¿Is it really hard to play killer side or the main killers are just dramatizing a lot?

I've seen some posts here and on other sites saying, in summary, that playing killer is currently boring and "unbalanced" (I don't know why an asymmetrical game has to be balanced LOL), but as a killer main, I usually got 3k or 4k in each match, and when I play survivor, it's the opposite, I rarely escape the match ( unless the killer camp or tunnel me of course). Even some times I think the killers say that because they don't like to lose in this game.
As usual, it greatly depends
If you put up four survivors who are of equal skill to the killer, the killer is going to get his arse kicked the vast majority of the time
It's why SBMM isn't as big of a deal for people in the lower to mid levels but once you get to the top levels, it's top skilled survivors going up against top skilled killers, which is almost always going to favor the survivors unless they royally screw it up or they have a potato or two that hamstrings their team. This can be especially frustrating and demoralizing as there are plenty of SWF Hit Squads in the higher levels who KNOW they have the advantage and know how to take advantage of that and use it to make playing killer an absolute Hell. You get a handful of those games in a row and your will to play killer ever again drops like a rock...
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If you play a good killer, its actually not that bad. If you try to play a killer you like, you will find the experience extremely stressful with little to no payoff.
You can get lucky and enjoy a killer thats very strong.
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It's definitely dramatized, but not by much. Killer is definitely harder and more stressful than Survivor, and also really unbalanced
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I think people get stress and difficulty mixed up, I'd say in terms of difficulty, both sides are pretty equal (excluding SWF which is rather easy due to communication) but stress wise, killer is worse off, however solo queue can definitely be stressful to say the least.
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Play killer its hard whethever you kill the whole sfw ream its 4vs1 of equal skill but too umbalance mechanics and perks, anyway i only loose with survs when they betray me and leads the killer to my position, this last sentence repeat frecuently on this days.
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I play solo survivor to get away from the stress of killer and honestly I've barely played killer after. Its so much stressful as a killer because everything falls on your shoulders and any mistakes made feel multiplied because you have to make up them all by yourself.
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I think it's not nearly as hard as players make it out to be. "Gen rush" games are a series of misplays and bad decisions the vast majority of the time. An unfortunate aspect of MMR being hidden is that these types of players are also immune to any form of coaching or constructive criticism. If you're not having a hard time winning games, your hidden MMR number can't possibly be as high as theirs.
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Just play killer and find out for yourself! I personally enjoy it.
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It's just stressful since SBMM. Boons made it desperate. Validation and killer nerfs made it frustrating.
When you main single killer for some time, you will jsut get into high MMR. It's not that bad for players that play multiple killers, because it takes way longer for them.
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I think people who complain a lot play a lot of the low tier killers. Things like Legion, Pig, Trapper, etc. When you accept you have to stay with the killers that range from high B to S tier, killer isn't that hard.
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It is a different game at high mmr and honestly, I doubt most killers crying about it are even still there. Losing kind of lowers your mmr after all, and they are getting eviscerated on the reg.
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If your killer is low MMR it is very easy to 4k. Once you hit mid MMR you get a more even match up. High MMR and its pretty bad for killers
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It depends on your own rank.
In my opinion its like that:
In low ranks Killers are OP and absolutely the power role.
In Mid MMR the game is pretty balanced.
In High mmr the game os heavily Survivor Sided (Swf is broken op).
In fact Swf is so op in High mmr, that Survivors get handicapped in tournaments, so the Killers have at least a very small chance for get like 3-4 hooks (or 1 kill). They have rules like: Survivors may not repair a gen if they're injured.
So this on its own should provide something to think about the balancing.
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me too :)
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that is balanced in my opinion
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that´s because you´re taking the game so serious (which is silly) , you think that win is getting fun, and that's a mistake, No matter if I won or not as a killer, I've always have fun playing it
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If I can win without needing to use any pallets then yes, it's an issue.
Fact is some people are lucky and dont get mega sweaty groups, but theres alot of rng involved in maps and tiles which can change what could be a okay game to an unfair one.
I still dont get why people scoff at balancing a 4v1 it's not hard... the one is stronger, but that's not the case for most killers. Usually the survivor has to mess up, sometimes multiple times before they get downed.
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are you a zoomer? not as an insult just curious. I really don't understand this new wave of "this game is not that serious" attitude i've seen on the fourms lately. So unequal opportunity to win or even sometimes blatantly have the odds super stacked against you should be...... fun? Did i sign up to play a side that should have no chance of winning? Is it okay to have poor balance that affects both sides? Forums by design are place where people discuss issues and problems in ANY field or game. Clearly this is a place of cultivated negativity, and this fourm is not magically different then thousands of other forums. I have the opposite opinion actually XD . If you care so little about your own experience why even open the game? If you care so little just find a hobby that you are actually passionate about. Even if he was taking the game too seriously would that be a bad thing? Is passion right now looked down upon. What a Bizarre criticism. Is he destroying public property? Or is he just stating an opinion on forums? Is it that crazy that people want to win ? XD
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Killer role? No
High MMR killer role? Yes
I'd say most people disagreeing are having easier games as killer and "think" they're playing at high MMR when they're not.
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It is a video game, bro. That is more of a boomer attitude than a zoomer one. No idea how you are getting this backwards as gaming is taken more and more seriously over time which implies the exact opposite of your sentiment.
It is a 4v1 game, fam. One side is always signing up to have a difficult time and honestly, it is the survivors half the time.
I love this game, I am not the one talking about how negative/unfun it, and this community are. If he wants to win at high mmr, he can play survivor. If he wants to win at low mmr, he can play killer. It really is that simple.
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4v1 and balance are not mutually exclusive things.... what? in what world can you not have balance in a asymmetrical game ? Maybe if you think there has to be a 50% chance or equal odds of winning for both sides. Sure that might not be reasonable.
Also so what part of this being a video game makes complaining invalid? what is this L take ? So i dont understand you have to either unconditionally love something or hate it unconditionally ? Can i not like cake but complain that it makes me fat? and still eat it and still complain about it ? I dont even know what ur trying to say .........
yes it is a game, and people have different levels of passion about the game. deal with the fact that people do care differently XD
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I'm not talking about just just winning or losing. I'm talking about a soul crushing demoralizing game where you as a killer is as threatening as a fart.
I couldn't care less if I get 0K or 4K or anything in-between as long as it's fun. However, especially at high mmr, there are plenty of games where it is NOT fun because the deck is so stacked against you (and enough survivors who know this and go out of their way to not only win but to make it as unenjoyable as possible for the killer).
Unless you're a masochist, very few killers enjoy getting absolutely curb stomped and insulted throughout their match...
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but bro XD just dont care about it. Get destroyed and keep queing bro. If you don't like it well find another game bro. asymmetrical games don't need balance LOL . I'm always getting 4k's and 3k's but when i play survivor then its the real hardmode. Right? Right? Its a game if you don't enjoy it just leave.
dude i love this attitude.
Sarcasm dialed up to 11.
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I'm sure there's more rules than that, because if the other 3 survivors just wanted to rush gens they will get them done very easily while the first chase is ongoing. Then again I'm also sure that the list of "tournament viable" killers can be counted on one hand...
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It can definitely be difficult the better your opponents are, and there are problematic things left in the game that can skew the odds of matches significantly, such as certain maps and items/add-ons, but then again, that goes for both roles. Good killer players win the majority of their public matchmaking matches relatively comfortably and decisively day in and day out and have for years (you know, throughout the years where killer gameplay was objectively in many ways in a worse spot than it is today), and even in tournaments killers perform perfectly well - 4ks happen frequently, the average kills are slightly above 2, with the strongest killers even averaging around 3. In fact just today there was the first round of an "everything allowed" tournament (think 4 DH 4 DS 4 Styptics etc.), and kills averaged out to 2.3.
The game is far more balanced than many people here and elsewhere make it out to be or want to believe, and the outcome of matches is in fact very dependent on player skills. People don't seem to like that idea because then they have to accept that they maybe just aren't good enough, but that's unfortunate because shouldn't gaming precisely be about looking to improve and enjoying precisely that improving process? That's the most gratifying, rewarding thing about competitive games. Back in the earlier days of competitive gaming the mentality of "gamers" was different, people would not usually blame game creators for a game being too "difficult" or complain that a game should be changed to make it "easier", it was more accepted that people need to practice, improve, get better, that people should first and foremost concentrate on honing their skills. DbD as an asymmetric competition is of course a special game format, but nonetheless that DbD does reward skills a lot is just an obvious, objective, observable fact - how else do we explain that on the one hand there exist players like many of those on these forums, that complain that the game is unplayably difficult and impossibly stacked against them as killer, yet on the other, players that prove day after day, year after year, that they can dominate as killer in around 80-90% of their matches? Or how else do we explain that in tournaments, there are and have for years been specific teams of survivor and killer players that have been hugely disproportionally successful - are they just consistently more lucky than other players? Of course not, they're more skilled, and that affects outcomes consistently.
That said, I do believe SWF is a glaring balance issue that of course only really affects the killer side of that equation negatively. It has to be kept in mind that actual 4-SWF teams only make up around 5% of the total player pool, and that of those 5%, even less are on voice comms, let alone all super good at the game and trying super hard and such. But still, nerfs for SWF are long overdue, the game blatantly has not been balanced in mind with the idea of voice communications and the coordination of builds and strategies that SWF groups can produce. I also think various killer characters should long have been buffed, quite a few of them are just objectively and strikingly subpar compared to some of the stronger killers, and I see no reason why they shouldn't be brought up to snuff. That doesn't at all mean those weaker killers are not "viable" however - every single killer is absolutely viable in public matchmaking, even at high MMR. Personally I play lots of killer, face lots of good and experienced opponents, and still average between 2 and 3 kills, and that despite often playing lower-tier killers and often refraining from camping and tunnelling (the most effective killing strategies). 2ks are entirely feasible even with the weakest killer (Legion) against the majority of random groups if you camp and tunnel, and you can even regularly get 4ks. Sometimes I play perkless Legion and try hard to 4k to challenge myself, here are two from today:
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Quick answer: Against Solos... Nope.. they can massacre everybody if they play right.
Against coordinated SWF's specialized on killer harrasment, things get a little rough indeed. Yet this doesn't apply to Nurses, Blights and Spirits.
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It's not so much hard as it is stressful and anxiety inducing.
We play video games to have fun.
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I'm going to be honest. If your not running a lot of slowdown and the survivor is a similar level to you then your going to probably at best get 2 kills. If your playing the top 3-5 killers then you don't need as much slowdown.
It is quite tough. I don't think it's because of the boon totems like everyone is trying to say but I think with MMR it is extremely tough. Before MMR peoplecould except the tough games, so long as they had the easier ones inbetween.
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I think you're wrong. Why should it not affect certain killers? good and coordinated swf are prepared for every killer they may play against.
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Yes I didn't say there is only that rule but I wanted to make my comment a little shorter, as most of the people wont read insanely long comments :)
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Yes to both
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Kinda depends on the killers mindset in some ways. The type of people who are serious about the game tends to be the type of people to come to the forums hence the general exasperated vibe of the threads
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Both. High MMR is an absolutely former one.
Believe it or not, there's also strange type who stomps bad, unexperienced players and think killer overall is very easy.
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Its extremely stressful, becoming way less fun.
I am someone who has done every single killer tome challenge, and only the must do survivor ones. At the moment I have quit killer and I am working on doing the survivor challenges. I have 2k hours in the game, spent about $1000AUD all on killer.
I am probably going to quit soon if vhs is good. I am sick of map offerings to good survivor maps, flashlight bullying.
To the people who say grade doesnt matter, I think thats untrue. You're not getting to iri every month if youre trash. When I am still in bronze going against full iri bully squads, do they actually expect me to have FUN?
I am really over this game at the moment. The devs nerf the ######### out of fun unusual killers, and leave the top tier alone. Why are you nerfing pinhead?! You never see him as he is now, itll be even less soon.
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I consider myself the host. I just go with the flow and never DC even if I am getting beat. I do not even run gen slowdown and open doors if they power the gates. Faster matches are a good thing and I still kill plenty of teams before they can escape. Blood points either way.
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How do you know you're at high mmr? You're probably not
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Againts SWF its challenging. But againts randoms its really easy as a walk in the park.
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There are too many variables to give a definitive answer.
Besides the obvious ways of classifying what makes a game harder, such as the skill, coordination, perks, etc., there's also the subjective experience. Does the person complaining overestimate their skill? Have they made mistakes? Have they been judging based on emotion?
Nearly everyone has had at least one moment where they feel hard done by, or had a game where they were absolutely decimated by survivors. There is no shame in that, and rightly it may leave a bad taste afterwards. To really note whether it's too tough, you'd need to track every match as killer - recording perks used, results, items, etc., and even then you'd have to factor your own skill in.
This is why I'm not always thinking about "balance", because I genuinely do not believe an assymetrical game can ever be balanced. It's impossible to do. However, "fairness" is a more useful measure. In order for fairness to work, a lot of data needs to be examined.
Anyway, killer can be hard or frustrating, yet still remain fair regardless of the subjective experience.
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Honestly? For sure it's over dramatised by killers nowadays. I ain't saying things are balanced or perfect but killers are crying about anything these days tbh.
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Is there anywhere that I could read these rules and see for myself?
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Dramatized. Those who complain on a daily basis all keep playing the game so either it is not that bad or they are addicted and need medical help. And I guess it is the first one. Most of the time Killers win more than they lose, but they tend to stick to that one lost game and grab every strawman available - SWF, Boon-Perks, any Survivor Perk...
Playing Killer is not hard at all. It is harder than Survivor, but overall, DBD is not a hard game.
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Solo survivors are easy to kill and hunt down.
It's the SWF working on comms that are nearly impossible to win against in my experience. You can't go against 4 people using all the meta perks and think your going to win.
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So I started as a killer main, I only play Solo Survivor now mostly.
As solo survivor I escape more than half my matches. I don't even need to rely on my "team". So at low ranks where survivors are new or don't play properly killer is definitely the dominant role. As you climb ranks that distinction falls away very quickly so that survivors are the dominant role.
I say this because it's 4v1. The game was supposedly designed as a horror game where you had to work together to have a chance to survive, and I believe that is how it should be. But now 4 survivors get 16 perks to use together and the meta is second chance perks. They continue to add more and more objectives for killers to occupy them and survivors still only need to do gens. This makes it so if you have a top tier killer and 4 top tier survivors playing, the survivors have the advantage from the start.
While this is a 4v1 "horror" game when you're new or don't know what you're doing; it becomes a 4v1 bully/troll the killer game once you know what you're doing. All because the majority of people playing are survivors and don't want a challenge (I'm a little annoyed that the game has been reduced to the state it's in).
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To me the issue is less that it's harder and more that it's less fun. I lose about the same percentage of matches as killer and survivor, but the matches I lose as survivor usually don't feel super frustrating, and they're over pretty fast, whereas the matches I lose as killer (and, honestly, a lot of the matches I win) are a long, horrible slog where I have to fight tooth and nail for every point.
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If your teammates go down quickly, are reluctant to stay on gens, consistently fail skill checks, run into the killer, rush to save before the killer leaves, waste a second chance status, or hides in a bush while wearing neon; your not at the mmr level killer's are talking about.
Killers surpass that rating far quicker than survivors do because of that inefficiency and it's the competent teams that their complaints are referrincing.
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I’m a long time killer main 3+ years. Although i don’t think I’m a top tier killer i consistently got 3-4k most games with any killer I played. The past few months I feel have been god awful for killer. In fact i came here to post about how awful the killer experience has become and I found this post at the top of the page. I’m glad to see it’s not just me, but what did the devs do to this game recently to make it not fun to play. I find myself playing less and less and this has been the only game I consistently played the past three years or so.
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Killer is pretty balanced right now. I don't really think it's as hard as some people here say. I usually do much better as killer than survivor 😆
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Totem stacking has screwed it, get a hit run away heal, rinse repeat. no consequence.
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I play both roles a lot I find it boring just to play one when you solo survivor it’s grand you have a challenge and is fair. When you end up playing high mmr as killer your games become insanely sweaty. Swfs are a problem for killer at high level of play. I also feel they need to buff some killers and nerf some survivor perks like iron will, prove thyself and the boons 🤷🏻♂️👍