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General Discussions

If you're going to tunnel, at least do with good taste

If you are going to tunnel as the Cannibal, Wraith, Spirit or any of those tunnel-able killers, at least make the tunneling worth while for both players.

Do some chase, watch them vault windows, etc. Play with your food so that the other person at least feels like they've done something the entire game. Don't just go straight for the kill as soon as they get unhooked.

I swear, boring people in real life even play games boringly.

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  • Member Posts: 2,513

    *laughs in starstruck/madgrit/agitation/iron grasp*


  • Member Posts: 940

    I've decided to let myself tunnel if it's their third hook and they've had a decent chase. At least let them play the game for a little while.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    You do let them vault windows, but it's not my fault if they do it incorrectly and go down quickly again.

    If you can't loop a tunneller for a couple of gens, then being tunnelled is good for you to get better at being chased

  • Member Posts: 297


  • Member Posts: 709

    How do you loop in a deadzone? Or if the killer just hits you right after you come off of hook? "Run DS" isn't a valid counter since we shouldn't have to use band-aids to ensure someone doesn't grief the game for us.

  • Member Posts: 1,685

    Just avoid dead zones. Of course, you can't avoid dead zones for the whole match, but maybe its a good idea to do this at the start of the match, to reduce your personal risk of being tunneled quickly.

    Run Windows of Opportunity. Maybe don't jump on the first gen you spawn next to, if you can see the area has limited chasing opportunities. Stay away from shack if it has a basement, especially if its a Bubba.

    "Or if the killer just hits you right after you come off hook"

    I was more referring to the first chase, you have to get hit twice which means you basically get two chances at a chase, 3 if you are running DH.

    ON TOP OF THAT, its quite likely that the unhooker will be running BT, so depending on the hook position, its not unreasonable for you to get another 15/30 second+ chase off the hook.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    What is a tunnel-able killer?

  • Member Posts: 901

    Better to just catch them quickly so you can have pressure also every killer can tunnel it's not just these ones specifically

  • Member Posts: 372

    And this is also why I'm glad the devs said in their q&a they are working on ways to punish camping (not parroting hooks) and tunneling. And changing moris again because they don't like how unfair and toxic killers have been playing with this.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I see the devs are committed to making nobody want to play killer by insisting that killers give up everything that they have going for them to make it easier on the survivors. Seriously, Moris are nearly useless now and yet they still want to change them?

    If you think this utterly lopsided treatment of making the game fun is a good idea, I have a bridge to sell you.

  • Member Posts: 372

    I'm a killer main for the last year. Before that, I did play more survivor. I never camp and rarely tunnel (unless it's end game and I know someone is dead hook). I like to let everyone get points and have fun and play fair. It's not fun to be tunneled out or camped and not really get to play.

  • Member Posts: 372

    Also, their point to change them again is so many killers at tunneling off hooks to get moris. They said this was one of the reasons they changed it the first time.

  • Member Posts: 276

    Being changed doesn't necesserely mean get nerfed. Yeah moris are close to pointless at the moment. Hopefully they will make it more significant in the gameplay. I'm really curious on that one and looking forward to what they'll do to moris.

    If they mess up the mori rework, I'd be disapointed, but it won't be a huge loss either.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Short of making it impossible to kill one survivor before all the others are hooked (which is a balance disaster), they're not going to be able to stop this sort of focusing.

    What they end up doing is sabotaging the rest of the game to try and stop people from doing the simple thing when you're outnumbered: even it up.

    It would be hilarious if it wasn't so bad for every other tactic.

  • Member Posts: 84

    Why do you bring the chase in a deadzone in the first place you decide were you loop the killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    They’ve tried several times to punish camping but survivors abused it.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    So tunnel them, but make it more beneficial to the survivors?

  • Member Posts: 775

    They don't care. And don't think they need to care.

  • Member Posts: 452

    That would defeat the purpose of tunneling. Getting somebody of the game as fast as possible

  • Member Posts: 2,513
  • Member Posts: 9,702

    It's not the killer's job to make sure you have long engaging chases. In fact given the current state of the game, it's the exact opposite. The killer has no time to waste on long chases.

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    I stab, than stab again, than lift, than put on sacrificial stabber.

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    Killer is not responsible of survivors fun.

  • Member Posts: 619
    edited November 2021

    Then I hope the devs enjoy it when the game is dead because no one wants to que as a killer anymore. I certainly won't put up with their bullcrap pro-survivor bias forever and that's coming from someone that plays both sides. What's even worse is they don't even try to hide their biasness.

  • Member Posts: 314

    Good luck gaining any sympathy here or on the sub reddit, this whole forum is nothing but disgruntled killer mains who feel entitled to a 4k every match.

    "Killer has to tunnel slug and camp, its the only way to ever win ever 😭😭😭😭

  • Member Posts: 5,047
  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Thing is, I know you're pretty wrong in this one, because only a relatively small portion of players are in a 4-man premade. The majority of players are 1 and 2 stacks, and even then, quite a lot of them play together simply because they could rely on each other rather than being matched up with random teammates who range from crayon eating toddlers to fallen demon overlords that come to this game to torment anyone they encounter.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Survivors never seem to care about Killer's level of enjoyment. Why should killer players go out of their way?

  • Member Posts: 816

    I appreciate your point, but I will do what I want. I'm the killer who's trying to kill you, not your butler.

    "Don't go straight for the kill"

    Ok, you don't go straight for the escape. Or how about If you want to teabag, do it when you're not 100% safe.

    It's really easy to say "boring killer", and it's also really easy to stand on the exit, teabag and click. What about when you BM all the time, but DC as soon as you're downed? Is that exciting and with good taste? What about when you slam the gens and end the match before anyone even has a half-decent chase? You get to teabag 0N EXIT and that's what you call a good match. A reasonable person would say zero interaction is the most boring, but when survivors say "boring" they mean effective, survivors hate it when killers have a chance.

    You don't want excitement, you want soft pitches because survivors avoid challenges at all costs.

    The very concept of tunneling is caused by you believing THE OPPOSING PLAYER should make the game easier for you. Help you rotate who's on hook so no one is in danger. It sounds like you want the most boring game possible, but also want us to help you pretend it's exciting? Should we let you make the pallet so you can pretend you evaded us? Then you'd get that exciting teabag from safety. Must be thrilling.

    Games against me are exciting, your choices matter, you fight to protect each other or you die. You unhook smart or someone dies. You make mistakes and you'll need all your second chances to get out.

    And when you're teabagging on the exit, make sure you're 100% safe, because you like excitement.

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    Just gonna use licker tongue on nemesis and tunnel ppl normally.

  • Member Posts: 170

    Okay, story about tunneling.

    (Warning a lot of text)

    Map - Father Campbell's Chapel, my killer - Nemesis with Make your choice and Dragon's grip. Hero of the day - Adam Francis.

    I down exposed Adam near Circus, hook him, shortly after he gets off hook and I down and hook him again. Finally I'm chasing some one else but Adam gets in the way wounded... no that's not like the story ends.

    Once I pick up poor "tunneled" Adam, Decisive Strike cancel my plan of putting him on the third hook. Then he's gone, became the ghost :)

    Tried getting him out by Dragon's Grip on gen I knew he was working, but utterly failed to do so. Adam became Dwight :)

    At the end there was only two survivors left, one of them was Adam, his luck ended and I downed him. Just not to "tunnel" him again, he was left to slug there and finished the other survivor.

    But the story goes on... I returned to Adam's resting place only to find out that he's gone. Adam survived because of the Hatch. But not in the way you all expected. While I found and closed the hatch Adam managed to crawl a solid distance to the far gate, avoiding me.

    So now it ends. Adam got 3 deaths coming for him. Bleeding out (about 10 sec left), End Game Collapse (less than a minute) and Me :) But seeing poor Adam struggling to the last (and not being one of the S.T.A.R.S.), my heart melted, I picked him up, let wiggle out and open the gate. He slugged out to freedom having both last seconds of bleeding and End Game Collapse.

    See you Adam :)

  • Member Posts: 440

    If I wanna take someone out of the game ASAP the last thing I'm gonna do is play with my food

  • Member Posts: 372

    They admitted that in the stream and said they have been working on other ways.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I mean I wouldn’t hold your breath because it’s failed the last few times they tried to do something about camping.

  • Member Posts: 428

    This kind of response means you waive all right to complain when you come into contact with a skilled, SWF bully squad that spends the whole game stunning and blinding you. They aren't responsible for your fun.

    Or... you could perhaps realize that this is a game and everyone is responsible for everyone's fun. Don't be a jerk. That goes for killers and survivors alike.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    What's the point of tunneling if you are going to let it take longer? Literally would make no sense.

  • Member Posts: 13

    The game is quite explicitly designed with the goal of the survivors being to fix gens and escape, as quickly as possible, and the goal of the killers to eliminate the survivors while preventing them from doing the above.

    If you have a problem with tunneling, or gen rushing, your problem isn't with other players, it's with the way the game was designed. It would be trivially easy to change the game to slightly different win goals and eliminate the problem completely, but BHVR doesn't want to do that because they think this is how the game should be played.

    As an example:

    Switch to a system that has some "party hooks" - all players get one hook state on their own (the struggle hook), and the rest are shared from a pool of 4 hooks that go to the survivors in general, then make the hook states last a bit longer. Suddenly tunneling or camping a player is no longer the most effective way to eliminate survivors and prevent them from escaping - instead, you are best off hooking whoever is easiest to hook and getting as many hooks as possible to chew through the opposing team's hook pile, with your ideal situation being having at least two people hooked at the same time.

    That's just one easy way to change things, but there are countless others. BHVR has not expressed any interest in doing ANY of those things, and in fact have made tunneling a vital part of succeeding as the killer in high ranked games, so I think we can conclude that is the intended way to play the game at this point.

  • Member Posts: 3,195
    edited November 2021

    Tunneling and face camping is soooo passe

    Us cool kids run video tape and rule set no 2 + Rancor

  • Member Posts: 313

    Nah, if I tunnel then I will tunnel. Might even facecamp if I feel like it. Point is: Everyone can play how they want to play. Dont force anyone into your made up rules.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Imma replace Starstruck with that new Scourge Hook perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    Not boring people, but powerless people in real life that need to feel powerful In a video game

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