual hackers that are so prolific they are known by name in the community. They aren't going to bother banning anyone off of any report that isn't multiple videos 5+ minutes each showing said cheating. People will claim anything is cheating these days. You'll get accused of cheating for using specific perks or add ons, too. Been accused of using wallhacks when playing Clown with Cigar box. Because people don't know what the add on does and I guess don't read the add ons in post game.
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100% absolutely you will. Considering BHVR doesnt ban the real cheaters I have no doubt they will ban you for not cheating.
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Were you hacking? If so, I'd be slightly worried. Lag switchers are an absolute plague and BHVR do seem to be a bit more active now in banning them.
If you weren't then no, you'll be fine.
I get accused of hacking frequently, especially when I'm running Nurse's, Discordance or aura-reading addons. I've never been banned.
I get that you are frustrated, but don't take it out on innocent forum people.
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After reviewing your case, we do think that a 48 hour ban is warranted.
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What lol? I'm making light of the situation with sarcasm.
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They dont even ban actual cheaters lol youll be fine