Tunneling bruh
I love dbd, I’ve played the game since release, but why are killers tunneling so much lately? It’s almost every other game and i only see nurses, blight, bubba and trickers because it seems they’re the best killers for being a complete d*ck. The game is super unfun, I don’t have complaints with killer because killers is overall fun even if I’m losing honestly. But playing survivor is so boring and unfun. What y’all think about this? Are y’all having the same experience?
'Tunneling' isn't really a thing to complain about, unless people are tunneling straight off the hook (and even then, that's what BT/allies are for).
One thing to always keep in mind is the Rule of 3.
If 3 survivors remain by the time 3 gens are finished, the killer now controls the game and barring serious misplays, will probably get a 3-4k.
If 4 survivors remain by the time 3 gens are finished, the survivors now control the game and barring serious misplays/perks like NWO or NOED, will probably get a 3-4 out.
If you, as a killer, try to 2 hook everyone before killing them, you're either getting teabagged all the way to the exit games or MMR mismatched you. Killers are supposed to try and eliminate 1 survivor as fast as possible, because that's just the meta right now.
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I faced a spirit that still tunelled even if someone DC AT FIRST DOWN WITH 5 GENS LEFT. That match should have been cancelled because that salty and stupid random decided to ruin the match for others. The first survivor that died got only 2k bloodpoints, that's how hard she tunneled. Poor thing couldn't do nothing the whole match because of that jerk player.
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Probably because the survivor role is hilariously over powered and just got a buff event
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But it's not their job to drop chase with someone else purely to go back to the person who just was unhooked either.
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It's a problem, but you will not get any empathy here bud.
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If the recently unhooked person is bad at looping, it is the best decision that the killer could make. The sooner one person is out of the match, the less pressure there is on generators.
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Its a sweaty move that sweats do....just like your typical gen jockeys. Killers feel like they have to because of the current state of the game but yet will do it at 5 gens remaining with 3 survivors remaining because one dc'd.
Both sides are sweats honestly and care toooooooo much about winning in a hide and seek party game.
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I...seriously hope you aren't being serious. Because that's the exact opposite of the killer's job.
DCs are a tricky matter. A DC (or worse, 2 DCs) at 5 gens means that the game could potentially take ages unless you just go AFK for 5 minutes or something.
I'll generally ease up on people when they have a DC, but it's a delicate balance to strike - and I've been threatened with 'holding the game hostage' reports for not just ending things more than once.
Otherwise, no - unless playing the game correctly is being 'sweaty' (which is usually code for 'you beat me and I'm unhappy about that'). If killers try to 2 hook everyone, they aren't going to win many games.
My policy is generally to go in hard from the start and once I've established the sort of survivors I'm up against, either continue or start pulling back. Everyone gets more BP in closer games - but I'm sick and tired of getting gloated at and told how terrible I am at the game after I expressly gave people an easier time of it.
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Ah, crossed wire. The 't' makes all the difference :)
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The gloating sometimes is just laughable. However there is no reason to tunnel when someone dc'd there is no reason killers cant 9 hook 3 survivors in that scenario. I play for 12 hooks and win most games. That is why my empathy towards tunneling killers is meh.
I got 3000 hours and at least 2000 of that is killer (just got into survivor in the last 6 month heavily). I have to slow the game down drastically ofc which right now is SHPR, BBQ, Plaything, Pentimento. The pressure it creates is massive.
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Well, at 3000 hours you are probably experienced enough to pretty much do as you like and have a reasonable chance of winning.
For us intermediates, when we get certain maps/matchups/killer combinations, we have to sweat a bit.
That said, I am genuinely curious as to how you're going about getting 12 hooks every game and still winning. Do you stream/have a YT channel?
DCs...yeah. It feels like that sometimes there isn't a 'right' answer. I can end the game fast and get cussed out for not giving them a chance, or I can give them a chance and get cussed out for not just ending.
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So you guys dont play intermediate survivors? Sounds like poor matchmaking which effects everyone positively or negatively. To be clear i play for 12 hooks and not all the games i can 4k (no one wins everything) but my point was i win wayyyyyy more than i lose (2k or less). There are certains games where the map, spawns, tiles, etc are just a complete mis match for the killer Im using.
I believe most pay more attention to the few they lose instead of the majority they win. I can only play between 5pm-9pm eastern and a bit more on weekends and i have a wife and 4 kids so know i dont stream. I get grief from my wife for the few hrs i play now. Im not a fan of watching someone else play a game when i can play....time management.
I still groan when i see rpd, haddonfield, Chapel, and im extremely glad Hawkins is gone. Honestly midwich is the only map i like no matter the killer i use. I just play, equip what i know i can get value out of, and kill. I usually always let someone leave but the game is a 3k double digit hooks win for me.
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Yeah I'm just curious to see some of your games, as this is so contrary to not only my experience, but also the experience of the top-tier killers that I watch occasionally (Otz and Tofu mostly).
SBMM has been much better than ranks were (seriously, if you look at my earliest posts, maybe 2/3 of my matches were awful - so many smurfs) but I still get the odd 'wut' matchup, and it's very difficult to tell that you've been thrown to the wolves until you've already gotten a few hooks.
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True. Cant compare us normal folks to people whos job is to play this gm. We dont play their competition and im not saying we are all low mmr but we aint there level. You can still get unlucky on occasion and get survivors below or way above you.
As far as seeing me play are you on xbox by chance?
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Nah, Steam.
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Gotcha. Are you bouncing around killers a lot or do you use just certain ones?
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I bounce.
Hag will probably always be my comfort zone killer, but I also play a lot of Demo, Doctor, Artist, Cenobite (not as much since his nerfs), Plague and when I've had enough time to forget, Pig.
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Im a jack of all trades. No matter was daily they through at me im comfortable with it. There are killers i prefer of course but the only killer i prefer that can be considered top tier is Artist and i guess Huntress. Pig, fred, trapper are in my preferred list as well. DS used to be there but he just dont feel right anymore.
To have some extra fun I play cosmetic roulette. I use an outfit and if I win I keep that outfit until I have a game i lose (2k or less). Since her release i am on Artist 3rd outfit (midnight blue dress with purple wreath). Have yet to use her ice dress or yellow outfits. Hope i lose soon.
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I'm...hesitant to call Artist 'top tier' - she actually feels very nicely balanced. About on par with post-rework Plague. She can be strong if you make mistakes, but can also be countered. She isn't Blight or Nurse.
Her addons are...honestly sort of crap, especially her iri and purples. I think BHVR overcorrected after Pinhead's addons.
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The game is balanced around tunnelling and fast generators
And by that I mean the game isn't balanced until you make it 3v1 as fast as possible with a full gen slowdown build
Post edited by Sludge on2 -
Sometimes, reading these, I get the feeling that some survivors are claiming any Killer that does not perfectly evenly spread out the hooks is "tunneling".
Like they feel a killer should elect to not give Chase because they've hooked you twice and the others once or never. Doesn't matter that you're the one that failed the skill check to tell the killer where you are and then continued to sit on the generator by yourself.
I'm not targeting you. You're just the one I found first.
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People really give a sh*t about their MMR for some reason
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Is tunneling even real? It is just the killer's objective and probably a coincidence they did it so fast. Like the myth of genrushing. Am I right, fellas?
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Damn didn't know doing your objective efficiently was being a dick when you're NOT SUPPOSED TO BE NICE TO SURVIVORS as the killer role.
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I like this, it's going to be my new go-to.
If gen rushing isn't a thing then certainly tunneling can't be either 😊.
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You definitely tunnel, don’t you lol
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It’s so bad. Then killer say give excuses to tunnel when you really don’t. OTZ literally proved how wrong killers are for always thinking the game is survivor sided
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OTZ literally just proved in his stream that it’s not survivor sided at all. Nice try bud
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Bruh it’s not comp. Dropping a whole chase just to go back to the unhooked person is ridiculous. Exactly why this game has such bad rep
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You should thank the devs and game balance for the recent rise in tunneling
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Do Bones I guess
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Appeal to authority fallacy. Nice. Having a lot of people watching you doesn't make you right about everything. The guy rates Freddy bottom 5. Everything he says isn't inherently correct.
Post edited by SunsetSherbet on2 -
Tunneling is the most optimal way to play most of the time, sadly. Look at the highest level of play there is, tounrnaments, and the killers are always trying to tunel someone out as quickly as possible. Many streamers tunnel, or at least resort to it once a game goes south and they can't play 'nicely' anymore.
It does suck for the person being tunneled, but unless BHVR actually does something to deal with it that isn't just slapping in a couple of bandaid perks and calling it a day, then it will always be a problem because it is -the- best way for a killer to play.
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I also main killer and just occasionally play survs, but the times I got tunneld off the hook and on again, with literally no chance to escape (because at my smurf survivor level, no one plays BT), felt really bad and unfun. So I learned from this experience in an altruistic and empathic manner and nearly always go for the unhooker, instead for the unhooked person, no matter what perks are in play, and I dont feel like I make it that much harder for me, while improving everyones gaming experience.
Of course, there are the times where the gens are being slammed at an astronomic speed, and the designated harasser is flashlight clicking me non-stop in order to get my attention. If I get that harasser, you can bet that I tunnel him out of the game asap, without remorse.
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Wrong forum to complain about tunneling, it's full of killer mains who will call it a "strat" and say they "have no other choice".
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I dont watch other people play the game that I can just go play myself much. What i do know is I could care less what otz says or does. I could go see whst hes claiming and see if i agree (as anyone should) but that sounds like poor time management when i could be playing the gm....Make sense?
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Thats what i do. Only two exceptions.
1. If i am behind i slug the unhooked.
2. Unhooker has bt and refuses/blocks me from going after unhooker. You want my attention now you have it.
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It's the easiest way to kill everyone but sure I have another choice, I can go around 2 hooking everyone and be rewarded by getting clowned at the exit by whoever the remaining survivors are because I was nice. No thanks.
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I do try to take a hit for the person who just unhooked me when they have BT, not because I want the killer's attention but because I feel like I owe it to the guy who saved me.
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Maybe because like 80% of killer mains tunnel so that’s why they tbag
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Tunneling is a huge problem and ruining the game. Worse than it has ever been. There is not enough ways to defend against it and it is too advantageous for the killer. Killers have no fear of decisive strike because it is a weak perk. 1-time use is not enough when killer perks are all multiple use perks, such as tinkerer.
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So facecamping at 5 gens is the objective for killer?
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People "Tunnel" and "Camp" while playing killer because survivors can easily achieve 40% - 60% total gen completion (through slowdown perks) by the end of the first chase. Meanwhile the killer is thinking about their progress after 1 hook which is 8.3% vs. the survivors progress at over 40% - 60% total completion and rising. The killer then experiences the realization that at the current rate, there isn't anything that can be done to actually stop anything. So in response to such a scenario, the average killer will try to tunnel or camp as an answer to completion rates they have minimal to no control over, especially on M1 killer kits and even more so on M1 kits that do not have a killer power designed to end chases early, like Ghostface for example.
So maybe direct your frustration at the people who made the lousy game formula in the first place, that's the thing producing bad times and unfun matches for you, not the players who are just trying to do one of the few things they actually can in such a limiting and frankly ridiculous setting.
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I feel that any time y'all claim the killer is "playing like a d*ck" or is a "low life" or "plays like a b*tch", you're attacking their character based on their playstyle when the playstyle is just them playing normally, and you're just losing to it. There's nothing constructive about it at all. You're just slinging insults at a killer for playing how they're meant to play. Yes, the may be tunneling. That is what's called playing smart, or it would be if DS and BT weren't perks, which you should be using to avoid tunneling.
My anger usually isn't directed at the killer. It's when my teammates do 2 gens after I've looped the killer collectively for about 5 gens. That is borderline more infuriating than going against toxic SWF.
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Haven't seen you in a while, how's life been Sluzzy
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You get tunneled? I only get camped first hook because every killer in this game is pathetic and dogfuck trash.
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You don't know what literally means.
What Otz did prove is that the MMR system really struggles with protecting people with less hours.
If you discount the absolutely ridiculous SWF squads he goes against all the time, forcing him to tunnel and sweat himself I could see you coming to your conclusion.
You know, if you only watched the one video, justified your biased view, and then never participated in fact-finding ever again.
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Back that up with some streaming hoss. At the least you'll find out from the community why everyone thinks you're fresh meat.
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I understand that but if the unhooker is healthy and you get in between the Killer and them you cant really blame them when they go after you. They tried to go after unhooker and denied that. Borrowed time is to protect you from a tunneling killer not to use as offense. Leave, go heal, get on a gen or go back on hook.
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The “have no other choice” excuse is nonsense.