Hot Take of the Patch.

Once overcome reaches enough players, through teachables and playtime and the weekend, etc etc. And becomes a meta perk (which it will, we all know it). Nurse will no longer be the best killer in the game.
She does not possess the ability to catch up to an Overcome after hit. Blight will become the best killer in the game.
Why would I take overcome over a third health state or sprint burst?
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Because it triggers killers. Just run it and a boon totem to make them foam at the mouth.
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Fair point but I think killers still hate dead hard more
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Better. Run both! That way when they tunnel you for using overcome and don't want you getting to CoH, you can dead hard to make them ragequit.
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By this time next week no one will use overcome.
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If you seriously think an exhaustion perk that's a dead perk vs any kind of insta down and barelly does anything vs any kind of mobility power then i don't know what to tell you.
Vs a nurse they have to spend a single extra blink to catch up. In trade they don't have to worry about dead hard AND they know you have nothing after being unhooked.
Especially a starstruck nurse will laugh at overcome
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*laughs in ghostface*
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I don’t think anything can beat deadhard it has too many uses. Someone is getting picked up next to a pallet and you’re too far away? Deadhard. The killer is picking someone up while facing the other way? Deadhard through their body for the flashlight save. You got mindgamed? Deadhard. It’s distance on demand nothing can beat that, being able to dodge hits is only a plus
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I dont think that's how exhaustion perks work
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I'll keep my other exhaustion perks over overcome.
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Fearmonger and problem solved.
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I have a poll up currently on what exhaustion perk people are currently planning to use and as of this post only 1 person has said they’re planning to use Overcome. Most respondents prefer Dead Hard, probably because of Overcome’s weakness where it doesn’t do anything if you’re already injured.
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the point of third health state is for you to survive longer, overcome does the exact same thing and sometimes even better
in the example that this guy gave, overcome is clearly better
nurse already can't catch up to survivors quick enough without cooldown addons if they shift + W from her in straight direction after getting hit
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It takes a single extra blink to catch back up
And then there is no dead hard to worry about. Tunnel that survivor of hook and there is nothing to worry about either.
If you run starstruck then you can deny it completly.
Not only is it not meta. It's straight up not good.
Very close to the worst exhaustion perk
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try playing addonless nurse vs survivor who really knows how to shift + W, then come and talk
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Lol I really doubt a good Nurse can't deal with some extra distance.
My prediction is that after the first period of novelty, people will forget about Overcome and will come back to DH, SB and Lithe.
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Overcome only works when you get injured. If you're tunneled and therefore cannot reach healthy again you will not be exhausted and therefore can use dead hard.
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If you are needlessly handicapping yourself by running no addons you lose all your right to complain.
If you are struggling with nurse and it isn't an issue with her bugs then it's an issue with you
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Because with Sprint Burst you have to walk before you use it and its situational at best. With Overcome you can run like normal and loop like normal and have the escape plan of Overcome when you dont have a loop to deal with.
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If I'm playing Nurse I'd take 4 Overcomes over 4 DHs any time of the day.
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Now that's funny it's not the worst all in all Sprint burst or Balanced landing is because those are situational based ones that could active when you dont want them too....
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At least they activate and are available when injured.
Any kind of instant down and overcome never activates at all
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Overcome is an exhaustion perk. Dead Hard is also an exhaustion perk. Exhaustion perks cannot be used while exhausted.
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Because it's a defacto team-wide Sprint Burst for the cost of 1 perk slot.
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Overcome cannot compete with any halfway decent Nurse. Especially not if they run blink recharge add-ons or range add-ons.
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But then, neither does DH.
I can see where Overcome will have its uses. Thought it probably won't overtake DH in popularity. I've used it a couple of times, and a few killers immediately broke off chase. I used that time to heal and reset. Those that didn't break chase and couldn't make up the distance lost a gen or two - since I purposefully ran as far from where I assumed my teammates were working on gens.
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Team wide?
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Yes it does.
DH comes online the second you get unhooked. Oneshots deny one use of DH. They deny all uses of Overcome
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with addons sure, I'm talking addonless nurse
I don't like using addons on nurse
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Imma Pig, tho. :( *sad oinks*
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overall to me, this Chapter is the certified "Hold W" chapter: Has a survivor perk that encourages that kind of game play, a map that's definitely designed for it, and a killer that's semi-weak against it.
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When you get hooked, exhaustion is removed. Tunneling implies that the second you get off the hook, they're back after you. At that point, dead hard would be useful where overcome would not.
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Use overcome first chase. Get hooked. Exhaustion is removed by being hooked. Use dead hard when being tunneled and cannot heal.
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The point you should point out is what if nurse isn't running those specific add on. I constantly see survivors complaining About killers running the same perks and add on but killers complain about something and they bring up well just run those perks and add on we were just complaining about been used.
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Eh, seems like a waste of a perk slot.
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I don't disagree, but my post was mostly to troll the killers that rage over each of these perks. It was not a serious, "this is sound, meta gameplay" suggestion. Hell, if I put a boon totem on now, it's just to trigger the killer, cause for the most part, they're unreliable and not worth the time.
Though on RPD, the shadowstep/CoH combo up in the library is definitely stupid.
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Killers get triggered just by survivors doing gens lmao.
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which specific addons do you mean
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The cooldown and range
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yeah well I said that without those the nurse can't do anything vs overcome, she can't even catch up to normal shift W survivor
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I fully expect to see Overcome amongst people who can't work out when to DH.
Which will lead to some very annoying MMR bands.
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I that but you were saying you play with no addons and people were saying oh your handicapping yourself that don't count.
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Just like dead hard an insta down killer counter the perk and after a hook if you stay injure you are an easy target if you dont have iron will
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You're not an easy target cause you have dead hard.
Against some insta down killer you are in a better position being injured with dead hard then you are healthy.
Why do you think dead hard is so often complained about?
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Right now mostly because of the dedicated hit. Killer hit the survivor but hes still running like nothing happen.
Because you always need to play around that perk even if the survivor dont run any exaustion perk.
Correct a mistake you just did like that you can continu like nothing happen.
Killer hate dead hard for many reason but before the dedicated hit dead hard was menageable now its not.
Im a firm believer that you run overcome with dead hard like that the killer will drop the chase and you can go work on gen like nothing happen still injure and you have dead hard for the next chase
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Yes but how much of that is Overcome being good and how much is it Dead Hard being good enough it's worth 2 slots.
If you run into an insta down killer you still have a dead perk.
In my eyes if you need an exhaustion perk to make another exhaustion perk good then the latter one isn't that good to begin with.
I do agree it's the best way to play Overcome as it takes the biggest issue away from it and the 2 perks don't fight as much as other exhaustion perks do.