Your opinion on Pinhead?

Strong / Decent / OK / Weak / Fun / Unfun / Boring / Hard to play / etc...
He's pretty underrated. High B tier with the right perks.
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Without Engineer's Fang he's straight up garbage.
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Unfun: I think he's a thematical well designed killer but it feels bad to use his power successfully and still not get use out of it. The only way to injure is to basic attack and his chains while using his power doesn't prevent pallet drops so sometimes you can chain and nothing happens. His cube is strong and a good slow down for everyone but I really wish he could at least get aura reading on it when he's close and not have to rely on tiny sparks near the ground.
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Needs buffs, only near viable playstyle is getting nerfed
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His passive is great, but his active power requires vastly too much effort for the returns it gives. Take away his passive and he's a worse Clown... and it's not hard to take away his passive.
Awesome animations, though.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on12
(Something in this post needed moderation approval so I ended up rewriting it, seems it got approved later)
Post edited by RainehDaze on1 -
With addons, or using the gimmick style with LP/CI to find the box early? Solidly B tier. I'd say C tier otherwise.
He's fun to play, but quite frustrating at times when your hooks just seem to do nothing.
I like the idea of killers with secondary and tertiary objectives for survivors.
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They only nerfed his addons. I love it when a killer gets his addons touched a little everyone screams Dead KIlLer OmG HeS GaRBAge TiEr
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Addon dependent killer, I dont enjoy him with no addons.
But I like how his power works. Yeah, admittedly it's fairly high risk with low reward but eh, that can be tweaked over time I guess.
My favorite part about Pinhead is his power dynamic. His personal chains are weaker and the Box is where his true power lies, and tbh I hope that doesnt change.
I enjoy working to make my power work for me.
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Pay-to-win killer that plays the game for you.
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Short version? He's fun and I play him more than anything else, but his power is super unrewarding for the work it takes.
The longer version is that the chain hunt is strong, but it's of all things skewed heavily in the survivors' favour. If you do the LP trick to activate it early, you'll at least get the one chain hunt and maybe be able to snowball it from there, but if you can't then it's always going to spawn closer to survivors (even after the initial hunt), and the teleport notification will oscillate between "annoying" and "trying to goad you into teleporting into a horrible loop". Also, on large maps there's nothing you can do to keep it, even though this is supposed to be your map pressure tool.
The chains themselves are... so much a mess. The hunt chains are easily dodged, seeing as they show up, give warning before firing, and fire straight at you. The possessed chain is finicky, has multiple chances to be avoided (except for firing straight on top of someone when they can't position themselves to be on the other side of your FOV and thus immune), and yet it has such a cooldown you can't capitalise on most loops because by the time you're in position the survivor can still work out what you're doing--it winds up being a much harder to aim Clown "fire when you're nearly caught up anyway" deal. The environment easily works against you, especially on enclosed maps. If you miss a shot badly, that's up to 3s+ of idle time without range extensions on your shots to draw it out more.
And against someone that doesn't know what to do, you can shoot them in the middle of a field, slow them to a crawl, and just saunter over before they break the chains.
It's a high skill floor of a kit that puts all the effectiveness in the survivors' hands to misplay and make any part of it function.
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To be fair these were his best add-ons and they reduce their effectives not by a little. If I am not mistaken it is at least -50% worse for all time solving add-ons, then decently big nerfes for his Ultra Rare Add-ons (they are still good, Feng is still very good just a bit worse). But overall it is not a tiny nerf. All his good add-ons are in total much weaker and the add-ons that weren't nerfed are trash or no need for them.
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C to D tier Killer, addons are what kept him at C tier, now that they're nerfed, he's a D tier Killer
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And yet his add ons where the only thing making him ok
His power is straight ass you lose more distance then you gain 7/10
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I...don't know.
I never faced him.
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If you aren't just memeing, then be our guest and go into a match with that attitude. The survivors will correct that pretty quickly.
Pinheads personal chains are weaker to accommodate the Box yo begin with so if you aren't making full use of it you may as well play any other 115 killer.
Now pre nerf Spirit or DCB Spirit...sure.
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Oh, the nerf to his Iri box is super bad; like, once you understand how the box spawns work it's total garbage.
The box will never spawn within 40m of Pinhead, or 16m of a survivor (unless there is nowhere that's not within 16m of a survivor).
Currently, Previously, the iri box prevents survivors from seeing the aura of the box if they're further than 16m away from it: they must go searching. The nerf means they can see it from 24m. Not only is this more than double the area they can each see it in, it now means the box can spawn inside their view range, with the ultra-rare addon that's supposed to hide it.And it already did nothing once the hunt started (i.e., when it was super important to find it).
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Some people that post on these forums don't actually play the game at all they just make accs to make troll posts and it shows hard
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Post edited by DangerScouse on1
Good concept, fun, but character design makes him look a tad bit babyfaced and happily innocent instead of demonic. Actor Doug Bradley was the best pinhead in the movies. Also possessed chains too difficult, to aim.
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c or d without franklin + hoarder
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he was bad before the nerf
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I just bought him yesterday and he's the most fun I've had in this game since the Nemesis.
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Against solo/2swf he does well because box does most the work for him, if it's coordinated 3/4swf he's useless.
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I don’t have a strong opinion on how good or bad he is, but I think he’s overall fun to play which is what matters more in the end. 🤷♂️
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Too much RNG on spawning of his chain mid chase.
Any chain that connects onto a survivor should be able to phase through any solid object with collision and only get broken once survivor fully finishes the break action, not by random twig getting in the way or killer beiing forced to walk though them.
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Sad he's dying in a week. As is I'd rate him around high B to low A.
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He's frustrating to use imo. He's the only killer that can sandbag his own power. Anytime he walks through his chains they instantly break like it's the environment, and that is incredibly frustrating to happen mid chase.
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One thing to always consider - if you have to strawman, how confident are you that you aren't wrong?
Nobody's saying 'GaARAge TiEr'. We are saying that a 'B' tier killer who is extremely addon reliant becomes 'C' tier when you nerf those addons.
Why are BHVR nerfing anything about a killer that is not already overperforming?
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I'm not even sad about Engineers Feng, we all knew that nerf was coming.
But man, who seriously complained about Torture Pillar? Ugh.
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Weak,hard to play mid fun to play vs
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Well said.
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He can be fun to play. Soloq tends to suffer from his passive though
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He's incredibly underrated but he needs buffs that's for sure, which is the same situation as Nemesis. He's also very fun to play as in my opinion. People overlook both of them. Pinhead right now is decent, his base-kit is not bad but his add-ons are going to get unnecessarily destroyed soon. He can absolutely demolish solo queue, but he struggles against good SWF squads.
What I would do to change him to make him better to play as & against:
- Make Hoarder and Franklin's not affect the Lament Configuration in order to make him more enjoyable for solo queue. Don't worry, we'll be buffing his kit to compensate.
- Torture Pillar base-kit: Reduce Chain Hunt activation time by 10 seconds (90 => 80), rework Torture Pillar into something else.
- Increase the amount of time it takes to break out of each chain by 0.33 seconds, making it take 3 => 4 seconds total to break free from chain bound.
- Rewarding long-range shots: If you chain bound a survivor from a gateway at least 12m away from you, the chain will instantly injure the opposing survivor. This will not down the survivor.
- Remove the cooldown after leaving the gateway, or cancelling it via M1. The cooldown is completely unnecessary and is a hinderance. Also, remove the cooldown of being able to do actions (such as breaking pallets) and M1ing survivors after finishing the chain bound.
- And finally, revert all of his add-on nerfs, but keep the buffed Chatterer's Tooth.
This would put Pinhead from B tier to high A tier, which is exactly what we need, more A tier killers.
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You literally said and I quote “Nerfed into irrelevance” which basically means into garbage tier.
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Underrated solo Q destroyer killer \./
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He's fun to play against. I've never played as him though.
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He feels like you have to put more effort into him than it's worth compared to the other killers available.
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Oh yeah, the delay on doing actions is just ridiculous. Dropping pallets in his face is super safe regardless of power usage because there's zilch that Pinhead can do (plus stopping to hook someone if they won't drop it just extends the looping). This is exactly what we need; hard to aim powers that just lead to drop pallet and hold W because you can't break them or go around them.
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Decent/Fun good killer to master don't need the iri fang if you can keep getting the box and hit your chains he's pretty fun to use.
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I like him, super interesting kit with cool synergies on various perks like franklin's/hoarder/lethal, etc etc but he takes a lot of effort for not that much reward and it doesn't help all his good addons are getting nerfed. Also this might just be a "me" thing but I find it a bit painful to play him sometimes as using posessed chains will make me instinctively flinch whenever I smack into a wall or survivor. It's really annoying and I think it just mostly has to do with how close the camera is to the chain and the low FOV killers normally get.
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Needs Engineer's Fang to be viable.
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If survivors stay on top of solving the box then Pinhead becomes a regular killer with a weapon. If the survivors ignore the box then he becomes hell to play against.
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Post edited by DangerScouse on0
I've only faced a few really good Pinheads. Seems if your good enough with him he's high B/ low A tier.
Though I may be wrong but I think Tru3 said he's 3rd best lol
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I think he's B-Tier, but really boring to play as. And really annoying to play against lmao
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His passive mechanic is annoying in solo Q.
Not strong or weak, just average.
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The problem is alot of killers have become addon dependent to be consistent. I feel like survivors for get about that like sure so and so seems to 4k more often with this iri purple combo but without them maybe a 2k or 1k or 3k.
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I've been practising with him and I find him fun to play. Not easy to master though.