Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Do you think that Bubba's "Smart Face" Cosmetic is offensive?

EpicShipshock Member Posts: 9

Do you think that Bubba's "Smart Face" Cosmetic is offensive? 160 votes

CornHubKeiOrtemMeltingPenguinsHex_LlamahilapastaGuiltiiSkittering_RoachSea_man69 8 votes
SnakeSound222GibberishAdelooSeiko300BlueberryWoodywoolVolantConch1719TapeKnotbrokedownpalacebleep275XximpostorxXCaffeineDimekSacrilegeGGanarchy753Trwth[Deleted User]I_am_NeganTragicSolitudeAven_Fallen 152 votes


  • Shenshen
    Shenshen Member Posts: 256

    No, not at all but a few months ago people reported me for using it. They said I'm a racist or something.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    There's a strong correlation between toxic bubbas and the smartyface skin. They know what they're doing and it's pretty offensive.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Removing this cosmetic would actually be racist because it would show Bubba prefers to unequally murder his black victims instead of just cutting off their faces. Bubba is a nice guy, he ain't no racist.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited April 2021

    Agreeing with what CornHub said.

    If you don't get WHY a certain kind of players delights in donning what's essentially Blackface, you really need to do some soulsearching.

    The entire unlockable cosmetics bit was a bad idea, it doesn't matter if it fits Leatherface's lore or not.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    Nope if it was JUST claudette it would've been offensive but he's doing it to meg dwight and jake And he's wearing claudette's mask because it's a mask Not because she's black Idk why people say it's offensive

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,853

    I've always hated that head, but I didn't know what it was called until now. Normally I like the cosmetics in this game, but occasionally there's something where you can tell no one really thought through the implications and it ends up feeling weird.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Holy ######### this community lmao, what is this? Twitter? Everything is considered racist now?

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    So if bubba is using a black head it's racist but if hes using 2 white heads and an asian one It's not racist? tf lmao

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,853

    A white person dressing up as a black person has a different meaning in our culture, so it's not the exact same thing. FWIW, I wish he wouldn't wear anyone's face but, if he must, I think they should have just given him Dwight's.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I mean...He's wearing a mask to hide his face NOT because claudette is black dwight and meg are white and jake is asian he's wearing it to hide his face and not because of the person's race It wouldve been racist if it was JUST claudette

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,853

    I don't think the important question is whether Leatherface, the character, is being racist. I agree that he's probably not. He probably just likes to steal faces, and he doesn't care whose they are. The question I'm more interested in is whether it's problematic for BHVR to make a design choice where a white character ends up wearing a black person's face -- and I think it is, because that's such a charged image in our society and they're not using it for any real artistic purpose.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Your putting words in my mouth just because I have a different opinion jeez

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It would be creepy as hell if he avoided people based on race. And by creepy I mean racist.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,471

    Its not a question of "is the mask offensive?", anyone who state the question like this dont know its a malformed question. Its a question of "Can this mask be used by someone to be offensive in a way not possible before?" of which the answer is Yes.

    Now the issue is, Should we remove the mask because of this or come up with a different solution.

    I hope BHVR's filter filters out Steam names too, So I dont ever have to see a "n-word bubba" again, Jesus Christ.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    It baffles me how a human being can be that sensitive

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2021

    It's Horror.

    If you're not taking the time to actually think about that, I really don't know what to say.

    Think about what the purpose and intention of Horror actually is, not only to hopefully scare but also to make your audience uncomfortable, and present them with unsettling ideas, scenarios or circumstances.

    For example in Alien there are a lot of references and parallels to Sex, Sexual imagery, and #########. The Facehugger which latches onto a victim's face and forces itself down the throat of the victim, strongly suggestive of oral #########. Does this deliberate creative choice make light of ######### victims and the fact that people have been raped in the past? No. But it does use this disturbing reality to amp up its horror elements, and make everyone in the audience, both women but also men extremely uncomfortable filled with ideas reminiscent of violent ######### and unwanted "pregnancies" (of Alien babies). Things that many men often (though I am not downplaying the experiences of men who have been raped) don't typically think about.

    In the 2002 TV documentary The Alien SagaAlien screenwriter Dan O’Bannon explained, “I’m going to attack the audience. I’m going to attack them sexually. And I'm not going to go after the women in the audience, I'm going to attack the men. I am going to put in every image I can think of to make the men in the audience cross their legs. Homosexual oral #########, birth. The thing lays its eggs down your throat, the whole number."

    I don't see how this analogy is any different from the situation with Leatherface wearing Claudette's face. Although it's certainly possible the nearly-all-if-not-all Canadian developer team at behavior didn't think about this, if they did I have no doubt it would have been the same thought process. Taking something that's painful, taboo, that can potentially be socially awkward to talk about, controversial even, and using it to fuel the Horror in your story is, at least I believe, one of the most important aspects and powers of horror. It forces an audience to confront their fear about a thing, and potentially even to overcome it.

    It's cliché to end on a quote, but I really like these two from Director Wes Craven

    "I like to address the fears of my culture. I believe it's good to face the enemy, for the enemy is fear."

    "Horror films don't create fear. They release it."

    P.S. I maintain Dead By Daylight is a horror themed game, if not an actual horror game. Fight me.

  • esn23
    esn23 Member Posts: 56

    I don't think the cosmetic it'self is racisit at all but I do think that the users that wear it and then tunnel black survivors only and then make offensive blm jokes in chat is not cool.. Or when you wear a rainbow flag charm and get tunneled and then they let you go at the end of the game and say they let you go because there is a 30 percent chance you will just ######### anyway, it goes way too far.. Yes both of those things happened to me and then when I say i will report them they say do what you want behivor wont do anything.. I have seen how this face can be used to be racisit but its not the face or buba that is the issue it is the idiots that decide to play it in a racisit way.. If behivor actually looked at their reports and prema banned people for hate speech and racisim then we wouldn't have these issues. I don't understand why people like that play this game anyways.. They know behivor is pro BLM and LGBTQ but they still play the game and try to be hateful.. Sorry for the rant but I just wanted to say I can see both sides to the argument but removing the cosmetic wouldn't change a thing, they need to remove those people and take the reports more seriously.

  • FoggyJester
    FoggyJester Member Posts: 34

    Honestly when you think about Bubba's faces you gotta look at the fact that it's how a player looks at it, some people have different preferences on what's offensive. some might find it offensive, some won't and that's okay.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    Are you racist or something? Or just a bait?

    Thinking that black face is racist, but 3 white faces are not is kind of... racist...

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,762

    My opinion is still correct.

    And this poll speaks for itself.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Why should Claudette be discriminated against? Now that would be offensive.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    That said I also really don't care that much I don't use that skin pretty much ever since I'd rather use his prestige outfit. So if they did remove it cause it does cause people to become legitimately upset over it I would not care.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,857

    Bubba wearing Claudette’s face is definitely not racist.

    Bubba having darker skin under the mask is blackface. Even if it’s just unintentionally because of textures. This one is the least that should be changed. Doesn’t make the character bubba racist of course.

    Players using Smart Face to harass and grief certain players (eg only black characters or directly streamers that are people of color) is a big problem. Of course it would be nice to say keep Smart Face and just ban those idiots, but sadly that’s not possible in all cases.

    just removing Smart Face is wrong, can be viewed as a racist act on its own and is not the solution. Especially when the other survivor masks are kept (among them Jake who is Korean which could also be argued as ‚yellowface‘)

    So best solution I have seen: change all 4 survivor masks to cosmetics that resemble the survivors more (eg using cloth or items like glasses from them). Maybe even add more original survivor masks/cosmetic pieces?

    Problem: Negotiations with license holder need to be made before the devs can take any action. Not_queen has confirmed they are reaching out to them though and that they do see the problem with blackface.

  • FairyyTail
    FairyyTail Member Posts: 11

    no its literally not offensive cause he wears all the original survivors faces, not just claudettes

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    They did for the original survivors. That’s it. Bubba lore wise has no correlation between his mask and who it was from. Wouldn’t it be bad if Bubba didn’t have his imprint from behaviors original survivors. Or Claudette was exempt from this?

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    And add more faces please. If a Bubba face vamps me I at least want him to look different

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I personally don't have an issue with the concept (the idea of Bubba wearing people's faces as masks makes perfect sense), but the fact it is used for racism is an issue.

    that said, it's the internet, and there are always going to be dipwits who somehow think being racist is akin to being clever or is in any way tolerable or mature. now, I'm not saying it's not an issue that people are using it to be racist, just addressing the fact those people almost certainly would've been scummy anyways.

    TL/DR - the cosmetic is fine, the associated racism isn't.

    that's my take, at least.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    why would I fight you on a point I agree with?

    I think DBD is much closer to D&D than an esport. it's at its best when it's telling unique horror stories. it's kinda scary, but it's not a horror game. it's an homage to horror.

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