Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

This is high mmr

I just figured I'd put this out there for those people that don't believe killers face death squads every game

This is what your average high mmr game looks like

keep in mind that the first chase was nothing special it lasted maybe 30-40 secs but was enough to secure the win condition pretty much

Guys could've had a 3 man escape easily


  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2021

    Seems like glorious Pig gameplay. So let’s see they said Legion and Ghostface were next in big changes. So Pig’s gonna suck for a while.

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Cmwinter is actually the best pig player in the world or widely regarded as the best because before mmr he had a 150+ win streak or something like that so it feels bad to see even the best with a weak char struggle

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Did you watch the video? They could've easily got a 3 escape I don't think they needed more help if you actually watched it they just threw the game

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Tbf he couldn't have played it much better what else could he have done chase someone else for 30-50 secs and lose the same amount of gens?

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Oh my bad I thought you were saying the reverse sorry for the misunderstanding yes in that case I completely agree

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2021

    Yeah I remember that. Before the dark times. Before the MMR

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545

    Exactly, if the devs just look at the result screen, the killer won

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    This is exactly why I hate sbmm

    I think in one if the dev streams awhile back when they revealed it was just kills and escape based

    Someone brought up but what if I unhook 500 teammates and do 900 gens and heal 300 health states and I die does that mean I'm less skilled then the claudette hiding in a bush

    And the dev had the audacity to say something along the lines of, and don't take this as a direct quote but I believe I got it mostly right

    "Yea but wouldn't it be great if you did all that and survived"

    Smdh ridiculous dude

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545

    Yeah thats why this game needs competition, theyre becoming arrogant

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I watch a lot of streams, and while - yes - there are some perks and addons you'll see every game, it's not exactly 'death squads'. I mean, Otz, Tofu and co. still win more than they lose.

    I totally understand that the meta tends to ossify at high MMRs, but...that's true of basically every even vaguely competitive game.

    What needs to happen is a gigantic honking balance pass to bring a lot of underperforming killers up to Plague level at least.

    I'll totally agree that survivor SBMM needs to be a lot more nuanced.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    You know it's bad when you watch that video, see the first hook, and think to yourself: "Wait, only one gen popped?"

    Then the second gen popped shortly after the hook and I thought "that's more like it."

    The especially scary thing is that was a short chase, and three gens would have been entirely possible there. In fact, it's entirely possible generators as a whole could have gone even faster.


    But it's okay, almost everyone died in the end, so the bias data the devs use to confirm their terrible balancing decisions is validated.

    Time to nerf killer.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    This is the key problem here. It's not a matter of MMR.

    Rank based matchmaking was only really cloaking the real problem - the fact that the current balance of this game means that killers are locked into playing only a few killers/builds at high MMR, while survivors have the opposite problem: they have tons of good perks, but a few are so overwhelmingly powerful that bringing anything else is playing the game wrong.

    Under ranks, high MMR people would have a wide variety of opponents, giving them a lot of much easier games. Now that they are facing people of a similar MMR, the hackers, the imbalances and the general stress of playing killer is exposed.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    If Coconut with his 10k hours played as Huntress then its busted.

    But hey boons are needed.

  • throwaway79465468797
    throwaway79465468797 Member Posts: 682
    edited November 2021

    The thing is he recovered because he was playing Huntress, too... any other killer would not be the same story imo

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Hey don't forget it took 5 years to get DS in a reasonable spot, or that they're still fixing the no-sound bug for downed survivors which has been in the game for 2-3 years.

    So yeah, it takes a scary long time for them to do anything.


    Also don't forget about this gem in patch 1.9.2:

    "Fixed an issue that made it impossible to rescue a dying survivor with a pallet/flashlight save while being picked up or dropped mid animation. Now, the pick up/drop animation will play fully, followed by the flashlight/pallet stun."

    Since these stuns were acknowledged as being intended since the inception of the game, that means it technically took two years to "fix." Fortunately the fix was removed in 4 days though, gotta give them that!

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    Who would have thought that one killer can't physically stop or get to 3 other survivors spread across the entire map from Holding M1 lol.

    It's sad but it's true. I have tried going 4 Man SWF and we didn't even have any Meta perks and the amount of matches where three generator just popped on first chase is astoundingly dumb. One pepega just need to hold the killer for 30+ seconds and it's a guaranteed pop unless it's a small map that a Killer can MAYBE interrupt but that's about it. You still have to account on picking up the survivor, putting on a hook and travel time to go to a generator are all natural delays.

    The game actually starts when there's 1-3 generators left. Early game is non existent.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    My last match was 4 gens in 3 min 30, they didn't have any bnp.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited November 2021

    I always thought it's kinda dumb to have goal for 2k average.

    Like you kill one guy during game, you camp the last guy. That's nowhere near fun to be honest.

    It's just hopeless when you get to the point where you know that it's close to impossible get actually a 4k and you can get there really fast agaisnt decent players.

    It's just weird to have super stressful game for a ######### 2k.

    Yesterday I had game with Oni when they played super safe. I got ######### 2 hooks when all gens were finished, but I downed one guy near exit gate and managed to down another when they tried to save. So I got 2 kills from that game and that is supposed to be their goal to have "balanced" game?

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Ik you can't watch his vids but most of his games go like this as you heard him say in he vid that was the 3rd game in a row where gens where done I'm 4 mins

    They other vids he posts where he stomps he hand picks his vids and wins just like every other YouTube to look good come on now that's obvious

    I never said 150 wins was ok I said he was the best pig in the world and be is so when the best in the world struggles to get a single kill that says something don't you think

    He crouched for maybe 15-20 secs really dude? Are you saying pigs should never use the power they were given

    After he hit Jill he looked for Leon because she was running to main building and both God pallets were up so that would've been a 50-90 sec chase I wouldn't call that a mistake definitely wasn't gonna get a rbt trap on before the gens popped and even still what if she also gets it off first try?

    I agree that was a really suspicious game but I'm not confident enough to call them cheaters

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,057

    I doubt it's most games, but I accept the possibility that it's not a rare occurrence for him. What contributes to my suspicion that he usually does well is that he's an experienced, competent killer main that is not afraid to camp and tunnel, and most of the killer players at that level do well much more often than not. That is to say, if I could go through his stream VODs, I would expect to find he averages more than 2 kills and often ends games with gens left standing.

    I agree that games like that are a problem. Ormond is a problematic map, it should be adjusted more; Pig is a relatively weak killer, she deserves buffs. Some mistakes and some bad luck contributed as well, but I do think even a sort of "early game collapse" phase would be healthy for the game, such as simply blocking all gens until the first chase begins. But this one match also cannot be used to argue the game is totally out of whack, just like matches where he wins decisively don't prove the opposite. 150 wins in a row on the other hand is an absolutely ludicrous notion in any even approachingly competitively balanced game, it's very damning that it was possible prior to MMR (and there were other players with even higher streaks, such as Dowsey's 199 4ks as Twins, or CardClasher with more than 500 Nurse 4ks). The absolute best players in the world in much more competitively viable and historied games like Starcraft couldn't even dream of having win streaks like that. That the introduction of MMR has made such streaks more or less impossible in DbD is not a change for the worse, even if it means that sometimes even the best players get beaten (my opinion on whether he is actually the best Pig player in the world notwithstanding).

    He crouched instantly in the beginning and kind of roamed around hoping to stumble into someone, but as I pointed out, it would have been better to make sure they are not already on the uncorrupted gens on his side. After that he could have then tried to use the stealth ability to get the jump on someone, but doing so at the risk of giving up gens for free is not worth it. Like I said, usually it won't really matter and you probably will stumble upon someone running around and get a more or less free hit which is good value, and that's probably also why he's in the habit of playing like that. But against players that actually play efficiently, you unfortunately can't always start the game off like that without it costing you gens.

    Main building only had one good pallet left, he broke the first one against Claudette, committing to Jill there would have totally been the right play. Plus even if he had found Leon, that was shack, not really a better place to chase. He was looking to tunnel Leon I suppose, which is understandable, but in that situation it was just a more than suboptimal gamble. Of course, Jill's Syringe was BS, Syringes (and Styptics) deserve further nerfs IMO.

    In the past I would also be much more careful to call cheats, but these days I would really not be surprised if around 2% of players in the high MMR pool are cheaters (1 cheater every 10 matches). I've met cheaters much more frequently in my killer and survivor matches recently, and gen progression appearing out of nowhere was one thing I particularly noticed. But yeah, as I've said, what happened in this video is not strictly impossible, so I'm not saying they are definitely cheaters.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140
    edited November 2021

    How is showing 1 game any prove that it happens every game? And allow me to be skeptic that anyone with Pig is at top mmr...

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    You really think the man that had a 150+ winstreak couldn't get to high mmr

    Yea I'm done with these forums yall don't think logically at all

  • nostrada96ass
    nostrada96ass Member Posts: 257

    bottle is lot better than syringe

  • GrayEyes
    GrayEyes Member Posts: 379

    Both suck to go up against

    It really sucks when the whole team is using them and borrowed time

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Or maybe you should have explained the situation. How am I supposed to guess that a random guy pulls 150+ winstreaks with mmr if you don't provide anything in your description, just a video of a hard game with no context and a big claim that this happens every single game.