The Game has become unplayable for killers



  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    I know literally when u play games at high rank you see how scary survivors can do things

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    This is what happens if you try to bring a "meta" perk like Pop Goes to a match. Gens get done before you even get the chance to use the perk; either chases take too long or survivors are blatantly rushing these things as a duo/trio. It's already bad enough that 2 gens tend to light up before you even complete your first hooking animation. NOED is the only viable option at this point.

    Anyway, I'm not going to waste the rest of my night on this horrendous game. The addtional bp are NOT worth the abuse you receive as a killer, it's an insult to even believe this kind of bribery could overshadow the inherent and severe issues this game has.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    There's only 4 vaccines. 3 if you use an add on. People seem to think people are becoming cured after every infection or something when that's not possible. If you had to re-infect a guy 4 times then congrats, he used every vaccine himself and now none of his team can vaccinate ever.The zombies are extremely good for info and I don't experience them getting caught on things outside of red forest and swamp which they need to fix. In fact a bigger issue I have with zombies is how they can body block Nemesis, which IMO is a bigger issue than getting stuck on four maps. I sometimes feel People ignore the value of zombies because they only view value as a free down across the map while they're chasing someone else. I have played against too many Nems where I am forced to flee a half done gen due to a zombie and watch it get melted by ruin, for me to say those zombies aren't very effective.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I have yet to play killer during bloodhunt. I am on a nice streak as a solo survivor though. 3E against a tunneling ghostface, 3E against a Huntress whos only 2 hooks was on a afk Jane, 4E Freddy on Thompson house, 4E Pinhead on The game, 3E another huntress on Ironworks. Once my turkey settles i will try to continue the streak.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    "Were on our way to reliving the dreadful balance"

    I wasnt there for 2016, only most of 2017

    And I can guarantee you this.




  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    Get this. Hillbilly on Badham. I find a survivor fast bc of chainsaw. Map mobility is fine but you have to be able to hit the survivors. Claud simply ran me to 4 different pallets before I decided I should quit chase bc I spent like what.... almost a minute on her. Three gens popped. I instasawed a Feng at the last popped gen. Hooked her. By the time I made it across the map another gen goes . That's 4 gens.... 4.... in under 5 minutes.


    So what happened? Well, sadly, my NOED kicked in alongside good hook RNG and I got two survivors with NOED on hooks next to each other and literally camped them both to get 2 kills.

    It sucked. Wasn't fun. But dude, what am I supposed to do? Lol.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I took a 3 day break just to be greeted with another godawful experience in an attempt to gather some bp for the new killer release.

    The game is unwinnable, the survivors already had 3 gens completed after I hooked my first victim. I couldn't even get more than 2 BBQ stacks throughout the match, how the hell do you expect anyone to get something out of this godawful event?

    When will I actually get survivors who don't abuse the map or their perks? Will killers ever get to have fun in this game?

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I'm baffled how BHVR keeps ignoring the plight of killer players, especially after checking out the latest patchnotes. Still no nerfs whatsoever to boon totems (in particular Circle of Healing), this has to be a bad joke. Genrushing is also worse than ever, I literally can't get a single game that lasts 10 minutes under these circumstances.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    This. BHVR wants us all to just play Nurse and I recently put in the work to learn her. My problems are over; I win or lose based on my skill and nothing more now. All other Killers are trash and I say this as someone who enjoys the other Killers in theory and used to main Myers, but ultimately losing and having 3 people teabag at the exit gates or mob up to take protection hits then scattered stopped being fun.

    Nurse solves all those problems with her crazy mobility + good perk selection.

    I run Spies + Nurse's Calling + Dying Light + Sloppy Butcher. Total slowdown and domination.

  • Not_Social_Joker
    Not_Social_Joker Member Posts: 44

    *sees title is "The Game Has Become Unplayable For Killers"

    *sees 1.4K views and 68 replies

    "I wonder what will happen"

    Joking aside, I typically try to avoid the whole "survivor-sided this, killer-sided that" since it's almost nothing but big babies whining that they were the first to die or they didn't get a 4k. However, you make some pretty valid points. Though I don't ever come across DDOS attacks or hackers (one of the few BIG benefits of consoles, those things are as rare as unicorns) and I typically don't come across people using Dead Hard. I do however know very well from experience that: the SBMM is ass, Circle of Healing makes any pressure from injuring worth next to nothing, and all of the killers I enjoy playing are complete garbage (exceptions being Oni and [sometimes] Deathslinger).

    Now to anyone reading this, I am not advocating that killers should ALWAYS get 4k's. No, that's boring and frustrating, and BHVR knows this (one of the few good things they're trying to do). The target average number of kills killers are intended to get, as said by BHVR (somewhere, I don't remember where), is 2 kills per game. 4k's being essentially reserved for players who REALLY know their killer(s). Or, at least, in theory. And I think that targeted average is good.

    However, as seen from discussions made by other killer mains, I am part of the minority of killers. Every killer discussion on here seems to almost always be one of two things: "survivors have it easy" or "tunneling and camping is the only way to win as killer". And this is upsetting. However, as a killer main myself, I see where they're coming from.

    Minor add-on here, this is why we need a Competitive Playlist and a Casual Playlist. Because, it feels like some people are approaching the 'killer vs survivor' debate are either people who play casually, just wanting to play and have fun, or people who play competitively, wanting to win. DbD has now division for these players, and so it seems they appear to repeatedly cross paths and butt heads. I feel this is obvious, but it seems I was wrong. Thank you for coming to my Dead Talk (Ted Talk).

  • MoonSprout
    MoonSprout Member Posts: 13

    Even from a survivor perspective, I honestly feel lately like killers have been a lot less fun to play against. I'm having the most fun when I'm on the edge of my seat pulling off a clutch play, not when I'm sitting on gens, clowning on killers and rushing out the gate in record time.

  • CuteAnimeGirlIRL
    CuteAnimeGirlIRL Member Posts: 38

    I have Adept on every killer, 1300 hours played, rank 1(for what little it's worth), 2-3 kills a game, 4 if I'm feeling mean, and I don't get it.

    Either I am the luckiest person in the world and I've skipped over all the bullshit, or y'all are blowing this way out of proportion.

    1. You complain about Dead Hard doing it's one of two jobs. How would you like it done? Would you like to see more survivors with exhaustion on the ground? The only change they need to make is to not include the blood or the noise of the successful hit, because it's carrot-and-sticking killers.
    2. Circle of Healing has some problems - in that it completely obsolesces Inner Strength, for example - but the largest problem with Circle of Healing is not Circle of Healing, but Boon Totems in general. But I'm not a game designer, so I can't speak to a solution.
    3. I do pretty well for myself, thank you.
    4. As long as online games exist, DDoS's will happen. It's an unfortunate, immensely pathetic part of the online landscape.
    5. I hear this a lot, but in my thirteen hundred hours I have not experienced a hacker. I might have faced one with a minor speed boost or something, but I couldn't speak to that because it'd be an assumption - I may have just been outplayed.
    6. I ######### love indoor maps. they add variety. 75% of this game I'm getting stuff like Corn, Cars, or Mines. Miss me with that #########. Give me Ormond any day, killer or survivor. I'd take RPD, Hawkins(RIP) or the Game over bland-ass Shelter Woods.
    7. Damn, the developers can't perfectly balance a, by definition, imbalanced game. Balance is a suicide cult - because once everyone is 100% viable, people will find ways to pick preferences, and things will be considered imbalanced again, and so on, and so on, et al. There will always be a weak link. That's just how video games are. Look at any fighting games. Look at Smash Brothers - Pikachu is the top tier fighter at 463 points. Do you know the lowest tier? Ganondorf at 304. But I still love playing Ganondorf. There is always an outlier.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I had to endure another ddos attack last night just for playing killer. The moment I loaded into the match my framerate was reduced to a single digit level and my gameplay kept freezing every so often for multiple seconds. It was absolutely appalling and quite literally unplayable.

    These devs literally won't even care for the safety of your user information or your internet connection in general. All it took was 3 matches to make me lose my motivation for that day immediately, too.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    You most likely don’t play enough of the same Killer or your mmr isnt too high.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281

    and you're not supposed to escape every game as well. loosing against op things isn't fun.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I never said anything about winning a lot. I just don't really get tilted by games in general so, of course I don't find killer unplayable. I have limited free time so I wouldn't be wasting it pushing through a game that I don't find unplayable or fun.

  • BadLooperQ
    BadLooperQ Member Posts: 277

    Right now I'm just evading SWF's and when I see them in the lobby. C'mon, I'm not even playing with good perks because the bloodweb is screwing me up... Yesterday I was harassed by every single team with my level 5 Artist. And today I only manage to win because of Freddy's Gate locked perk.

    I'm Just waiting a thanato and some ruin to pair with the Scrooge hook and pentimento to see how the genrush goes..

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,354

    Ah, the cycle continues.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I was here for it....and uhhh, I'm gonna be honest with you it was actually a better game than its current state. Even with all the BS from infinite loops.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    When you had a full lobby who would roleplay, sure, it was pretty nice

    When you had people people with a more competitive mindset? Nah

    Literally all the frustrations people have, maps being too big, too many pallets, generators go by too fast and much more, we're even worst back then. Top it off with multiple busted perks and multiple places where if you went down, (unless the killer had Agitation or Iron Grasp) the killer was not gonna be able to bring that person to a hook, Rancid Abaitoir and Ironworks were probably the biggest culprits.

    There is so much more that I can't even remember it all, its just all coming back little by little. Its insane how people think the game was in a better state in the past, it was the community.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    1. Dead hards been through several iterations, The dead hard where you can move in the middle of dashing was probably the second worst, and its current form where you can basically lag switch hits is probably its worst form since the killer actually take a stun from no way you can even argue in favor of its current form with their janky hit validation in place.
    2. Circle of healing as well as all boons just deleted hexes from the stratosphere as far as viability goes. They went from secondary objectives that help the killer and can be stopped by breaking totems, to being secondary objectives for survivors that only help them. They shouldn't even exist. Instead they should have given survivors their own object to interact with instead of layering more BS on top of an already weak totem game.
    3. Depends on the survivors more than it does your own personal skill, especially since its capped.
    4. There is no excuse for players experiencing DDOS attacks while playing an online game. Zero. It is not common, it is not regular, it is not an industry standard, and it is not ok to have your users personal data, or connections compromised due to bad coding and design, PERIOD NO EXCUSE.
    5. The hacking thing is not only a publically available hack on multiple hack forums its rampant and will likely kick into full overdrive as soon as this game drops for free on epic store.
    6. Meh, I'd have to agree on indoor maps since most of them favor killers, but thats not the point the OP was making, the point is their little auto map generator is trash. I've seen it generate 4 back to back LT walls with windows and pallets within at least 15 meters of each other on Macmillian with zero reason. Bugged? Who knows.

    Its a 4v1 game, by default any single member of the 4 man team SHOULD NOT by any means have more power or create more issues for the game than the single 1 person on the other side playing killer. Its balanced because its perfectly imbalanced where essentially

    .25+.25+.25+.25=1 killer

    ^ 4 survivors vs 1 killer.

    Its not hard to understand or balance. But it can easily get out of control if you swap ANY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE .25'S INTO A .30 <---then the game is officially broken, not just by a little bit, but by full degrees. "Balance is a suicide cult" I dunno man tell that to literally every other competitive game in existence or every game made with any form of common sense like league of legends or DOTA etc who's job it is to keep over 150 characters actually viable at all levels of play. Sure its hard to do, but so is making a game in the first place. You either got the chops for it or you don't. And if you don't your player base will notice and hang you out to dry long before any journalist or other devs call it out. Which is kind of whats happening right now. Especially with the whole swatting fiasco that happened not too long ago.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Yeah but at least back then those were problems within the game "EXPLOITED" by players because it was basically a loophole.

    Now adays the devs just straight up give you the broken ass loophole as a part of the game, "Official exploits". Which is 100 times worse because it says they think its ok.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    When you look at Hex: Pentimento you know how biased the devs are.

    Boons = Can be relit indefinitely and gives massive bonuses.

    Hex pentimento = Cannot revive already revived totems and gives minor debuffs. Also if the hex was blessed instead of cleansed you can't do anything at all making this perk even more useless.

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70

    The state of the game now is because they want noobs happy, so facilitating the game for them is more money.

    Old/experience players who only want to play a fair game, which allows ability or something ..

    NOPE, they never heard them

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    If the options are have dead hard negate killer powers and specifically work as a counter to killers like twins, or have the exhausted on the ground, well the latter is the less impactful choice. But I get it's 4 wallets vs 1

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    What things are there to exploit nowadays that BHVR gave the green light?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I was watching a streamer and they held onto the gen until the killer started the grab animation before letting go... the killers arm was stretched out in the survivors pov and they were still able to deny the grab.

    So much for whoever sends the signal first wins.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Well hit validation for 1. You used to have to hack and lag switch back in the day to pull some of these stunts off you can do with hit validation by default built into the game, because well, devs gave a greenlight for you to hit someone, do no damage, and then get stunned through the animation while the survivor runs off. Old dead hard used to have a desync exploit that let you move while using it. While ago devs just said meh....put it in there by default. Pallet vacuums used to be an example because it was a short sight of the devs that happened tiny little loophole you could use to your advantage as a survivor. Now every pallet is vacuumed.

    It feels like we're moving backwards because the devs keep adding bugs into the game then fix the bug, then go back and add the bug back into the game as a ######### even....

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Hit Validation is just refunding hits you shouldnt of gotten in the first place, a survivor cant consistently abuse this, and every refunded hit counts as a miss. Sure you have people claiming that they received the succesfull hit cooldown, but I have yet to experience this, nor have I seen video proof.

    Also that Dead Hard turning thing was in for a week... and it was on a PTB... and it was confirmed a bug

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Why are we still going on about this when it's been proven the perk is broken and needs fixing? Like, multiple times. It's really quite frustrating to see people keep ignoring clear facts because they don't want it fixed. Kind of makes it seem there's no point arguing. survivors keep telling me the perk was specifically designed as a counter to a handful of specific killers though, even though this sure doesn't look right to me.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    The only interaction that really is unfair is Nemesis, as if theres a pallet in between him and a survivor it wont destroy the pallet

    With Victor... what else would happen? He flies through the survivor only to land right in front of them as they end their Dead Hard to be kicked anyways?

    If anything getting a validated hit is probably better than whiffing, for example Blight, you wont just drift off to the side only to whiff, you immediately whiff and suffer the cool down, Victor, survivor doesnt just run up to you and kick, they immediately kick you, etc.

    Sure its annoying when it happens since its not providing the right feedback, but people are acting like this is losing them games when it really isnt

  • CuteAnimeGirlIRL
    CuteAnimeGirlIRL Member Posts: 38
    1. Again, do you know how many times my Survivor friends have bitched that they dead harded, got the exhaustion debuff, but still wound up on the ground? How absolutely frustrating it is to hear that? Dead Hard gives you invincibility frames - if you hit them during any part of the Dead Hard, it should be invalidated. That's just common sense. Again, what needs to change is the way it's registered on the killer side. Stop showing blood and making impact noises - that gives the impression of hitting the survivor when in reality you missed.
    2. Totems were always secondary objectives for Survivors, and that's good in the long run for the health of the game. One of the biggest complaints about this game is the simple lack of ######### for survivors to do besides hold M1. I firmly disagree that it's existence is the problem - my play style when surviving is more enjoyable for me. By all accounts, I am not a good survivor. But with the ability to go back to a place to heal, I have more confidence in my ability to interact with the killer, and thus have more opportunities to do so. This is better than the stealth gameplay I would normally be forced to adopt, which is admittedly pretty boring.
    3. Hence, I said "I do well for myself". It is subjective.
    4. I didn't make an excuse. DDoSing has been part of the internet and will continue to be part of the internet. It is a tragic, lamentable aspect of our digital age, and a solution hasn't been found yet. Hackers gonna hack, ######### gonna #########.
    5. Sure. But again, I've been playing for thirteen hundred hours and have not encountered a single hacker yet.
    6. RNG gonna RNG.
    7. You are not a game designer, and neither am I, but allow me to stipulate why this is incorrect. Balancing an inherently imbalanced game is going to be downright impossible to do in a way that makes everyone happy.

    Also, it's funny that you bring up DOTA and League of Legends, two games with highly competitive scenes. Do you have any idea how small a fraction of the champions in League are even relevant, or see play? Literally half of them will never see any real competitive play - because it's impossible to balance that many champions. Even in casual games, Lux is picked in over 20% of games. Aurelion Sol is picked in .86% of games. There's always going to be a Clown, there's always going to be an Aurelion Sol.

    Also, question: "A single member should not have more power ot create more issues for the game than the killer". How do you quantify skill in this? If I get run around for ten minutes, is that a flaw on the part of the game, or a flaw on the part of my skill? You can't have your cake and eat it too - either it's balanced, accounting for skill, or skill has no account in the balance.

    And yes, balance is a suicide cult. If something should happen and Aurelion Sol gets hella buffed, Skarner will just be the weakest link. And if he should be buffed, Azir will just be the weakest, etc, etc, et al.

    You say that it's not hard to balance. This is why I firmly believe, with no real evidence, that you are not a game designer.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Aight, with the totems thing. Totems are already a secondary objective yes. So whats the point of lazily making their second objective,( killer puts a hex down, survivors goal is to kill the hex, negative effect is then removed, objective completed.) Overlap in both directions on the same object which has limited play already. Boon totems offer yet another objective for killers to focus on besides gens, besides chases. Its lazy because they could have easily just thrown this 3rd objective onto its own object separate from totem mechanics. In its current state its the equivalent of Azir from league of legends being able to turn the enemies tower into a friendly tower....except without any form of decay its permanent. If Azirs swap towers were permanent he'd be the most broken champion in the game, overlapping these totem mechanics is no different. Especially since they're introduced in a way that makes them less interactive than even generators which both sides interact with. Except in the case of generators there are multiple interactions that can take place over gens between both sides. With boons there is no depth...the killer just walks by and kicks it and its gone, interaction over with....secondary objective for both sides then becomes dead. The killer loses any and all interactions with those things yet survivor can still interact shifting said balance of that object to them.....PERMANENTLY. Thats not even close to balanced.

    And as far as league champion relevancy every champ has always been viable in competitive play. EVERY SINGLE ONE since season 1! Now, that being said, if you know 1 guy is going to go into a match and insta lock Ashe, he's an Ashe and ADC 1 trick every game, one of the best ADC's in the world. Sure you could ban ashe, or you could let him play ashe, either way, the viability of who you counter pick him with depends on who he picks in the first place. You talk about competative league games but forget every single one of those teams comps are based on initial picks and it trickles down from there. It doesn't make any of those champs less viable. You go Heimerdinger mid, ok fine, even though Kog would be a bad choice against other mids, all of a sudden hes now super viable AP against heim mid with mana management theres ######### all heim can do. <--- But Kog maw wouldn't even be in the discussion if Heim wasn't a pick.

    DBD doesn't work like that, instead the devs just add ######### without considering how it stacks up with content thats already in the damn game....

    Which is why you see goofy ass videos of Boon Totem stacking and people being able to heal faster than the killer can wipe off its blade and strike again. What even needs to be said anymore after that? They have internal testing so I'll put it this way, if thats their idea of balance and you agree with that then none of us are game developers including BHVR, because nothing that just happened in that instance made a lick of sense past the notepad you printed the idea on.....

    As a side note, I used to work on older PVP mmos rebalancing class skills back in the early days. I'll leave it at that cause I don't like being too public on the internet. But I will say this, balance can be achieved on any game....ASSUMING YOU PLAY AND TEST YOUR OWN PRODUCT TO THE HIGHEST DEGREES OF RELEVANCY. If I make a class with polearms as a weapon and all other classes have % scaling and for whatever reason a previous team gave the polearm flat damage scaling when the entire end game pvp scales with % then nothing else need be said. Everyone has access to the same gear by end game except this 1 weapon is gimped and dumb because the numbers didn't make sense out of the gate because Q4 release needed to happen so rush rush rush. Miss me with that. I've seen it too long and for too many years and when devs get complacent about it the players follow suit and just throw what was just developed away because you couldn't take 2 seconds to log into an end game character and actually play test the garbage you just created or lose vision of what the whole design was about in the first place. I'm having flashbacks...