Clown main since June 2019 AMA

As the title says I’ve mained him since the game was added to gamepass around June 2019. Back when his throw cooldown slowed you down and he had no antidote. Questions don’t have to specifically be about him though
Non reworked maps only: which was your favorite to play Clown on?
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How the hell do you enjoy Clown?
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I always loved to play on father campell’s chapel and dead dawg
Chapel always had fun shots and was small enough to patrol easy(I’ll never forgive the realm beyond for ruining this one)
DDS has some great needle thread shots and a lot of verticality for throwing. Plus I love the aesthetic
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I enjoy how his power works. Throwing bottles at strategic locations and predict survivor movements is fun. Plus I like going for more interesting bottle set ups and learning how to use the antidote effectively.
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I can’t get myself to enjoy Dead Dawg.
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Pinky finger is my least favourite actually. My favourite is Thick cork stopper since it will always be useful whether your doing well/poorly
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It has problems definitely but I think the idea of an old western town map is just too cool for me to hate it
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I just restarted playing after about a year in that time they added the new Yellow gas. I’ve been playing around using it right before I kick a pallet or gen or pick someone up, or when I’m about to run a long distance, and sometimes might use it right before a chase so I’m sped up at and I can slow them down for a double whammy. I’m curious how an actual Clown main uses it though, wondering if I’m overlooking anything. Any other tips on the yellow gas?
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The yellow gas is definitely secondary to the purple but it’s best to use it when combined at a loop
For example if your at a basic junk tile put a antidote on their side and tonic on yours. Then rotate before the activation delay ends so you get the speed and they get slowed. This 100% either confirms a hit or pre drop
Another useful application is if you have 1 bottle left. Throw an antidote and reload in it for the free speed boost
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Ah, sweet old Chapel.
A most reasonable choice, I might add.
Not only the most balanced map in the game, but also one of my favorites.
Here, take this picture:
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The realm beyond was a failure but they really messed up crotus prenn. Used to look so much better
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glad to see someone appreciates clownman, I love playing him the most, love throwing those bottles everywhere even if they don't make lot of sense, and I don't like being looped around the same tile several times.
while lot of people say not to use yellow bottles for map traversal, I disagree, I feel like clown desperatly needs anything to have some kind of map pressure, reload takes only few seconds and often times all I need is to know aprox where someone is, most of the time I catch up to ppl using both yellow and purple bottles.
as far as viable builds go, I feel like builds centered around making your m1's hurt the most, or information are the key.
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I miss his exhaustion add-on, but he's always been a solid killer for me, I tend to always do well with him before and after his changes. Just wish people didn't sleep on him, he's definitely not the worst killer.
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I don’t generally use the antidote for map traversal. The 5% speed while great in a chase isn’t that noticeable for traversal. Better to have 4 bottles ready when the chase starts.
As for builds I like to focus on info and gen slowdown but lethality is always great. STBFL especially is great
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If you had to chose a different killer to main, who would it be and why?
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As I've always said :)
I like your opinion.
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Clown’s exhaustion add on wasn’t healthy imo. It was too easy to use on such a 1v1 focused killer. He is definitely underrated imo
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Close call between billy and slinger but I’d go with billy. He has an insane skill ceiling and a fun power
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The feeling is mutual :)
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Favorite build to run on him? I usually run brutal,ruin,stfbl with surge.
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True, but then again i wish Dead Hard didn't grant that much distance, Just needs to be a free dodge without that much movement momentum for a couple of frames.
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I used to run a generic build of Pop, corrupt bbq and Brutal strength but I’ve moved on to a more experimental build using Gearhead(could be surveillance too) Oppression, Pop and bbq. Works surprisingly well but you have to be confident in your chase game
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Yep dead hard is broken but I doubt it’ll be changed
Small kinda niche tip tho. If you cancel a bottle throw it can bait dead hard out
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I've quite enjoyed Pop / Thrilling / Gift of Pain / Plaything , Plaything being surprisingly good I've found at catching people with their pants down and ending chase within 5 seconds due to bottles. Likely replace Gift of pain for that new scourge perk once it releases though.
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Pain resonance will be a game changer for him imo. Especially since he can get a mini agitation from the antidote
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Are you playing with the best skin
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same. if I were to main a killer, I'd call myself a clown or Twins main, since I used to play them the most. (Now I play semi-randomly focusing on archives and dailies)
and, no, I don't camp, slug, or tunnel.
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Are clown mains the real clowns?
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Ah, glad to see more attention towards Clown!
- What is your favorite add-on combination to use on Clown?
- Which tier do you think Clown resides in?
- What are your thoughts on Clown's add-on pass from his rework?
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- Thick cork stopper and bleach/ Cork stopper and smelly soles
- High C- Low B depending on add ons
- Dissapointed pinky finger wasn’t reworked but overall pretty good
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No we’re 6head gigs ultra chads
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Imo Flask of bleach and pinky finger is the strongest but my personal favourite is Bleach and Cork stopper
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Nope I play him with this combo
Head: The kybalion
Body: Ringmaster suit (witty)
Weapon :Presitge (Tome knife is really good though)
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Fair enough but it changes his playstyle too much for me to enjoy it
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New Chapel and Disturbed Ward have that horrible brown palette and look boring X(
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Very basic i see
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It is but clown’s basic looks is really good imo and what made me start playing him. I do love mr puddles though
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Oh and another question (if someone already asked this, my apologies):
What changes would you make to the Clown's base-kit? Oh and what changes would you make to his add-ons? (if you have any ideas, that is)
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Before the 4th anniversary update where the slow on bottle throw was removed, did you use the feathers 24/7 or did you use another addon combination from time to time?
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Good question!
The main change I’d make is that both his bottles use separate ammo. I’d have 4 tonics and 1 antidote. The antidote would be on a 10 second cooldown and tonics would be reloaded manually (completing a reload would give you your antidote back too)
As for add ons I have a few
Fingerless parade gloves: Shows the arc of the a bottle being throw, allows for the clown to charge his bottle for twice as long. This changes the arc to similar of a huntress when fully charged
Robin feather: Slightly increases antidote recharge time (from 10 to 8 seconds)
Sticky soda bottle: Increases both tonic and antidote capacity by 1
Starling feather: Moderately increases antidote recharge time (from 8 to 6 seconds)
Kerosene can: survivors intoxicated by the afterpiece tonic are afflicted with the oblivious status effect
Spirit of hawtshorn: slightly increases the haste effect from the afterpiece antidote (from 10% to 15%) and slightly reduces the afterpiece antidote’s duration (from 6 to 5)
Bottle of chloroform: Now also increases the duration of the afterpiece tonic’s duration (This makes it essentially the old garish makeup kit)
Cigar box: While intoxicated you see survivor auras greater than 40 metres away from you (The current one feels a bit cheap in terms of finding stealthy survivors so this would make it more like a budget BBQ)
Cheap gin bottle: Increases both tonic and antidote capacity by 2
Tatoo’s middle finger: After hooking a survivor all of your bottles are automatically reloaded
Redhead’s pinky finger: Survivors who cure their intoxication with an antidote become exposed for 15 seconds
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Clown has some cool cosmetics. Do you have a favorite?
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I never bought Clown because i got Pop and Bamboozle very early in the shrine, but if i'll ever get him, i feel an obligation to at least throw 7200 shards to get Mr Puddles' head
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Honestly, I like that idea more than making the bottle count separate in a 4/4 way, and I'd LOVE to see it in the game. I also love your add-on ideas in general.
Although I do think an antidote recharge add-on would be nice, I do want to keep the cooldown add-on. Maybe give the cooldown add-on to the brown Robin Feather.
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Most the time yes. They were pretty essential
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I missed this one sorry!
Ive already shown my favourite but honourable mentions are mr puddles and punchiella
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Do you get big use of yellow bottles and use them a lot?
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Not as much as the tonics but they have their uses. Mainly for W gamers and at longer loops such as shack or cowshed i loops
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Sigh I miss ClownIsKing
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How does it feel like to be such an amazing, beautiful person with an incredible taste in mains?
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1) Do you use "Fingerless parade gloves" often?
Seems that with them and without throw arc are way too different.
2) It's just my opinion or "Pulcinella" is more stealthy?