I want to play killer but

OxyReap Member Posts: 90
I'm getting mad when people pallet loop me. How do you deal with it in your mind and in game?? Need serious tips, I Miss Myers so bad. 


  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    There's not many things you can do except getting better and exploiting the few options that are given to you depending on the situation.

  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @guest602 that help a lot, ty
  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @Runiveris Yes sadly the game is all about pallet looping for the moment. 
  • Azakura
    Azakura Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2018
    Get enduring so you can shrug pallets, not respecting pallets this way will get you some easy hits. I dont use any pallet perks as killer and generally don't struggle with them but if I did that's what I'd do
  • Yohthao
    Yohthao Member Posts: 9

    It's natural to feel mad when survivors pallet loop you. A way to control my anger when survivors pallet loop me is to entertain your killer side (figuratively.) Imagine the feeling of catching the survivors once they are downed. Imagine the feeling when you finally succeeded in downing a survivor after a chase that was so frustrating you wanted to quit. The feeling of perseverance and end-goal of catching a survivor should entice your mind. If you fail to catch a survivor, that's fine. You have to come to terms that if you fail to catch survivors, it's because you're not knowledgeable enough in hunting them yet but that you can do better to catch them if you really think strategically.

    I would recommend you look for a comprehensive killers guide on this forum or Steam, as you might find them useful. I learned from my own trial and error.

    The best tip i would give to you though as both from playing survivor and a killer for a while now is to WALK BACKWARDS & SIDE TO SIDE as a killer! If you're being looped in a short area, (Such as a pallet between boxes but not the shacks) you can basically trick survivors to vaulting too soon! You'll recognize this as you analyze your own survivor instincts and watch other survivors. Once you get too close to survivors, it is wired in survivors instincts to vault the pallet immediately (same goes for windows.) You can use this to your advantage by quickly running to the other side and lunge for the survivor (if its like i said where the area you're being looped in is a short distance to walk from one side of the pallet to the other).

    Of course, I know that text isn't TOO helpful, as you'll need to see an example of tricking survivors to vaulting too soon. But it's all in STRATEGY.

  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @Yohthao thank you for your help <3
  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @Azakura I'm not recalling getting stunned, but I feel like I just can't catch them if I don't chase them for 10minutes.
  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    You can't avoid pallet towns unless you play with the nurse. The most you can aspire is recovering that lost time with anti gen rush perks.

  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @Irisorathats what I'm grinding here, I'm going to take the perk who destroy pallet faster too. Want to give it a try 
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    edited June 2018
    play the nurse.  she stops that crap right quick.  to quote the walking dead's neegan-"i will shut that ######### down!"

    seriously.  practice and don't give up on her.  i have many videos of nurse in media section.  she ain't playin'.
  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    @OxyReap said:
    @Irisorathats what I'm grinding here, I'm going to take the perk who destroy pallet faster too. Want to give it a try 

    Brutal strength used to be faster 40% breaking speed in earlier versions of the game, now it's only 20%, it's not very noticeable. Better use Enduring from Billy and try to hit them disrespecting the pallets.

    I suggest you to get those anti gen rush perks before if you can: Hex: Ruin, Overcharge, Pop goes the Weasel.

    Huntress Lullaby can be good too but mostly with the Doctor, combined with Unnerving presence, Distressing and his madness power you can make wonders.

  • OxyReap
    OxyReap Member Posts: 90
    @ZombieGenesis hope it will change asap.

    @EpicFailTryHard I don't have trouble with her, but it's not my gameplay. I love Myers cause of his stalking ability. In fact, I love the early of Myers, when you approach sneaky peaky like, and you stalk them to get T3 in 20 seconds. But I have no trouble with others (except Hillbilly, I'm horrible with him.)

    @Irisorayes I think it's the best strategy atm. 
  • Azakura
    Azakura Member Posts: 68
    OxyReap said:
    @Azakura I'm not recalling getting stunned, but I feel like I just can't catch them if I don't chase them for 10minutes.
    The more you play killer, the more you'll be able to start predicting where they'll be going. I also use Monitor and Abuse on all my killers, it'll give you an extra 8 meters of not being heard which if they're working on gens gives you a very noticable distance close so you don't start as far from a chase. A must for my gameplay and I often sacrifice all 4 or at least 3.
  • Cypraz
    Cypraz Member Posts: 136

    in the end you'll go up against pro loopers, so play nurse...a lot! or forget killer if pallet looping annoys you.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited June 2018
     go ahead and chase hard to make them drop every pallet on the map. itll take a few minutes, but afterwards the rest of them will have nothing to use, and you will coast thru the rest of it

    also keep in mind that many of them will fail to loop and just drop them early to buy time for them to run to the next one. so if one is very loopy, maybe try another that will drop them faster.