How is this not an indication of skill?

After losing five matches in a row, the game throws me a bone and puts me on a team of players that have clearly been playing quite a bit since the reset, with a killer that obviously hasn't been. I know grades indicate how often people play and isn't indicative of skill, but to be fair neither is SBMM. All the new MMR does is measure kills and escapes. If anything the grade system is more accurate than SBMM itself. At least it tells you how efficiently people needed to play in order to rank up. This poor killer only wound up with two hooks, which was a far cry from the Killers I faced prior. This match was so lopsided that it wasn't even funny. No wonder people don't want to play killer anymore. People who play killer don't want to be the survivor's plaything, and that's what it feels like in matches like this.
Yeah thanks to "skill" (escape) based matchmaking!
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Definitely doesn’t have to do with him playing a M1 killer with some not very great perks. Right?
Ironically, I just finished watching Scott Jund’s video about grades vs. MMR. Pretty accurate.
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I mean it's not necessarily skill but yeah to reach red ranks you have to play a good amount and if you play a good amount you'll definitely have a better understanding of the game. In terms of looking at it like that yeah I guess you could say they're most likely more skilled than someone in bronze or ash sometimes even silver. However if you "lose" every single game you play by getting killed for a month you can still pip and make it to red ranks.
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Yeah we all felt this Killer's pain. Every single survivor waited at the gate and allowed the killer to hit them as they fell out to escape. If you notice they also didn't have any meta perks either compared to everything we were equipped with. Crazy.
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Which makes you wonder the pain new players must feel.
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Oof. No.
I'm Iri 1 on killer. So are the best killers in the world.
I've been playing killer for maybe 270 hours. I've got bad eyes, crap reflexes and get distracted by passing clouds.
Grade isn't rank and it's certainly not MMR. It's not easy to gain at the highest grades - sure - but it's even harder to lose. All you need is one short streak and you've leaped up another grade, and you can't depip past that level, so eventually you get another streak, even if you lose 20 games before it happens.
I'm...somewhat reluctant in accepting the opinions of ultra high MMR monsters when it comes to SBMM, as ranks benefitted them directly at the expense of everyone else.
Under ranks, as killers had virtually no matchmaking protections, high MMR killers were put up against a huge range of survivors, and vice versa. This was great for the high MMR players...not so great for everyone else.
It's where those '100 win streak' videos came from. Those won't be happening under SBMM, and there's a reason for that.
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If you watch the video, Scott explains that he still gets the most ridiculous variety of matches. One you’ll be sweating your butt off for two hooks, the next you have potatoes gen locking themselves - if they even get more than one gen done. And I agree and see the same in my matches, both as killer and survivor.
Because MMR says Urban Evading, Spine Chilling, Iron Willing, Self-Caring Nea, who hid while everyone else did all the work yet got out the gates, is a better survivor than the one who died with a higher score so that she could.
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I can definitely still get a 100 win streak.
It'd just be slightly harder and would take more patience
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I definitely see a lot of variance.
I also definitely see less variance than I did under ranks, by a mile. You'd have to dig up my earliest posts, but something like 2/3 of my games were either against people at red/purple ranks with 20-200x my hours, or people smurfing at yellow ranks with 20-200x my hours.
Now I'll still get the odd 'wat' matchup, and the occasionally stupid chain of TTV SWFs (particularly at offpeak) but it's nothing like it used to be.
I think this is less a matter of ranks/MMR for Scott and more about him being among the best players in the world. Of course he's going to see more variance because the vast majority of groups aren't as good as him, even in his MMR 'bracket'. But I watch a fair few high-MMR streamers and everyone agrees that the quality of their opponents has gone up enormously. Otz, for example, has outright said that he won't be doing his crazy 'streak' videos anymore.
I think he also underestimates how much of a map is determined by RNG, which killer/perks/addons you have and what map you were sent to.
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I' to see someone pull this off. Otz style - so no addons etc.
But until someone manages it - I doubt it's possible. He loses games all the time now on killer, some of them pretty convincingly.
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The whole thing gives you whiplash. There's no gradual ascent or decline through levels of skill until you reach the medium of your talent. You just bounce around willy-nilly from First Game newbies to people who literally buy houses from the money they make playing this game all day.
They don't show you the numbers involved, but it sure feels like they're working with a binary 1 or 0 formula.
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There's a lot of words for this phenomenon, but I've always like 'confidence'.
Basically, the less consistent your performance, the more volatile your MMR is going to be.
Most MMR systems tend to jump around wildly for a while until they can find a spot where you are mostly consistent and then things start to even out.
SBMM has some...quirks (see: bafflingly weird design decisions) like trying to prioritize queue times really rapidly and also causing you to gain extra MMR if you kill even 1 survivor out of your range while barely decreasing it if you get stomped in these 'snack' matches, as well as tying your new killers to the MMR of your highest killer but, especially on peak, the quality of my matches is a lot higher.
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He even had monstrous shrine. I respect that killer now
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I wanted ONE thing out of MMR: give me easy matches for killers I don't play and are difficult to use (like Blight), so that I can take the time to learn their powers. That was expressly called out as one of the main goals for MMR, and the primary rationales for killer-specific MMR. And then, they stripped it away because "oh well, you know the basics of the game so you don't need new players."
Yeah. If I want to run around and M1 without my power, I can do that. That's not the point. The point was to give me games where I could practice the power without getting juked at every tile every time. It's miserable trying to learn a new killer power and the new MMR system specifically does not help (despite being promised that it would.)
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Oh no, I'll use strongest add-ons and the strongest perks.
Survivors won't be limiting themselves, so why should I?
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That is a very bad Freddy build tho...
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Because that's generally not how these 'streak' videos are done. That's a different format entirely.
If you are talking something like a 3 blink nurse or Ring Blight then...maybe? It would probably go from 'impossible' to 'unlikely'.
That said, it would still be an interesting experiment. I'd be curious to watch the VODs.
My point though is that those '100 wins on pre-rework Plague, no addons' streaks are likely to be impossible, where before SBMM they were possible.
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So much borrowed time and ds. LOL
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Same. I was always hesitant to play a new killer with the old matchmaking system, and for good reason. The first time I ever played Ghostface I got stomped horribly, which is why I really wish this game had a proper bot mode for practicing with killers. Sadly SBMM is no better. A while back I played a match with Doctor, someone I hardly ever play, and I literally got just one hook because it was that sweaty of a match. I now feel less incentivized to touch killer than ever before, which completely goes against what SBMM was supposed to be all about.
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BeCaUsE rAnKiNg iS dIfFeReNT fRoM sKiLl
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From one Freddy lover to another, I agree, but it makes you wonder was this a player who was messing around and having a hard time, or was this a newer player? This is an expected build that newer players are going to have until they pay for characters that have better perks. Sadly this was a prime example of just how DBD has become pay to win.
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If those other guys are a swf then it’s definitely possible they simply were in the queue a while and the system eventually just put them in the first available match. It will only wait so long to put high rated players in a match if there’s not a similarly rated opponent.
Also I hope that Freddy was just trying Monstrous Shrine out for the heck of it that game. That perk is maybe the worst killer perk in the game in my opinion, absolutely worthless. He may as well have been using an empty slot.
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Ranking up with grades doesn't mean anything. I can stop playing for 3 months, and then grind a Rift and get Rank 1 without even trying. Doesn't mean I'm good, it just means I've played recently.
Grades lumped casuals and competitive players together all the time.
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It doesn't mean you're good, but it does mean you're RECENTLY EXPERIENCED. If you take a 3 month break from the game and come back, you have to shake off the cobwebs and you'll be playing a lot worse than if you'd been playing consistently. Even if you're getting max rank ups every game, you still have to play A LOT of matches to get to iridescent. Somebody who plays 3 games a week isn't going to have nearly the amount of game time and simply isn't going to be as sharp.
Rank doesn't translate 1 to 1 for skill, but it DOES have a strong correlation game familiarity. Even if you're the worst playing in the game, if you play it for 40-60 matches every two weeks, you're going to pick up SOMETHING. # of matches is just one more element of nuance that could be used in a more sophisticated mmr system, but obviously isn't.
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Never, NEVER assume skill by playtime. Its just unjustified.
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Despite the name, the system doesn't measure skill. The devs outright know that and told us.
The match-ups are made so that you have a 50% win rate ON AVERAGE. And, since it's easier to force the extremes, i.e. 0-1ks and 3-4ks, most trials feel lopsided.
The reason you were put into that match is, simply put, because you has been dying a lot and the game threw you a bone.
It's entirely possible the killer was coming from a streak of smashing baby survivors and MMR decided it was their turn for stomping time.
The system doesn't have anything to do with skills or even fairness of match-ups. It's simply an algorythm that forces the killrates to be 50%.