What do you think is the worst realm?

Like the question says, what realm do you think is the worst? Personally mine is Haddonfield but I want to see what you guys have to say.
What do you think is the worst realm? 58 votes
Haddonfield easily
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RPD is a great map for the single player experience in RE as it's supposed to be big and confusing layout. In DBD though, it doesn't work at all. Even if they cut it in half, there would still be things that keep it from being a good DBD map.
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I actually think Haddonfield LOOKS fine. But it's impossible not to downvote Haddonfield by virtue of just how poorly designed it is from a gameplay standpoint.
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I hate the Backwater Swamp with a burning passion. If the devs ever get around to doing a graphical update on it, I really hope some gameplay changes are included.
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I hate RPD. I would rather play on Haddonfield.
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With the recent addition of Boon Totems, and specifically Boon: Circle of Healing, maps like RPD- Especially, RPD have become 10x more insufferable. I played the remake of Resident Evil 2, I'm very familiar with the layout of the map- but finding totem spawns amidst the winding routes of the police department- and the frustration of being just above or below a totem and either having to go out of your way sacrifice time to make it all the way around to the nearest staircase and back up just to snuff it out or to leave it there and save your time but sacrifice your pressure- it's all just awful.
Arguably worse than Gideons because at least that map is relatively open and there are many spots that allow you to transition between floors, drop downs or actual staircases which are scattered both in the middle and edges of the maps. In RPD you have the center grand hall staircase, and then various staircases around the edges of the map that are all so inconveniently placed to get to.
A match I recently had where 3/4 survivors (fully decked out in the strongest of builds mind you- DS, DH, the whole kit and kaboodle) were running circle of healing, highlighted this issue for me. It was a disgustingly unbearable match, and though I put up some decent resistance- it seemed to me that Circle of Healing was the genuine win condition that cost me the match that I just couldn't compete with. It also didn't help that I was trying to get the Adept Artist achievement so I was lacking a perk in my 4th slot.
Since they probably won't change RPD because it's a licensed map, best I can hope for is some immediate changes for Circle of Healing- which I know is slightly unrelated to this thread but goddamn, it is far too strong on maps that have multiple floors.
EDIT: Since Hawkins is no longer present in the map pool, I don't see why it would be placed as an option in polls like this anymore. Especially when there's a limited number of poll options, it seems like a wasted slot (Midwich is very much a candidate for this poll being garbage in its own way for example, but it's not listed on the poll options because hawkins takes the spot??? Why???? @TheBigGopher )
Post edited by Seiko300 on1 -
Atleast in RPD they have some loops and interactable parts for survivor and killer, if they split it in half it would be a great map. Gideon's though? Worst map easily for me, it is so aggravating not being able to do anything as killer besides play pallet eating simulator and being hard to play for movement killers
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Dead Dawg Saloon and its associated realm are easily the worst for me.
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RPD behind Haddonfield.
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Breakable walls are very fun and interactive and aren’t one sided.
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Asylum. SCREW Asylum.
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Springwood at least has some variety to it, while Lampkin Lane is the only map in the realm - meaning that survivors always get the map they want with an offering. Balanced Landing or Dance with me makes you basically untouchable on the map.
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I actually hate breakable walls, especially on Dead Dawg.
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I still hold a special hatred for Hawkins. Also most people here still played it and I was at school when I made this, so I decided to just put Hawkins there. Other is for the realms I couldn't include.
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Yeah I do too. I was mainly joking.
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I hate the saloon so much. Too much grass, horrible main building. I still don't understand why peopleike it so much.
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RPD is close, but as a Doctor main, those little office areas are actual death traps for my opponents. Haddonfield doesn't have anything that can redeem it.
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Rpd sucks for both sides, meanwhile haddonfield is an unbalanced abomination that heavily favors survivors.
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I can't stand backwater swamp. It doesn't matter what side I play I hate it.
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Haddonfield is trainwreck. It fails both in terms of balance and in terms of being a good representation of the Halloween film.
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First, it's 4 strong survivor buildings all connected by a big circle of relatively safe pallets.
Second, it has the absolute worst breakable walls. They're all legitimately terrible to break because every single one opens up an even more painful loop.
Third, even when you deal with it, they decided for some insane reason to make 5 version of the same map, so whenever you spawn on it you still have no idea where anything is.
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RPD is a beatiful map but this is not a DBD map, this is a map for a 3rd person shooter. Trying to get anywhere is a frustrating experience.
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It's not really a map for a third person shooter. RE3 is a horror game
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RE2 remake and a game can be more than one genre
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I honestly just think gideon's is too big
And I just now realized I voted for the wrong thing
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The obvious call is RPD, but I honestly think that's a given, it's bad for everyone.
My actual pick is Backwater Swamp. It's far too dark, both maps are quite big, the pier structures are a nightmare, but at the same time it doesn't have all that many proper pallet loops to mindgame around. I'd be happy if they just brightened it up a bit, or otherwise raised visual contrast between the ground and anything else, but I want a proper overhaul for it.
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I can’t stand corn.
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I don't get why people be hating on my station
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...RPD or Backwater Swamp? I'm assuming the former?
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Judging from the name I think it is kinda obvious
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People hate on it because it's far too big, it's far too cramped, generators are impossible to defend and hard to find on the survivor side, you can know precisely where you need to go but have a hard time figuring out how to get there + it taking forever even when you do know how, most of the pallets are completely un-mindgameable...
It's not a good map, pretty categorically. If they split it up into three maps comprising different parts of it, then it'd actually be quite good, but right now it's a nightmare.
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Okay now I forgive you but how would it be split up
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Not entirely sure, maybe by floor? They may have to add a little bit to each section, but it has to be shrunk somehow and splitting it up seems like the best call.
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I know, right?
I can play on RPD all day long. but back to the topic, i dislike Autohaven.