PS5 Crashing

Anyone experiencing console crashing on the PS5? my system never did this up until now. I will be in mid game and the whole console will shut off and not be able to be powered back on manually or by controller. Unplugging the main cord and plugging it back in is the only solution. I thought It was my outlet so I got a new one to make sure it wasn't causing a short but it still happened, after today I noticed my console was absolutely hot, not sure if it overheated and caused the console to turn off but its only happened playing DBD. so if anyone has an idea of what to do, let me know thank you! 😓
If your console was really hot and shutting down it's probably a safeguard to prevent permanent damage like how if your GPU gets too hot it'll shut down your computer. Make sure you clean out all the air vents and your system is in a place where it has room to breath.
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Thats just the thing I dust often around the console and everything cause they're dust prone lol, I just don't understand why its happening specifically with that game. its usually an hour before it happens, other games it won't crash when I've been on for a couple of hours.
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Sorry for the late response I was looking into it a little bit and it seems to have something to do with the latest patch and it's more than just consoles it's PC's as well. But yeah, it's not something that's your fault or something that you can control. Your system shutting off is just a safeguard against damage from overheating. I'd say just play and keep and eye on things and if it keeps overheating and shutting off maybe take a little break from DBD I know it sucks but so does a broken PS5 lol
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One thing I would suggest is deleting DBD and then downloading it again.
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i'd recommend seeing if you need to get the fan replaced. had the same issue with my ps4 a while ago.
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Thanks for doing the research lol, I tried reddit but no luck, then remembered to try here. didn't know it was happening to PC users too. but thank you a lot! hopefully a update soon will fix that. ill try the deleting and reinstalling and see if that works.