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Tired of survivors harassing the killers

shinobu149 Member Posts: 142
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

The survivor mains can get defensive all they want but im tired of them harrasing the killer when were just doing our job I noticed its the gold and up rank who are more toxic. The lower ranks ive seen are more cool and just foucus on their stuff and play normally. It makes the game less enjoyable when they are trolling.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    Ok so I had an idea im just going to weed them out so I can enjoy the game if they are not all that way. Also as I was saying earlier I had a match just now proving m point there were 2 survivors just wanting more attention I guess lol I got them out and one dcd so I left the other survivors alone and let them do all the gens and just chill with them, they were pretty cool. Thats when I love the game is when they are cool and not all swarming you. Its exactly as you said above thats hard to not get annoyed by and people are like well do this or defend them and say its just a game but its hard when your competitive and you have that mode on idk I just enjoy the survivors that play normal and dont irritate the killer lol

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    Exactly... it's not like crouching up and down is a bannable offense. I mean, I hate it more than anything when Killers hit me on the hook, nod or shake their head repeatedly and stand over my body for four minutes until I die on the ground... but none of those things are actually bannable.

    Teabagging has existed in multiplayer games since their beginnings, and people in other games (usually) don't lose their minds over it--I think the issue here is that people take it so personally. It seems like many Killers feel like they "deserve" to succeed at what they are doing, so when Survivors instead succeed against them and then flaunt their victory they don't handle it well (at all).

    I personally don't give the Killer crouches unless the Killer has been doing an actual negative action in the video game, such as hard tunnelling at 5 gens or facecamping teammates. And even then, I still don't do it every time (even though most of my games involve either hard tunnelling or facecamping). But I still have the right to do so if I want to... it's not "toxic", it's just bad manners. Same as the Killer hitting Survivors on the hook or shaking their head repeatedly. It's just BM. "Toxicity" is being abusive in endgame chat or sending hateful messages to players/commenting negativity on their Steam profiles, not pressing CTRL repeatedly in a video game.

    That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see people being a little more civil in the game, because (like I said already) I do hate being hit repeatedly on the hook or having my time wasted by being left on the ground for four minutes. However, Survivors will continue to crouch spam and Killers will continue to harrass Survivors on the hook because people react to it, and that's just how multiplayer competitive games work.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551
    edited December 2021

    I think there's a stark difference on losing if you went against a good survivor that wasn't toxic in the entire game. Wasn't T-bagging, flashlight spamming, or waiting at the exit gates, etc and just overall respected you as a Player and not something to toy around with.

    The image is scuffed but I thought the interaction was wholesome. I got 2 kills out of it overall but it was a fun match between experienced players that wasn't toxic.

    *Edit apparently got one kill lmao honestly I could have played better.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I mean, there's still a big difference between those two complaints. Tunnelling and facecamping end the game early for one or multiple Survivors, and are actually torturous to deal with in a pure gameplay sense--those two behaviors actually affect the video game mechanically. Even the developers have stated that they are trying to find a solution for facecamping, which confirms that it is a behavior that actually affects the video game negatively and needs correcting.

    However, crouching and clicking have no actual effect on gameplay. There would be no difference mechanically between a Survivor standing in the exit gate doing absolutely nothing and one standing in the gate crouching repeatedly. It's purely emotional. The developers aren't going to do anything about crouching and non-macro flashlight clicking because they literally do not affect the game itself in any way, shape or form.

    Not to mention, like I said previously, teabagging your opponents has existed since the dawn of multiplayer gaming, and people understand that in every other video game... except here. It's pretty crazy.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    But what else do you expect from a player with names such as chicksdigmyswag?

    Even from gold up, Ive noticed alot of SWFs / randoms that are polite. They either just head out, or do 1-2 crouches which i interpret as GG and also post chat GGs.

    You just get over it and ignore them :) Its not worth of the nerves and stress. If anybody that does bad manners to you and you hook him; then do a small dance and head bangs in return. but dont over do it or the gens will pop :D

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    Tunneling is a dev approved strategy and face camping is rarely what people are talking about when they say camping is a strategy tho. Camping that isn't hard face camping is also a dev approved strategy.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I completely understand tunnelling if you're bming the Killer all game. However, I get tunnelled in most of my games and I rarely (if ever) crouch at the Killer (and I never click a beamer). You don't have to be rude to the Killer for them to get a stick up their rear and target you because of your cosmetics, character you're playing, Steam profile or anything else under the sun.

    Please check the post I replied to. They specifically mentioned facecamping, not simple or proxy camping.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,144

    Both sides are harassing each other. As killer I get told to died. As survivor my friend get spammed by party invite just because they escape thru hatch.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    I know, I was really just trying to clarify because of the frequency I see the two being used interchangeably. I also brought up Tunneling as well.

    It doesn't happen for the personal reasons you mention as much as you may think. It's frequently you were the first they saw and the quickest to down.

    It's like when your the first out in dodgeball. It's not personal or intended as an insult, and may have more to do with luck than anything. Hell you could be tunneled because the killer realized you're the only threat on the field.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,059

    Mannering up how? There's nothing weird about expressing exasperation when you're already unhappy with someone else and the other guy already gatekept their whole argument, not especially respectfully at that. Is 'sigh' somehow any worse than telling them to 'just manner up' in return? This is an incredibly selective nitpick to make and I'm a little baffled by it.

    DBD has tons of players that initiate douchebag behavior for no other reason than to be provocative. I'll never have a problem with players who tbag the killer after they spent the game camping and tunneling, and I'll never have a problem with killers that camp and tunnel that one survivor who kept tbagging them. That's just normal social behavior, as above - when someone does something that makes you irritated, you express your irritation. But I do take umbrage with players who tbag and click at pallets/gates like it's a religious compulsion, and I do take umbrage with players who facecamp and hit or bleed out a survivor without them doing anything to deserve it, because being rude to someone who wasn't being rude to you is just being a dick and inciters bring nothing healthy to the community.

    (I should stop and clarify here; I don't believe that tunneling is toxic. It gives the killer a clear advantage and is often necessary in high level gameplay, with the current state of balance. Toxic requires the player to be doing it to you because they want to piss you off and that's not the point of tunneling even if it's a result. But since it's frustrating to be subjected to, I don't fault survivors that get pissy about being tunneled, at least until they start harassing the killer in chat.)

    In general, I don't understand the resistance whenever anyone says BHVR should try to improve this community and tamp down the toxicity, or that they're tired of the way things are. It feels hard to support the current state of the community in good faith (i.e., supporting it for any other reason than partaking in it and not wanting that behavior to become socially unacceptable.) That's... really the only time you lose out on the result. Otherwise, even if you don't care about people being rude to you on the internet, what do you lose by disincentivizing it? And before the obvious counterargument gets invoked, there's ways to do it that don't involve banning people for tbagging and clicking, or taking away the crouch button.

    DBD's hardly the only online multiplayer PVP game I've been on. Most of them managed to have better communities than this. Sure, tbagging exists in every game with a crouch feature, but tbagging itself isn't the problem; it's players that want to stir the pot, or players that have become so bitter about their opponents that they hate them by default and play to punish. The former's hard to deal with in a non-punitive way, but the latter is very much a reaction to the state of the community. It's a cultural thing, and DBD's culture is pretty bad even for these kinds of games. You don't have to look any further than the forums to see that - the amount of resentment and disdain between the sides of this game is extremely high. That absolutely echoes in how people treat their opponents during and after a match.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited December 2021

    It's not about survivors. It's about players in general. When I'm playing survivor and I can loop the killer they won't let me to chase someone weaker. They decide to get genrush because they won't break the chase with me, then tunnel me because they can't stand I was playing better. If I'm playing killer and they lose, they will DC or call me trash. So it's not about killers or survivors, it's about the person behind the character. If his behavior sucks, you will get toxicity. Their ego is too huge to accept a defeat.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    This is pretty much how I feel as well. I'm not saying people should behave this way, but I'm honestly baffled that people get so upset over it. That's why these toxic people do it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited December 2021

    This is true. Yet somehow, it's always about the poor killers.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    Right, so your kinda forcing your way into an argument you know nothing about.

    The person I replied to spent the better half of today trying to convince me I was saying its okay to harass people because I argued it's inappropriate to use sexual violence and racisim as a comparison to people teabagging which was the topic of the thread the argument began and finished. Instead of agreeing or disagreeing with this statement they instead choose to write essays about how I was obviously defending harassment and using racism as a red herring or strawman or whatever accusation they had instead of just realizing that was not at all what I was talking about.

    The comment you are replying to was done in direct reference to them arguing that burping in someone's face and vomiting racial slurs are effectively the same thing. Just not qualitatively. But still the same thing.

    So if you want to throw up another wall of text about how I'm defending harassment I'm going to ignore it. It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    You can condition yourself to respond differently.

    Being blinded legit hurts my eyes. I've played with sunglasses on because of a group before. I'm a rageaholic. Even I've gotten past it. You can change how you think if you try, Yes it's work but you can manage it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited December 2021

    Pig and GF can t-bag... Killers can constantly smack survivors on hook as well. Let's not forget watching the slugged survivors bleed out because killer won't hook them. Killers can be just as toxic.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    While I do agree on that I dont play survivir eneough, I was just venting because as I go in rank they get more aggressive and take the game if im putting it right

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    I do try and its hard it's like saying dont get sad or ever get angry in your life its hard like I am really competitive and im cool with the survivors and respect them but a lot of them just troll its on rare occacions I get the cool ones. Like I just had a match with some cool survivors and we just farmed together and im sure we all had a laugh after they let me down them they tea bagged them and let me hook and I let them get points lol I love those kind of games where we can all have fun and be respective of each other

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    It's telling whenever there's a topic bringing up survivor toxicity, a bunch of survivors come in and defend it by saying blaming the killer for not liking their intentional bm.

    It's also funny, because the same survivors will throw a fit you facecamp them to death, because how dare you do anything they don't like.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    It mostly is honestly because yall can halt the game if yall wanted to ive had it happen so many times where they would all hide in lockers or refuse gens. They can all gang up on you flash you there is more of you then us sorry but true. I am however not dimissing that killers arnt because they are and can camp but we cant hold the game

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    I dont even go to the exit gates anymore lol unless im with a cool crew which I have had plenty where its like good game and they give an offering or something and there not all over me like flies lol

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    Yea your right it is about the player I definetly am the killer to keep chasing you until I get you😅 im a little competitive and dont like to lose but I dont get mad I get gen rushed because I know it was all on me not the healthiest but..

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    Lol the teabagging doesnt bother me as much its the hounding and flash clicking destroying hooks as I get there the whole time. Just because someone has it worse doesnt mean we cant complain or get upset thats not valid in any conversation. Its like telling someone who lost someone they cant be sad because someone has it worse I hate when people say that lol just saying anyways I honestly needed to vent it was mixed with me having a bad day as well

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    True honestly it would be funny if they had a penalty for doing it so many times in a row they get stuck in that postition for like 5-7 second exposed.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    You gotta kill them. Play as hard as they do, don't ask their permission, don't seek their approval. Kill them like a killer.

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    Honestly then they call for a nerf of the killer that their op🤣

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    Yea that is easier said than done its 4 against one, when they are all around you undoing the hook flashlighting you and body blocking its really hard to do that I swat they just juke it

  • shinobu149
    shinobu149 Member Posts: 142

    I smack them on the hook when they were being disrespectful, toxic, and harassing other than that I leave them alone

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Actually the devs have said they do not approve of hard core tunneling which is why they work on perks to counter it. And proxy camping (ie walking around the vicinity like 20 m of the hook is what they are fine with) not Actually standingg within 12 meters of the hook.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Had a Feng yesterday with the name toxic *blank*. She brought in a purple flashlight with the offering to keep it if she died. However, whe stayed around a lot clicking and doing little spins like she was hot stuff. I did not tunnel her, when I got her I didn't camp her either. Left her. Kept running into her. Had Franklin's on too. Thing with the white ward offering, you have to have the item IN your hand when you die to keep it. Woth Franklin's she didn't. She was the first to die and only got 9k points compared to the others who got 20k. I got a 4k that game. But i knew she was trying to annoy me. When I know you're trying, it doesn't get to me. I ignore you. Not gonna give you the attention you want. I won't tunnel you or camp. I'm better than that.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Flashlight blinds are obviously a game mechanism. But the notion that people teabag as a “strategy” is far fetched. The vast majority of tea bagging is just showboating for the sake of stroking the teabagger’s ego. Hell, strategically when I see people trying to distract me with teabags and clicks I just do a 180 and chase whoever it is they’re trying to distract me from, I end up keeping two people off the gens for the price of one! So as a tactic it’s actually kind of counterproductive assuming the killer isn’t an idiot. (And if they are an idiot you could beat them regardless.)

    So stuff like teabagging and flashlight click macros are almost always just being annoying because the survivor gets a kick out of annoying people.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Except that tunneling someone out of the game actually is an objective strategy that can increase your chances of getting kills if done properly. Teabagging and flashlight clicks have zero strategic impact on good killers, they’re as much a ”strategy” as doing a touchdown dance.

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