Should boon totems be breakable?

theblimp Member Posts: 168

Should killers be able to destroy a totem instead of snuffing it if it takes longer to break

Should boon totems be breakable? 105 votes

EqMonkVeeshankodiakyBlueberryKaanaDimekSacrilegeGGMementoMori_MassacreIncarnateTimtom24Leonardo1itaRevzi100musstang62MrPenguinFreddoTaigaUistreelElusivePukkaTunnelVisionGlamourousLeviathanLordRegal 71 votes
Seiko300WeepemeTragicSolitudeAven_Fallen[Deleted User]pushkinaDr_LoomisCritical_FishIcewhisperMarc_go_soloNoOneKnowsNovaLochnload_exePSPNathan13QuietCastle72NerfedFreddyMrCalac123QTASTICjesterkindSwiftWarriorCar 22 votes
KarltastiskTapeKnotBlazelskiPurgatorian[Deleted User]TheEntityNeaglitchboiBadonkadonkRenRenHaunterofShadowsAurelleMyelinXCVIII 12 votes


  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I want to say yes but I feel like no one would run it then. Maybe if they made it a bit harder to find then yes.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Obviously not, it's a terrible idea on the same level of "just delete them lol".

  • theblimp
    theblimp Member Posts: 168
    edited October 2021

    What is the reason for this being a terrible idea.Both sides lose a dull totem.

    Post edited by theblimp on
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    If they had some amazing effect then sure. But neither of the current Boon totem perks would be used if they could be permanently removed from the trial.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Maybe, maybe not, not so sure yet though. We'll see how it goes on release.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    You could just find new totem?

    Right now there is no point with leaving gens / chase for it.

    It would still be better Inner Strength...

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    You could do that a maximum of four times, assuming no other teammate has a boon or wants to cleanse a totem to use Inner Strength, Clairvoyance, or any other reason they'd want to cleanse a totem.

    So, instead of it being single use, it's five times use- and let's be realistic, it's two, maybe three times use, because of how totem spawns work. That still ends up being a chore for everyone involved, and doesn't fulfil the core idea of being a spot on the map survivors want to return to, since they'd constantly be pushed somewhere else.

    Boon Totems should not be breakable. It undercuts the core idea, and since the core idea is a pretty damn good one, it shouldn't be undercut.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    "it's two, maybe three times use, because of how totem spawns work. That still ends up being a chore for everyone involved."

    Yeah, others can destroy your totems. So it would work like other perks with same system.

    Difference is, that here everyone will know you have that perk and everyone can use it to heal.

    There is absolutely no reason to use Inner Strength compare to Circle of Healing.

    Infinite for everyone vs 5 max only for you.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Won't argue that it makes Inner Strength a little outdated and useless- still kind of useful for solo, but yeah, Inner Strength is now outclassed and might need some tweaks.

    But yeah, no, Boons shouldn't automatically have the same downsides as Hexes if the design doesn't warrant it- which it doesn't. They're not designed to work the same way, they shouldn't have the same downsides.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    It's not really same downside.

    1 use vs 5 uses.

    Right now, it's 1 vs infinite. Undying was broken, but this is fine...

    There is no point destroying boon unless it is next to the hooked survivor, or gen.

    All that it would do is, that you would have to make some effort in using it properly.

    Why would Inner strength be better for solo? All survivors see where boon totem is located anyway.

    Plaything nor NOED can overwrite Boon totem for some unknown reason, so there is not really a point in keeping that totem there to a killer.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    They see where the boon is IF there is a boon, so I guess Inner Strength is more consistently usable since you don't have to rely on a teammate bringing that perk? It's not much, but hey, it's something.

    I actually agree that Plaything and NOED should snuff a boon if they need to, that's pretty much my only problem with the mechanic as it stands. With that changed, boons as a mechanic will be in a very solid spot.

    The thing is that Boons are not Hexes. It makes sense for Hexes to be one use- they're map-wide and they're supposedly very strong effects that directly affect the core gameplay. Boons are limited-range utility buffs, and again, they're supposed to drag survivors to the same spot over and over so that the killer can catch them out of position- or at least, that's supposed to be the way you play around them as a killer. If they're limited use, they do not serve that function, and they're a momentary annoyance to get out of the way, like eating old DS early. They should not be breakable permanently, because that's not the point of them.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    "They should not be breakable permanently, because that's not the point of them."

    There is no point in running across the map and leaving gens for it, when it can be done again on same totem. Sure, you don't wanna search for new totem. I think it is lazy, but sure. Then at least give it cool-down, so survivor can't just stand behind wall and do it again in 16 seconds when killer leaves. If you want to stay 1 minute there waiting to do it again, then be my guest.

    Circle of healing is self-care + we'll make it as free perks for every other survivor. 24 m range is still good and it's even more broken on multi-layer maps.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Cooldown isn't the worst idea in the world, but it's an overstatement to say it's a huge necessity. If you as the killer notice a survivor continually hanging around to relight a boon, then first of all, they aren't on a generator- and second of all, you know they're there and can be hunted down if you've got the time.

    It's not a case of not wanting to search for a new totem. I don't want anything on that side- I play killer lol. It's about what this mechanic is trying to achieve, which is to provide a single spot on the map where survivors are continually returning. If they're going back to that totem again and again, you know where they are and you can harass them.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Circle of healing vs 3-gen, you just can't win that. You will have to commit and you will lose that gen for it.

    Depends on killer. I am sure it will be fun shooting range for Huntress...

    But territorial killers and Hit&Run just can't be used against that.

    I am going to play Plague a lot.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Sure you can. Bring methods of inflicting Broken, or bring things to inflict Exposed, or bring instadown killers...

    Sure, hit and run can't be used against it, but that just means you have to adjust your tactics to react to what's in the game. That's generally how games function. These are going to be strong perks but they're not going to be busted, and even if they are, they need to be tuned down, not ruined and gutted to the point of worthlessness by making them limited-use.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    I think it will be super annoying perk and slightly broken, that will be used by SWF a lot. Well, I know I will.

    I think there needs to be cool-down, or let killer destroy it, so survivors have to think a little about how they use it. Then it will be fine for me and I would still play it with SWF, because free perks for others.

    QTASTIC Member Posts: 56

    You can easily win a 3 gen situation with boon totems in fact it makes it easier then having to deal with the old 3 gen self-care situation at least now survivors have to go to a designated area not just out of killer sight and heal. If you are in a situation where you have more then 2 survivors 3 gen Then your gameplay was fundamentally flawed and if your just fighting the uphill battle of slugging and letting survivors run away then, You are only delaying the inevitable.

    Adding boon totems in as was said by numerous people "relocates survivors to a specific area" If you pay attention and see where they are coming from or going too you now have valuable knowledge of

    1. there base of operations and

    2. Whether or not that survivor has self-care (or is an aggressive repeat offender).

    Then you formulate a simple plan of committing on the survivors who are actually pressuring the gen with self care while the boon healers are away. After that if you can get a successful down then turn your eyes on the boon healers for a quick down since you know what general area they will be in as they heal. This strategy works with up too 3 people on a 3 gen situation (1 for each gen essentially ) , However you never want to be in a 3 gen 3 person+ situation most people don't have the fortitude and brain power to power through it.

    TLDR; Would you rather have survivors going to a specific place and healing or healing randomly with self-care everywhere.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    my answer is -> healing randomly with self-care everywhere.

    They would need 4 perks for that, not just 1 and it would take longer.

    "more then 2 survivors 3 gen"

    If I had two survivors I don't need 3-gen, #########? Who are you playing against that this is your standard? :D

    I think you are little out of touch with reality, or you shamelessly tunnel someone each game.

    QTASTIC Member Posts: 56

    They only need 1 Person running boon perks for the solution, and it taking longer you have to think about walk times to get to the area, healing and then coming back, so you aren't saving much time doing it this way. You can easily get stuck in a 2 survivor 3 gen at lower surv/killer ranks idk what you are talking about? Do you not know what 3 gen is?

    I'd also like to address this unwarranted toxicity you are throwing around "shamelessly" You are an entitled gamer who thinks everybody should play by a specific set of rules and if they don't they are bad. you are what's wrong with the gaming world today. I've been playing this game since release so I don't need to tunnel anyone out, unless its an absolute unit of a team and they destroy me, so you tunnel to get back some semblance of pressure. It's rare I use this method but sometimes you gotta change strategies to keep up.

    For you to harp so hard over a comment about a "GAME" and to have developed a sort of guide that everybody has to follow or they should feel some sort of shame. I'd say You are the one out of touch with reality, and you just can't drop you're prejudice to see it.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    "Then your gameplay was fundamentally flawed"

    Yeah, but I am the entitled gamer, right? :D

    Someone is hypocrit here and got into defensive mode super fast...

    I am just saying that if you think that it's bad gameplay whenever you get into 3-gen with more than 2 survivors, then you are either super low MMR playing with trash survivors, or you tunnel super hard every game from start.

    There is just no other option to explain it. Or you just said complete BS to justify your point, then you cry, when someone doesn't agree with you...

    You have maps where you have to force 3-gen from start like Azarov's Resting Place, so it's not rare to get into 3-gen with 4 survivors and it is possible to win it.

    I don't think it is possible with CoH, because all survivors can play independently, because they don't need anyone to heal them and you are just screwed there unless you have killer that can down them under 20 seconds.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2021

    This is actually a really good way to explain this topic. Well done +1

    Even if it's already been said before, I agree that Boon Totems aren't balanced the exact same way that Hex Totems are. Hex: Totems provide you with extremely powerful, game changing abilities that affect all survivors across the entire map. Their entire balance is based around the "risk vs. reward" model- you get a really great and powerful perk, but in exchange you run the risk of it being eventually destroyed permanently at some point during the trial.

    Whereas Boon Totems provide the aforementioned "safe havens" smaller areas of limited space where a survivor is blessed with positive effects, and though they are strong, they aren't as strong as their Hex Totem counterparts comparatively speaking. They're not only restrained by their limited range- but also in that they take time to set up not just in physical action speed, but also in the time it might take to run across the map to get back to a totem that you had previously blessed.

    Not to mention that Boon Totems are easier to find than their Hex Totem counterparts. as there's a wide audio that extends to a range of 24 meters. Killers are notified more or less exactly where a boon totem exists, and given that they move faster than survivors do, it really doesn't take all that much to find it quickly and stamp it out in only a second or so. So I don't fully believe all that "UgH ItS AnOtHeR KiLlEr ObJeCtIvE tO wAsTe TiMe" from what I've heard it really doesn't take all that much to be passing by as killer and quickly get rid of it.

    Let me put it this way: if Boon Totems are going to be treated the same way as Hex Totems, I expect they get the same positive treatment as well. Meaning perks like Circle of Healing should be mapwide affects, allowing all survivors to heal themselves without a medkit at 100% speed until the associated Boon totem has been cleansed. Boon Totems should also not exude a 24 meter audio cue, and killers should instead be able to find them based solely off the small crackle of fire that survivors must keenly listen for to find Hex: Totems.

    So tell me: is that what you guys want? Fair is fair after all. (Seriously, it feels like I'm talking to kids here.)

    If you want Boon Totems to get the same treatment as Hex Totems, then by all means give it. But don't think for a second that this does not come with its downsides for the players that seek these changes in the first place.

    I also think this is just part of that Infamous Dead By Daylight Community Knee Jerk Reactions outcry that the community has made itself so well known for, update after update, patch after patch, year after year. Give it a few weeks and we'll see what it's like afterward.

    It's important to remember that the community has to be mindful of the feedback it gives, especially feedback based on little to no experience which should probably be taken with a grain of salt in most cases.

    (Although not all cases, I'm extremely skeptical about the Deathslinger changes and think there's a reasonable enough case to say they should probably be reverted without needing too much more extensive testing for example).

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Thank you! Appreciate the kind words :3

    Speaking to it not taking that much time- I've found that a survivor will intentionally run towards their totem to make use of Shadow Step, or to try and lose me so they can heal themselves again, so if you're good enough at chase (or not stymied by god loops, to be fair) you can take a few seconds to snuff the totem after downing them. I consider it a similar downtime-action to, say, reloading as Slinger or Clown, something to do after you've gained pressure by downing or hooking someone.

    Once the novelty wears off and we see fewer people gunning to use them recklessly (and once all the totem spots are snuffable...) I'm sure this mechanic is going to be a pretty fun one to play around. I also like the knock-on effect of encouraging non-aura reading tracking perks, since those don't get used as often.

    The mechanic could do with some tweaks but honestly, I like it so far.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 952


  • shitman
    shitman Member Posts: 203

    I was in a hurry when I voted Yes. I read some thoughts on No and now I think differently.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I don't feel breaking them would be good overall. I do feel they need changing, but breaking them won't fix it.

  • VerneV_TTV
    VerneV_TTV Member Posts: 17

    killers dont use nor care about dull totems. unless youre a noed killer. then LOL

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Maybe not destroyed completely but a mechanic like being woken up when going against Freddy.

    Everytime it gets snuffed out, it takes maybe an extra 5 seconds each time to reignite it or something. This way they can decide whether or not to reignite it if it has been snuffed out 4 times already.

    It will also keep those gen speeds down lol

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    As already explained, the core idea is to continually drag survivors away from generators and out of position. That isn't achieved if their perk isn't continually available.

    QTASTIC Member Posts: 56

    Yes you are an entitled Player, The way and in the manner you speak proves it.

    You aren't even using complete sentences to connect subject and matter together.

    You say I'm a hypocrite but you never explained how or why and I was fair from defensive mode, I just wanted to address the blatant toxicity behind your entire argument, for no reason at all. You constantly insult and talk down to me for reasons that are behind my understanding because like I said you don't use complete sentences.

    With my experience from playing the game from the time its released, If you are constantly running into 3 gen situations with more then 2 survivors left (unless your build dictates it.) You probably should look to using new Perks, different strategies, or a new killer. -Note how I use words probably and my experience, and constantly. specifying a situation but not forcing it.

    "I am just saying that if you think that it's bad gameplay whenever you get into 3-gen with more than 2 survivors, then you are either super low MMR playing with trash survivors, or you tunnel super hard every game from start."[sic]

    • -What you are saying here is contradictory and I don't understand why your are even mentioning this in what context are you speaking from? What does MMR have to do with this or tunneling for that matter? Different killers are good at different things and you don't have to tunnel to get people out, even if you hook everybody 2 times and its a 3-gen situation with 3/4 people its not an ideal situation.
    • But the fact you say "trash survivors or low mmr" just shows how much of an entitled player you are remember when I said your manner of speaking and the way you speak, that's what I'm talking about.
    • "There is just no other option to explain it. Or you just said complete BS to justify your point, then you cry, when someone doesn't agree with you..."[sic]
    • The reason why you have no other way of explaining it is because you have a very obdurate attitude when it comes to this and you refuse to think about all of the other situations/solutions available. You think up insults and meme's that everybody else saids nowadays in conversation to try try and get an upper hand instead of being an intelligent person and thinking about things and engaging in a proper conversation with someone. Even if you make a valid point nobody will listen to a word you say if you're constantly hurling insults back and forth.
    • Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them a bad person and I'd wish you'd reflect on your manner of communication and try and learn this. I have no reason to cry when somebody doesn't disagree with me but when someone is being so openly toxic as you were, Yes I'm going to address it. It was completely uncalled for and came out of nowhere.
    • On Autohaven Wreckers or any map for the matter I've never had to force a 3-gen from the start, If 3-gen is your personal strategy for every time it pops up so be it that's your method of playing. I've played this game forever and through my experience I've developed my own strategies for playing each and every map that I employ and usually work out very well. To get 3-gen with 4 survivors on any map gives you the choice of basically face camping to get that 1 kill, gen camping hard, getting ran ragged, or some other crazy strats to try and pull what you can.

    And I admit "CoH" is a strong perk but the negatives (unless you run other supportive perks) is.....well check out my previous posts for detailed. travel time, inner strength/totem breakers, survivors can't play independently they rely on somebody who has the perk to put it in a good spot and once placed can't be moved. So if that survivor who is running CoH places it in a bad spot beginning game and killer ignores it, It's stuck there. Now if you have a full lobby all running Coh It definitely gets stupid if survivors can heal essentially everywhere I understand that much. However in that case everyone of them could just be running self-care and never have to worry about it.

    They had it set at one point to where totems break when the killer snuffs them out, unfortunately that didn't work out quite as well as they thought it would. So what my point here is What are the odds of every single person running CoH in a lobby and nobody breaking totems or using a perk like inner strength. (SWF not included). Me personally when I play survivor I let someone else run them and run a back up healing perk just in case like second wind (which is more useful in my particular case then CoH or SC) I prefer to get unhooked and continue gen pressure then waste precious time to run away and heal.

    Now in a perfect world where it's all perfect survivors and a bad killer on a bad map all running CoH or SC it's not gonna really matter what you are running at that point you are probably getting clapped either way xD.

    But buddy if we are going to continue this conversation you have to understand that even though i disagree with your base argument I'm not your enemy or anything like that just talk to me like I'm a person and maybe we can come up with a solution and go from there.

    -supplement your lifestyle


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    You'd have to take away survivors' ability to break dull totems, then. Because right now, a lot of survivors are going in with Small Game just to cleanse dull totems and make sure boons don't get used.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,706

    Killers need some way to remove the boon for longer period of time. Right now they are too unbalanced by the fact that a killer can't afford to waste time snuffing out something that will just get relit and the benefits from an active boon totem are hard to ignore.

    There's 5 totems and survivors can even bless hexes, so I see no reason why snuffing out a boon can't prevent that totem from being rebless'd. It'll make strong spots such as main building totems risky, but ones on the edge of the maps safer while they are generally less impactful due to being on the edge.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, I am not gonna read that over comments with another troll...

    Try TLTR version next time.

    Edit: not troll, I was thinking it's about different conversation I had before you. My bad here.

    Alright, so I read it, yay.

    Let's to be serious for once in my life.

    I have no idea who you are playing against, but my experience playing against survivors with 2k+ hours, unless I play killers like Spirit, Blight, Oni, then forcing 3-gen is usually best plan to win. Some maps are too big, so they have gens that are just not worth defending with most killers.

    I don't think it's about your unique playstyle or whatever you want to call. My guess is that you either play really good killer that can handle it, or you just don't play against good survivors. So unless you want to show me your gameplay, those two are only logical options I can think of to justify your statement that there should not be more than 2 survivors during 3-gen.

    "If you are in a situation where you have more then 2 survivors 3 gen Then your gameplay was fundamentally flawed"

    If that is your standard, then that means you never lost, which is just BS, or you don't care about winning and your gens actually gets finished a lot, which may be because you are not going to 3-gen.

    When you want to talk about CoH, why shouldn't we include SWF? Those are players that have chance to get most out of this perk.

    I don't really care how good is that perk for avarage survivors, or solo. I care about what is the strongest thing you can do with that perk and see if it is broken or not.

    I don't wanna nerf that effect, I really like that effect and we are going to use that a lot. You talked about Inner Strength, if you compare it to CoH it's just way worse.

    Only change I want is for killer to destroy totem, so survivors have to think about how and when they are using their boon totem and killer have reason to search for it, after it survivors just can find new totem. So it's still nowhere near Hex type perk, where you just lost it, it would be just like other totem survivor perks, where you need to make some efforts in using it to it's full potencial.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    I would like a longer bless time depending on the amount of times your boon has already been cleansed by the killer

    QTASTIC Member Posts: 56

    Thanks for proving my point buddy Have a good day and a happy Halloween !

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Hey hey, sorry. Look at edit, if you wanna.

    I had chat with someone complaining about how survivors are only side getting nerfs, I mixed it with you, that's why troll, sorry.

    Happy Halloween for you too.

  • Legionair
    Legionair Member Posts: 196

    Survs can already pick and choose what totem they put it on, i think that counts

    QTASTIC Member Posts: 56

    It's okay friend I deal with trolls 24/7 I know how it can be no hard feelings. and sorry to OP for not posting about the topic

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    If they are not breakable, at least a boon totem should be treated as a dull totem when a hex would be activated, like hex: plaything

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    I'd rather the perk have a fat ass cooldown, like 3+ minutes or something. I don't want totems destroyed because that screws over Hex Plaything, which already got screwed by boons. It's such a shame too, the perk is so fun.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    You think killers want their hex totems destroyed? It screws over their build and strategy when they are. So why is it by your logic that it's even remotely fair and reasonable that survivors can destroy dull and hexed totems, even bless a hexed totem, when a killer cannot destroy any of the boon totems? I'm most curious to hear your response.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2021

    Snuffing a boon should break the totem. This keeps them strong but on a limited supply. The killer already loses a lot of time going out of the way to get rid of them, they shouldn't have to do this repeatedly.

  • Leon_S_Kennedy
    Leon_S_Kennedy Member Posts: 66

    If you could break them as a killer hex:pentimento could actually be viable

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    The reason they're so strong is because they're infinitely available, maybe we can have old undying back

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,317

    The problem is only Circle of healing that's completely busted, Shadowstep and Exponential are not that strong, actually I think they're just a waste of time.