Rework NOED as a ‘Ruin’ for exit gates

Speaking as someone who plays about 70% killer, the current NOED just feels so cheap and unrewarding to use. Not to mention extremely un fun to go against as a survivor
We’re also in the “99” meta right now where survivors will complete 99% of the exit gates so they’re essentially open and ready for everyone to escape, but without the pressure of the end game collapse or killer perks like Blood Warden
So how about if we kill two birds with one stone and reworked Hex: No One Escapes Death into a perk that automatically starts regressing the exit gates once a survivor stops working on them, and maybe also made the person opening them Exposed just to spice things up
This would force survivors to either fully open the gates or risk everyone dying if the killer chases them back to the now partially regressed exit gates
another idea would be to maybe add in a hook prerequisite on top of that similar to No Way Out. So if you hook 1 survivor the gates will regress a maximum of 20%, 2 hooks 30%, 3 hook 40% and if you hook all survivors at least once you’re guaranteed 50% regression (providing they don’t just open them straight away that is)
I think this would be much healthier for the game and a much more rewarding perk than the current NOED
I think it would be better if it were a base mechanic to have the gates regress down to 90% if it's past that-- so you can still get real good progress on the gates, but it takes a full 2 seconds to open if you just leave it.
The 90% is negotiable, though.
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Nah. It's fine the way it is. Survivor fun isn't the only thing that matters. I hope it never gets changed.
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This is a good idea ^^
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Personal opinion: I don't think NOED should get nerfed or reworked as long as there are other, better second chance Perks on the Survivor side. If those didn't exist, NOED would need a rework
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What a useless rework
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Rework all survivor second chance perks before touching the only killer second chance perk
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Pretty much this yeah
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What if instead of giving exposed, it injured all survivors and made them broken for a while when the last gen pops, and its no longer a hex
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I agree. His idea of a rework makes Noed useless. I suspect that's what he wants. Probably a survivor masquerading as a killer.
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I am not fond of NOED's design but changing that way is a massive nerf.
Also current NOED being hex perk is ambiguous for that.
I'd rather add that function to Remember Me.
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So you want the killer, to waste an entire perk slot, in order to encourage survivors to open the exit gates fully.....
As if end game builds weren't already trash enough, you want to make them even worse?
This is the worst Idea I've heard for a perk since.....ever actually #########.
Then you had the audacity to talk about "healthier state" when hex perks as a whole are in the gutter. Yall are actually wild bruh....
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No, the "ruin" for gates should be basekit imo.
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Killers have one second chance perk while survivors have a thousand and they won't leave it alone
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Not sure if NOED needs any amendments, but the idea of a perk that perhaps fast regresses the gates, whilst leaving the person who is opening the gates exposed could be a separate perk. I'd absolutely go for that idea!
Maybe also add increased speed to the EGC, which also activate should the killer choose to open the gates, which could cause panic.
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I do think it should be changed, but in a way that keeps it at a similar power level. This is a rather sizable nerf.
That said, if your idea were implemented as a new perk instead (not a hex), that might actually be kinda interesting with bloodwarden.
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If anything should cause exit gates to regress, it should be Remember Me.
This is just nerfing noed until it's a perk you never have to worry about again.
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The best rework idea I've read so far was to remove the exposed status effect, so survivors still need to get damaged twice but they will die instantly on the hook. Mind, this is still not a perfect solution but I think this idea was better since 99% of NOED rework ideas are useless af.
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N.O.E.D. Revision:
- Remove global expose.
- Keep movement speed increase on activation.
- Add 'Killer does not suffer movement speed penalty during hit recovery.'
The same effect of 'killer enrage mode' is delivered in a way that makes the killer feel a sense of unlocked strength without feeling like a complete cheap shot from the survivor end.
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Yo I like this rework idea. I play %60 survivor and %40 killer. I'm down for this change if it were to happen. I am sick of the way NOED works currently when I face it as survivor and as a killer, I never equip it. I always use perks that help me throughout the entire game.
Post edited by DbDPlaya on0 -
Literally useless perk idea, as people would notice it and open the gate. Why would they 99 it at that point?
Also, there is a significant stronger version already in the game, if is called: No way out! Hook 4 people and it blocks the exits for a full min. You are not going to be able to get that type of value based on this rework.
NOED is fine, it a decent perk and by no means as powerful as people make it out to be. It is unfun... it is just a hex that activates at the end of the match, you literally got to play the entirety of the match. People that whine about this are way to focused on their result.
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NOED is fine. The only change I think would be good is it still activates if there is a dull totem on the map - survivors that cleansed (blessing wouldn't count) atleast one totem during the match would be safe from the exposed status effect while those that didn't cleanse any would be exposed AND the exits would be blocked like with Bloodwarden until the NOED totem is destroyed.
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It really isn't lol
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Okay. Do bones then?
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Yeah, I did that actually.
For over 100 games, in fact. And I recorded stats for it, just to see if "do bones" was a reasonable argument.
It isn't. Unless you make a build solely dedicated to hunting totems, Solo Q has almost zero chance to cleanse all 5. Duo isn't much better.
The only times I found it to be remotely possible were in 3 and 4 man SWF, where it was easy to keep track of totems and cleanse them.
NOED is a bad perk. It unfairly punishes Solo and Duo Q, but does very little to SWF groups. It needs a rework to be useful.
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Just queuing as solo is unfair punishment in this game. Don't know what to tell you other than deal with it. If Noed needs a rework or nerf then so do some survivor perks. Can't be unfair to one side over and over.
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Sure, I'd absolutely agree.
But saying "do bones" to counter NOED is like when Survivors said "just don't tunnel' with old DS.
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I do really think noed needs a big rework. You can't do all gens+all totems against a bubba camper or wraith tunneler.
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I mean, yeah. Some survivor perks do.
And there are countless more on both sides that are bad and need buffs.
NOED is the one killer perk I refuse to run because of how cheap it is. I also don't bring COH as survivor, and I use dead hard in probably...2% of my matches? Probably even less?
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I don't know. When I use to run Noed more it got removed often. I don't believe it's an unfair perk because it can be, and often is, countered. Especially, with the introduction of multiple boon totems. I don't see it getting changed or nerfed. Not until something is done about other perks first.
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I only use Dead Hard on David and CoH on witch girl. No one else. I run Noed on two killers. Freddy and Trickster. I don't think it's any more cheap than 5 gens being done before the killer can get a third hook. I believe that's what the devs intended for Noed. To counter experienced gen rushing survivors that have tunnel vision.
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It would be really useless. It'd only counter Adrenaline, which is not seen every game, unlike other second chance Perks
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Another noed thread... How many second change perks does survivor have? Yes lets nerf those first.
I've met a lot of noed users in the past week and not ONCE ive gotten pissed off because ive died to it. In the end its mine and the teams fault for not getting the totems.
I've gotten out of so many situations just by pressing E i cant be mad because killer uses hex that can easily be prevented which i was too lazy to do in that match.
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I kind of was pissed off with Ruin, so I decided to run Counterforce with a map.
With that build, you only have to use a perk slot, and an item slot to find all totems.
Yes, it does take time, but it isn't a build solely dedicated to finding totems as you claim, as there are 3 free perk slots left.
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Counterforce is so bad lol
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It exactly does what the perk description says, and shows where I should head next to light up my map when I do bones.
What's so bad about it? You DID say that you need to setup your whole loadout around it, and I've proven otherwise.
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Devs love noed. They won't touch it because of that
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What second chance perks are you referring to?
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The effect of Noed isn't what makes the perk unfair.
It's the complete lack of activation requirement or warning it gives that makes this perk so hated.
It's simular to dead hard. It gives you a reward for the othed team doing well. (Gens done, getting a hit) and you don't know if they are in play untill they hit you.
If it had any activation requirement so people can't just camp one person and still get the benifit then nked wouldn't be that big of a problem
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I mean, hey, if you want to be a totem warrior, go for it.
I brought Small Game to see how many totems were cleansed in all my matches. I was also hunting them, but I wouldn't throw the game by looking for them instead of doing gens.
I literally saw 5 cleansed ONE time in Solo Q. In 104 games, it happened 5 times.
Idk how you can say there isn't a problem with that design. You aren't even rewarded for partaking in that MASSIVE time-sink because if you miss even ONE totem, you get #########,
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Dead Hard mainly. Unbreakable can be classified as a second chance Perk aswell, tho I don't think it's as bad
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Thats just not true. In my solo games, i cleansed all 5 totems in lots of games, in even more all 5 were cleansed where i didnt do it alone.
However, since boon totems we know that survivors are capable of finding totems and spent time with them if they think it benefits them enough. At the moment, they just think calling for a nerf might benefit them more than doing totems.
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Exactly this. Survivors have plenty of time booning multiple totems per fight, but when it comes to NOED they suddenly have no time to do it.
Its funny how they have time and will for their own perk that gives them the benefit, but when its a killer perk its unfair and needs to be nerfed.
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I'm sorry, but logic is not allowed.
People always complain about SWF, but when a perk does nothing to SWF and only punishes Solo they think it's fine. Then they wonder why people would rather play SWF instead of solo...
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Better idea.
Make the gate regress base kit, and once the gates are opened then add the kill option to kill the survivors. Leaving the exposed status effect active.
Or leave it as it is.
Look I'm just going to be honest noed is a 2nd chance perk for killers and they have just as much right to use the perk as much as a survivor using 2nd chance perk
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If you don't like NOED, don't play it, we don't need this useless rework.
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Massive amounts of copium for killers that somehow consistently struggle against solos of all things. Which I'm fine with, NOED allows these subpar killers to play without fear and make getting challenges easier.
But you are correct. It's all about getting an edge over the other side and feeling righteous about it. NOED, Dead Hard, more BS, so long as one side gets to spite the other, those feeling left out will gladly use these weapons to lash out.
The rework idea isn't good. As a standalone perk or even basekit, sure! NOED reworked would likely need it to be removed entirely. And even then I wouldn't agree with it, because some amusing endgame builds exist with it that reward people that don't actually suck.
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I don't really need a noed rework. I think noed is fine, as long as solo q gets a buff to compensate against it. I'm fine with killers being strong and having strong perks. I'm all for buffing bad killer, as long as solo q also gets a buff.
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Yeah I can get behind this. The 'do bones' meme is tired and countering NOED isn't the issue so much as handling it when it happens as a soloQ gamer. So a buff to SoloQ would probably be the way to go. Let the stinky killers cling to the NOED hope.
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NOED is just as cheap as DS. Press 1 button to down/escape.
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You basically forced to play with at least 2 friends because solo que is god awful