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Killer Tier List

Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997


This is my Killer Tier List! Of course this is heavily opinionated, how ever I'm almost positive some people could agree with me. Others will disagree and that's perfectly fine! This will be for patch 2.4.0. We'll start high tier and go into low tier.
NOTE: I have reached Rank 1 Killer and have a little over 1400 hours in the game, also 20 fps warrior ;)

Number 1: The Nurse

This shouldn't really be a surprise to most players who've reached high ranks or have a basic understanding of the game. Nurse has basically everything going for her. Her blinks give her map pressure and she's great at chases. This how ever takes skill. A godlike Nurse is practically impossible to escape from. Even 4 man Survive with Friends struggle dealing with a her at high rank. The only thing Nurse lacks in is tracking. She has absolutely NO tracking. Stealth is a decent counter to The Nurse. Perks like Iron Will and Urban Evasion can be annoying to face against. How ever once she finds some one.. Expect a down in a few seconds. Learning The Nurse can be tricky, I'm not that great with her because I uh..** run the game at 20 fps..**
How ever learning survivor movement and blink distance seems to be the key to mastering her.

Number 2: The Hillbilly

The Hillbilly is also another great top tier killer! He has great mobility with his chainsaw. Can insta-down survivors with add-ons. He can end chases in seconds (how ever he can still do it without add ons). There's not much to say about Hillbilly, the 1 thing he has to deal with like every other killer (besides a few) are loops. Survivors can loop a Hillbilly pretty easily if they know what they're doing. How ever that doesn't stop Hillbilly from being viable in red ranks. Learning Hillbilly isn't that difficult either. Learning this killer as 1 of your first is not a bad idea!

Number 3: The Spirit

The Spirit had a rough start. But she buffed and she's now pretty DARN good. I do find that she can be a little bit add-on dependent. How ever she's still amazing without them. Her power: Yamaoka's Haunting. Allow's her to Phase Walk. While doing this she's faster and is invisible, how ever she leaves behind a husk. Because of this she's the best killer for mind games. She also has a passive phasing. Where she clips in and back in reality. (Idk how to explain it"shrug")How ever when she does this her red glow also disappears, take advantage of that. To be a good Spirit, All you have to learn is survivors movement. And know when its a good time to phase. You should be phase walking a lot as Spirit is a 110% movement speed killer, so running up to a survivor to catch them will take quite a while. Especially if the survivors know how to loop well.
Also don't be scared to try out a new build with Spirit, she pretty much works well with every perk!

Number 4: The Huntress

The Huntress is without a doubt. The best killer for ending chases in no time. A good Huntress can be just as scary as a good Nurse. Huntress is all about timing. If survivors are smart they'll drop pallets early to avoid getting hit by a hatchet. There's not much you can do about this sadly besides brute force loops. Jungle Jim's are not ideal for her. She also has the strongest add-on in the game. Iridescent Head She can only carry 1 at a time (Max of 3 if using Infantry Belt) but she can insta-down survivors with a single hatchet.
Don't forget, Huntress has 110% movement speed. Larger maps are a nightmare for her. Because of her speed and her humming radius is massive. 45m, and its directional. Stealth is also a great way to counter Huntress as Survivor.
Also you pretty much have to forget all insta-down perks when playing Huntress. As they do not affect her hatchets.

Number 5: The Hag

Now this is probably where people will disagree with me. But hear me out. The Hag is like the Nurse. But she can be every where at any time. Keep placing traps and it becomes a mind field. Survivors will be scared to walk anywhere they go. Hag is NOT good in the chase. You do not want to chase a survivor. You want them to trigger your traps. You wont get to far by chasing a survivor with 110% movement speed.
Another good thing about Hag is pretty much every perk you run with work with her. Hag and Spirit are similar when it comes to perks.

Number 6: The Clown

As The Clown, loops really aren't a problem. His bottles do wonders for him in a chase. Also don't expect Survivors to get away easily. If you want a survivor to be downed. He WILL be downed. Clown how ever lacks in tracking. He has 115% movement speed which is nice, how ever he has no way to find survivors besides chuck a random bottle at a generator. Which isn't a very effective strategy.

Number 7: The Shape

Our boy Micheal.. scary feker builds up his power. He's great at sneaking up on survivors. But its in Tier 3 where he really shines. His lunge is longer then normal, he has a slightly faster vault speed and he can insta-down survivors. This puts fear into survivors. If they hear your terror radius, usually they stop what ever they're doing and "Initiate Immersed Claudette Mode". So he can stall the game a little. Altruistic Survivors is like Christmas for Micheal. The downsides about Micheal is he will eat pallets.. and a lot of them. Same for windows.

Number 8: The Cannibal

Ah Bubba.. He's a tricky one. Some people say he's absolute garbage, others say he's not half bad. And in my opinion he's not half bad. He's simply Hillbilly without the mobility and an easier chainsaw to use. With his chainsaw he also has the strongest basement game. The 1 thing that doesn't make him strong is the fact that he's slower then a survivor when charging up his chainsaw. He has no form of tracking.
As said before: He's just as good as Hillbilly in the chase. Not so much for anything else, which is why is so low on the tier list.

Number 9: The Legion

This might come to a shock for some of you but put down the pitchforks and let me explain. Legion is not half bad in pretty much everything. He has good tracking with "Killer Instinct", can stall the game a little by forcing survivors to mend, doesn't have bad (it ain't good either) mobility, and is decent in the chase. The only problem is how long he takes to chase a survivor. Either you hit them 4 times in Frenzy, or you hit them once, or twice. Then run up to them with a normal lunge, problem is... Legion is a 110% movement speed killer. And usually killers with this movement speed have a power that would make up for their movement speed. But sadly, Legion doesn't. The only time you'll dominate as Legion. Is when you use an add-on called Frank's Mixtape. Instead of 4 hits, its 3. This turns Legion from a pretty low killer to a damn scary one in a chase. There's no avoiding him.

Number 10: The Doctor

The Doctor has 1 thing going for him. There is no survivor hiding from him. He can find a survivor is no time, how ever that's how he really has, tracking. His chase game isn't really that great. He's just a mouse 1 killer with nothing to assist him besides his shock, which would be great if it didn't slow him down as much as it does now.

Number 11: The Wraith

For a low-mid tier killer, Wraith isn't actually that bad. With add-ons he becomes very strong. Pair up a Windstorm and a Swift Hunt and he becomes much better then base kit. He has great mobility with Windstorm, and decent chase potential (if used correctly) with the small speed boost you get after you uncloak. That's what most Wraith players don't take advantage of. If you lunge right as you uncloak you get a HUGE lunge. Because the speed of the lunge and of you uncloaking combine and you go fast... very fast. But he's basically just a worst version of any other good killer with mobility so, there's no point.

Number 12: The Trapper

Now, we start off with the top 3 worst killers, and our first is Trapper! He can set traps. Thats it, and his traps can be disarmed and sabotaged(why). 1, his power is fairly hard to be effective. God tier Trapper's will try to move in a way that baits a survivor into a trap. How ever that can be very difficult on larger maps. He stands no chance against a 4 man SWF unless they're acting like headless chickens. Also once you catch a Survivor in a trap, its all RNG. Some times he'll escape from the trap 1 in attempt, some times he'll escape in 47 attempts. Its all luck and for a killer to have RNG as a big part of their power, really isnt ideal

Number 13: The Pig

There's not much to say for this killer, other then she SUCKS. She has no mobility. She has "ok" tracking simply because of her crouch. Her ambush is practically useless at high ranks, as she pretty screams: OI IM OVER HERE, BETTER WATCH OUT OR ILL STEB YE.
Her bear traps are also pretty useless. As they rely heavily on RNG. Its possible for all survivors to get their traps off the first jigsaw box they search. And then you become a killer with no power (other then shouting). Pig has 1 thing going for her and that is she can stall the game pretty damn well. But that's not good enough for all the other cons she has.

Number 14: The Nightmare

Is this really a surprise? Shouldn't be. Freddy is god awful. His power doesn't help him in ANY way to catch survivors. He takes 7 seconds at base to even poke a survivor with his pointy fingers. All Freddy is, is any 115% movement speed killer, but they don't use their power. And they need to wait 7 seconds for them to do anything. He's supposed to be an end game killer, but he's really not.. If you down a survivor others can just rush in, heal them off the ground and then they all run out the gate.
devs, pls buf hem

Thats all folks!

And thats my tier list. What are your guys' opinions? Id love to hear them. There's a lot of mixed opinions about who's high tier and who's low tier. Which its okay to have your own opinion! Enjoy killing in the fog fellow killers <3


  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    I liked reading through that +1
    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @Weederick said:
    I liked reading through that +1
    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

    Same could be said for any other killer, even if a killer is bad doesn't mean you can't be bad with them.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @Shroompy said:

    @Weederick said:
    I liked reading through that +1
    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

    Same could be said for any other killer, even if a killer is bad doesn't mean you can't be bad with them.

    To a certain degree. A Wraith doesn't have much depth to him, while Pig has a lot of depth, but most people aren't into her. Its not about performing well and winning, but about how players use their abilities.
    For example, prebuff hag: People trapped the hook 5 times, but not strategic places. After the buff, people realised thats not how she is played.
    Or release billy: People didnt use it for mobility and backrevs, but for midrange shots into walls. After the arrowkey exploit, they realised that not how he's played.
    And for Pig, people either always crouch or never crouch. They never use ambush at pallets. Or uncrouch for when people leave the loop. They dont uncrouch as her real ambush etc.
    I highly recommend to really watch Psychoscorpionz first, just to see what i mean.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @Weederick said:

    @Shroompy said:

    @Weederick said:
    I liked reading through that +1
    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

    Same could be said for any other killer, even if a killer is bad doesn't mean you can't be bad with them.

    To a certain degree. A Wraith doesn't have much depth to him, while Pig has a lot of depth, but most people aren't into her. Its not about performing well and winning, but about how players use their abilities.
    For example, prebuff hag: People trapped the hook 5 times, but not strategic places. After the buff, people realised thats not how she is played.
    Or release billy: People didnt use it for mobility and backrevs, but for midrange shots into walls. After the arrowkey exploit, they realised that not how he's played.
    And for Pig, people either always crouch or never crouch. They never use ambush at pallets. Or uncrouch for when people leave the loop. They dont uncrouch as her real ambush etc.
    I highly recommend to really watch Psychoscorpionz first, just to see what i mean.

    I know the potential of Pig, Ive played against Psychoscorpionz before and trust me I got my ass handed to me. How ever you can play around Pig fairly easily even with what she has. I'd say Wraith is a little better because his red glow only appears AFTER he uncloaks, so you can't tell which direction he's coming from while Pig gives an audio cue.
    Pig is good in some ways, but bad in others.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Weederick said:

    @Shroompy said:

    @Weederick said:
    I liked reading through that +1
    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

    Same could be said for any other killer, even if a killer is bad doesn't mean you can't be bad with them.

    To a certain degree. A Wraith doesn't have much depth to him, while Pig has a lot of depth, but most people aren't into her. Its not about performing well and winning, but about how players use their abilities.
    For example, prebuff hag: People trapped the hook 5 times, but not strategic places. After the buff, people realised thats not how she is played.
    Or release billy: People didnt use it for mobility and backrevs, but for midrange shots into walls. After the arrowkey exploit, they realised that not how he's played.
    And for Pig, people either always crouch or never crouch. They never use ambush at pallets. Or uncrouch for when people leave the loop. They dont uncrouch as her real ambush etc.
    I highly recommend to really watch Psychoscorpionz first, just to see what i mean.

    Hag does not apply to what you are saying though. People only started using traps correctly because it then became viable. Setting up traps took way too long, and during a chase it meant losing the Survivor. Now, with her setting speed increased, this isnt the case anymore.
  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @Shroompy said:

    @Weederick said:

    @Shroompy said:

    @Weederick said:
    I liked reading through that +1
    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

    Same could be said for any other killer, even if a killer is bad doesn't mean you can't be bad with them.

    To a certain degree. A Wraith doesn't have much depth to him, while Pig has a lot of depth, but most people aren't into her. Its not about performing well and winning, but about how players use their abilities.
    For example, prebuff hag: People trapped the hook 5 times, but not strategic places. After the buff, people realised thats not how she is played.
    Or release billy: People didnt use it for mobility and backrevs, but for midrange shots into walls. After the arrowkey exploit, they realised that not how he's played.
    And for Pig, people either always crouch or never crouch. They never use ambush at pallets. Or uncrouch for when people leave the loop. They dont uncrouch as her real ambush etc.
    I highly recommend to really watch Psychoscorpionz first, just to see what i mean.

    I know the potential of Pig, Ive played against Psychoscorpionz before and trust me I got my ass handed to me. How ever you can play around Pig fairly easily even with what she has. I'd say Wraith is a little better because his red glow only appears AFTER he uncloaks, so you can't tell which direction he's coming from while Pig gives an audio cue.
    Pig is good in some ways, but bad in others.

    Depends on the pig player... how do you play around her ambush at pallets? You can only leave when you see her crouching, but the next time, i'll go crouch to make you leave and then i uncrouch and catch you in the open. The counterplay is having a dense pallet/window setup and pigs counterplay is clearing some pallets first before using her ambush/uncrouch against good survivors in this specific area.

    Wraiths stealth is better than pigs stealth, agree (but mainly, because his is faster, while pig is slower). The audio cue doesn't matter, since you dont ambush out of a crouching position. You uncrouch to get potential grabs and not get countered by sprintburst.

    Other killers may do specific things better (Wraith stealth, Myers grabs, Clowns anitloop), but they're also specialised on one area, while Pig has access to everything and the best stalling in the game. A swiss knife

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080
    edited January 2019

    @PigNRun said:
    Weederick said:

    @Shroompy said:

     @Weederick said:
    I liked reading through that +1

    Pig is on par with Myers though. People dont use her full kit and then they dismiss her, because streamers say she sucks :( (Watch Psychoscorpionz, he is an excellent Pig with over 2k hours on her.) She has antiloop, stealth and stalling.

    Same could be said for any other killer, even if a killer is bad doesn't mean you can't be bad with them.

    To a certain degree. A Wraith doesn't have much depth to him, while Pig has a lot of depth, but most people aren't into her. Its not about performing well and winning, but about how players use their abilities.

    For example, prebuff hag: People trapped the hook 5 times, but not strategic places. After the buff, people realised thats not how she is played.

    Or release billy: People didnt use it for mobility and backrevs, but for midrange shots into walls. After the arrowkey exploit, they realised that not how he's played.

    And for Pig, people either always crouch or never crouch. They never use ambush at pallets. Or uncrouch for when people leave the loop. They dont uncrouch as her real ambush etc.

    I highly recommend to really watch Psychoscorpionz first, just to see what i mean.

    Hag does not apply to what you are saying though. People only started using traps correctly because it then became viable. Setting up traps took way too long, and during a chase it meant losing the Survivor. Now, with her setting speed increased, this isnt the case anymore.

    Before the buff, people thought hag is all about setting 10 traps around a hook. True, that the setting speed buff allowed her to trap midchase, but i meant, that people didnt even trap pallets etc for hits.
    Prebuff, you had to set a web for a minute and hope everything goes accordingly. Now you can hunt right from the start and place traps on the fly, while keeping survs off gens. prebuff, they just killsecure the hook with 10 traps while having none out on the map.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Top 3 I agree with for sure. I believe Huntress, Clown, and Myers are interchangeable at any of the spots between #4-7.

    Only thing is that Pig is much better than #13 on the list. Pig is MUCH better than Wraith honestly.

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    I agree with the Tier list.
    But i have only problems with pig.
    Yes most of her addons are useless.
    I made a balance discusion for it:
    Yes RNG will win the game or lose it for you.
    But she is still better than bubba and wraith.
    I agree with anything else in your tier list.

  • Unknown
    edited January 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    I agree with this list in the most part.

    But i wouldn't put the clown below huntress.

    He's the huntress with extra movement speed, unlike with huntress he can area denial an entire area. None of this ring around the rosey because you can't throw the hatchet over an object covered with invisible walls.

    Hatchets are nice but can easily be blocked by objects or basic movement and one shot hatchets are limited to 3 and the clown can also do instadown with an addon, Also the clown can re-stock whenever he feels like it no need to go running for lockers.

    Also it's pointless to run expose perks on huntress as they don't work on hatchets, giving the clown more versatility with builds.

    In your list i would switch those 2 around but other than that pretty solid :)

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @GraviteaUK said:
    I agree with this list in the most part.

    But i wouldn't put the clown below huntress.

    He's the huntress with extra movement speed, unlike with huntress he can area denial an entire area. None of this ring around the rosey because you can't throw the hatchet over an object covered with invisible walls.

    Hatchets are nice but can easily be blocked by objects or basic movement and one shot hatchets are limited to 3 and the clown can also do instadown with an addon, Also the clown can re-stock whenever he feels like it no need to go running for lockers.

    Also it's pointless to run expose perks on huntress as they don't work on hatchets, giving the clown more versatility with builds.

    In your list i would switch those 2 around but other than that pretty solid :)

    The only reason why I put Huntress above Clown is because a solid Huntress can end a chase much quicker than Clown. Originally, It was gonna be Hag, Clown, Huntress for the 4, 5, and 6 spot. But then I thought about it and thought that what it is now fit it best.

  • inkedsoulz
    inkedsoulz Member Posts: 93

    @Shroompy said:


    This is my Killer Tier List! Of course this is heavily opinionated, how ever I'm almost positive some people could agree with me. Others will disagree and that's perfectly fine! This will be for patch 2.4.0. We'll start high tier and go into low tier.
    NOTE: I have reached Rank 1 Killer and have a little over 1400 hours in the game, also 20 fps warrior ;)

    Number 1: The Nurse

    This shouldn't really be a surprise to most players who've reached high ranks or have a basic understanding of the game. Nurse has basically everything going for her. Her blinks give her map pressure and she's great at chases. This how ever takes skill. A godlike Nurse is practically impossible to escape from. Even 4 man Survive with Friends struggle dealing with a her at high rank. The only thing Nurse lacks in is tracking. She has absolutely NO tracking. Stealth is a decent counter to The Nurse. Perks like Iron Will and Urban Evasion can be annoying to face against. How ever once she finds some one.. Expect a down in a few seconds. Learning The Nurse can be tricky, I'm not that great with her because I uh..** run the game at 20 fps..**
    How ever learning survivor movement and blink distance seems to be the key to mastering her.

    Number 2: The Hillbilly

    The Hillbilly is also another great top tier killer! He has great mobility with his chainsaw. Can insta-down survivors with add-ons. He can end chases in seconds (how ever he can still do it without add ons). There's not much to say about Hillbilly, the 1 thing he has to deal with like every other killer (besides a few) are loops. Survivors can loop a Hillbilly pretty easily if they know what they're doing. How ever that doesn't stop Hillbilly from being viable in red ranks. Learning Hillbilly isn't that difficult either. Learning this killer as 1 of your first is not a bad idea!

    Number 3: The Spirit

    The Spirit had a rough start. But she buffed and she's now pretty DARN good. I do find that she can be a little bit add-on dependent. How ever she's still amazing without them. Her power: Yamaoka's Haunting. Allow's her to Phase Walk. While doing this she's faster and is invisible, how ever she leaves behind a husk. Because of this she's the best killer for mind games. She also has a passive phasing. Where she clips in and back in reality. (Idk how to explain it"shrug")How ever when she does this her red glow also disappears, take advantage of that. To be a good Spirit, All you have to learn is survivors movement. And know when its a good time to phase. You should be phase walking a lot as Spirit is a 110% movement speed killer, so running up to a survivor to catch them will take quite a while. Especially if the survivors know how to loop well.
    Also don't be scared to try out a new build with Spirit, she pretty much works well with every perk!

    Number 4: The Huntress

    The Huntress is without a doubt. The best killer for ending chases in no time. A good Huntress can be just as scary as a good Nurse. Huntress is all about timing. If survivors are smart they'll drop pallets early to avoid getting hit by a hatchet. There's not much you can do about this sadly besides brute force loops. Jungle Jim's are not ideal for her. She also has the strongest add-on in the game. Iridescent Head She can only carry 1 at a time (Max of 3 if using Infantry Belt) but she can insta-down survivors with a single hatchet.
    Don't forget, Huntress has 110% movement speed. Larger maps are a nightmare for her. Because of her speed and her humming radius is massive. 45m, and its directional. Stealth is also a great way to counter Huntress as Survivor.
    Also you pretty much have to forget all insta-down perks when playing Huntress. As they do not affect her hatchets.

    Number 5: The Hag

    Now this is probably where people will disagree with me. But hear me out. The Hag is like the Nurse. But she can be every where at any time. Keep placing traps and it becomes a mind field. Survivors will be scared to walk anywhere they go. Hag is NOT good in the chase. You do not want to chase a survivor. You want them to trigger your traps. You wont get to far by chasing a survivor with 110% movement speed.
    Another good thing about Hag is pretty much every perk you run with work with her. Hag and Spirit are similar when it comes to perks.

    Number 6: The Clown

    As The Clown, loops really aren't a problem. His bottles do wonders for him in a chase. Also don't expect Survivors to get away easily. If you want a survivor to be downed. He WILL be downed. Clown how ever lacks in tracking. He has 115% movement speed which is nice, how ever he has no way to find survivors besides chuck a random bottle at a generator. Which isn't a very effective strategy.

    Number 7: The Shape

    Our boy Micheal.. scary feker builds up his power. He's great at sneaking up on survivors. But its in Tier 3 where he really shines. His lunge is longer then normal, he has a slightly faster vault speed and he can insta-down survivors. This puts fear into survivors. If they hear your terror radius, usually they stop what ever they're doing and "Initiate Immersed Claudette Mode". So he can stall the game a little. Altruistic Survivors is like Christmas for Micheal. The downsides about Micheal is he will eat pallets.. and a lot of them. Same for windows.

    Number 8: The Cannibal

    Ah Bubba.. He's a tricky one. Some people say he's absolute garbage, others say he's not half bad. And in my opinion he's not half bad. He's simply Hillbilly without the mobility and an easier chainsaw to use. With his chainsaw he also has the strongest basement game. The 1 thing that doesn't make him strong is the fact that he's slower then a survivor when charging up his chainsaw. He has no form of tracking.
    As said before: He's just as good as Hillbilly in the chase. Not so much for anything else, which is why is so low on the tier list.

    Number 9: The Legion

    This might come to a shock for some of you but put down the pitchforks and let me explain. Legion is not half bad in pretty much everything. He has good tracking with "Killer Instinct", can stall the game a little by forcing survivors to mend, doesn't have bad (it ain't good either) mobility, and is decent in the chase. The only problem is how long he takes to chase a survivor. Either you hit them 4 times in Frenzy, or you hit them once, or twice. Then run up to them with a normal lunge, problem is... Legion is a 110% movement speed killer. And usually killers with this movement speed have a power that would make up for their movement speed. But sadly, Legion doesn't. The only time you'll dominate as Legion. Is when you use an add-on called Frank's Mixtape. Instead of 4 hits, its 3. This turns Legion from a pretty low killer to a damn scary one in a chase. There's no avoiding him.

    Number 10: The Doctor

    The Doctor has 1 thing going for him. There is no survivor hiding from him. He can find a survivor is no time, how ever that's how he really has, tracking. His chase game isn't really that great. He's just a mouse 1 killer with nothing to assist him besides his shock, which would be great if it didn't slow him down as much as it does now.

    Number 11: The Wraith

    For a low-mid tier killer, Wraith isn't actually that bad. With add-ons he becomes very strong. Pair up a Windstorm and a Swift Hunt and he becomes much better then base kit. He has great mobility with Windstorm, and decent chase potential (if used correctly) with the small speed boost you get after you uncloak. That's what most Wraith players don't take advantage of. If you lunge right as you uncloak you get a HUGE lunge. Because the speed of the lunge and of you uncloaking combine and you go fast... very fast. But he's basically just a worst version of any other good killer with mobility so, there's no point.

    Number 12: The Trapper

    Now, we start off with the top 3 worst killers, and our first is Trapper! He can set traps. Thats it, and his traps can be disarmed and sabotaged(why). 1, his power is fairly hard to be effective. God tier Trapper's will try to move in a way that baits a survivor into a trap. How ever that can be very difficult on larger maps. He stands no chance against a 4 man SWF unless they're acting like headless chickens. Also once you catch a Survivor in a trap, its all RNG. Some times he'll escape from the trap 1 in attempt, some times he'll escape in 47 attempts. Its all luck and for a killer to have RNG as a big part of their power, really isnt ideal

    Number 13: The Pig

    There's not much to say for this killer, other then she SUCKS. She has no mobility. She has "ok" tracking simply because of her crouch. Her ambush is practically useless at high ranks, as she pretty screams: OI IM OVER HERE, BETTER WATCH OUT OR ILL STEB YE.
    Her bear traps are also pretty useless. As they rely heavily on RNG. Its possible for all survivors to get their traps off the first jigsaw box they search. And then you become a killer with no power (other then shouting). Pig has 1 thing going for her and that is she can stall the game pretty damn well. But that's not good enough for all the other cons she has.

    Number 14: The Nightmare

    Is this really a surprise? Shouldn't be. Freddy is god awful. His power doesn't help him in ANY way to catch survivors. He takes 7 seconds at base to even poke a survivor with his pointy fingers. All Freddy is, is any 115% movement speed killer, but they don't use their power. And they need to wait 7 seconds for them to do anything. He's supposed to be an end game killer, but he's really not.. If you down a survivor others can just rush in, heal them off the ground and then they all run out the gate.
    devs, pls buf hem

    Thats all folks!

    And thats my tier list. What are your guys' opinions? Id love to hear them. There's a lot of mixed opinions about who's high tier and who's low tier. Which its okay to have your own opinion! Enjoy killing in the fog fellow killers <3

    Without addons:

    I would place Hag second, she is better than billy imo because her power is reliable on all the maps, while billy cant use his power properly for mobility on all the maps.
    Also hag can stop loops pretty easily by placing a trap on the loop that survivor is using, then survivor has to either leave the loop or get hit.

    With addons:

    I would say that billy is on par with hag, since with instasaw, you can make a lot of window vaults unsafe for the survivor

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Switch Pig and LF, then yes.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    I just disagree with leatherface, honestly, this list is one of the best I have seen in this forum.

  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    Freddy is better than Leatherface, that's all I can say.

    One can stall the game, the other is an M1 killer who can camp which isn't even a viable strategy.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2019

    No. Nea should be in 1, she can kill killers from his toxicity

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    Hi Tydetime, i didnt know you posted on the forums

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    You don't use Ambush when you sneak up on Survivors, that's silly. You sneak up to Survivors then you stand up normally because your TR is still 0 for a few seconds, that's when you scare Survivors and catch them off guard. I use Ambush in chases when I sneak into someone running into me or at loops, but I'm still practicing the loop one, it's difficult to know when and which direction to go lol.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @HatCreature said:
    You don't use Ambush when you sneak up on Survivors, that's silly. You sneak up to Survivors then you stand up normally because your TR is still 0 for a few seconds, that's when you scare Survivors and catch them off guard. I use Ambush in chases when I sneak into someone running into me or at loops, but I'm still practicing the loop one, it's difficult to know when and which direction to go lol.

    I know Pig has potential, its just from experience I have a much better time for Wraith, you can cloak and uncloak at a loop to get that speed boost and swing at the same time and you go flying. It throws survivors off quite a bit. Also Wraith with add ons is pretty good as well. Thats why he's as high as he is on the list

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Hi Tydetime, i didnt know you posted on the forums

    Don't agree with the tier list? That's completely fine <3
    Every one has their own opinion. And from the feedback I've gotten I guess I've been missing out on Pig's potential.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited January 2019

    Bit strange that you seemed to be basing this list off just their base powers without any add-ons then you mention addons throughout (like in the Huntress section). I still agree with most of your list and points though I put Clown higher with addons.

    Clown with Redhead's Pinky Finger and something like Solvent to create Exhaustion just ends chases instantly and puts him at top tier for me.

    Huntress has a similar effect on Berux Toxin that I see on a few good Huntresses but not as common as Clown considering you can run Hindered on the Axe instead. They can also just down people with Iridescent + Infantry or Rusty Head (combined with Nurse's)

    Meyers with J. Myers Mem. (or even Judith's Journal) + Tuft of Hair is a potent 100% oneshot build then you just take tracking perks like BBQ, Whispers and likely Enduring/Spirit Fury to just steamroll teams.

    If we're talking about optimal addons and map then Doctor "should" be much higher on that list as just one of the most aggravating things to go up against - especially with shock outright preventing you from jumping a window or palette when you need it to and everyone's position constantly being announced.

    Legion with Frank's Mixtape and Iridescent Button - is actually fairly fast at downing folks and has full map tracking (chase anyone close and bleed them too) which puts him somewhere in the middle range. Still not particularly my favorite killer but it is what it is.

    Cannibal is pretty aggravating if you can't get to a window loop and he has fast chainsaw and faster movement in saw mode with this like Award Chili and Carb Tuning Guide but he's forced to run things like Bamboozle as vaults will screw him. I still keep him in the middle range just due to his one shot but I honestly prefer going against "Bubba" over like 8~9 other killers.

    Hag is definitely powerful but you're putting her way up there... unless you consider effective use of Mint Rag to counter people using flashlights or urban evasion/normal crouching. Any time hag is remotely busy you just run through and trigger as many traps as possible and she's stuck doing them mid chase again - and if she's putting them down mid chase then you just run to another loop - continuing to trap multiple loops wastes time. Like I said anyone who sees this happening can then trigger as many traps as possible while hag is chasing or even downing the other guy UNLESS mint rag is being used very effectively.

    Freddy with Paint Thinner (Basically Windstorm from Wraith) and Pill Bottle... who am I kidding he's still gimmicky and somewhere in the bottom 4~5 with Amanda and Wraith. I like Trapper's playstyle personally but he's also somewhere down there at the bottom even with his repeated buffs and addons like Bloody Coil. I am aware there is potential for Freddy beyond being a M1 hunter but just sheer RNG of checks and reliance on mind games puts him at best a mediocre Spirit's play.

    Quick list from me including perks and addons

    Top: Nurse, Billy, Huntress, Spirit, Clown
    Middle: Meyers, Doctor, Legion, Hag, Cannibal
    Bottom: Pig, Freddy, Wraith, Trapper

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @Shroompy said:

    @HatCreature said:
    You don't use Ambush when you sneak up on Survivors, that's silly. You sneak up to Survivors then you stand up normally because your TR is still 0 for a few seconds, that's when you scare Survivors and catch them off guard. I use Ambush in chases when I sneak into someone running into me or at loops, but I'm still practicing the loop one, it's difficult to know when and which direction to go lol.

    I know Pig has potential, its just from experience I have a much better time for Wraith, you can cloak and uncloak at a loop to get that speed boost and swing at the same time and you go flying. It throws survivors off quite a bit. Also Wraith with add ons is pretty good as well. Thats why he's as high as he is on the list

    Yeah I understand Wraith, he's so much better than what he used to be, his pallet game is amazing now, he's loved. I really hope Pig gets some Ambush add-ons eventually that increase duration and speed, more pallet potential.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @ZCerebrate said:
    Bit strange that you seemed to be basing this list off just their base powers without any add-ons then you mention addons throughout (like in the Huntress section). I still agree with most of your list and points though I put Clown higher with addons.

    Clown with Redhead's Pinky Finger and something like Solvent to create Exhaustion just ends chases instantly and puts him at top tier for me.

    Huntress has a similar effect on Berux Toxin that I see on a few good Huntresses but not as common as Clown considering you can run Hindered on the Axe instead. They can also just down people with Iridescent + Infantry or Rusty Head (combined with Nurse's)

    Meyers with J. Myers Mem. (or even Judith's Journal) + Tuft of Hair is a potent 100% oneshot build then you just take tracking perks like BBQ, Whispers and likely Enduring/Spirit Fury to just steamroll teams.

    If we're talking about optimal addons and map then Doctor "should" be much higher on that list as just one of the most aggravating things to go up against - especially with shock outright preventing you from jumping a window or palette when you need it to and everyone's position constantly being announced.

    Legion with Frank's Mixtape and Iridescent Button - is actually fairly fast at downing folks and has full map tracking (chase anyone close and bleed them too) which puts him somewhere in the middle range. Still not particularly my favorite killer but it is what it is.

    Cannibal is pretty aggravating if you can't get to a window loop and he has fast chainsaw and faster movement in saw mode with this like Award Chili and Carb Tuning Guide but he's forced to run things like Bamboozle as vaults will screw him. I still keep him in the middle range just due to his one shot but I honestly prefer going against "Bubba" over like 8~9 other killers.

    Hag is definitely powerful but you're putting her way up there... unless you consider effective use of Mint Rag to counter people using flashlights or urban evasion/normal crouching. Any time hag is remotely busy you just run through and trigger as many traps as possible and she's stuck doing them mid chase again - and if she's putting them down mid chase then you just run to another loop - continuing to trap multiple loops wastes time. Like I said anyone who sees this happening can then trigger as many traps as possible while hag is chasing or even downing the other guy UNLESS mint rag is being used very effectively.

    Freddy with Paint Thinner (Basically Windstorm from Wraith) and Pill Bottle... who am I kidding he's still gimmicky and somewhere in the bottom 4~5 with Amanda and Wraith. I like Trapper's playstyle personally but he's also somewhere down there at the bottom even with his repeated buffs and addons like Bloody Coil. I am aware there is potential for Freddy beyond being a M1 hunter but just sheer RNG of checks and reliance on mind games puts him at best a mediocre Spirit's play.

    Quick list from me including perks and addons

    Top: Nurse, Billy, Huntress, Spirit, Clown
    Middle: Meyers, Doctor, Legion, Hag, Cannibal
    Bottom: Pig, Freddy, Wraith, Trapper

    I did consider add-ons through out because I said they can be much better with them. I mostly went for their base power tho. Thats why Clown is a bit lower. I don't see this list change too much considering all the add ons.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @Shroompy said:

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Hi Tydetime, i didnt know you posted on the forums

    Don't agree with the tier list? That's completely fine <3
    Every one has their own opinion. And from the feedback I've gotten I guess I've been missing out on Pig's potential.

    Yo here’s my list.....
    O.o my killer list....
    1 leatherface (his face camp dc power)
    2 nurse
    3 billy
    4 vertexas
    5 spirit
    6 Swf
    7 next chapters killer
    8 huntress
    9 Clown
    10 Myers
    11 doctor
    12 wraith
    13 legion
    14 hag
    15 random barrel of fire
    16 pig
    17 trapper
    18 Freddy
    19 M Cote with his civ 5 power
    20 tydetyme

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @Cardgrey said:

    @Shroompy said:

    @Theluckyboi said:
    Hi Tydetime, i didnt know you posted on the forums

    Don't agree with the tier list? That's completely fine <3
    Every one has their own opinion. And from the feedback I've gotten I guess I've been missing out on Pig's potential.

    Yo here’s my list.....
    O.o my killer list....
    1 leatherface (his face camp dc power)
    2 nurse
    3 billy
    4 vertexas
    5 spirit
    6 Swf
    7 next chapters killer
    8 huntress
    9 Clown
    10 Myers
    11 doctor
    12 wraith
    13 legion
    14 hag
    15 random barrel of fire
    16 pig
    17 trapper
    18 Freddy
    19 M Cote with his civ 5 power
    20 tydetyme

    I don't know.. I think 19 should be a bit higher in my opinion

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    O.o while u would be right I doubt he’s above 18 on either side

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    I still don't understand how people can put Spirit so high. At rank 1, I never have problems evading her and out mind gaming her.

    When I play Spirit, people also seem to have no issues moving off gens when they hear me use my power, and then I have to play what is essentially a Huntress without hatchets for 15 seconds while I try to see if the survivors are still actually around where I'm looking, and that can end up wasting a lot of time.

    She's fun, no doubt, and I've gotten 4k's with her at Rank 1, but I just feel she's really easy to out play if you try.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @Demoth said:
    I still don't understand how people can put Spirit so high. At rank 1, I never have problems evading her and out mind gaming her.

    When I play Spirit, people also seem to have no issues moving off gens when they hear me use my power, and then I have to play what is essentially a Huntress without hatchets for 15 seconds while I try to see if the survivors are still actually around where I'm looking, and that can end up wasting a lot of time.

    She's fun, no doubt, and I've gotten 4k's with her at Rank 1, but I just feel she's really easy to out play if you try.

    You use her power to go to gen to gen, not to pick them off the gen. You also want to use her power mid chase. How ever currently in 2.4.0 the foot steps are lower than usual. So Spirit is harder than usual.

  • That_One_Scrub
    That_One_Scrub Member Posts: 35

    Looking at this, honestly the only change I would make would be to swap Pig and Trapper. I want to love the big trappy boi, but the fact is that traps are time-consuming to collect and set, easy to avoid, and easily countered compared to hag's traps.

    Pig isn't any better than low-mid tier, but as minimal as her power is, it's at least consistently valuable, and crouch opens up some minor but important outplay potential. Trapper just has to eat whatever survivors throw at him.

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    @Shroompy said:
    her power to go to gen to gen, not to pick them off the gen. You also want to use her power mid chase. How ever currently in 2.4.0 the foot steps are lower than usual. So Spirit is harder than usual.

    The problem with using the power to go to a gen it is easy to realize when she's coming to you, and hiding from her, or just booking it with an exhaustion perk while she has to slow chase you for 15 seconds.

    Mid-chase, her power can be good, but it seems to be all about the mind games, which are not the same as raw skill, and making a slight mistake during a chase, with her power, is going to most likely going to end up costing the Spirit a generator.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    I just scrolled down to find Pig and I can't say I am surprised. It's 2019 people, you should know that Pig is mid tier killer by now.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @Demoth said:

    @Shroompy said:
    her power to go to gen to gen, not to pick them off the gen. You also want to use her power mid chase. How ever currently in 2.4.0 the foot steps are lower than usual. So Spirit is harder than usual.

    The problem with using the power to go to a gen it is easy to realize when she's coming to you, and hiding from her, or just booking it with an exhaustion perk while she has to slow chase you for 15 seconds.

    Mid-chase, her power can be good, but it seems to be all about the mind games, which are not the same as raw skill, and making a slight mistake during a chase, with her power, is going to most likely going to end up costing the Spirit a generator.

    Mind games are a lot more representative of skill than just chasing someone ("raw skill"), unless you meant something else.

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    @PigNRun said:

    Mind games are a lot more representative of skill than just chasing someone ("raw skill"), unless you meant something else.

    Well, Huntress, Nurse, and Hillbilly might need to use mind games for pallets and windows, or walls if Nurse loses line of sight, but they generally require skill to keep track of people, and when to use the power (aiming hatchets / leading, precise blinks as Nurse, and when to let yourself fly with a chainsaw).

    The problem with mind games is that in order for you to successfully mind game someone who is also trying to mind game you, you have to learn what their patterns are. This can take time, and time is not on a killer's side. You might think a survivor is going to mind game you at a pallet, as a Spirit, and instead they'll just keep running because they don't know what the mind game actually is, and now you've just blown your power. You might be able to catch them and figure what they're doing, but if you didn't get your initial hit, that's 15 seconds to get your power, chase them, hit them, and then another 15 seconds to use your power. That's potentially 3 gens loss on a single bad read.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    @Demoth said:

    @PigNRun said:

    Mind games are a lot more representative of skill than just chasing someone ("raw skill"), unless you meant something else.

    Well, Huntress, Nurse, and Hillbilly might need to use mind games for pallets and windows, or walls if Nurse loses line of sight, but they generally require skill to keep track of people, and when to use the power (aiming hatchets / leading, precise blinks as Nurse, and when to let yourself fly with a chainsaw).

    The problem with mind games is that in order for you to successfully mind game someone who is also trying to mind game you, you have to learn what their patterns are. This can take time, and time is not on a killer's side. You might think a survivor is going to mind game you at a pallet, as a Spirit, and instead they'll just keep running because they don't know what the mind game actually is, and now you've just blown your power. You might be able to catch them and figure what they're doing, but if you didn't get your initial hit, that's 15 seconds to get your power, chase them, hit them, and then another 15 seconds to use your power. That's potentially 3 gens loss on a single bad read.

    So, whats the difference between a Hillbilly or Huntress following scratch marks/blood trails and doing it as Spirit while phasing? Who on top of that have to also pay attention to sounds produced by Survivors because they might have doubled back, because, unlike other Killers while using their powers, she cant see them. Way more challenging and, again, representative of the player's skill.

    And, now, if we are talking about mindgame potential, you are just describing a Spirit player who cant judge when to phase and mindgame and when not to. For instance, the Killer Shack; never try to phase there unless you are trying to force the pallet down or is already down. That comes with experience and learning map awareness, and the same goes for every single other Killer. It doesnt take you long to figure out how "smart" a person is during chases.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @That_One_Scrub said:
    Looking at this, honestly the only change I would make would be to swap Pig and Trapper. I want to love the big trappy boi, but the fact is that traps are time-consuming to collect and set, easy to avoid, and easily countered compared to hag's traps.

    Pig isn't any better than low-mid tier, but as minimal as her power is, it's at least consistently valuable, and crouch opens up some minor but important outplay potential. Trapper just has to eat whatever survivors throw at him.

    I'm a Trapper main, got to Rank 1 as Trapper and Ive seen what he's capable of. At the beginning of the game you want to set down 1 trap. And try to find survivors. Down a survivor then hook them. Thats when you start placing traps. As 1 or 2 people will get off the gen they're doing and go for the save, wasting time

  • Demoth
    Demoth Member Posts: 49

    @PigNRun said:
    So, whats the difference between a Hillbilly or Huntress following scratch marks/blood trails and doing it as Spirit while phasing? Who on top of that have to also pay attention to sounds produced by Survivors because they might have doubled back, because, unlike other Killers while using their powers, she cant see them. Way more challenging and, again, representative of the player's skill.

    Because Hillbilly has better map pressure, and can insta-down you.

    Huntress can smack you close up and then M1 you, which is essentially an instant down.

    Spirit has to hit you, and then either chase you at 110% speed, or phase and hope she can catch you.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    Without broken build with Cancer add-on, my tier list is:

    Tier 1: Nurse , Billy, spirit and huntress.
    Tier 2: Myers, Hag, Legion, wraith, Clown, Doctor.
    Tier 3: Trapper, Bubba , Pig, Freddy.
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    @Lanis_ said:
    Without broken build with Cancer add-on, my tier list is:

    Tier 1: Nurse , Billy, spirit and huntress.
    Tier 2: Myers, Hag, Legion, wraith, Clown, Doctor.
    Tier 3: Trapper, Bubba , Pig, Freddy.

    I would agree with most of these how ever Clown can shut down chases much faster than Legion or Wraith.. also Myers over Hag is a bit odd, Hag can be everywhere. She's scary af to play against as you're never safe going towards a pallet or just running in general. You have no idea where her traps are.

  • DragonKnight355
    DragonKnight355 Member Posts: 22

    I think Hag is better than clown, because her abilities to mind game is better than clown and the fact that she is able to teleport.

    There is a Hag main extraordinaire named Space Coconut, he is a Hag main and is really, really good as her.

    But as said many times, it only depends on the player.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    this is a 2019 tier list I'm just gonna point that out

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    My dude really just revived a beginning 2019 tier list. At least half of the killers here received major changes.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997

    Bro why must you bring back my past to haunt me 😫😫😫😫

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    Holy mother of Necro.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,997