Lobby abuse by killers

Joined a random pug and we happened to all pick Mikela Reid because 3/4 already had her. We did not know eachother and weren't even an swf(not that it should matter). 2 Killers dodge lobby then third decides to go except he DCs during match loading. Now I have to wait in another 10 min queue while the killer gets no penalty at all for intentionally starting the match and dcing during loading. Yet I get a penalty if I dc the last hook because some killer double tunnel and camped the hook on me just to let them know how I feel about their gameplay. How does your system of fairness make any sense whatsoever? At the very least a disconnected load should give the people who didn't disconnect an instant queue.
How do you suppose an instant queue even happens
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Can't say I blame killers for not wanting to play against Mikela since CoH is her base perk.
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Is this satire?
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Can't blame anyone playing killer for skipping that lobby. One CoH is bad enough. Four CoH? Fawgettaboutit.
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I doubt the killers assumed you were SWF. They probably just assumed you all were running boon perks and didn't want to deal with it. I've seen some killers say they'll dodge a lobby with even just one Mikaela.
When a killer leaves the lobby, your lobby gets priority in procuring a new killer. That doesn't help if someone disconnects on the loading screen, but when you're having long survivor queues, that's a good time to switch to playing killer for instant matches.
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They left because of 4 same characters, not because of boons, since every character can have boon after 2 hours boon patch dropped.
4 same characters indicate higher possibility of 4man so some killers dodge those
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Man I went against a lobby with three of them having boons and it was the most exhausting match I had to dealt with. Every time I snuff a boon another one pops up that eventually I stopped snuffing it because there's three of them across the map.
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DC during the loading screen hey? Looks like you neglected to mention the map offering because thats the only reason a killer would dc during loading.
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You uhhh... You want BHVR to patch in more killers into queues..?
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Its the same for surv. if a survivor dcs while loading it ends the match for everyone. Its not bias, and it doesnt need a punishment because youre not ruining a game that hasnt started and wont start
mikaela has some of the best perks in the game atm, imagine that 4 times, nobody would want to play against that
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Honestly its been long enough that now I just assume all survivor teams are all running 4 boons no matter the character. And I'm usually 50-75% right every game.
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I had a teammate quit during loading like 2 weeks ago....lol it happens often but this one sticks out. 2 anni cakes and a party streamer while I brought a yellow cake with WGLF. My mouth was watering and boop to endgame screen.
I sent the DC a message just joking around "Really? You suck ass right now" got 24 message ban.....SMH in 12 years of xbox live I get my first ban for sucks ass.
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Having 4 of the same person is a headache to anyone trying to play fairly, according to survivors, or avoid wasting time with the glut of State Farm Accident Forgiveness perks. The thought of having 4/5 totems blessed and reblessed then blessed again and reblessed once more really sucks.
The way around it is boring and ineffective. Target switching to build pressure would be a joke. You can't rely on avoiding the just unhooked person tanking a hit with borrowed time. It's a situation primed for abusing the mechanics intended purposes.
That is why it's good to have a backup ready to go. If I enter a lobby and something like that happens I tend to not be so mean to the person that changes. If they want to be indistinguishable from each other I'm not going to try to be decent.
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Bless that killer who DC'd during the loading screen. What an absolute legend.
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Well that may be true but 4 Mikaela’s basically guarantee at least 1 or 2 boons and most killers don’t want to deal with that.
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Four of the same character hints towards a 4-man SWF and also makes it so that it's harder to tell people apart (meaning you can't easily track things like hook progress, or which person has what exhaustion perk in chase.) A lot of killers don't like dealing with that. Then you have the added guarantee of 4 CoHs with Mikaelas, and yeah, I'm not surprised people bailed. It's similar to seeing 4 TTVs or 4 toolboxes; you know it's going to be a frustrating match and not everyone wants a piece of that.
Now, a killer that intentionally DCs on load is a dick (assuming it wasn't server problems, because those are a thing right now.) I'll give you that. But why are you disconnecting when you're about to exit the game anyway? Literally the only thing you're doing is giving yourself a penalty and giving up your points. The killer doesn't care. You're actually giving them more emblem score by disconnecting whilst on hook - it counts as both a sacrifice and a DC and gives two quantities of points. Twice I've gotten an adept achievement because somebody DCed while they were being death hooked.
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Killers will look at 4 of the same survivor and assume its a SWF.
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Same outfits?
I usually dodge a lobby with three or four identical characters because it's difficult to know who is who and maybe I'm chasing the one I don't want, the only one I know who is, is the obsession. Also the presence of three or four identical characters frequently means toxic premade.
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Who would play against Mikaelas? CoH is a too strong stupid perk atm and it's very unfun to play against it.
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I see too many identical characters, an obvious 4-man SWF or multiple flashlights and I'm out. Two or more Mikaela's is a nope too; reduces the odds of a bajillion boons.
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Was there a map offering?
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As long as my killer queues are instant no way in hell I'm playing against 4 of the same characters xd. My game also has a strange bug of crashing whenever someone uses a Haddonfield or Badham offering.
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Dude I have that bug too! Total crash to dashboard... Sucks cause I totally wanna play those games out.
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Really strange indeed, no idea how this bug remained for so long in the game.
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If I see a lobby full of the same character, I generally dodge. It's like teams that switch to a full item loadout just before the match starts.
It gives you a surprising advantage over the killer as much harder to remember/figure out how many hook stages a player has before committing to a chase with them.
Just...don't do it.
I must say that I haven't encountered that bug, but my dog does have a weird habit of walking in and dragging me off to the kitchen to feed him the second I see one of these offerings.
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How many matches did you dodge when you saw the hidden offering before Mori was nerfed?