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Red rank surivivors

If you are able to reach red ranks as survivor (because you are playing that much) please do everyone a favor and get some knowleadge from educational content creators or do some reasearch yourself. Learn the maps, most common killer perks and what they do. Pay attention to hook, health states, perks, the gens and exit gates. I rather have teammates that know what gives the killer pressure, know the map and possible 3 gens and have a basic understanding of which situation requires what kind of behaviour even if they go down after a 20 second chase. Then someone bt-insta-saving everyone, looping the killer for 50 seconds but with 3-5 save paletts next to one another gone after. All those overconfident people that overestimate their looping abilities, because they manage "to escape the killer" not realizing that they're actually sandbagging the whole team by disturbing them on gens, using a lot of save paletts, not taking a hook stage for the team and doing a save gen in a corner of the map (when never hooked) instead of preventing a 3-gen by doing a centered gen in an now unsafe area (that often someone created). Someone has to break it to you: You're not as good as you think you are and unfortunately you even lack the abilty to realize the amount of knowleadge that you are lacking and you even mistake your misplays for being good. You just don't seem to have an idea of how the game works or what a smart killers decision-making looks like.

If a lot of your games end up with you not being hooked once and everyone else dead on hook, you probably did something wrong. If you end up with with a three-gen often, you did something wrong. If you don't manage to get a save in endgame, without noed and stbfl, against an m1 Killer in front of an exit gate with 2 people alive you are doing something wrong. In all of these cases knowleadge would've probable changed the outcome.

It is never bad to learn something, we all can learn and we're never done with it.


  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    This seems like a "I don't like when my games aren't easy and my teammates arent optimal" post

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    I stopped reading after "red ranks". At least OP understood that it just shows playtime. There are no ranks anymore, we have grades now. And as you can't really lose progression anymore, it's almost impossible to not reach iridescent (red) in a season when you just played enough in one month.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Most players are just bad. Even many players with high amounts of playtime dont get the basic done. Dont know why, but thats my experience playing and watching the past 4 years.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    That is what I don't get. How can you play and not pay attention one bit to catch up the basics?

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    No not everyone is playing an amount of time that will get them to red ranks. If they actually play that much, they should at least have basic knowleadge

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited December 2021

    How is someone entilted to behave however they like to just because they paid an x amount of money? That must be a childrens or american way to see things... . Just because someone has some money doesn't mean they can do whatever they want.

    If you are refering to the game rules you are right. There is no rule saying you cannot play that way.

    Only if someone plays like that they should at least be aware that they have no right to complain about anything that can count as selfish behaviour (camping, tunneling, getting slugged, not getting saved, not getting healed, being left behind, others not doing the objective, others killing themselves on 1rst hook or leaving the game as soon as they get downed etc.). Unfortunately those people are entilted enough to complain still. And those kinds of people can never be good at that kind of game as it requires teamwork. If someone isn't playing as a part of the team they are not only useless, a hinderence and annyoing but also playing the wrong type of game.

    As killer I have gotten a lot of those stealthy players that unhooked someone on death hook and sneaked away believing that they'd get away with it. And every now and then they complain that I didn't give them hatch or if I camped and tunneled them only (with everyone but them escaping. Whenever I tell them why their answers sound very entilted and crazy. I don't understand how they even dare to compain when they aren't getting their way with their selfish behaviour.