Are you having fun when playing killer?

Hey guys, I wanted to make this poll because since MMR came out, I can't play a single fun and relaxing match. I don't know if I am getting worse in the game or I always was terrible but almost every match I get in, the gens are done really quickly and I am forced to camp or slug. When I'm not using one of the best killers, I rarely get more than 4 hooks before there's 1 gen left. Moreover, only meta perks are used every match and not a single person heals. 9 out of 10 games there is someone with prove thyself, resilience, everyone with DS, dead hard, BT and some unbreakables or soul guards. I am really sad that a game I have always loved has turned into one of the most frustrating experiences I have during my day.
Are you having fun when playing killer? 70 votes
No, doesn't matter the killer
the game is unbalanced, so current MMR kinda ruins the killer experience for me, you can't properly make it a skill-based thing if it all boils down to what perks, killer, or RNG you get, instead of actual skill. and there's not even an option for a casual/bot mode, so eventually, all your games are just sweaty with survivors only running the same 4 perks and you being forced to only use the same 2 killers or same 4 perks unless you're planning to lose every single match. does it work? kinda. is it fun? no. (and bonus points because if you do reach high mmr, congratulations, every match has hackers now)
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No, doesn't matter the killer
Played 3 games as The Doctor where in the first minute or two I would snowball and manage to hit every survivor in each game, and within 20 seconds all but the one I was chasing was healed. 3 gens get done by the time I hook my first survivor (doesn't matter which killer I'm playing). Each match is basically just every survivor running meta perks, and maybe every 2 matches is a SWF sweat squad. I keep getting the same maps, The Game, Red Forest, Crotus Prenn, Backwater Swamp, finally had my first match on McMillain in over 3 weeks. Not to mention all of the bugs, between audio just not working, game stuttering every time a survivor is unhooked, auto aim just deciding it'd rather hit the air instead of the survivor directly in front of me. OVerall, I've had a fun time getting kicked in the crotch repeatedly. 10/10 would recommend.
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No, doesn't matter the killer
I had a break since boon patch. Nerfs to my main (DS), CoH etc.
Well, tried to go back during double BP. My skill got worse (didn't play), but my MMR didn't. You can guess how those games went...
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Only with the ones I am really good at
Not really the ones I am good at, but the ones I have perks on. Much less stressful of a time when perks carry so much weight in this game.
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Only with the ones I am really good at
Executioner is always fun. So is artist.
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Yes, with any killer
"any Killer" means those which I actually enjoy playing. I dont have fun playing Trickster or Hag, but I dont play them normally. But still the answer which fits the most I guess.
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Yes, with any killer
I have fun with most killers, even the ones I’m bad at. Except Nurse, I can’t stand staring at my feet half the match, she’s the only killer I actively don’t play.
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Yes, with any killer
Yep, still having a great time. Matches are more consistent, which does mean harder, but not to a level I can't overcome- most of the time. Being rolled every once in a while isn't the worst thing in the world, though.
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Yes, with any killer
Not really any killer. Some I just can’t use the power with (I am on controller…)
but the ones I play regularly I have mostly fun with. Otherwise i would not play after all. It’s a game, not work.
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Yes, with any killer
MMR doesn't vary by killer, does it?
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No, doesn't matter the killer
I'm just annoyed that protection hits don't disable decisive. It's pretty bs.
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I am a poor killer at best. This morning, I got three iridescent red one survivors. It was not fun. But I also get easy ones who survive like me and run in a straight line, hide in plain sight, etc.
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After Artist came out i've had a really horrendous time playing killer. I dont know why it just started to be worse but i had more fun before the Artist
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Only with the ones I am really good at
I love playing killer. But for example, with Blight, I can't control him, I'm terrible with him, so I don't have fun. I'm not the greatest at Pinhead or Nemesis, but I don't completely suck with them, like with Blight.
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It depends. When the whole survivor loudout consists of the same 6 perks it's super boring though...
Hit validation, cancelling grabs or other animations, Haddonfield, RPD, Badham, Midwich... It all piles up for quite frustrating experience at times - especially when survivor doesn't even have to know pallet save timing and simply gets revived with the hit validation or when grab of unhooking survivor gets cancelled into a hit which autoaim decided should go onto unhooked survivor (still with hook invulnerability on)...
I play meme survivor builds mostly now.
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Yes, with any killer
I'm talking about the killer I'm in the mood for right now. I can have fun with anyone. I'm only good with a few. XD
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If I play for hooks heeeell no.
If I tombstone people, yes.
Playing for hooks especially with weaker killers is like a minimum wage job. Too much work barely any reward.
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Yes, with any killer
To be fair, as a solo q player, solo q is hell to me... and i enjoy more playing killer since i'm better at it.
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Yes, with any killer
I don't usually put my enjoyment into how many kills I get, but I feel like I give as good as I get. The more I play, the better I get at bonking the sweaty guys. Hell, I'm even a Twins main and I enjoy killing more than surviving. That said, there are many times where I just feel like the game is set up unfairly against me, and I'm just making the best of a bad situation.
But I guess to answer the main question, I greatly prefer the hunt and the hook to the locker and the generator.
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No, doesn't matter the killer
I used to but I stopped playing killer for a reason. Solo survivor is a lot more relaxing and fun and if you die it's ok on to the next game. As killer you feel pretty bad when you fail I don't know why really, and it's so stressful when you get good at it
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No, doesn't matter the killer
Only play a maximum of 3 Killers,none of which are top tiers, and all 3 are pretty high MMR, so yeah you can guess why I'm not having fun
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Yes, with any killer
After 3 months of playing I finally made it to Red Rank 1 killer last night. I watch Odtzdarva and learn from him, play mostly casually though and for fun, no meta builds or anything. Killer is fun and chill, love playing it. During the steam sales I bought every Killer and Survivor and have fun playing them all.
I have ADHD so I get bored playing the same thing over and over again, that's probably why I'm so hooked on this game because the sheer amount of variety to choose from haha
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Only with the ones I am really good at
I'm having fun right now with the Artist, pentimento and the new scourge.
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Only with the ones I am really good at
Yes, I'm having a good time and learning some new stuff. I mainly play the Pig and Ghost Face.
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Only with the ones I am really good at
Nemesis is still fun as my main. My primary reason for playing this game nowadays is feeling the reward of my skill, or at least my commitment. After playing 2500+ hours its all that matters to me. With the new MMR system, its very very hard to get into and enjoy new killers since it becomes a tremendous struggle to actually learn them. The game continues to match me against survivors who are only of equal skill level when i am playing one of my top tier mains. It is not balanced to put me against these same players when i am playing a killer i have a low/mediocre level of skill in. I Should not be matched against survivor youtubers day 1 of playing the artist.