Sabotaging not working

I was playing that guy that can sabotage hooks, but i noticed after 2 plays when i sabotage it and come back the hooks is not sabotaged. So what is this?????
They respawn after a short amount of time.
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Ok so its most most unnecessary think what i ever saw. Nice broken game
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Your inexperience in the game is clearly showing if you think hooks eventually respawning after a Sabo makes the game "broken".
Sabo used to destroy hooks permanently, and it was rightly changed for reasons veterans would be happy to explain to you. Sabo used correctly can still be devastating to a killer and win games for an organized group. If you're running around saboing every hook you come across, you simply don't know how to use the perk or the strategy.
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Maybe the video can give you a better understanding.
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Yes yes, this perk is good. You just must have noob killer that cant hit you while you sabotaging... nice perk guys
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in practice this is an unnecessary perk, oh i forgot, its nice for flexing in video you got lucky for noob killer
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If you start to sabo with saboteur, but you won't finish it, the perk will go in cooldown which it makes this perk sucks. Not worth to use it. Better use a good toolbox.