Maybe this perk will become reality in near future..

Boon: All Seeing
Killers around 24 meters of the bless totem gets their aura revealed.
RIP all killers.
Oh no.
Oh no.
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The frightening thing is it's legitimately possible. They're pretty much exploring every mechanic in the game and adding a boon type to it. That's how much they ran out of ideas for perks and every Survivor would spam map offerings with problematic totem locations. Who would have thought that a Killer's totem to combat four people in the match is going to be used against them. I would have said you were crazy if you told me this two years ago.
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Boon : Noob.
Killer's perks and powers are disabled inside 24 meters radius of the blessed totem.
Stop making boons. They aren't fun to play, as they can't be snuffed permanently, hard to find in two story buildings and just annoying when people spam them all over the map.
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How about this one, to create a nice builld with your idea:
Boon: Entangler - the killer's movement speed is reduced by 3/4/5% when in boon range
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Considering they don't seem to care about killers, yes I bet a boon like that will exist.
The next boon will probably be something like "killers can't move for 1 minute if they are in a blessed area"
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Its scary that it sounds legit for a boon perk...
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And on that day blindness jumped from one of the worst effects to top tier
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Hex: The Third Seal
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Don't give them ideas dude
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Of course, this would not be able to happen if the killer is affected by the Insidious status effect. So crouching Pig, cloaked Wraith, etc. would be safe
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haha maybe I could see this happening.
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No they wouldn't it would reveal every killer no matter what they have....that's how Boons work make Killers useless in every aspect of the game.
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Boon: Circle of Strike
Survivors within 24 meter range of bless totem gains an ability to stab an aggressor while being picked up by a killer. Press E to stab a killer during a picking up animation. The killer becomes dead if successfully triggered.
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Well, the old DS and OoO did survive for years. I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes real.
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This is actually good. The sooner they killer their game, the sooner they might start doing something to save it.
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Boon: Skill Check
While in the range of the totem all good skills checks become great. %/%/% increased chance of skill checks.
Not that it'd be good but I'm honestly expecting this one to be a thing eventually. They already have perks that do it, so why not have a boon for it as well.