I feel like noone is playing the Artist.
I played her once. I couldn't figure out how to work her power. That's why I don't play her anymore.
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I played a couple survivor matches last night. Faced her multiple times.
Unfun to go against. Makes me feel like I'm just supposed to run in a straight line when she places a crow at a loop until I go down. Not worth my very limited spare time. Boring gameplay.
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I've seen her average amount of times, which is sad because I like going against her.
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Nah not anymore, that was the case long ago when there were fewer Killers and every release felt fresh but now we have 26 and 7 out of 8 last releases are ranged and built around locking animations, in the end they are all "wait for Survivor to be locked and hit em" it gets stale.
Its another "the Killer is ranged" episode... yawn how original...
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I like the idea behind her but I feel like it's just way too easy to counter her powers. You can scan for survivors at a distance but most attentive survivors will just walk 2 meters away from the generator to let the crows pass before resuming work and even if they do get swarmed they'll just jump into the nearest closet immediately dispelling the crows. So with long range attacks mostly no feasible you're only left with the stuff at the loops....except most of the time when you try to set up crows they'll just leave the loop and go to the next one. Sometimes they'll just leave it and it results in a free hit but you're basically spending 60% of your match doing this against competent survivors.
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Last I checked slinger was in the pre-nerf state for over a year, not a month
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1) People are realizing they GROSSLY overestimated her overall strength. She is no where near the S tier people thought she was gonna be. She isn't even near A tier.
2) To actually use her as anything more than an anti killer shack killer you have to play her VERY well, and mind game other survivors. This is simply not realistic to her power level. Think if nurse had to hit 3 times to down someone. Its just not enough bang for your buck.
3) Its just another anti loop killer. Not much creativity. Why play a raven lady who just....shoots a raven as her anti loop when you can play any of the other way better anti loop killers.
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I will dive deeper into her once I have unlocked all perks and have a supply of add ons. I am likely not alone.
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I've been getting her a lot in my matches.
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Keep in mind there are 25 other killers and not everybody unlocks the newest killer right away. Plus this week is a free DbD giveaway so there’s also new accounts with hardly anything unlocked. Those facts alone probably cut into the number of matches you see her.
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Rather her than 4 matches against LeatherFace in a row.
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Well i intend to play her more, but im still getting the perks for the build, i barely got P3 2 days ago, but since she can't interupt from a far and her chases are very long for the most part (because everyone just holds W and she is heavily slowed down during her power), i can see why ppl aren't playing her very often.
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I havent bought the DLC yet so I havent been playing her at all. I'm sure some people are saving up BP to max out all of the perks they want for her too
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I played DBD today because some friends invited me to and I didn't want to let them down like that.
The Artist was the first killer that we faced.
Even if it is a bit rare, you can find her.
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Whoa, a GeneralV out in the wild in 2021 DBD? That's like finding a unicorn.
On topic, I still see and play Artist quite a bit. Her power is somewhat map-dependent, but it's by no means weak. If there's anything discouraging people from using her, it's that she takes practice, and her ranged power doesn't have the same reactivity as, say, Huntress or Nemesis - you need to lead your shots a few seconds in advance, or even ten seconds in advance, which obviously increases the window for survivors to react. It's a different experience and I can see why people might not enjoy her.
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I have yet to face her... 🙃 Everyone's talking about how survivors already know how to counter her and I'm going to be the potatiest potate you've ever seen when I finally play against her.
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People dont like to spend money these days... She is very fun and quite easy killer. Everyone should try her.
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Then you just found one :)
It is indeed a rare sight, but I wouldn't let my friends down like that.
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I'm just not playing killer at all. Especially with the horrible performance some of us have had since the patch dropped. Killer is frustrating enough. Killer with 20 frame drops upon swinging an m1 or hitting a Nem tentacle or something is actually unplayable. However I have played survivor as the lag is less of a hinderance there, and I have barely seen any Artists. The few I did see didn't get kills. Despite that, I expect nerfs.
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Well she is an OC killer so she can just be bought with shards. And honestly even if they don't play the new killer, I assume most people buy the DLC so they can unlock the perks. I don't play Blight ever, or Hag, but I sure wanted their perks. You can wait on the shrine but at minimum it's going to be like half a year.
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Thats a bad attitude. How can you advocate for one sides fun and not care about the other. I'm a killer main that has alot of problems with the state of killer right now but that doesn't mean I don't want the other side to have fun as well. If you want one side to have a fair time then you also need to take in consideration of the other side other wise your just an elitist (insert role) main.
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I’ve faced 3 today. I’m playing her exclusively atm too
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Played when she first came out on console and I did not like the button setup to place the crows it kept confusing me.
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Because it's laughable to go "this killer is unfun!", while survivors have way more insanely unfun meta perks right now.
That's basically just a huge whataboutism. If x thing is bad for the game, then y also being bad doesn't just excuse the fact that x may be bad.
And if you really want to go into it then netiher of us have a point because fun is a subjective thing.
Precisely. So why are you trying to gatekeep subjective opinions? Because their point is biased to one side? Yours is clearly just as biased so it wouldn't exactly be fair to say that their opinion is irrelevant because of that.
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I was screwing up quite a bit my first game or two as well. I spent the first game just practicing with crows not trying to kill. After that I won 5 games in a row then got ######### on lol. Haddonfield and survivors who understood her better than I do. Last night a group sent me to Ormond and when survivors send me to a map like that it makes me try hard. All four were down on the ground with 3 gens remaining. I hooked one and decided to let them reset. The hooked one killed himself before realizing I was letting them reset.
Proceeds to message me over and over during the match. Why you not kill them? Why you Artist? She boring. After I killed them all again I responded with "why is she boring?". Hard to loop was the answer. I explained you can just loop the same against every killer. They are called anti-loop for a reason. Do you play against Clown the same way? Yes clown is not good at anti-loop...lol you are playing ######### Clowns then because you guys would have been dead sooner if I was clown. I barely know what I'm doing with her anti-loop.
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It's not because she's weak, that's for sure.
She's very tedious to play against so it's probably a good thing there aren't many of them (yet).
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Not strong enough.
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muh whataboutisn
muh scott "i can't use my power here" jund
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I don't really understand why people are calling her a anti-loop killer.
She really isn't. She has the same anti-loop properties as a trapper. You can place your power at a loop to shut it down but the time it takes to do that allows the survivor to go to another loop.
I would even say trapper has better antiloop as he doesn't slow down as much when faking his power.
I haven't found an effective playstyle yet but using her as a antiloop just doesn't work if the survivors know what they are doing.
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Then no one is buying dlc finnally.
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I agree, I used to LOVE twins
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I don't play her because I haven't gotten her Adept yet. I'm waiting for the rank reset. But I probably still won't play her because she's just another Anti-Loop killer, and those are incredibly boring IMO
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She isn't a anti-loop killer
She can shut a loop down simular to how trapper can by trapping the pallet but you slow down so much by doing this the survivor can make it to another loop 9/10 times.
Real anti loop killers like Phead don't slow down as much when faking their power. If you are at a loop with Phead then the only way you make it to the next loop is if you stun him or he misses his attack. Trying to run after he faked his power will most likely result in a m1.
With the artist you slow down so much that even faking your power most of the time won't give you a hit.
I don't quite know what kind of killer she is but playing her anti loop is like playing trapper and only trapping loops when in chase.
It really doesn't work
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Dowsey used her and just SPAMMED crows all match and smashed his SPACE BAR everytime a pallet was dropped. Like he sweated that spacebar more than I've ever seen any streamer LOL he got a 4K. GG RIP.
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She literally forces you away from loops because if you stay, she'll force you into an M1 or her Crow. And she can just do that over and over again, so your only real option is to hold "W". That just screams Anti-Loop killer because she prevents you from looping her.
I'm guessing that you mean Phead as Pyramid Head. And I honestly wouldn't really call him an Anti-Loop killer. I guess he has a little bit anti-loop in his kit, but he's just really oppressive in chases. He doesn't force you away from the loop at all. And if you play safe and smart, he will struggle, even a good one. That does not work against a good Artist.
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Only reason for me is that its december and i gotta save all my extra cash for my kids xmas presents. As much as id love to play her its that time of the year to cut frivalice spending for a few months
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See forcing you away from tiles isn't anti looping in my book. You didn't stop the looping you just moved it to another tile. Chain looping is still looping.
A anti looper is a killer that can hit you in the loop and doesn't slow itself down enough to make running to another tile a feasable option
Would you concider trapper, hag or pig anti loop killers? Cause they also can use their power to force you to leave the tile.
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Cos she is crap and needs buffs like every other killer
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She is the best killer released this year and by far !
"Shift+W counter her" Survivors shift+w vs every killer (beside Nurse and Blight) so...
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I just saw this, good to have you back in the fog even if it's temporary.
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I have yet to play against her. 🙃
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Trapper and Hag, kind of
Pig, no she doesn't shut down loops at all