Rework NOED as a ‘Ruin’ for exit gates

Speaking as someone who plays about 70% killer, the current NOED just feels so cheap and unrewarding to use. Not to mention extremely un fun to go against as a survivor

We’re also in the “99” meta right now where survivors will complete 99% of the exit gates so they’re essentially open and ready for everyone to escape, but without the pressure of the end game collapse or killer perks like Blood Warden

So how about if we kill two birds with one stone and reworked Hex: No One Escapes Death into a perk that automatically starts regressing the exit gates once a survivor stops working on them, and maybe also made the person opening them Exposed just to spice things up

This would force survivors to either fully open the gates or risk everyone dying if the killer chases them back to the now partially regressed exit gates

another idea would be to maybe add in a hook prerequisite on top of that similar to No Way Out. So if you hook 1 survivor the gates will regress a maximum of 20%, 2 hooks 30%, 3 hook 40% and if you hook all survivors at least once you’re guaranteed 50% regression (providing they don’t just open them straight away that is)

I think this would be much healthier for the game and a much more rewarding perk than the current NOED

