Survivors give up or DC with legion

Hello everyone,
I love to play legion, I just enjoy playing him/her. I use her to practise and get better on tiles.
But everytime I have pressure, survivors just give up, suïcide on hook or DC. Why is that? I find it so pathetic to just give up when you are going to lose and not going to participate in normal gameplay. Its not because I camp or tunnel. I outplay them on tiles, they get downed and immediatly DC or kill themselves on hook.
They sometimes DC when I hit the first survivor with feral.
Do more legion players experience this or is it just me?
I play both sides equally and I personally never do this as a survivor.
It seems like a trend nowadays that a lot of people just give up if there are any difficulties... and then complain about it. Which killer doesn´t matter.
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Tbf I’d rather watch paint dry then play against him. It’s pretty boring for a lot of people
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There's no point to continue a match where you have no fun, so let them kill themself on hook. Why would you not?
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as killer I dont have fun either when everyone just gives up, cus they don't like legion.
So its only entitled for survivors to have fun?
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I rarely see any legions, and just as rare to see people dc against legion.
Doesn't seem like a legion problem, more of a problem how that legion is playing
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That is the point. If a killer is weaker than me, i do good, escape him and son on, it is a fun game for me. But if the killer is stronger or catches and hooks me then it is not fun - and of course if have to dc then, because it´s no fun, right? When trying to get better there is sadly a part of overcoming difficulties.
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With old Legion this was an issue because they were annoying asf for survivors to face but with Legion in their current state? Defo not.
I think it's more to do with the overall state of the game atm causing multiple dcs on both survivors and killers ends and or you don't play as fair as you say and people just don't wanna be in the match no longer.
Plus some people just don't like certain killers. For example, I'm like that when I face twins majority of the time I just wanna get outta the game.(if they're playing like a twat).
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I really hate DCing survivors, because they are just bad sports and spit in my survivor pudding.
If you feel outclassed and don't like the match, that's ok, just suicide on hook; you won't get a penalty and I get my points, it's a nice one for everyone involved. But a DC is just a childish way of throwing a tantrum.
That is, as long as the other side is playing normal and not slugging everyone, letting them bleed out or refusing to do gens and just want to harass the killer, in that case a DC penalty is much more favorable then suffering that.
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Boring = requires effort
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So you do in fact condone quitting when you're losing?
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It doesn’t. Legion is probably the easiest killer to counter hence why I don’t have fun
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But i really dont play like a twat, cus I dont like it either when a killer tunnels me out of a game or facecamps me. And i really don't care if I lose or win with killer. But I dont like a win, cus other people just give up.
I don't have the issue with other killers I play ( I don't main a killer, I just play them when I enjoy them and that are usually the weak killers lol)
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Yeah? It's "boring" to go up against a killer that doesn't have a power after the initial damage state and has a power that is trivially countered by just running when you see an Ally go to the mend state?
Why? What I find boring is to play vs. Killers that have little to no counterplay or annoying powers that prevent looping. Basic m1 killers are a fun break vs. blights, spirits and nurses.
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This is happening to me to recently let's say in the last month fromaybe 20 legion games 8 had a dc relatively early not even the one I downed and 5 games had people just unlive them self at hook had even someone that just left the pc after the whole team got hit with my stab right at the beginning and just dyed cause I could remember where he was when deep wound downed him
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Happens with every killer. Personally if a killer is being a total douche, I just kill myself on hook. Not giving him the pleasure of being toxic to me. So don't play like a douche, unless it is a SWF! F SWF! :)
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I feel like this general theme comes up every day on the forums for whatever reason. No, survivors generally aren't giving up because something is strong. Strength and fun aren't the same thing. Very few want to play a 15 minute deep wound simulator. You're usually going to experience a long slog of a game against a Legion. And you're very likely to have one terrible teammate who throws the game because they can't run a basic M1 killer for more than 20 seconds. It's not a fun time.
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Sometimes winning against Legion just isn't worth it.
Who enjoys mending 5 plus times a game.
We play the game for fun, if people aren't having fun, well , die and move to the next game.
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At what ranks the Legion still meets? 😆
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Funny enough, Legion players usually ragequit in my games as Survivor, or go AFK. It's usually just people not "having fun" on either side--however, that's still not an excuse to D/C.
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I think he is fine, the only killer I DC is Tricktres