Killers - What Survivor behavior sets you off the most?

I would ask this of all players but I'm guessing the answers would all be camping/tunneling for survivors.
But Killers, what thing can a survivor or team do that will cause you to abandon all polite etiquette?
The obvious answer might seem to be teabagging/BMing (which I can easily ignore), but for me the one thing that will often lead me to drop all consideration for the survivor's "fun" is coordinated body blocking. Not the normal kind, but the absurd sort. When every time you pick up a survivor the whole squad is there crouching/blocking, all niceties are off.
It's not even all that effective when it comes to the final result of the game, it's just so damned tedious and annoying.
It used to be I'd sometimes run mad grit to counter this nonsense, but since the Trickster (and Starstruck), you don't see enough of this to justify running at all that often.
But I had teams do this to me twice tonight; the first time it was mildly effective (I got a 2k), the second I just slugged and bled out the whole team once it became obvious that they were going to swarm me at every pickup.
Flashlight clicking just annoys me, I dont care about T-bags, when it comes to bodyblocking I take it as a win since they may end up trading a hook for 2-3 hits that are gonna give me probably 4 easy take downs later on, In my opinion sometimes it ends up being a good trade that gets better depending on the killer, I've had people try to body lock me as blight and ends up turning into 4 easy downs...
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Teabagging and flicking - my patience has worn so thin with these people that I'm probably going to be stepping on the gas and if I have to camp, I'll camp. They are not making it out alive.
Coordinated bodyblocking I'm fine with, unless it's being done excessively for the sake of bullying, especially when you get those groups that will 99% the final gen and stall the game out just to show this off endlessly.
What really grates my cheese though are people who will be BM in the exit games or postgame. I totally sympathize with the occasional sore loser, but people who will gloat at you in a manner that would have them looking for their teeth if they did it after a pick-up game - chances are that for the rest of the evening, nobody I come up against will be having fun, and neither will I.
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Flashlight clicks and teabagging at every stun they get and if I do really well and they teabag when the gate is powered as they know that they can easily escape as soon as I can get to them. Look survivors get very cocky on how easy their side is.
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Flashlight clicking/teabagging at pallet stuns is so dumb I just a assume only noobs do it. They haven't yet realized that:
A) Good killers don't respect pallets and are perfectly willing to eat them
B) Getting you to drop them is usually a win for the killer
I don't get mad at teabagging because it wastes their time and just makes them look stupid. And of these little things (running around in circles after vaulting/stunning, looking back over their shoulder at you after they drop a pallet, etc.) they do that wastes even a second of their time is fine by me.
Teabagging at the gate is just noob #########.
In that light my hatred of body blocking makes even less sense, since the whole team is wasting a ton of time, but it just irks me for some irrational reason. It's like "I don't care if we don't do our objectives, I just want to prevent you from yours". I'm generally very, very difficult to tilt, but that one just gets me for some reason.
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Well, the ultimate survivor dick move is when the killer is visibly struggling against a much more skilled team, and the SWF decides it's a great opportunity to hang around, refusing to complete the last gen so they can keep bullying without fear of reprisal. But I don't think I've ever experienced that. At least, not as a killer. I did have a 2 or 3 man SWF try to do that to a baby Nurse, but I finished their gen.
So mine's pettier - tbagging and clicking at pallets. Gate BMing is annoying, but the game's over and I'm on the cusp of never interacting with these players again. And tbagging after a sick spin or unexpected flashlight save... at least you've got something to gloat about. But dropping a pallet? Like... really? You think you're hot ######### because you're in front of me and you pressed space? It's a particular kind of undeserved smugging that really irks me and it nominates someone to spend the rest of the game on a hook if they keep doing it. If you're tbagging at pallets, you either think you've accomplished way more than you have, or you're taking every opportunity you can to be rude to the killer. Either way, I don't like you and I may decide to pay back your brand of sportsmanship in full.
Also flashlight macros. Piss off. I always think there's something wrong with my computer at first, and hearing that sound for the rest of the game is ungodly irritating.
The whole-team-bodyblock strategy can be annoying (same with the whole team diving in for flashlight/pallet saves), but it tends to get them all killed; you get more health states out of each would-be-hook than they do and you'll win the war of attrition as long as you don't somehow lose all of them and let them reset. It also means slower gens, as with all overly-altruistic teams, so the game lasts longer and you have more time to handle chases. I don't mind it on the whole - the only problem is that the players who do this tend to have insufferable attitudes.
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Sometimes if a group of survivors is breaking hooks I'll slug everyone to death, as a "this is the fate you chose" thing. I stop playing nice, but it's not that it sets me off; it's just a "well, what did you expect?" kind of response.
If it seems like a team is mistreating a random or if survivors leave someone to die on their first hook, that sets me off. I had a match earlier today where three obviously experienced survivors left a total newbie to die on their first hook for no reason with five gens left, so I stopped playing nice and tunneled and slugged and hopefully made their dying very not fun. The last one crawled away so I found the hatch and stood on it, waiting while she bled out for 3+ minutes.
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All of the above i would say. Tagging, flashlight spamming and swarm blocking even the first hook.
But all that leads to from my side is not trying my hardest but instant ignoring of the offending player. Good luck playing an entertaining round in a pvp game without the opposition. And if the decide it is more fun tu run circles around me, i take a leak, get a drink or do something else productive.
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My strategy is sometimes to pick off the better players first (if it makes sense), and there have been times when the one person who escapes is by far the worst player, but they still BM at the gate. Really? Do you have no self awareness?
Or it you're the only survivor who escapes at all, you think you are slick with your whole team dead?
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Oh yeah. Or if a survivor is obviously trying to sell out a teammate(s). I will absolutely tunnel them into the ground and let the other one go.
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Which becomes really frustrating when the normally offended player doesn't get it and tries to help the jerk.
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Flashlight clicking, body blocking, and survivors blinding me every chance they get (even when I'm just standing still).
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Just being ######### #########.
Devs are jerks for not removing flashlight clicky clicking the moment it started being done. It adds nothing to the game besides explicitly anoying and making the game less pleasant for both Killers and Survivors alike.
Just give it a God forsaken cooldown of 2 seconds and be done with it, it is SO easy yet the Devs still do nothing.
It's amazingly pathetic.
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Flashlight clicking is a knife that cuts two ways; sometimes it is infuriating because you are being bullied, many times it's hilarious because they start doing it before they have a sense of how good you are, and are completely overmatched.
I've experienced multiple occasions where a survivor clicks their flashlight at me despite having gone down twice already with like 30 seconds of combined chase time. I'm like "what do you think is happening here?"
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What I love to do is not go into the exit games, set down some traps and then stand just out of their vision.
Often the chuds are so desperate for attention that they'll poke out, think I've gone AFK, hit a trap and...sometimes a surprise.
For me, if I see an SWF (especially a TTV) in the lobby, I'll dodge if I'm not playing Hag (the only killer I can really handle strong groups on).
Sometimes, those games are okay. Every so often you'll also get a bunch of newbies in a group together and I'll have panicked for nothing.
When I start to worry though is when it's an SWF and they switch to items at the last second and bring an offering for Haddonfield or Badham - because I know that these are groups who are just out to hurt you.
For instance, earlier I ran into a TTVer (I used to dodge them on principle, but I'll usually give it a shot now as I've had some fun games recently with TTVers). Haddonfield offering. Oh crapola - I've got a Surge+Scourged Hooks 'experimental' build, this is going to be rough.
Sure enough, it's a total bully squad. BNP, PTS, a fat medkit and a juiced flashlight - naturally stacked meta perks. Running the map like they've planned this out beforehand. Teabag flicky flicky constantly. I fought to the end and got 1-2 hooks on all of them and 1 dead (the TTVer) after I hooked and camped him at EOGC (I'm happy to camp if I've got 0 kills once gates are open). Very, very nearly turned the game around at several points, but just too many Dead Hards and ridiculously fast flashlights taking out my traps..
I check their profiles - sure enough, 3man SWF with 1500+ hours a piece (I've got 300).
Me: Whew, that was a tough one. Wrong build for Haddonfield. Well played.
TTV: LUL camping dog killer uninstall
Friend 1: Trash killer
Me: Dude, you've got 5x my hours and I came this close to beating you. Anyways, cheers.
TTV: Nah we were just memeing around bro and still schooled u lul
Friend 2: everyone thinks ur a joke EEEZZZZZ
And I lose another shred of my remaining hope for humanity.
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That sounds like a TTV who's 10 years old. Or has the maturity of one. Clearly it's definitely someone who wouldn't understand how to win with class, and someone who hopefully only has himself and their SWF buddies to count among their "viewers".
To the original question, when I play killer, anything I consider to be bad sportsmanship -- someone who's a poor sport in losing, or graceless when winning -- is what aggravates me the most. I still do get set off by stupid, incessant teabagging, but macro-spamming a flashlight (especially in conjunction with said bags) is the absolute worst.
Body-blocking, especially when in conjunction with attempted sabo or flashlight saves can be annoying, but it's not triggering for me. Usually, it represents an opportunity to snowball into a lot of map pressure, or even into a win. I've had numerous matches that ended in a hurry with four survivors on the ground (and no Unbreakables), and I've turned games that should have been easy escapes for the opposing team into 4K's because the survivors simply wouldn't allow me a hook and invited a mass slugging.
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Standing at hatches or gates, Just leave. You're just wasting my time.
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Finish gen in my face=tunnelin
Flashlight me=tunnelin
Pallet stun=tunneling
Loading into my match better believe that's tunnelin
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I play survivor but if I see teammates t-bagging and clicking they are on their own I won't unhook or take a hit for you.
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Nothing really sets me off but if I had to pick one it would be getting tagged by a bad looper, and specifically a bad looper.
Firstly, good loopers hardly ever teabag in my experience but the bad ones will just prethrow ultra safe pallets and teabag in their little safe bubble. Though as soon as they make it to a semi mind game able pallet they get downed quite easily.
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Benefits of being on console, no post game chat. Rarely someone will go out of their way to message you but it's usually a gg or that was fun etc. Very rarely its salty or rude.
Flashy clicks are irritating but they don't "trigger" me as such. It's a giant ignore this survivor signal to me. I look elsewhere and come back to them when it suits me. I have no idea if people are twerking in the gates because I never go and look. If they've clearly got there and won then I just do something else like look at the forums or whatever. Funny how they still wait till literally the last second to leave though, I like to think they are like apes scratching their heads "where killer?" " Why he no watch russian squat dance?"
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The whole "the killer has to SEE me escape" thing is so funny. The "I'm gonna stand on the open hatch until the killer comes" variety as well. Just gotta have that extra little smidge of validation, I guess.
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Bodyblocking with bt. Sure mr smartass ill tunnel you if you want to
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Body blocking doesn't bother me as it's a chance to hurt more survivors specially if I'm playing basement trapper.
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Saying gross stuff in post-game chat or cheating. I honestly don't care about anything else.
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- Cheating, seriously why cheat in a game like DBD, it's like cheating in among us or fall guys.
- Survivors who are super toxic despite stacking strong add ons and sending killer to a good map.