Part 32: How would you feel about the Blair Witch Project in DBD

So I saw a interesting concept for the Blair witch in DBD. And @Mooks says he/she/it/they made a concept as well. I've not actually seen the movie but that doesn't change the fact I love the concept. Now I'm not saying this should be the power of the Blair Witch but it is a cool idea.
Part 32: How would you feel about the Blair Witch Project in DBD 25 votes
🟩Sure I'd like it
Despite not seeing the movie I love this concept
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🟩Sure I'd like it
It seems like it would be a cool concept.
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For reference here a link to my concept (click on the name):
(also if you are not sure on pronouns, ‚they‘ would be enough as it pretty much is the most neutral to use. In my case ‚he‘ would fit)
also. I do think the Hag and the Concept of totems/Hexes are already directly inspired by the Blair Witch Project. I also think it’s just one of the classic horror movies that -while not a slasher- do fit in with the „Hall of Fame of Horror“, like Alien and Hannibal.
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🟥I don't want it
I picked that I didn't want it, simply because The Blair Witch has no real design. To give her a design feels like it'll take away the mysterious of the witch.
Yes I know there are a few sketches based on what people claims she looks like, but that may or may not be true.
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Yeah that’s actually true and the best argument against it. That and the fact at least in the first movie they even let it open if there even is a witch/something supernatural going on. Though I think in a later movie and a game there is actually a shape/body?
One way they could implement it is if they actually take Heather (or another person from the movies) and call them ‚The Possessed‘ and give them the powers of the Blair Witch..
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🟥I don't want it
I've watched the 3 movies, I don't remember seeing the witch in any of them tho. All I've ever seen is the sketch. The game showed monsters and stuff, but never actually showed the witch. Really the only thing the game did right lol. I do love the folklore of The Blair Witch, but I also like it remaining an unseen force as it's been portrayed. For something folklore related, I think they could do a lot of cool stuff with a Wendigo, and have the survivor and killer related to each other. Maybe an Indigenous American brother and sister. I'd say the sister be the Wendigo, because DbD does be lacking on female killers.
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I only watched the first two movies. Thought I heard that you can see her (vaguely)..
i dont even expect to the the Blair Witch and do understand the concerns from those against it. I am kinda split on it, but in the end i would love to see some kind of the license in the game (hence the Hall of Fame of Horror and all..)
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🟥I don't want it
I do agree, I'd put the original movie, up there in a sort of Horror Hall of Fame. I looked at what you posted to see what you were talking about. Hannibal would be a cool killer idea, not sure what they do for his power tho. Just know he'd be the most terrifying entry. Of course everybody wants Xenomorph in the game. I would love that one also. Hoping if a Xeno does come, it should have some sort of multiple ability power, and one of its powers being a chestburster. How could would it be, to have a facehugger lay an egg into a survivor, and they have to run around the map, to certain spots in order to remove it, before the chest burster comes out? Sort of like Piggy's reverse bear traps.
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🟥I don't want it
I haven't seen the movie myself, but from what I understand don't you not actually see the Blair Witch herself / itself even in the actual film? Its that quintessential idea of "the greatest fear is the fear of the unknown" and in the Blair Witch Project the unknown takes the form of this found footage story where we learn about three student filmmakers who mysteriously disappear after looking into the local legend.
By giving the Blair Witch an actual form, like The Hag or something- you end up stripping a theme that is central to the very identity of that film and the license itself.
Also the power itself seems really strange with how it treats movement speeds. At first, I naturally thought 20% movement speed referred to killer speeds over survivor as in +20%, so 120%, but then earlier in the power an explicit distinction is made when it seems that the Blair Witch moves at 250% rather than I guess would be +150% so are you meaning to tell me this killer moves at actual 20% movement speed??? The inconsistency is confusing and very off-putting.
And if it's just a normal fast moving killer, than isn't this just a weirdly overbuffed Wraith?
The whole thing from concept to power just screams like a very dubious addition to me, so I'm actually going to have to pass on this one.
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🟥I don't want it
Same thought when it came to not wanting the killer, due to it never being seen. I didn't read the description, but yeah it is confusing. My guess is while it's invisible, it moves 250% speed. While visible in tier 1, 120% speed. In tier 2, it become 130% speed, while possessing a survivor and looking at them it drops to 115%. Sounds kinda all over the place tbh. But I don't see the devs, being able to implement a mechanic that lets you take control of another player's character. Plus it would be a lil unfair to have something that prevents a player from being able to play the game, even if it's a set duration of time. Guess they could introduce a survivor looking AI, but that would be hard to introduce also. It'd have to match a player in the match, cosmetics and all, and be intelligent enough to avoid that survivor it's copying. But we've all seen how smart the AI bots are, in the tutorials, and Nemesis' zombies lol.
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🟥I don't want it
I am still confused on how it works
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🟨I'm indifferent on this matter
Hey I actually made this concept, it’s awesome seeing this get some attention since I never expected it to go any further than a concepts channel in a Discord server.
One flaw with this idea that I made was that what made the Blaire Witch so scary was that she was never shown, so if it was possible to never show her but also make her a functional killer that’d be best for a Blaire Witch Project chapter.
Or just bring her mythology into the realm of the entity, an idea I heard was just adding a map and twana charm.
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🟨I'm indifferent on this matter
I didn’t really have a good scope of movement speeds and I was a noobie to making concepts, so I agree with this.
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🟥I don't want it
As others have said The Blair Witch is meant to be an unseen character and undoing this would just be redundant to her purpose.