How many hooks do you have at the end of the match?

(Without kills)
I have between 3-4 hooks in most of my games and 1 if the survivors are really good.
I wanted to ask, how many hooks do you usually have when everyone escape?
I play as killer once in a while so I don't know if these numbers are relatively good.
That massively differs. A complete stomp is ~2 hooks, but WAY more often than that it's around 8.
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I try my best not to tunnel — sometimes this causes my downfall in a game and I'll end up with 1 or no kills, but everyone will be on their last hook stage. So around 8. At first it sucks, but I remember a DBD meme that said "if everyone escapes on last hook stage you're not a bad killer you just wanted everyone to have fun and didn't tunnel" and it instantly makes me feel better.
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Not enough
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Probably 6 average but I’m trash so it makes sense
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No you're not, 6 is pretty good in a losing game, that's often all there's time for.
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Anything between 2 and 12, it is totally dependent upon the survivors, map, my mistakes, etc. Personally I consider 1 to 4 hooks bad, 4 to 6 decent, 7 to 9 good, 9 to 12 smashed it.
It is more about how it feels than the actual number, because I can also feel pretty good at less or bad at higher amounts simply how the game actually goes.
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Typically 6 unless I was uber tilted and threw the game over that "one survivor".
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It really depends.
My policy is usually:
- Go hard initially to feel out who I'm up against.
- If I realize that I outclass the survivors, I'll try to 2 hook everyone before killing.
- If our skills are even or I'm outclassed, try to eliminate someone ASAP.
I've had games with 0-1 hooks and games with 11-12 hooks.
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FYI It’s mathematically impossible to have everyone escape and have more than 8 hooks. (The original post was specifically asking about if everybody escapes.)
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Hooks? One! If someone is afk... joking, around 8-9. Less with SWF.
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The main question above is how many hooks do you have. I also gave a break down of what I find a good performance and what a bad.
I am reflecting my experience as a whole, because if I cherry pick 4 man escapes, it isn't really accurate. A 3 man escape can be a worse game than a 4 man escape, should I ignore that fact. The conversation is about hooks after all.
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Just FYI here’s the original post
(Without kills)
I have between 3-4 hooks in most of my games and 1 if the survivors are really good.
I wanted to ask, how many hooks do you usually have when everyone escape?
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Depends so much...
As Ghostface I get around 6 hooks per game. More when I get a Kill even thou I am not aiming for that.
With Cenobite it depends so much on the survivors. I run Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Brutal Strengh, Hex: Plaything and Deadlock. Coordinated survivors who just tell each other who gets the box get away with 4-6 hooks. SoloQ survivors get demolished with 8 hooks or a 4k.
All other Killers...5-6 I guess. With huge variation from 1-4k on all Killers. My matchmaking is very unstable for some reason I do not understand. I can pick Trapper and get a 4SWF deathsquad going out with 0 kills and 0 hooks or I can pick Pyramide Head who I have played much more and end up with only against new player for some reason, stomping them with Ruin and range-add-ons...
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8. I have to be really careful though. I don't want to kill them by accident but I do want max bp.
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I would say about 9-12, depending on maps and how good the survivors are.
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Subject line:
They also indicate in their post:
"I have between 3-4 hooks in most of my games and 1 if the survivors are really good."
"I play as killer once in a while so I don't know if these numbers are relatively good."
If you read my post and those of others in the responses, we respond based on the full context of the question and not to a cherry pick only our worst games to create a false sense of belief whether or not these numbers are relatively good. I even stated exactly what type of performances based on the hooks played would be considered bad, decent, good and amazing.
Who exactly are you to dictate how we respond to a message with a clear subject line and seeking an indication on whether their performance is relatively good or not. If they want to figure that out we have to give them a true reality figure based on our experiences and not cherry picking.
Where exactly is your response to their question and contribution to this topic?
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I let the survivors choose the weapons we fight with.
If gens are slow, I'll take bad chases for fun, allow unhooks without contest... etc.
If gens are very efficient, I play as best I can without going overboard (facecamping/deliberately tunneling). Proxy camping is on the table if I'm behind on hooks.
If survivor goes clicky clicky or baggy baggy... well... I do anything I want. :)
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I literally quoted the entire original post, I’m not sure how you think I “cherry picked“ anything.
And yes, I read your post, my point was you apparently just read the subject line and didn’t read the post itself and assumed they were asking asking a different question than what they actually asked. I’m not dictating anything, I’m just saying you didn’t read their post.
And that’s my contribution to the topic, clearing up a misconception that some people like yourself have about the question that was asked. I don’t know the answer to the actual question itself so I didn’t speculate on that.
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It varies depending on the match. A bad match usually around 4-6. Its very rare I'll get less than 4 hooks even in my worst matches. A decent match anywhere between 8-12.
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Yet you left out conveniently their last sentence:
"I play as killer once in a while so I don't know if these numbers are relatively good."
To display whether those numbers are actually relatively good, you need to account for the full experience of people as killer. Especially when they indicate that they in most of their games don't get over 4 hook states. Therefore if I cherry pick my games and state that I get max 8 hooks, then it undermines their ability to assess the relative performance against that of others, which is also part of the topic.
You are not contributing to the topic, you are actually derailing it by acting as if you know the intentions of the OP. You don't answer their question, because you don't know the answer of how many hooks you have at the end of a match? Stop trying to tell other people that are actually trying to engage with the OP on their query about how they are not answering it properly, while refusing to give your own answer to their question.
My answer is mine to give, if you want to give yours... feel free to do so. Yet if you are unable to word your own answer... you are hypocritical to assume you can word mine.
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I'd say as much as you. Three or four hooks if I was able to end some chases before they all leave me (HOW RUDE THEY ARE). If the Survivors were good, I'm glad I've got one hook. I don't camp that one hook, I go chasing someone else... But it's more because I wanna learn/have more fun chasing people than getting a kill.
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I literally gave my answer above. If you don’t like me explaining how you misread a post that’s you’re problem, not mine,
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Either 5 or 9. Playing like a saint will get you nowhere. You have to get someone out early, as opposed to hooking everyone twice.
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Anywhere from 2-8
Either I do good or I do bad
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I gave my answer to the question stated, yet that you are incapable of answering the question and feel entitled to criticize others for theirs... showcases you have no interest in the actual conversation. You cherry pick the message he gave, as I showcased clearly. I gave them an answer to the question in the title, a reference for relativity on how good they did based on their hook states... and what has your contribution been?
You have not given your answer as you stated yourself you don't know how to answer it.
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If everyone escapes, between 1 to 6. If I'm killing someone then between 5 to 12. 12 is very rare as I nearly always let at least one survivor go. The only exceptions are adept achievements (I'm only missing two now though), tome challenges that require killing a group, and toxic behaviour.
5 is usually the lowest number before someone dies as I normally alternate hooks so that is I find survivor A first, I hook a different survivor, survivor A is the next survivor to run into me and the process repeats.
In the meantime, I do slug the survivor if I see them before I've hooked a different survivor but I normally just run away. If the gens are popping like popcorn in a blast furnace, I'll stick around so I can chase a would-be rescuer who's trying to 'lead me away' just so I can get some more BP without tunneling. Toxic behaviour can throw that out the window if they're coordinated enough they don't appear to be solo Q as sometimes the best way to get the toxic player is to hook or slug all of their teammates first.
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I usually aim to get at least the 4 unique hooks for my BBQ stacks, but after that I really only go up to 8 hooks anyway at max and after that I'l just slug people instead or pick them/drop them until they escape grasp.
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I gave an answer, I said I didn’t know how many hooks I get on average when there are no escapes so I wasn’t going to speculate on it. Saying “I don’t know the number” is me answering the question from my perspective.
And again, I didn’t cherry pick, I literally quoted their whole post. I don’t think the phrase “cherry pick” means what you think it means.
And finally the subject line of the thread wasn’t the whole question, the whole question was in the original post,
I’m not sure why you’re having such a difficult time with being told you apparently misread the post, but whatever. 🤷♂️
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Dude... you left out a sentence, yet claim to quote their whole post - factually a lie see below:
Can you spot the difference? For someone that claims I am misreading, you really have difficulty spotting the last line in a 4 line post. Which I already pointed out... clearly you misread that as well? I don't think you are in a position to make claims on the ability of someone to read.
Unlike you I actually read the entirety of the post, from the subject line to the last sentence and gave information on their initial question the subject line and insight to whether or not their numbers are relatively good.
The difference between us is that instead of telling the person seeking help, that I don't know... I provide them with the information I do know or at least my perspective on the matter. You however feel the need to comment on my answer, because it isn't up to your standards?
Where is your insight? Ooh yeah, you don't know. Why are you singling me out and bashing me for my experience and perspective? I am not the only person in this post that stated numbers larger than 8, which btw isn't even the sole criteria of getting a kill... 3 hook stages can be enough. You even ignored my final point in my post; It is more about how it feels than the actual number, because I can also feel pretty good at less or bad at higher amounts simply how the game actually goes.
For the record, when I initially talked about cherry picking it was about the games I would reflect in my answer. But you know... I have difficulty reading?
"because if I cherry pick 4 man escapes, it isn't really accurate."
" Therefore if I cherry pick my games and state that I get max 8 hooks, then it undermines their ability to assess the relative performance against that of others, which is also part of the topic."
So, I gave you an explanation to why I listed the numbers that I did.
Yet you cherry pick to respond to sections of my posts, you cherry pick the one question from their post and ignore the context.
I don't know, but dude... you really need to learn to read yourself before you single out others to tell them they are unable to comprehend. Context is important and if you read the post of the OP, there is more to it than just that 2nd question. You are just being an entitled prick, just because I try and give someone some insight into their performance relative to my own and even indicate to not focus to much on the numbers, but the fun of it.
Post edited by Kalinikta on0 -
Usually end up with 10-12 hooks a match. I tend to play fair, because I could careless about my MMR. If I do end up having a bad match, I usually get at least enough for my BBQ stacks.
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In my case, even when the 4 survivors escape I usually get at least 6 hooks and very rarely less than 4 (average MMR with most killers).
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4 if I am just chilling, 8 if I am grinding blood points. 12 if a challenge requires it.