How Many XBOX Achievements Have You Unlocked? (Sorry Other Platforms)

How many of the DBD XBOX achievements have you unlocked, and what one are you currently working on?
I've completed 88/184.
The one I'm currently working on is tied, between Denied! (In public matches, close the hatch 30 times.) and A feast for the Entity (In public matches, sacrifice a total of 500 survivors). They are both at 96%.
Tell me yours, tell me yours!
All of them, I try to 100% most games I play :)
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167/184 (and for fun, I have 81 days, 5 Hours, and 26 Minutes of play time)
Some of them will be easy to get once I actually go do it (like throw 1,000 hatches or using Yamaoka's Haunting to down 30 survivors; just killers I don't like to use) and some I just never expect to do ever (like From the Void she kills to chain 3 blinks together and grab someone, which I'm not even sure if possible anymore without a survivor purposefully allowing you to do it since the only way to chain 3 blinks now is using the add-on that means you can't go through walls)
Unless I'm going for Adept, I don't change what I'm doing to try to get the achievements in this game. I just naturally stumbled into the vast majority just playing the game for almost two years now.
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Oh wow. Yeah I haven't even attempted the adepts, just been doing mostly what comes naturally. (I have been making more of an effort to close the hatch though.) I've been playing since October.
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142/184. Hoping to get them all eventually.
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0 (PC’s the best)
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hahahahahaha what are you even doing here silly?
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Just curious, arent the achievements the same on all platforms? Or does xbox have something different?
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Hm...not sure actually. I just thought XBOX had their own achievement system for some reason.
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I'd have to go check but I rhink its around 118. I did a few adapts while trying to level up characters but I still need a lot.
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107, but not once have I played attempted to get any of them. It's just been because I've played a lot.
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ITVSK has been made easier in that the addon was changed- now increases recharge time instead of makes it so you can't blink through walls
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I'd think it would make it harder because unless the survivor is paying zero attention to their eyes or ears, they'd see and hear The Nurse coming from a mile away. At least with going through walls, I'd think maybe you could get the drop on someone who didn't see you but how could you not see her coming when she's blinking her way down the hallway :D
I generally don't play as Nurse so you could be right. She's just such a pain to use, especially on console, that I never really bothered to figure it out.
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With just over 1,600 hours Ive racked up 105 achievements. The ones Im missing are just the adepts for both sides excluding Michael, Yui, Pig and Detective Tapp. God knows if Ill be able to get those done with MMR lmao. Though I'd love to have Oni, Legion and Blights adepts on my profile as those are my favorite killers.
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Just farm one game with the survivors to get Nurses "From the void she kills" achievement. Easy.
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Yeah when you can't blink through walls its harder... That's what I was saying, they changed the addon to allow you to blink through walls again and so it is now easier.
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You'd have to buy all the dlcs and care LOL.
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Only missing some of the new ones
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Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but I'm pretty sure that XBOX Achievement/PSN trophy requirements are exactly the same for all third party games that are published on both platforms (and have been since the 360/PS3 days). The game publishers typically dictate the reqs for achievements/trophies.
There have been a handful of games I have played on both sides over the years, and that has always been the case in my experience.
And I have like 108 of the trophies, but have no intention of trying to get them all. I like to 100% things, but only if it will be fun. A lot of the trophy/achievements in this game do not seem like fun.
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I don't really go for cheevo's
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Oh. Was not aware of that. Neato!
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I had to comment simply because I was on 88 yesterday, too. Twinsies 🤩. That's when I decided to run through the adepts though, so technically 97 now as 9 down. 29 days, 74MBP, 1k kills, 350 escapes.
I'm "currently working on" (I've never paid any attention to these before yesterday, so I'm not actively working on these) are apparently Punch Drunk - make 30 survivors oblivious 90% & With Scars to Show - escape 50 chases after being injured during said chase 78%. That second one seems surprising. Only 0.12% of gamers unlock it and I've managed it only
3439 times [Edit: Good maths Henry. 78/2=34 apparently. Genius 😜] all feels very hard to believe. Speaking of surprising, looking down the list, apparently I have never escaped using a key...1