Survivors: Do you also have this "side" effect?
You are playing DS just like me to prevent tunnels.
You decide you want to play some fun build (you didn't get tunneled the past games).
Just the next game you switched to fun loadout, you are getting camped and tunneled left and right.
I feel like there is a 50% increased chance to get tunneled whenever I don't play DS.
Makes you really want to just stick to your own build to have at least some decent chance in soloQ games.
there's a reason i stick to the same perk build consistently game in game out in solo, because it's proven to me that it works
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Yes. I feel like if I don't bring DS I'm going to get tunnelled out of the game, so I always have to bring it now.
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I said it before they released boons are going to promote camping and tunneling. CoH completely negates snowball potential and unless your an S tier killer and a couple of A tier the only way to effectively apply pressure is snowballing.
On topic I don't run ds for this reason. I play 5 games with ds no tunnel take it off tunnel first hook.
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Yep, been there done that.
What's worse is when the killer suspects you don't have it (you didn't use it on first hook), be prepared to be tunneled out of the game.
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Unbreakable, the perk you run when you want to be pick up instantly.
DS, the perk you run when you want the killer not to tunnel.
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So much for trying to be diverse on our builds.
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I personally don't run DS just because I don't care about getting tunneled. If get Tunneled fine on to the next game.
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I think you can still be a bit diverse while taking DS. I do it sometimes
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Boon totems and gen rushing are forcing killers to tunnel more.
If i can tunnel and force survs to protect you, it means they're not doing gens, and you're not just rushing for your free heal.
Wounding survivors has no benefits any more.
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DS is necessary 50% or more of the time. So it's the base kit as Survivor.