I don't like her power how it has a cool down and also I hate how you have to hit them 2 times with her power to get rewarded for it. overall so far she is a weak killer and she suffers very much against shift W players. even her anti looping isn't great because you have to time the crow shots perfectly and when you do you have to hit them with 2 out of 3. Like where is the reward in playing her? I will say this though. She has pretty good perks but her as a killer i'm not satisfied how they made her like this. you have to guess if the survivors walk in sight of her power then you have to land 2 shots???? where's the reward for the perfect shots???? Bhvr again playing it safe with this killer so survivor mains don't complain she's to op.



  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    after all the effort you go through and put into landing a shot on the survivor looping you. Finally you land a shot on him but guess what? He just has crows surrounding him....... really? and the worst insult is the fact that you CAN'T SEE WHERE SURVIVORS ARE BEHIND A WALL SO HER WEAKNESS IS LINE OF SIGHT PLUS YOU NEED TO LAND 2 SHOTS PLUS YOU NEED TO TIME THEM PERFECTLY????? Also they have a limited time to keep up...... WHY is she this weak?

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    Shake it up, something new every now and then I guess.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    my opinion is she has a very high skill ceiling but not much reward for her high skill. I still think she is pretty weak as a killer but her perks are pretty good at least

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    she is still weak imo because she has a very high skill learning curve and she doesn't get rewarded with her high skill. You have to land 2 shots to injure/dying state... Why? Why can survivors get rid of her crows once it lands the first time? Why does she have a cool down on her power? why do you need to time her shots perfectly when survivors can easily dodge it? I don't think she is good but to each their own opinion

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    I noticed sometimes it downs in 1 shot but never understood why. Thanks for clarifying that. I still think she is weak because so much guessing and skill to play her and she barely gets rewarded for it. The most infuriating thing is shift W against her.... jeeezus it's annoying then also you gotta guess if survivors are in line of sight of the power or not and still keep mind gaming at loops. Headache to play her

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    She has a pretty high skill floor. I'm just starting to learn her myself, so I'm not the one to ask for advice.

    There seems to be a small ICD on crow swarm into crow strike. You can't just line up a mega blast.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    By your logic you must think nurse is weak too, the artist has a high learning curve that is very rewarding, even certain streamers who hate on 90% of the new killers have stated she's a very strong top tier killer and that's saying something from just playing the ptb whenever those same people were calling spirit and blight not so strong and now look at where we are with that and all the complaints they get from survivors. You simply haven't mastered the killer yet or found a strategy that works with how you play

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    She’s definitely not weak, she’s just very hard to learn and master. You just need to improve.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I have played 8 games so far.

    First was adept -> 2k

    Second was adept ->4k

    rest is with my build all 4k / hatch.

    Well, that is also probably because of lower MMR...

    But so far, I really like her, she is really good killer and mainly she is fun to play.

    I don't think she is easy, which is good. That's only way for a good killer to survive in this game. It has to be hard, so noobs get statistic lower.

  • MedicSpirit7
    MedicSpirit7 Member Posts: 689

    I honestly think she’s perfectly balanced

  • xili84
    xili84 Member Posts: 130

    She is defo not as OP as people thought she would be. The crows only last a few secs on aura now after nerf, not for as long as you have them on you.

    And from the few matches I have played, unless you have Cooldown reduction addons, someone can remove crows before you can fire another one of, which is kinda silly :) So it only works if people don't remove the swarm.

    From the rest of my matches I see a lot of people that played PTB or watched a lot of vids, cause smart survivors just hold W, and it is horrible :) especially since I had lerys TWICE in a row as my first matches

    Already had my first toxic SWF experience aswell, not sure why I get a 4man toxic bully squad when my artist mmr should still be bottom. Trash talk and everything even though they had 4 escapees. I'll never understand.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    You know if i'm smart I should just ignore your comment but i'm actually going to be dumb now by answering you. Nurse is not weak don't bring that into this discussion ok? that's number 1. WHO CARES WHAT STREAMERS SAY YOU SHOULD PLAY AND JUDGE FROM YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE AND MY EXPERIENCE SHE ISN'T STRONG. spirit now is butchered and is trash, blight is only OP on PC not on console and HE STILL HAS SLIDING OFF OBJECT ISSUES. PLEASE do every1 a favour and STOP LISTENING TO LIVE STREAMERS AND GET YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    you know what else streamers say? That nurse is hard and they play her on PC. PC is the easiest platform to play and master nurse on. On console she is also easy to play with (a bit harder than PC) the number 1 hardest platform to play nurse on is switch and no one has the balls to play her there cuz of the blurry textures and 30 fps drawback. don't listen to streamers I BEG YOU. they are not as great as you think they are. Just get your own experience and be the judge

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I've got 10,000 hours in this game kid don't talk to me about getting my own experience I was here from day 1, I was pointing out that people who are normally upset aren't at the moment and that does say something, do you play on console ? Is that why you trash blight on that platform? It's not the killer it's you

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    yes I do play on console. I play on PC as well. and it's not me trust me. I wouldn't be RANK 1 as the killer if it was me. I understand most of the things this game offers. Obviously not the killers power but looping, mind gaming all that stuff I do understand. and you know what else? I got this game on PC, PS5, XBOX, SWITCH and i've also poured a LOT of hours into this game. Mostly killer.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    You mean like... Cenobite mains? Yeah about that...

    I wouldn´t get my hopes up.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I mean, there is at least 1 twins main so there also has to be at least 1 cenobite main.

    Anything that's not blight, demo or huntress just gets a bad rep.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Good for you, I'm not doubting you play the game alot, I'm just not gonna tolerate you jumping my ######### because I stated an opinion and pointed out that people who complain all the time are currently not doing it, if you think she's weak that's fine but I don't believe she is, if anything it's one of the more balanced killers they've came out with in a while

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well those mains sure skew the kill rates for everyone else. At least statistically. Which is the only thing that matters to the devs in regard of balancing.

    Anyway, kill rates of the Twins are about to drop for an unexpected reason.

  • itsquiet27
    itsquiet27 Member Posts: 251

    i'm complaining because she doesn't feel strong in the red ranks. People can EASILY dodge her crows and you get punished for it. It's already tough to land the hit with timing then also when u land the hit you have to do it 2 times to get the reward. someone stated here that if its close range it does damage in 1 shot but through walls it's 2 times or something like that. Why we got to put so much effort into it when survivors are 4 people and you waste time trying to do all those things? it's a headache and for that reason I think she is weak. I feel she has a weak 1v1 and 1v4. Too much skill and guessing required to play her effectively. At least her perks are decent though I got to give her credit for that

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    The problem is people got used to the ptb artist and now she's slightly different than she was, I personally don't think she should've been nerfed from ptb but we can agree to disagree on her strength

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    You're not supposed to spam the crows in chases, use them for zoning and keep them idle at loops and force survivors to loop into the crow's directional path. Use one crow for swarm, catch up to M1 or force them to interrupt repelling the crows by vaulting, then use all 3 crows to limit their options in directions, if you hit it, good, if not, you gain distance on them for M1 when they dodge.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    I have no idea why some of you say they she’s “high skill floor”.. she’s honestly super easy to pick up, and VERY strong as well.

    also, it’s the first ranged killer that works perfectly fine on console :O

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281

    well yeah her crows fly in a straight line and they can hit you only if you have no 8 meters and there are no obstacles.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281
  • xili84
    xili84 Member Posts: 130
    edited November 2021

    Exactly my experience with her so far, been playing a few hours. 99% of my downs are M1. Not even exagerating. Any smart survivor just moves to the next loop when you place a crow. Every time you place a crow, they gain distance.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,645

    By the tine you land a crow on a survivor your power is on cooldown and they have ample time to remove the crows thus negating any downs you wouldve gotten from hitting them twice with crows.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    firstly, don't judge the killer just cause you literally can't play her straight away and be the best.

    secondly, she is far from weak.

  • SuperSaiyan4GT
    SuperSaiyan4GT Member Posts: 144

    Just sounds like every ranged killer. Breaking line of sight is the best counter. If you know how to corner the survivor and get crows around them to see their auras then you have the upper hand. But don't take my word I'm just basing my observation off of youtube videos from Ayrun and Naymetti

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Are you JUST focusing on using her power?

    I use spies from the shadows and that helps with location and occasionally gets a surprise swarm on them.

    I feel like it's about using it at the right time INSTEAD of just using it for loops like pyramid head's power. Yes, you can use it there but if they're looping you with a swarm then you can try to push them into the direction of your idle crows to get a hit and they'll move.

    Throw on discordance, aura perks, info perks, etc.

    New chapter new chances to experiment to see what goes best.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,782

    I haven't played her much yet but the free zoning she gets seems to be insane. Most loops you just put down a crow maybe two and then loop. If they leave you get a hit, if they stay you get a hit.

    She also has some map knowledge being able to send crows at gens or just randomly around if they're hiding.

    She feels like if Pyramid Head and Hag had a baby IMO. I don't think she's Nurse/Spirit/Blight level but I'd put her around Pyramid Head with first impressions.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    Aim multiple of her crows at generators so you can track survivor generator progression

  • GuyFawx
    GuyFawx Member Posts: 2,027

    Its better that they start out weak and get a buff in a balancing patch rather than being overpowered and nerfed than later rebuffed after they get enough player feedback

  • nanasi_K9
    nanasi_K9 Member Posts: 501

    I think she needs to be brought back to the PTB stage and buffed further from there.

    Right now she is too weak and not worth using.

    I didn't realize that just not being able to use it as a trap would make it so much less attractive.

    As a specific buff, I think that even just +1~2 seconds of time to shake off the crow would make a difference.

  • JexxTron
    JexxTron Member Posts: 228

    Give her some time. She's only been out like 10 minutes. Does anyone even have level 30 yet?

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    She's pretty easy to pick up while hard to master. I like that. She also has an anti-loop ability that feels fair and fun, which is a first in a while for me. I am not sure how to buff her map pressure, but we'll need to wait and see if that's needed because I honestly don't want BHVR to change her power. I feel like if they give her more map pressure they'll nerf her chase/addons like they did with Pinhead.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited December 2021

    Shes not weak but definitely not overpowered as some people think.

    Her counter is easy, just going to another loop if she set crows and repeat. She gets a big slowdown while setting crows so going from loop to loop its the way to play againts her.

    And lets be real, there are continued loops and pallets everywhere so most of the times her ability to shut down one loop at a time its not a big deal.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Those survivors will be back on their feet before charlotte reaches them.

  • sadakiyo
    sadakiyo Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2021

    they do but they don't hit through them even if it's too close

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140

    I posted this on a thread when she came out on the ptb. She is a B tier killer just because of how slow and long it takes to set up and aim the crows. The survivor literally gets a head start to the next loop. That's all you have to do. Plus she has no mobility and her chase (not anti loop) is of a m1 killer.

    Even assuming people will get better at hitting with her crows for downs. I still feel huntress, nurse, spirit and blight are way better.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I got her adept faster than any other killer with brown add ons and level 1 perks. She is a strong killer and if you think ahead you can pull off amazing downs.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306
  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    She's weak, but she's Good against average / bad player / low MMR.

    And thats why she gonna get nerfed.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Can be cancelled with flashlight. Even tho, good players will just run to anotjer tile. She s overrated, thats what Ill say.