Anyone else have a bad Bloodhunt experience?

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Idk about you all but I've had almost non-stop bad experiences this weekend getting to capitalize on the double BP. When I play survivor I get tunneled out or face camped first or the match just gets ended asap which like, it's fine if a killer wants to 4k quickly I understand but it's such a waste of sacrificial cakeee like ugh imagine the BP they could have gotten. And then conversely on killer side I try to bring cake and initiate a farm / help do challenges and survivors really say no and decide to bully instead.

So I've resorted to just being tryhard and "toxic" (By in game standards) since both sides have been nothing but toxic to me and I just honestly have felt so bad for trying to do that like ugh does it always get like this during bonus BP events? I don't ever want to use sacrificial cake again and I have a ton of that shi on my killers 😭

Literally the only thing that's been keeping me playing lately is I really want the Plague and Feng skins from Rift and I'm also sorta excited for The Artist but it's just like every match has been PAIN and it wasn't like this before the Bloodhunt so yeah idk share your experiences if you want I just wanted to vent I guess. I did have one really amazing match where I made friends with one of the survivors afterwards because we found out we both play ffxiv which was wholesome but those interactions tend to be 1 in every hundred matches lol


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065
    edited November 2021

    Well, first my mouse broke and I lost a day and a half of Bloodhunt. (I could click, but I couldn't hold M1 - no gens or heals, no lunges.) Then I was having okay survivor games - got one chill Ghostface who wanted to vibe and a chunk of decent games, and an equal number of ruthless ones that ended way too quickly and the killer didn't relent even when they had clear control of the match (unfortunately, all of my bloody party streamers fell into this category... what a waste. Sometimes it feels like BPS are cursed.)

    But I've been having a better time after switching to killer. I have lots of cakes to bring, and I've been trying to maximize BP gain for everyone. The only downside is that Plague and Pig both have bad BP gain (Plague especially, because then survivors get bad BP too) and I can't use my girls. I also managed to get the 'sacrifice 4 survivors in basement' challenge against a team I didn't feel too bad about doing that to - one tbagger and one lag switcher. I did feel bad about the other two casualties, but I'd chalked that achievement down to 'never getting it' and I couldn't abandon the opportunity to. So I'm feeling pretty good about the Bloodhunt now!

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    I literally am exactly the same way (Plague / Pig main LOL) omg

    But that's good to hear. I just hope other people are having a half decent time at least. I think I'm going to take a little break til Tuesday instead of letting toxic people affect me, honestly my main goal is to get that Plague skin before the Rift closes and I think I have plenty of time still to get it.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    i dare not play during this whole shiteshow..

    x2 Bloodpoints won't help me go against gen rushing survivors that tell me to gitgud or w/e despite the fact i played fair..

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Hell yeah. Good taste squad! That new Plague skin is absolutely incredible and I'm so happy she finally got some love. And Pig's getting a new outfit in the next rift, which I am psyched for.

    I wouldn't give up just yet. My advice would be instead of overtly approaching to farm, try 2-hooking everyone and then asking to farm afterwards. If you start by farming, you waste lots of time if survivors don't want to farm or don't understand you, and the game won't be salvageable by the time you give up trying to communicate. I wasted a lot of cakes that way during the anniversary event*, and that's where I found my strategy. Start off by playing normal and then let everyone live at the end if that's your style - that way you'll get plenty of points no matter what happens, and so should everyone else.

    *(There was one game I played with Pyramid Head, with 5 cakes in play, and I spent the first two gens drawing 'FARM' in the middle of the map. I got no response, wasted the game trying to be friendly, and ended up with 2 hooks and 10k score as a last-ditch effort. When I spoke to a survivor in postgame chat, they told me they saw the 'farm' but thought I was just trying to say that we were on a farm... because it was Coldwind. Probably one of the biggest facepalms of my DBD career.)

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Im not having good time in this game for long time

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    I have gotten bad games but mostly i have had a good experience

  • lovemeplz
    lovemeplz Member Posts: 84

    Some people dont care about the double BP. Specially the player who already have 1 million bp and killer can have a match under the 10 sec mark so the more match they do the more bp they do its not like the survivor who need to wait 5 minute between each match

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    No, it's actually been really good for the most part.

    A handful of explosively toxic premades, a couple of people AFK/suiciding obviously trying to smurf their MMR down but mostly it's been good. Lots of people just chilling and looking to farm a bit. Even had the second survivor ever give me a pity hook at the end of the game.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    There's been an increase in DC'ing survivors. Pretty lame how people will give up, even when you and them had BP offerings.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I kept running into the same hacker so I haven't actually played this event, so your experience has gone better than mine even if you didnt get as much BP as possible.

    (Btw I dont queue 5+mins to find a hacker, multiple times in a row. No point in playing versing a hacker so I just came off lol)

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yep. Teammates disconnecting, killers tunneling/camping/slugging, survivors gen rushing, and my last survivor bloody party streamer was wasted because of a hacking Pig. Not having a good event.

  • Pirscher
    Pirscher Member Posts: 604

    Team mates quitting has been horrific this weekend.

    The funniest DC I saw was a Mikaela getting downed by a zombie and then BOOM! DC

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Had a lot of bad matches. Bad teammates, unfun killers. Had a match where someone burned a BPS, and we went up against The Twins. Well, between them being The Twins and also them being really bad at it, no one made any points because no chase, no altruism, but they got a couple kills with NOED at the end so me and the person who burned the BPS got like 5k and everyone else (including the killer) got about 10k. What a waste.

    As killer, I've seen a bunch of DCs. I had a match with two Sacrificial Cakes where my four stack disconnected just as I was about to hook him. Why?? And then, after that, I tried to farm with one of the other survivors and he hit me with one pallet and then went crouching repeatedly under a hook. Okay, fine, so I downed him and as I was about to put him on the hook he disconnected. I didn't go hard on them and I haven't been killing during the event, so... what the hell.

    Bloodhunt events seem less fun each time we have one during the past few years, which is dumb considering we almost never get one anymore.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    As a killer I was always bringing a cake offering.

  • Iliketoplaykiller
    Iliketoplaykiller Member Posts: 352

    It has indeed been an extreme sweaty last couple of days. I would love behavior to show data of how the majority of the games went.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Has this been the first blood hunt since we got MMR? I don't remember any bloodhunt being as sweaty as this one TBH

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940

    Day 1 of Bloodhunt was the second day of my 48-hour ban. I log in to Day 2 of Bloodhunt ready to go with streamers in tow and am imideatly disconnected my first match and then put on a 72-hour ban. So yeah, this Bloohunt's been GREAT.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Ugh, yeah, I'm just going to prestige and trash the rest of the Sacrificial Cakes on my characters. Bloodpoint offerings are the worst. I really wish BHVR wouldn't do offerings for events and would just stick to 2x BP across the board. I always end up trashing the things. I get fewer total points from a match when I burn them.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2021

    This is the first Bloodhunt we've gotten since 2019 that wasn't tied to Anniversary.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Mine's been decent, first few days maxed out perks and unlocked some additional teachables from others onto main survivor, some Huntress tunnelers but other than that.

    Killer side i've been bringing cakes with my Pyramid Head, give everyone a fair game, Except the one game where a team of 2 decided to follow me around head on spamming when they could, like a full on build dedicated to just that. It was annoying on RPCD, which is itself already annoying, so they were slugged for the rest of the game after the 4th head on spam, let the other two survivors get a lot of points.

  • Big_Booty_Jane
    Big_Booty_Jane Member Posts: 13

    I actually had a fairly well bloodhunt experience, of course there were the matches that went by really fast and sudden, but besides that, I did end up grinding a lot of extra bloodpoints, which I needed because I was bloody broke lol

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited November 2021

    Hopefully this is an indication that we'll be seeing more of these, because oh man is the grind just so much more tolerable.

    Seriously, I have no less than 3 people I'd be able to bring into the game if it wasn't for the grind.

    It's one of the two things that makes DbD sort of a tough-sell.

  • MarioT6
    MarioT6 Member Posts: 25

    No, because I've refused to play the game until the DDOS issues are resolved. I just don't feel safe playing the game.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Honestly, the yoyoing difficulty and the fact that even with x2 BP I can't just... try out some other killers without being utterly miserable doesn't make it fun.

    "Here's a limited time event to alleviate the grind! But you must grind it super hard for it to be worth it!" And I can't enjoy it because I'd have needed to grind a ton first!?

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    I was holding BPs to reach 1MI and P3 one character but the games as a solo were being so horrible that I almost had a rage and uninstalled the game.

    It was either dumb teammates or killers camping and tunneling everybody. It reached a point that's not Fun anymore for me. I stopped playing since the first day of the event and Idk when I'll go back. If it's not being fun,why bother...

    Seriously, playing DBD solo surv is one of the most frustrating experiences ever. Then I go to some streamers watch whatl they're doing and it feels like a completely different game; coordinated teams on swf, deciding when to do gens and when they'll start harrassing the killer with flashlights and DS's y'know...

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    You don't have to give in to the dark side. You bought this game, play it how you want, nobody's opinion matters at all.

    There are always going to be better players, sometimes the guy I want most is just better at getting away than I am at catching. So you waste a good cake, we all have.

    In the big picture, you'll get points from cakes others play, it'll all work out. I burn cakes and streamers every chance I get, I often get my ass handed to me, that's part of the game.

    I don't think the toxicity is good for the game or your human decency, you can kill them or escape from them instead of joining them. I kill with joy but also violence.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Very sweaty

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Playing surv and spent 3 bloody party streamers.

    Match 1 - Steve teammate who decided that 3rd hooking early was the way to go

    Match 2 - got tunneled by a pig. (Not faulting the Pig, but still sucked.)

    Match 3 - Well not much I can say about match 3

    There was no match 4 w/ streamers. I don't think anyone deserves them now. Especially since it's Midwich lol.

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170

    I got around 60 trials during the bloodhunt. Most of them was on Wraith, Nemesis and Meg Thomas.

    While Meg mostly got sacrificed... Wraith was nice to jump scare and fun to play, but Nemesis was shining like a diamond. On him I got really fun trial again Adam Francis. Trial that I will remember, hope he does too.

    Unfortunately using Bloody Party Streamers made survivor play unfair. Before I got VPN up and running they managed to DC me out of the game, so I got 0 bloodpoints for 2 offerings.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I'm 50-50 with the games during the bloodhunt.

    I had some really sweaty killers when playing survivor, especially when using bps. My friend and I just gave up on using bps until we wanted to prestige a survivor.

    As killer I had some good games, but on that role I don't try that hard to win. As killer I just give everyone an escape so everyone get some good points. I try to be a small bit of light during bloodhunt or events, since there are already way too much sweaty killers during said events.