Your Absolute Favorite *3* Perks In The Game?
For whatever reason. Fun, power, survivor, killer, go nuts.
Mine are:
- Surge/Jolt. Yes, the cooldown can be a little much sometimes but there are few things more satisfying than landing a really juicy one on multiple gens. I enjoy it so much that it actually makes me lean towards more M1 killers these days.
- Pain Resonance. Much as with Surge, I enjoy being able to damage gens without having to break off to kick them, or rely on Ruin. It is a bit prone to RNG and really requires Agitation to get the most benefit, but being able to deliver a pseudo-Pop to the most progressed gen, plus making people scream - just so, so wonderful.
- Monitor & Abuse. If I had a 5th perk slot...well, it would probably go to BBQ, but this would definitely be my second choice. It's a ton of fun on killers with already small terror radii and is also great on any killer with projectiles. The FOV increase is the icing on the cake.
Runner up would be BBQ, but that's more a matter of the grind being real than any special love I have for the perk.
EDIT: Since some people are doing three of each:
- Flashbang. Sure, it's unreliable, awkward and a bit undercooked, but this is what survivor perks should be like imho. Risk, reward, decision making, skill. Just a great perk, and if I see you using it, chances are you're getting gate/hatch.
- Kindred. I couldn't imagine playing solo without it, and it's bonkers strong on top of it regarding the killer aura. The best info perk in the game, bar none.
- Adrenaline. Probably a wee bit OP, but it gives me a ton of security. If I can make it to endgame, I'm probably escaping.
- Lightborn - You know why.
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Corrupt for early game, whispers to know where survivors aren't and iron will because spirit exists.
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I'll do three for each side.
- Mad Grit ~ The amount of times I have been accused of hacking because of Mad Grit is actually hysterical.
- Surge ~ It just feels nice to use.
- Brutal Strength ~ It also just feels nice.
- PEBBLE ~ Pebble is just funny.
- Circle of Healing ~ It is very nice to have Self-Care, but a socially acceptable version where you aren't crucified for using it.
- Flashbang ~ Is it good? Not really. Is it funny to burn Wraith constantly? Yes.
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If I had to think of perks I really enjoy and they aren't like super meta(apart from CoH).
Resurgence for survivor, really handy for solo players like myself and I pair it with CoH (dont hate me guys pls lol).
I'm all ears on Huntress is super ######### fun bro honestly
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1. BBQ and Chili. I like BP.
2. Surveillance. I find it extremely useful.
3. I don't really have a third favorite overall. I try a lot of different builds.
1. We're Gonna Live Forever. Same reason as BBQ and Chili
2. Mettle of Man. It's a total meme perk and 9/10 times totally ineffective but, on the very rare occasions it does work it's a lot of fun.
3. I don't really have a third either.
Both number one picks are pretty much guaranteed to be on anybody I run regardless of the secondary effect is any use to that character or not. Number two shows up occasionally but is less often than not and three depends on what I'm trying to do.
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Shadowborn a Blightmain's serum. You can't go on without it.
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1) Whispers
2) Corrupt
3) Kindred
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1. Blastmine - Anytime I actually get killer to kick the gen before time runs out brings a smile to my face. Also love when my swf teammate is near gen and gets blinded. 😂
2. Flashbang - fireworks are my favorite item, these are basically the same thing but don't cost BP.
3. Resilience - killer hurts me but that just means I can get my Blastmine/Flashbang a little bit faster.
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Interesting. CI is one of those perks that everyone seems to love, but whenever I run it all that happens is survivors scurrying around the edges of the map like teabagging weasels for the duration. I'll sometimes use it on Hag to buy me time to set up my perimeter, but...yeah.
I swear, anyone that manages to land a good Blastmine or Flashbang on me is getting gate if I can help it. They are such healthy perks to see.
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Old Ruin, Blood Warden and Adrenaline.
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Most killers don't feel the same. Most get very very angry with me, especially the Wraiths. 😬
Iron Maiden, Ruin, and Lightborn are my enemies. 😂
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Yeah, Wraith...honestly, lightburn doesn't need to be a thing anymore. He's pretty weak even without it.
Perks that likely make me annoyed - Dead Hard, thanks to the stanky validation tricks you can do with it, Adrenaline and CoH (boons as a whole need a pretty substantial look).
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Lightborn is great protection from boosted survivors. I love it. I worship it. Lightborn is our lord and savior.
Barbecue makes getting Lightborn on all killers easier, so it gets an honorable mention.
Um... Do we even need another perk, to be honest? Lightborn is sufficient.
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1) BBQ because it's basically obligatory
2) Plaything for giving value regardless
3) STBFL. Anything that will make the chase reset less is good in my book.
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Pre Artist patch, Plaything would definitely have made the list. It's such a well designed, unique perk with so much play/counterplay opportunities.
I ran into a really annoying SWF that just totally circumvented it with coms and ended up moving away from it. I do like it with Retribution+Penti though.
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STBL - building up tokens is so fun and the way to can punish survivors mistakes with it is a bonus.
SHPR - 15% pop for doing a task you going to do anyway. Great for tracking as well.
Brutal - mainly a feel good perk but who dont want to feel good.
WOO - Great to find next safe zone as fast as possible. Also helps with knowing whats been used.
Q&Q - the plays you can make in chase are so satisfying....even better with deception/head on.
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The fact that it shortens to 'woo', which is about my own feeling when I use it is sort of awesome.
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1.BBQ- Got to love the aura part of the perk and the extra BP.
2.POP- I prefer this over ruin/undying because I like that it rewards the killer for playing good. Great perk.
3.Devour-It feels great when the survivors start panicking when DH activates. lol
1.DS- Kind of boring to use after a while but needed in most games I play.
2.BT-Again, almost always needed if you want to stand a chance.
3.Deception- one of my all-time favorite perks. Super fun to use.
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Honestly, DS is more powerful when you pick something other than DS. I generally play around DS anyway - so it's almost a free perk slot.
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I’ve said before that DS could use a buff to make it better against tunneling. Who knows if it’ll happen.
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- Monitor and Abuse
- Play With Your Food
- Furtive Chase
- Bond
- Boon: Circle of Healing
- Boon: Shadow Step
I love terror radius and speed perks. Sadly, despite loving the concept of Furtive Chase, I can't use it because it's literally a horrible and empty perk. Furtive is on there because I feel like it has so much potential as a hook-based terror-radius lowering perk, and I want to love it so much.
For survivor, I like playing efficiently and Bond unlocks that. I also enjoy being the team support, and setting up supportive zones on the fly based on my teams needs. There's actually quite a few tactical decisions you can make with boons in regards to their placement once you're familiar with them.
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I think you missed my point.
DS is very good against tunneling. So good, in fact, that killers generally have to play around the anticipation of survivors running DS that it serves as a tunneling deterrent simply by existing (even if nobody is running it).
That said - no. Prenerf DS was ridiculous. It wasn't a tunneling deterrent, it was a straight up extra life. As it stands, the perk is well balanced and the only reason that more people don't run it right now is that there are several SSS class survivor perks that are so strong that you're playing the game wrong for not running them. CoH and Dead Hard are the biggies, with Iron Will as a close runner-up.
Yeah, Furtive is one of the...unfortunately several 'why would anyone run this?' perks.
I also love stealth perks, which is why Plaything, Tinkerer and the occasional Dark Devotion find their way onto my bar sometimes.
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Oh, I definitely missed your point (it’s very late here). I agree that old DS was bad for the game and needed a nerf. I still think DS could use some small buffs, but It’s ok right now.
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- Trail of Torment: I love adding stealth to killers who don't stealth. Or more to killers who do.
- Tinkerer: Same as above!
- Hex Plaything: More of the above!
- Kindred: So much information, and I have a friend who likes to use open handed for insane aura.
- Flash Bang: So much better than a flashlight for me.
- Counterforce: When I'm in a mood or need to kill totems, this helps focus in. Its also useful for lots of other perks.
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No Way Out
I think Agitation is one of the more undervalued perks in the game. Hook selection is extremely important as a killer. Plus this perk gets you free hits.
Windows Of Opportunity
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- Corrupt Intervention: Early gen pressure and can help find survivors in some situations.
- Save The Best For Last: Reduced weapon cool down is always nice.
- Scourge Hook Pain Resonance: Rewards you for doing your objective. It's also really fun to use and can help a lot with gen pressure and tracking.
- Windows Of Opportunity: Very helpful information for looping, which is good for me because I'm not good at looping.
- Boon: Circle Of Healing: Basically a better version of Self Care.
- Repressed Alliance/Blast Mine: I put these two together because I either use one or the other, and I can't decide which is best. They're both very fun to use and can help prevent gen regression.
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Spirit Fury: There's nothing like the moment of a pallet breaking over your head when you get to see a survivor absolutely flail and panic as they're about to take a hit because they waited for the stun. Bonus points if they took a hit to get the stun then go down instantly.
Monitor and Abuse: It has benefits on nearly any killer, except maybe those with lullabies. Being able to approach more stealthily is always a benefit, and when you're in a chase, survivors without line of sight may play more cautiously than before.
Pop Goes the Weasel: I know it's bland since it's been meta for a while, but I've used this perk since Clown came out when people called it garbage, and through a series of buffs and nerfs, and it's still one of the most satisfying and rewarding perks in the game.
Detective's Hunch: Love the information and the ability to find hexes reliably, along with the added bonus of being able to plan to avoid 3-gen situations. Took a bit of a hit since boons replaced cleansing, and pentimento is now a threat if you want to remove noed, but it's still useful.
Fast Track: It's a bit passive, but there's something really fun about watching large chunks of generators get done on a single skill check just because your friends are dying.
Can't say I really have a third, it used to be Inner Strength but that's died with boons. Maybe Iron Will because I get seriously irritated by the constant noise of survivors when I'm not running it.
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Killer perks
BBQ, Pop, and Devour Hope, only because getting that 5th stack is satisfying.
Survivor perks
Iron Will, WGLF, and I enjoy Autodidact a lot, even though it's not the best of perks.
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Yes please!
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- BBQ: Because I'm addicted to Bloodpoints and I like the aura reading. It helps me to decide where to go next.
- Surge: Slowdown that doesn't get destroyed within 5 seconds and that doesn't force me to interact with gens. Free slowdown! :O
- Shadowborn: I go zoooming
- Windows of Opportunities: I save brain power because I don't need to think that much, I can avoid dead zones and it tells me what pallets my team has used.
- Iron Will: I don't need to hear the characters moan in my ear when they're injured.
- Self-Care: I get more charges and I can always finish the heal. And I don't need to chase my teammates if I want to get healed
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They're my favorites because of giggles, not strength: mad grit, blast mine, power struggle.
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Top 3 Killer Perks
BBQ And Chilli. The BP is amazing
Corrupt Intervention. Good early game slowdown.
Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. It frees up my time by kicking gens and showing me where the Survivors are.
Top 3 Survivor Perks
Flashbang. How can you hate this thing?
Rookie Spirit. I love the info it provides.
Second Wind. It's a nice quick heal after an unhook
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- Bloodhound - (Maybe guess from my icon?) It’s an under appreciated perk that makes it very difficult for an injured survivor to go undetected for very long. Unlike Nurse’s Calling it works regardless of whether or not they are healing, crouching doesn’t effect it either, nor is it impacted by aura hiding effects like Shadowstep. It’s handy in a chase as well since it makes the path trivial to follow if you lose sight of a survivor. Just all around a fun perk to have.
- Deerstalker - I’d never call this the most powerful perk, but it is such a great quality of life one of you like to occasionally slug survivors. No more wondering what hidden grass patch a survivor crawled into and taking 10 seconds to find them, just head to the aura and done! It also works like a weaker version of Nurse’s Calling to help keep an eye on a slugged survivor and see if someone else is running toward their aura to revive them or if they stand themselves up. Obviously if you never slug it doesn’t matter, but slugging is such a useful tool even when you’re just doing it in moderation to be more time efficient that Deerstalker is one I’ll use as my fourth slot filler sometimes just for the heck of it.
- Devour Hope - Again, not the most powerful perk, but probably the most fun perk when you pull off a five token slaughterhouse of survivor kills. It’s definitely high risk, high reward, the perk is as likely to get destroyed before paying off with a down as it is to get free downs or even free kills. But boy is it fun when you get them!😄
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Killer: STBFL, BBQ, Enduring. I like reducing chases as much as possible.
Survivor: Iron will, Windows, and Borrowed time.
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For Killer:
- Monitor and Abuse (I don't wanna run Shadowborn because I'll have to get used to the new FoV and perception. Using Monitor gives me comfort outside of chases and a wider look-angle. And since I am focused during chases, the lower FoV doesn't bother me AND it also doesn't mess with my perception. This reason alone makes me like this Perk and on top of that it reduces your Terror Radius, which works wonders against the W-Holders, super handy for a Pyramid Head Main.)
- Barbecue and Chili (It basically rewards you for spreading hooks across all Survivors, giving you double Bloodpoints pretty much every match and also gives good information to get to a new chase quicker instead of running into nowhere and searching for ages.)
- I'm all Ears (As a Pyramid Head Main like I said this Perk is pretty much his best Perk besides M&A. It could have a shorter cooldown of course but when it works, it works well since he can shoot trough walls. And it's a nice Perk overall and good for mindgaming and learning Survivors patterns.)
For Survivor:
- Kindred (Since I play either solo or 2 man SWF's, this Perk is probably the best Perk to use. It gives awesome information for you and also for others if you are hooked
and then go to 2nd stage.. It boosts your efficiency as a singular person and pretty much does never leave you in the dark.) - Flashbang (One I barely ever use but nonetheless one of my favourite because getting Flashbang saves is one of the most fun things as Survivor. Also, using FB during a chase, blinding the Killer and then running into the opposite directions pretty much guarantees a lot of distance and a potential escape.)
- Windows of Opportunity (One of the most frustrating things is to run to a pallet location and realize the pallet isn't there anymore, and then you go down because it's a Bubba. Well.. this Perk prevents that AND it even got buffed recently where it has no cooldown and more range. It's the definition of an underrated Perk which got buffed, because even before the buff it was a very good Perk.)
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That's why I refuse to even try Shadowborn, I don't want to get used to it and feel I need it. I have a tendency to do that anyway, I end up using the same builds on everyone and I'm trying to get away from that.
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Top 3 killer perks:
Save the Best For Last: Incredible QoL perk; finishing chases that much quicker feels great, and it also denies bodyblocking shenanigans and sometimes even exit gate BMing when they don't expect you to recover so quickly.
Barbeque and Chili: Bloodpoints, babey. But I also do enjoy its aura effect - I don't like camping anyway, and it tells me where to go when I need to find a fresh target.
Devour Hope: The epitome of high risk, high reward perks, but god is Devour fun when it works. It's a bit unique in that it's a perk that utterly forces everyone to stop what they're doing and find the totem. Perhaps Plaything is similar, but the stakes are lower. Lately I've been running Devour on Myers with Dead Rabbit, and damn is a 12m TR instadown scary if it gets going.
I do think the kill can be a bit cheesy, though (it's not a good feeling when your teammates feed the killer and you get moried on first hook), so I continue to hook players until they get on death hook - then I'll whip out the mori.
Top 3 survivor perks:
Borrowed Time: I used to swear by We'll Make It, but it's hard to make safe saves nowadays with the amount of camping and tunneling that's going on, and CoH kind of edged out We'll Make It's niche. So I switched it to BT, and my builds feel naked without it.
Blast Mine: It's not even good, but the dopamine rush is real. And it saves my ass when it comes to blind/stun challenges.
Iron Will: I don't want to rely on this perk, but its effect is just so pronounced when I try to mindgame with it versus without it.
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For Killer it'd be Corrupt Intervention, No Way Out, and Deadlock.
For Survivor it's Fixated, Sprint Burst, WFLG