Prestiging? - Worth it or not?

Prestiging? - Worth it or not? 30 votes
No, unless you want to max out everyone or like the bloody cosmetics.
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No, unless you main a licensed character that doesn't have many cosmetics (like Bill, he has a great prestige that goes well with his tome outfit; or Steve, Nancy, and Demo assuming you have them, as you can't purchase any other clothing options for them)
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For me personally yeah. But DbD is also the only game I really put in that much time..
the devs have also mentioned that additional prestige rewards might come in the future..
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I Prestige for fun because I like resetting the characters and seeing what I get on the next play through. But no, there’s no practical benefit to it, and if your goal is building a complete collection of perks it’s a bad idea.
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that's why I've done it before, but I had this sense of satisfaction and regret simultaneously, so I thought I'd make a poll.
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No, unless you really want the bloody cosmetics. The bloodweb improvements are negligible and can be detrimental when you consider the vast amount of bloodpoints you need to invest into prestiging. Especially for certain killers in which their rare add ons are worse than the more common ones.
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Unless you're a completionist it's not worth it. The bloody cosmetic is only on the default cosmetics, which personally I'm not a fan of most of them anyway. The "increase in rare items" is so small it's not even noticeable.
I've prestiged some of my survivors and it doesn't seem worth it. The amount of BP needed to get through the Bloodwebs and then BP to just get the perks I wanted was so much. BP per match is just way too low to bother with prestiging.
They should change it to just going through Bloodwebs up to level 150 instead of starting over each time. I would definitely prestige all my characters if that was the case because it would cut down the amount of BP needed. Instead I just have all the perks on the few characters I main and that's it.
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Only if you want the bloody cosmetics.
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I just do it cause its one of the fiew thibgs left to do in the game for me tbh...
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I don't see much point of it. I have 4000+ hours in the game and have all characters just getting all perks at tier 3 on all of them is enough. Hunting down bloody clothes..nah.
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I only p3 Laurie thanks to the anniversary event, and now I'm on my way p3ing Quentin because I only bought him with Auric Cells and didn't get his other cosmetic. I'm only doing this for the bloody outfits, but for any other characters, I've put so many time and hours into my mains lvling them for perks and items, that I could never p3 them. Plus 3% luck for rarer items, not worth it. Unless you just bought a character then I'd say it's worth it, but if you've been playing with your main for so long and you have everything on them, not worth it imo.
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I love the Cheryl Mason bloody clothes. I wear them with pride when If I get to Iridescent level. Also, since I cant loop the killers, I think it makes them think twice about picking me to chase when there are sooo many fabulous outfits for the other girls. Kind of like a non poison snake acting like a poison one. (Bull snakes vs rattle snakes in my area)
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To the Avarage Player,No
I do it for the Cosmetic only,i recommend having a Back Up Survivor or Killer to gain BP with when Prestiging