I give up being a Trapper main.

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

Last week I played over 10 matches as Trapper and got totally destroyed with 2-3 matches were 2k because I had Noed & Rancor, most matches were 0-1k. Tonight was no difference.

No its not because of skill. Patch after patch the spots in every map that used to hide traps are removed (I can list these spots detailed if you want to). By the time I almost finish setting up, 4 Gen done, then come with trap disarm noti in far distance.

I use Tar Bottle every single match and survivors disarm them like its their breakfast. Amazing that the new map has zero grass on any loops.

Trapper is that one Killer that you can counter by setting graphic to Low and increase screen brightness. I never feel so worthless as Killer in the last week (only when I play Trapper)

I will shift to between Shape, Spirit, Cenobite & Artist (not try her yet).



  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Rest in pepperonis

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    What perks do you run? What's your playstyle? Where do you trap?

    If you like Trapper, I feel like changing that stuff around is the answer more than just abandoning him.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    I don't even really know if Tar Bottle is his best addon anymore, I feel like he's got a few decent ones. There's the auto-reset addons, the slowing down disarming addons, the iridescent that injures on disarm, the few to make getting someone in a trap even more deadly like Honing Stone or Wax Brick...

    Tar Bottle is increasingly less and less useful as maps get brighter and grass is removed. In my experience, you're probably going to want to be hiding traps around sharp corners and on the sides of loops with pallets instead, and accept that you do not have a map-wide presence, you're setting traps and sticking by them.

    I would like to see this addressed, though. I mentioned it in another post I made but I kinda want to see the Tar Bottle reworked to apply map-appropriate camo instead of just darkening the traps. Sandy for Coldwind and Eyrie of Crows, iced-over for Ormond, etc etc.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    I like to hide traps in-between pallets. The survivors disarm them too much when they are placed next to generators.

  • Thunderfrog
    Thunderfrog Member Posts: 218

    I used to do this, but survivors started just predropping the pallet to cover the trap.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Mostly End game perks (Noed Rancor Blood warden, STBFL)

    Some match change to full M1 (Sloppy, Franklin, STBFL, Unrelenting)

    Or full pallet counter.

    Usually I set 3-4 traps around an area 25% map before I pick traps and get to another area. Usually in chase, i can control them to run into traps zone and hooks start fro there. Sometimes random survivor step on traps too.

    But recently, all I heard was disarm trap noti. Even at places that hard to expect. Perks dont matter when you start game with losing 3-4 Gen for traps setup and all traps disarmed.

    Which addon doesnt matter, even if I use Honing stone and Iri stone, its pointless if they never step on traps.

    Bloody coil may have some use. But they will heal 30sec later with Boon, if Im not there to make a chase instantly

  • MoonSprout
    MoonSprout Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2021

    I assume gen traps will be disarmed and that's kind of the point, survivors love disarming them so much it lets me know they're at a specific gen. Sometimes traps are useful just for the info.

    Trapping inside a pallet is terrible and you should never do it. Either trap on the side of the pallet (so they can't drop it without stepping in it) or trap it around the corner of the loop and run them into it after the pallet is dropped. Or my favorite, drop them in the other side of an already dropped strong pallet and laugh when they slide into it confident they're safe.

  • TheCollector
    TheCollector Member Posts: 3

    Trapper is very map dependent. Where you put your traps is very important, a smart survivor can predict where your traps are based on which side of the map you spawned and the type of loop or Jungle gym. As a Trapper main myself I only set up 2 or 3 traps at the start then go for a chase and study survivors pathing to determine where I think I should place my traps or to instead use my traps in chase or purely as temporary area denial such as doorways or pallets. There is so many things working against him that when you do well it feels amazing but the rest of the time your wishing you were playing any other killer.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    should've given up on trapper a long time, my friend

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,616

    I think your problem here is trying to control too much of the map- in my experience, the general area you spawn in is going to be the area you defend, and you just give up the gens on the other side of the map because getting there and setting up traps is just not possible.

    Easier to shift around where your traps are on smaller maps, though. Or like, maps with a small effective play area, like Dead Dawg- though that's already a good map for him. On larger or even moderate maps, your spawn point is where you're gonna want to defend.

  • MoonSprout
    MoonSprout Member Posts: 13

    Yeah that's another thing, for trapper figure out where your 3-gen cluster spawns and put your traps there (or around the shack or some other really appealing place for survivors to go if you want to punish people). Don't scatter them around. Establish your priorities and get to set up, then collect traps as you're going around hunting them afterwards to bring back and reinforce your 3-gens even more. I've had plenty of trapper games that I 4ked even though survivors fixed 3 gens before I even downed the first one.

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    The devs literally put zero thought when making maps, it's not a new thing.

    Guess slightly buffing Trapper after 5 years is enough for BHVR.

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    How is it terrible when it works for me all the time?

  • themoobs1984
    themoobs1984 Member Posts: 619

    I haven't ran into much predropping of pallets. I usually try to avoid those types of groups.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    Trapper's buff didn't go far enough. He requires way too much time investment in traps for the usual payoff. There are only so many trap placements that make sense, aren't easily found, and will also actually catch people. But traps often can only check two of those 3 boxes.

    Once you get to a certain experience level, survivors will disarm close to half of your traps with no penalty unless you have a specific add on. And he has literally nothing else besides his traps.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited November 2021

    No...Trappers are very sweet and cute :'(

  • MoonSprout
    MoonSprout Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2021

    Because its easy to counter, and you only have to adjust your strategy very slightly to make it impossible to counter, to a similar one that has all the same benefits and none of the weaknesses. Seriously just move your traps over a foot.

    I'm not saying it can't work, especially against unskilled players, it's just that a slight adjustment makes it much much more effective.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Before the Boon, they still step on traps here and there. Yes some matches there are some survivors that dedicate to disarm my trap, but not always happen. Recently, every single match, every single survivors able to find my traps and disarmed, I had less than 5 survivors step on my traps in an entire week of playing Trapper only.

    I dont know what's happening, I dont know if everyone play on Low graphic with increased brightness, since my play style never change.

    I dont think they put zero thought, they just nerf the trapping spots on purpose. Here is the list of spots that used to hide trap under

    Hawkin rubbles at collapsed walls used to hide traps, now cant. (removed)

    The game used to be dark down floor, now its bright.

    Lery used to be creepy dark to hide traps, now its bright.

    Yamaoka estate, pillows used hide traps, now cant.

    Autoheaven used to have grass, the broken glass used to hide traps, now cant.

    Chapel rubbles on upper floor vault used to hide traps, now cant.

    Pale rose, the plank to walk up to ship used to hide traps, now cant.

    Haddon field, the garage with basement house, the stair used to hide traps, now cant.

    Sactum of wrath, the little rock on stairs on temple used to hide traps, now cant.

    Ormond rubbles at collapsed wall used to hide traps, now cant. The snow at shack doors used to hide traps, now cant.

    Midwich, the gate with a vault, that vault used to hide traps, now cant.

    First step at basement stair used to hide traps, now cant.

    But those map nerf affect merely half of my play since survivors still step on traps on grass areas, though recently doesnt matter where I put trap, it doesnt work at all.

    I dont know if I reach to high level as Trapper, but in the last week, my kill rate is 1k, which should drop my MMR.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    I thought this wouldve been about Dead Harding through traps, the true bane of Trapper's existence.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    You could play Survivor.

    Or Hag but i can guarantee that (thanks to sbmm) you will eventually reach the point, that you will face only Survivors, that will harass you by activate traps on purpose all the time, so you cant build up an area. They know the activation range and will use that. You wont get a hit because you are too slow with 110%.

    So yeah, better play Survivor at this point.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255
    edited December 2021

    Just poking in as Trapper is my main. Never trap pallets. The only time it's okay-ish is if the pallet is already dropped and you want to trap them on the other side while they're stuck in the vault animation.

    The key to trapping loops is to trap around the peripheral of it where the survivor is running their loops, grass helps but if they're looking at you they're not looking at their feet. Watch how survivors run around a loop and remember it...then put a trap there next time you're on that tile as Trapper. I also like to do narrow hallways/doorways/TL wall windows but they're lower on the priority.

    Edit: Also if you trap pallets you're setting yourself up to get pallet slammed.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    DH is annoying yes, but it doesnt matter much since they can only use once per chase and they will step on the next trap anyway.

    Constantly disarming traps like the traps are obvious, is what get me to give up Trapper.

    No, I never trap pallets unless to use Double Red addon that force them to disarm.

    I play Trapper for 2 years to know where I should trap. It usually work until recently, no where works.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Just played a few games at Trapper on the new map.

    It's terrible. Just a few tiny patches of grass at a handful of loops and the occasional shrub in the middle of a giant open patch of sand.

    The grass on the reworked maps is garbage, but amazing by comparison to the Eyrie of Oops My Internet Died.

  • RoaderFrost
    RoaderFrost Member Posts: 170

    Trapper should start the game with all traps active. Now he's hardly playable with insane amount of healing around.

  • throwaway79465468797
    throwaway79465468797 Member Posts: 682
    edited December 2021

    I never go for early trap game...then again I'm probably not in high MMR games for him yet. I do hard trap pallets whether they are dropped or not... this usually forces a survivor to disarm them at some point if they want to use the pallet safely.

    I dont even break the pallets most of the time. Survivor waiting or pre-drops a pallet? That's a trap setup for me. No more loop for them. I'll sometimes fake going for the pallet and set up a trap right in front of it so they have less time to think about where to go next.

    Another trick that might work is trapping both long and short side of loops so survivors spend more time disarming both of them for those sweet survivor points... from there it's a matter of luck. Like trapping corners and stairs where you think survivors will spend more of their time looking behind them.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited December 2021

    Sadly trapper A game now with the pretty much auto heal boons, uber burst perk, and very few good hidden traps anymnore, is to set up around basement.

    Get one survivor in basement, trap the crap outa basement let them come to you.

    1 of 2 things happen

    Other survivors smash out gens and leave, 1 k game so no real change from most other games


    Other survivors try really hard to save and either succeed or fail hard.

    This is not as bad as it sounds as playing around the basment for the save makes for a lot of high intenisty interaction that is actually kinda fun.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Traps suppose to catch survivor mid chase, or injure them from far distance. Not spending 30sec to walk, pickup, walk back, setup; and exchange it with 3sec disarm from one survivor.

    I never want to use traps just to let survivor disarm them so it can buy you time, because it doesnt, you lose more time than you should. I want to use traps that able to catch them mid chase.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I never want to tunnel or camp (unless its end game, which happens alot since 4 Gen can be done by the time I finish setting up).

    I prefer a 9 hooks 1K game over 2 hooks 2K.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Each to their own but some of the best and exciting games I've played have been played in and around the basment. This is both as survivor and killer.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    You don't have to set up all the traps at the begining, that's a mistake I usually did and a lot of trappers do, I usually place two or three traps at the start in the closest loops of my spawn place and then go to seek a survivors and chase him, always a trap in the hand for closing a jungle gym or a loop while chasing.

    And of course, Corrupt Intervention is mandatory in trapper imo.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I've been having fun with silent deep wound traps. Throw on A Nurse's calling with the odd TR reduction perk you like and they get a bit paranoid.

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    Ehh, until the hacking situation is better resolved, I take all my killer matches with a grain of salt. I wouldn't be surprised if hackers can make your traps glow hot pink and auto disarm when nearby. I mean, I can't say for certain that's a factor or not, but it wouldn't surprise me, especially if you're playing on the high end of the MMR spectrum.

    That being said, I do agree with you that trapper has it pretty rough. I'd argue he's easily one of the bottom 3 killers. He's definitely far more add-on dependent than most killers and one of the only killers that can be soft-countered by graphics settings. But, I really don't have any feedback on what can be done about it. It's pretty much the nature of the beast with Trapper. When people can see your traps and disarm them, in spite of you hiding them in the most optimal spots, there's really nothing more to be done short of running the sweatiest add-ons available. But, that's not exactly a new paradigm, trapper's been like this pretty much since the beginning, except that his add-ons are infinitely better than they used to be.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,903

    it doesnt really matter the playstyle with trapper on mmr. You have to go for early chases and trap while in chase but odds are they're in a party so they just get disarmed by the end of the chase.

    IHRTCHU Member Posts: 8

    Playing any killer these days is very frustrating. They have catered far too heavily to the side that's supposed to be weak and afraid. I've escaped far too many times while eating and playing most of the match one-handed, and I'm not a survivor player, just a long time player that goes for all the challenges and achievements. But hey, that's where the money is.

    Try setting more traps at vaults and doorways. Stop trying to hide them, good players will always find them. Instead, try to force them towards areas you have blocked. Also try to apply at least a little pressure after setting a few, but also remember if you're carrying traps, they are doing nothing for you.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    Have you tried like, seeting up à 3 gen, placing traps in unknown/unoredictable places, use corrupt and deadlock and use the faster set up add ons?

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Trapper has been obsolete for quite some time now. I don't even think he would be OP if he started with all his traps on him (like with Trapper Sack, but without the downside). There's just no time in the current meta to spend time picking up traps.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    I'm probably not in high MMR with Trapper yet but I have been securing 3-4ks with him unlike my other killers and I am in the territory of DH, UB, DS, etc all the juicy stuff. You know the survivors very confident in themselves to teabag, want to juice you for ages and put it on Tik Tok.

    The new map is terrible for him yes but I got 3k (would've been a 4k but I usually let one go via hatch unless I just want them dead) but I trapped up the main building knowing survivors love to try and abuse main buildings and the outer loops looked weaker so I trapped main building to force survivors to either step in the trap or try some fancy trick to get by me, chased outside but relied heavily on solid mindgames. Forget about trapping the outside, survivors will see the traps, no doubt about it, there's 0 chance of the traps not being seen unless you trap it in advance and push the survivor a certain way where they'll vault into it but unlikely and yeah he's basically useless in that map unless you create a massive dead zone with your 3-4 gen.

    Outside the new map... I don't trap directly in front of pallets, I trap the heavy looping traffic. Survivors like to run it tight so my traps go there. I never put my traps in obvious places because that's the first place you'd go to inspect for traps. T and L walls, never at the window, always on a corner.

    I use the addons Bloody Coil, Wax Brick, and honing stone. But also not all those addons together obviously. I do wax brick + honing stone or Bloody Coil + Secondary Coil but I do also love my Trapper Bag addon ngl. An extra trap does nice but I can do damage just fine with 2.

    Trapper so far other than Nurse are the only two killers I'm regularly getting salt with. I trapped house of pain in Badham and 2 survivors rage quitted. I also tend to take note of my victims and their patterns. If there's a specific pathing they like to take, I trap it when they arent paying attention to me. One of my favorite maps to trap is Thompson House. The many Balanced Landing users I've caught in there... LOL.

    Trapper's hard as the ranks climb up (yes I know grade does not equal MMR I'm referring to the royal ranks) but I dunno, I enjoy him a lot. It's quite humorous to me watching the Nea or Jane teabag me to Tennessee and back then take two steps forward to juice me only to hear a satisfying snap and scream. Even better when I hear two or more survivors simultaneously step in my traps and with honing stone, I dont gotta worry about them scurrying off while I'm occupied hooking one.

    There are some matches you're just gonna lose no matter how well you're doing, it's the unbalance of the game for ya. If you're not enjoying Trapper, find another killer to play who you do enjoy even if you get wrecked that game. ❤️

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The Gen speed is actually my 2nd thing to worry about, which is why I never use slowdown but End game build to punish Gen rush

    What I worry the most is how can they know all my trap placements no matter what. And the spots that hide traps in general are removed from patch to patch, I dont really have unpredictable places to trap beside grass, which getting less and less in new map rework.

    The most funny thing is they finally decided to dark the trap by default, only to make maps brighter.

    Start with all traps isnt what Im looking for to buff him. It would be so easy to 3 Gens, and pretty much force Trapper to play 3 Gens all the time.

    What I want is they need to make traps somehow harder to see. For recently traps are totally useless. Just play M1 as Trapper may be more effective because I dont have to waste alot of time setting traps around.

    I start playing this game since Feb 2019, 45% Killer & 55% Survivors. And I play 90% Trapper when I play Killer. I know every little spots that able to traps. Thats why I can make a list of map changes that affected on trap placements (those have no affect only other Killer, but only Trapper)

    My style playing Trapper never change. Gen flies, no complain. The biggest problems that I spend all that Gens for fully traps setup, only to be disarmed in distance, all of them.

    The reward is 0 for the cost of 4 Gen.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Trapper is the posterboy for the general balance situation of DbD.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Yeah we need more grass and stuff. Trapper got buffed but is still the worst killer in the game.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Trapper alone is fine. Its his traps too easy to be detected and disarm. Maps getting brighter and less grass, with less steps that used to completely hide traps under them.

    Protect the green.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994
    edited December 2021

    Play with iri stone and purple bag

    Corrupt + Undying + Ruin + BBQ or something else

    I rarely lose any game with that build. Lery's is impossible, does not matter which build you use.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718
    edited December 2021

    bhvr is nerfing killers so you all buy the newer ones. duh

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I should not use Red addon just to deal with trap being too easy to see and disarmed. even with Tar bottle inside grass within the shading zone. Its just the same as I had to use Bag addon for convenience.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    ######### happens. They allready changed his addons and won't in the near future. Play with the good ones or lose the game. Your problem.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont need they change addon, I need them to bring back the spots that able to hide traps under. His addon are already good.