[Silent Hill VS. Resident Evil] Who would win?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428
edited October 2021 in Polls

Doesn't matter if it's a fight to the death or to compare decent gameplay during a match.

[Silent Hill VS. Resident Evil] Who would win? 37 votes

Pyramid Head
TapeKnotDimekMazoobiElusivePukkaDr_LoomisMrsGhostfacekintenoresaxHippieFobboDhurl421Marc_go_soloHeliosseSOMENINJANAMEGannTMBasementDwellerGuiltiiPSPGazgemauchHaunterofShadows 29 votes
Seiko300VolantConch1719Scary_Punk_GhostlandromatsadakiyoJarolNathan13GarlicRice 8 votes
Post edited by D34D_B34TB0X on


  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    Pyramid Head

    Not sure I fully understand the poll. I selected Pyramid Head, basing it upon a Nemesis vs Pyramid Head fight. But if it's to do with the Silent Hill franchise vs the RE franchise in general, I believe RE has been more consistent.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
    Pyramid Head

    This is a biological weapon vs. An entity that is pure personification of guilt.

    Implying this is Pyramid Head unhindered, he shouldn't even be able to be injured by Nemesis.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,261

    I've seen valid arguments of Nemesis V Pyramid Head made on both sides. It really comes down to one thing: can Nemesis physically kill Pyramid Head.

    If you believe that Pyramid Head only dies if you atone for your guilt (or something along those lines), he wins. Otherwise, Nemesis beats him by virtue of being faster and stronger.

    My vote should be enough to show my opinion on that matter, but it's honestly down to interpretation.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    Pyramid Head

    Pyramid Head is the executioner of a cult, twisted by a fallen angel. He's capable of reassembling himself if dismembered, and is just below par compared with DBD's Entity.

    Nemesis is a frankenzombie who can and will die.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    Pyramid Head

    Nemesis is flesh and blood. He bleeds, he can die.

    Pyramid head cannot. He is an immortal being created by the conscious of a deeply damaged individual, and can only be truly defeated by the admittance of ones guilt and becoming truly penitent.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Pyramid Head

    Pyramid head cannot die

    Nemesis while almost impossible...can be killed and that leaves PH standing no matter what Nemesis does

  • pyramidheadmain6233
    pyramidheadmain6233 Member Posts: 121
    Pyramid Head

    Pyramid Head cannot die. His story never ends, just goes on hiatus for a while. Before The Entity recruited him, he was about to go into what I can only assume is a type of hibernation. Nemesis is a being of flesh and blood, and can be killed by normal people.

    How is this fair?

  • Leon_S_Kennedy
    Leon_S_Kennedy Member Posts: 66
    Pyramid Head

    Honestly seeing how in dbd pyramid head is on the same level as the entity I feel like pyramid head would win