The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Balancing and Changes are needed ASAP!

Dead by Daylight is currently way too survivor sided. Before people complain:

  1. 99% of all survivors use Dead Hard! You can wait for them to use it but most of the time they can get to another loop with it to waste even more of your time! 3 People do gens 1 is getting chased.
  2. You Change the Survivor you are currently chasing cuz you would waste too much time with this one: 1 Survivor is being chased and the one you chased before hops onto a gen as well so you basically have 3 survivors on gens 1 in chase... AGAIN! (that is why most Killers Dodge Private profiles or SWF)
  3. The Boons. We all know them. We all love them. Except for us killers we HATE them. The new perk HEX: Pentimento is definerly awesome BUT survivor bless totems instead of Cleansing them so the Perk is Useless and the blessing is way too strong. If the Killer could DESTROY them instead of Snuffing them out they would also cancel their own NOED if used.
  4. Eyrie of Crows and Mothers Dwelling are too big maps. 4.4 Killers like Trickster can only DC, Play against the Survivors Rulebook for Killers or just wait for the Match to end cuz you are too slow to be efficient on this map.
  5. The Game/Gideon Meatplant: Way! Too! Many! Pallets!
  6. PERKS!: Some perks i wonder why they exist cuz they are so bad even since release! You all know i mean Monstrous Shrine! This perk, Visionary, Deerstalker, Sole Survivor, Deja Vu, etc... Rework them they are useless.
  7. Killers get more Nerfed than survivors. If you encounter a SWF you should get whether Bonus Bloodpoints for every Survivor within a Group or for every survivor a small penalty to speeds like Gens, Heal etc... Not a Huge amount just a bit to balance it.


  • Feyd
    Feyd Member Posts: 428

    Alright. Point by point then.

    1) Dead hard is the only exhaustion perk you can control and use on demand. It has counters. Until other perks can be chosen to be used instead of always being used regardless of desire, it will remain the top perk. Lithe, Sprint Burst, and Balanced Landing all can get wasted at the wrong time.

    2) Yes.. if you leave one survivor, he will likely get on a gen. However, everyone can do gens. Not everyone can win chases. So if you can't get a hit in 30 seconds, you probably should look for a weaker survivor or you're likely to lose the entire game.

    3) Boons just mean more NOEDs since people are breaking totems even less. They're vastly overrated. Go ahead and neuter them for all I care.

    4) New map is definitely too big. I won't disagree there.

    5) The Game map sucks. Would be giddy to see it deleted.

    6) 90% of perks are useless. Short of making them on par with meta perks, they always will be.

    7) Killers definitely have not received more nerfs. The game balance has swung very heavily since the game's launch. There may have been some specific killers that have had some harsh nerfs, but that doesn't affect every killer like survivor nerfs affect every survivor. Plus there's still the nurse, where if you are good enough, you simply win regardless of what survivors do.