Let's discuss the Artists powers
Maybe making a thread would help. I'm working her abilities, trying to get them down. What I originally thought was in order for you to down a survivor with her projectile birds they have to be swarmed.
However, I was chasing an injured Meg to a window and quickly shot a bird and it downed her. I think it just needs to be in range for it to hurt them.
Also her add-ons, the status effect while swarmed one's haven't given me much value bc the majority of them leave the gen or start running as soon as they are swarmed so being oblivious or exhausted doesn't seem to help much seeing its limited.
Her power works like this:
- You place a bird.
- You place another bird, refreshing the duration of bird 1 and so forth.
- There is a small range in front of the bird that will immediately damage on contact. Outside of this range, they just get swarmed.
- Hitting a swarmed player with another bird damages them, but swarms are too fast and easy to repel to make this reliable.
Honestly, she feels a bit on the weaker side. The hitbox of the birds feels tiny and extremely prone to validation. Her addons are also a touch 'meh'.
That said, let's see what experienced players can do with her. She might just have a massive skill floor that I have yet to reach.
Visually she's great (I'd prefer a more 'natural' looking projectile, but that's just personal preference).
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The crows function on a range mechanic. If you hit a person with a crow close up, they just take damage. If you hit them with a crow and they're outside that range, they are swarmed instead, at which point you can hit them with another crow to damage them.
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The crows have a limited distance of which they can do damage, about 7.5 meters. You can actually see this range when you're placing them. It's depicted by a bright purple outline. This outline is not only the distance it can travel and injure, but actually the hitbox of the entire time the crows can injure when launched.
As for her add-ons, the way I see them is, "they're incredible, when used in the proper scenarios." There are add-ons that work for, what I like to call, a Close-Quarters-Trapper playstyle, allowing the crows to still still for longer and notify you of survivors near said crows, allowing for the closing off of loops and getaways for later. I can see a combo of Severed Tongue and Iridescent Feather (or maybe Garden of Rot) for a possible Close-Quarters-Launching build. Severed Hands lets you only need to hit one survivor with a swarm and they get all their buddies that are next to them. Pair that up with one of the FIVE add-ons that inflict a status effect, and you have a chance at spreading Exhausted, Oblivious, Hindered (1.5 seconds), Hemorrhage and Mangled (which I know are made null because of Boon: Circle of Healing, but still), or Blindness like wildfire.
So many possibly powerful combos, but all of said combos work in their own situations and playstyles. Which is perfect and what I feel add-ons SHOULD BE. A few that fall into a playstyle, but every playstyle being more or less unique from one another.
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Actually if you only shoot one crow, say to swarm, the cooldown before you get all 3 back is actually much faster than they can repel, so the more crows you use, the more cooldown they have. This rewards you for being accurate with one crow, then following with a very easy injure since you have 3 crows to use.
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Didn't know that. So instead of shooting all three when you know where someone is, shoot one and if you get lucky and you try for the combo to down them
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Yes indeed, using one to start a swarm is super consistent, following up with more because it takes longer to repel then you get them back.