So how do I go about getting the artist adept?

So I have earned every adept so far and none was massively difficult as it was before mmr and honestly was just more luck based than skill.
However now mmr is a thing and shared mmr I'm not actually sure how I'll ever get this adept.
I'm at the higher level which means it can be mega challenging even with strong perks that work together and having a huge understanding of the killers. Not to mention I'm only meant to get a 2k and adept usually forces you needing a huge amount of hooks and usually a 3k.
Am I just meant to lose XX games till I may have a chance? If I get a good map and people that dont do the objective?
- Proxy Tunnel one survivor to limit their effectiveness and force them to take less risks
- Look for good slug off hook opportunities
- Map Offering should probably be Saloon. Let them do saloon and hanged man platform gens for free to create 1 level, ideal 3 stacks
- Try to do it immediately upon release as survivors will be going for their adapt, giving you more tunneling opportunities
- Queue during peak hours to have more solo queue survivors in your pool
Should be able to bang it out in 2-3 games.
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Merciless requirements are tied to rank color. Even if you face good survivors, you will be required to achieve less at low ranks. Therefore, trying after rank resets will give you your highest chance.
Play some trials and get a feel for her power. If you see things aren't going your way, it's better to let go and allow the team to escape.
She has a strong kit and 3 slowdown-ish perk. It shouldn't be too difficult.
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So the rank thing is true as it should be easier. But sadly I can only play during offpeak time, I guess I could keep swapping lobbies to try find the new survivor but I'm not sure how long lobbies would be etc.
Usually I dont verse survivors doing adepts even with new chapters, but its definitely a good shout.
And saloon? Really I find that map difficult to stop, they all run to the main building no matter what which wastes a bunch of time and everyone finds the gens really easy and they go pretty fast. Usually the map I get the fastest gens lol.
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That's why you give them the main house. Let it be a deadzone. There are 4 walls you can kick out at the start of the game for immediate benefit (Main house second floor by window, Killershack by window, and 1-2 on the row of gens across the street). Breaking these walls at the start and kicking pallets relentlessly turns the entire map into a killing floor. It's generally one of the best killer maps.
Midwhich is another good pick as your hex will be very obscured, generally.
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Just wait until rank reset, you’ll get it with six hooks
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Well it's not that I chase there it's more the fact they all run there, even if nothing is there they will still go there to just run in circles to waste time.
I guess I can set up her power there though so might not be so bad, thanks for your input though I can give it a shot
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Make sure to do it before they gut her.
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Its easy. My very first time playing her. Did it on my first ever match as pinhead too. Its the survivor ones I struggle with, and thats why ill never hit 100%
It helps to learn the killer though when you go for adept
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well i don't think it will be ez for me because i'm at red ranks and high mmr. congrats anyway.
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Ranks dont matter, I belong in red too I just havent played much this month. I was rank 1 pre grades
Just tank your MMR for a few matches.
EZ was the wrong term though, I apologise. It was sweaty as hell and at haddonfield. Next match was even sweatier, I hate MMR
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Rank means easier pips mate so even if it's the same game a grade 1 will have a harder time than ash 5.
And yeah tanking mmr will likely be the only way. But that's boring and not something I should really be forced to do, especially with my skill and experience.
Knowing my luck I'll keep getting haddonfield lol
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Just pop on the 3 perks and just play. You get it eventually
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Yeah..... I cant argue with a single word you said. You're right
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Got it on my second try at red rank, even on her crappy, god-forsaken hellhole of a map. Yikes I really do not like that map from the killer side.
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Also for the OP I'd recommend waiting for rank reset. As a new Killer her MMR ranking should be lower than your usual Killers + the grading system will have the pips (therefore Merciless Killer) easier to earn.
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Theres a better view. Its on the store for artist. I was going to P3 her until I saw it. I wish with her p3 they did the whole weapon in blood
Check out these ones too, I love them. I think the ghostface one is going to make me more visible tho
I find adept gets harder to get as survivors learn to counter the killer
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I got mine second try, would have been first but ppl kept hovering near the hooks. I had the same concerns OP did, but as it turned out ppl don’t seem to know how to counter her yet and most just seem to wanna goof around. Games with any other killer are a total sweat fest so I’m enjoying the temporary break.
I’d say get it done as quickly as possible as conditions may change, probably sooner rather than later
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4th match with her.
Good to get survivors when they're unfamiliar with the killer and the new map too.
Another thing: tomorrow the game is free on Epic. A lot more noobs will be playing and this could mean easier Adepts for anyone struggling.
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Yeah Saloon is your best bet.
The worst thing about the Artist adept is the fact that you are essentially running only two perks, as Penti is utterly useless without other hexes.