Why do people hate RPD?
Recently, i asked if it was still in the map mix and everyone was like "Unfortunately" and "I hope not"
And i also so someone else asking in a poll which was the worst map, and RPD was the one with most votes
I don't understand the hate for it. I was finally just on it because another player used an offering and i enjoyed it, win or lose, i just love being in RPD.
Is it because its too big? Because there's so many loops for Killers? I know the loop in the Library and the East Office is irritating as Hell and i think they should be fixed, but still.
Because it makes me go insane.
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Nobody wants to be at a police station.
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People hate RPD because it requires you to have an expanded memory equal to that of FOUR whole goldfish. They will then complain how "lost" they get in a building that only has two floors and two wings. Most pallets and generators are in the same spots, but let's complain we can never find generators. Also, there is ALWAYS an exit gate at the front. Like, literally every game.
Then, as the cherry on top, we will whine that while we cannot find anything at all and the place is confusing we will make an argument for totally random maps.
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No one wants to be in a swamp either, but here we are
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I dislike narrow corridors in dbd. Killer or survivor.
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You clearly haven't watched the masterpiece that is Shrek on VHS.
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And the exit doors on The Game are always at the second floor
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A few thoughts.
As a killer, it's miserable. Some really annoying loops without much counterplay. If you get unlucky, you can potentially lose 2 gens before you see a survivor. On anyone without traversal, it feels like I need to stake out my 3gen as early as possible and focus on defending it - which is totally contrary to my ultra-aggressive playstyle. A lot of killers struggle indoors (Ceno, Huntress etc.) and this is the most extreme example. Hook spawns can be utterly horrible sometimes, I've had multiple situations where I down someone in a position where there is literally no hook within a reasonable distance, or is blocked off by a wall. Boons can cover half the map from a position you'll never find.
As a survivor, it's miserable. Architecture can be so confusing that you'll lose multiple hook states while your teammate attempts to figure out how to reach you. Any killer with traps is nasty as hell. Even finding gens can be difficult. A ton of dead ends. Very, very easy to camp certain hooks.
It's just...not a good map. Not because it favors one side or the other - but because it's too big and too confusing. It's the epitome of 'style over substance'.
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Not really, I just like open areas more.
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Thats fair
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It's fun playing against stealth killers because you may get some hilarious jumpscares, but other than that it's a nightmare. It's like two maps made into one :/
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It's the worst map in the game imo for either side.
It's massive, poorly designed and overall just a nightmare to play on.
I don't even like re so I'm not one of those people who are bias cause they love the franchise and acc try and defend the map(nothing wrong it)
People can like it but you can't argue it's not worse than the game or Midwich
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Don't get me wrong, I don't mind it in resi (played almost all of them) or other games, just in dbd like I said.
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Because RPD is a prime example on why 1:1 maps from a different game doesn't go well with a game like DBD.
It's a huge map and has a first and second floor so that's two big maps in one and tight corridors. A map being huge is a problem already since it exemplifies the hold W gaming further and the walls can be problematic in NOT getting a chase mechanic so that's even more time wasters for the killer. Your map sense and game sense is thrown right out the window because there's no way to tell what Survivors are doing with everything is shielded by walls then audio is screwed beyond reason because DBD sounds doesn't handle verticality well. It has problematic loops that kills any M1 killer since they can reach is just fine and has broken AF boon totem spots like the library and you can't do anything about it unless you want to throw the game. On top of my head.
This isn't a case of me not knowing the map layout, in fact I pretty much memorized it now. The design just pisses me off regardless.
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RPD is really pretty but it has alot of issues. It's huge, filled with dead ends and if you didn't play RE it's a pain to quickly get from one side to the other, let alone between the floors. While the map itself is huge the actual area to move in is restricted. For many it still causes performance issues that make it not fun to play on to unplayable - personally for me performance issues are the main reason I hate that map.
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When you say 'Poor Designed', if you mean with loops and gens and stuff like that, then thats fair.
But if you mean of the designed of everything, then i disagree, it captured the detail of the station perfectly
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Some areas are so dark you can't hooks, survivors, your own character model.
The layout is extremely accurate to Resident Evil, but that in turn means that its layout isn't well suited to DBD's needs.
Hook spawns are too close to gens
There are multiple dead ends which can make traversing difficult when combined with the lighting problem.
There is a near infinite in the library
Some killers simply can't use their power there.
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I can see why you say that, its massive.
If it were up to me, i'd slit it in half. Have two different maps for it. I see the map as the Left Wing - Lobby -Right Wing.
I'd make the map in either
Left Wing - Lobby
Lobby - Right Wing
Depending on which one you get, the other Wing would be walled off
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The size of the map is very confusing
Like I've had survivors just die because people didn't know the pathway to them
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- The map is way too big, which can hurt both killers and survivors.
- There are a lot of safe pallets, most of them you have to break unless you want to take a long way around which wastes time.
- There are a couple infinites there (Can't remember exactly where they are)
- Totems are nearly impossible to find, which can make Boon and hex totems a problem.
- The map is too maze like, which can lead to players getting lost. It can make it difficult for survivors to help their teammates and killers to find survivors.
- Gens are all spaced out and safe, which can make it difficult to apply map pressure.
- The tight corridors can make killers like Hag and Trapper a pain to play against.
- Some killers can't use their powers (Billy being a prime example), which just turns them into a M1 killer.
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You know a map is so big that the Wiki doesnt even dare to show the map size...
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I don't like it because it turns a lot of Killers into M1 Killers because they can't use their abilities on this map. It's also huge and has some nasty loops
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Indoor maps are just terrible in general. The problem with RPD, is it's a giant maze. Visually it looks great. For gameplay, it's a terrible map.
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It's more likely to be an issue of figuring out the size in the first place. I remember people talking to the wiki admins when Hawkins was new, they said it took them many hours to figure out the map size as the usual reference marks they use for that do not exist on indoor maps, especially newer ones. RPD is much more complex than Hawkins and probably a nightmare to measure. I wouldn't want to be the one doing it.
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I like it.
Takes a bit to learn the layout and some killer are unsuited for this map.
It is like Hawkins - liked that too. Don´t understand the hate in general.
We need more indoor maps.
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Add some random walls/doorways to it and it becomes complex enough.
Maybe if the walls weren't random, only pallets were, it would be able to be called simple
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I don’t hate RPD personally but I do get lost in it sometimes, it’s maybe the most confusing map and one I haven’t played often enough to know it inside and out. Certain killers that benefit from long lines of sight probably don’t do as well in it, and there’s also the occasionally odd way auras pass through floors. And because of the weird layout it can sometimes look like a hook is nearby but it’s actually a long path to get to it, that sort of thing.
But overall I like the map well enough in terms of its look and feel. And I don’t think it has all that many super safe pallets, just a handful, I think a lot of pallets in that map are gameable if I remember right which is a good thing. Honestly I dislike corn maps way more than RPD.
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Designwise, I love the map, but gameplaywise? Nope.
Maybe there should be different balancing on larger maps, like extended gen timers and hook timers.
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Vertical sound is a strong reason. The game sometimes refuses to render sounds from above/below