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OK you bullies, No more Nintendo Switch Dis...

Hey all ( 5 of ) you switch players. It is possible to play iridescent 1 with the best of them on a Nintendo without fancy perks. I met Leon here in single queue.
so Sweet_Tour , Pulsar and Verconissp lets see your Halloween pics. Can you hold your own against a switch player? (Yes, I need a Ranger kit. OK so I bleed a lot. what about it?) And pyramidheadmain6233 can you even catch me?
Hey it's me, bruh your build is mad easy to counter. It's called Wraith or Bubba gameplay. Simple counter to those perks.
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It might be time for you to....make the Switch
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Maybe even a little bit of Trapper, watch your step when you Sprint away at 10 FPS
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Kind of a cop out here. It takes skill to get to red one for anyone. If the killer is bad, then no one gets heal and unhook points and no one advances grade. There has to be plenty of hooking to advance to red. I get killers all the time wearing stuff they bought and they are good. When I see a killer all dressed up, I know it will be a tough match. If the huntress can snipe you across the map, then she is good. Same for the trickster. So didnt you take any halloween screen shots?
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I can escape the trapper. Even from the basement.
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I respect your opinion sir. Bubba is not hard to escape from. Wraith is difficult but not impossible. I am not a selfish survivor. I don't use stuff that is intended to leave other survivors dead. Hook eye helps every survivor to coordinate when I am hooked. and I can stay on a gen when I see others going for the save. I can see a camping killer to know if I need to help. Spine chill helps me escape even from stealth killers. Sprint burst helps me get to the next gen fast. and also escape. and BT helps every one keep from getting re hooked easily for those camping killers. So should I just be a boring survivor using dead hard and DS? Every killer expects that stuff. What do you think I should use? Where are your halloween pics? And don't call me bruh, I am a girl. Its Siuhs or something. Why do you think I have a Nintendo... for Animal Crossing of course.😀
Awsome comment.
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I always look down and avoid the tall grass when the trapper is trapping. My build shows me traps near the hooked person.
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See? What you did there? I like that! :)
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Grats on Grade 1. I guess Nintendoes what PC don't.
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I heard my name, i have been summoned,
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Why hast thou summoned me?
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
Well done!
If I didn't guard my actual Steam ID so closely these days, I'd be happy to put my Hag up against you.
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What do you mean Halloween pics? And why have I been mentioned specifically?
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I thought it was
Sega does what nintendont
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You're right, but I'm trying to be supportive of the little globe that runs around in our lobbies. They're so cute!
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Okay, however, I present to you the last SEGA console.
Discontinued in '01, that's 20 years ago...yikes
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Where did the time go?
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Wanna hear something worse?
A lot of people playing DBD were born after the Dreamcast was discontinued.
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Oh okay.
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Oh, ok, I thought I remembered wrong. Thanks for clarifying!
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And there are also those of us who are pushing 50...
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Uhhh, what’s Dreamcast?
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And there are those of us who aren't even 20.
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Ye gods I'm old.
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Thank you Heartbound.
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Hello Pulsar. You commented on my invite post for Nintendo only. I took some Halloween screen shots of my console. I was wondering if you did. Thanks for your comments! I of course will always respect you and your comments.
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😀 Everyone has a globe in my lobbies
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Sir Pulsar, I summoned you because you commented on my Nintendo Only invitation post with a great and funny comment. Much appreciated your humor. Thanks. Keep up your excellent posts.
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No, I don't take pictures of my Rank.
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i ain't scurred!
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i play on switch as well. its not hard to do it on survivor. killer is when it gets hard.