Solo Q sucks and here's a perfect exemple on the why
The original video is around 7 minutes long, I did 3.5 gens on my own, unhooked 3 survivors, healed 4 of them, took 1 protection hit and looped the wraith for around 4-5 minutes total, and laurie didn't do a single gen when she could have done 3-4 all on her own, Survivor Q sucks so bad.
Why not round that to 3.5?
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because it wasn't 3.5 and I wanted to be accurate, but changed it
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Fair enough!
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I think solo queue is the worst experience in DBD. even have one other friend to play with ,without comms even make so much more of a difference
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The sounds made me laugh ngl.
As for the thread: yes it does suck. When I know a team mate isnt doing anything I stay on hook as long as I can in hopes the killer finds them before I die and they dont get hatch.
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She didn't find hatch, she died 3 seconds after the wraith found her.
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Same Quentin chipmunk sounds so cute at 2.00
Solo queue is like a box a chocolate, you never know what your going to get.
If i see that the survivor can really loop like this quentin, I would continue doing gens. But i can understand if there are only 2 survs and both are hiding if everyone can't loop the killer for too long.
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Do you think they would have done better if they had had comms for you to remind them that in order to be efficient you have to do gens? :( (( 😂
Because according to some people they lack comms so they are not as efficient.
PS. The Quentin chipmunk sound is everything. xD
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You're either going to get chocolate or ######### disguised as chocolate.
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I could have told them their uselessness if they weren't working lmao, was so sad laurie was a console player, couldn't tell her
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Yep, this is why I have never understood the whole "SoloQ sucks because they dont have comms like SWF"
It's more like "SoloQ sucks because they aren't reliable players like SWF".
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fact, she never went for Leon, why? she didn't do a single gen during the 3-5 minutes I looped wraith, why? she hides in the locker the whole time I am on the hook why? that's why it sucks.
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I just got out of the match got iri evader (ran killer most the time), left on hook to die on 1sthook, one guy was never chased. The killer wasnt camping. soloqlife lol
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welcome to dbd, I feel your pain
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Jokes on you their both ######### one is just better hidden #########
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Sometimes I get good Solo teammates.
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I play solo mostly if I play survivor. I know how it feels. From talking to these people I believe they're just in the wrong game. They seem to think that stealthing around and getting the hatch is a good way to play. Some even believe they're good at the game.
All we can do is hope for killer players to punish that playstyle and hope they don't get the hatch as a reward for their antimate behaviour.
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Yep, Solo Queue is the most frustrating experience. It is also harder for Survivors to increase their SBMM, so you will be stuck with the people you play with. If I need to escape but am not able to because I play with 3 Bots, I will not get better players as my teammates. And escaping is the team effort, pipping is the Solo effort.
A few weeks ago I had a game where I did 3,5 Gens on my own. First a Gen with another Survivor and then 3 Gens while the others did not do much except for that one Gen which was left. So while I did 3 Gens on my own, the other 3 managed to get one Gen done. And guess who was the idiot who died to NOED?
It was me. Obviously. And I could have done nothing to prevent it, because if I would not have done those Gens, nobody would have done them. Yay.
(I dont mind dying or not escaping, but I mind dying due to a cheap Perk without any chance for me to prevent it, mostly due to incompetent teammates)
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there are very few in the wild, you are lucky to see one
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I cannot understand how they think, she obviously could see I was getting chased since I was the obssession, so why would she walk around doing nothing? staying hidden while the killer is on someone else doing all the looping sounds boring AF, I don't understand
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feels bad for you :( your team's fault that you got noeded
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Me neighter. I have no idea what kind of person has fun doing that or is able to behave like that without feeling guilty and useless. I mean it happens way to often to assume that they're all meming, right?
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they must be, there's no way they can think they are doing the right thing right now
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Yeah carrying the team and dying to a perk that no one likes sucks. Solo que is garbage
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I mean, they tried to save the one person who was on Death Hook by bodyblocking for them. So this person might have appreciated that.
(I usually find this annoying, when I get tunneled, I want my team to do Gens. Not really a fan of Loop with Friends, especially because it ######### me over all the time when someone else is at a Loop)
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I do the same! It's so delicious when the killer does find them 😈
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you aren't getting you useless!