Which Killer Power Would You Rather Have?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 428

Any power would be epic.

Which Killer Power Would You Rather Have? 61 votes

The Nurse's Blink
Leonardo1itazach3734RattiuspsionicCheeseAntonLochnload_exeGGSlushyR2kyouplaycool 9 votes
The Wraith's Cloaking Bell
Seiko300TapeKnotDr_LoomisGlamourousLeviathanLordRegalEmeallandromatCluelessbrubliDerZuntorvacamanApollosMrCalac123SadHoiPoisirtreek23Tr1nitydoctor2629Leon_S_Kennedy 18 votes
The Legion's Feral Frenzy
Xornedge 1 vote
The Doctor's Shock Therapy and Static Blast
ToxicboiiMarc_go_soloNorfeus 3 votes
The Spirit's Phase
ShroompyTaigaIcewhispertenoresaxThePoliceAwkward_FiendChurchofPigdugmansteponmeadirisDhurl421GannTMRockotheawesomepug_NIGHTMARE_PSPAurelleLibervitaGarlicRiceDredgenWar237 18 votes
The Oni's Wrath
YordsDarthRevan21[Deleted User] 3 votes
Bear Traps, Chainsaws, Throwing Weapons, or Spearguns.
Tricksters_WifeTrickstarTwitchdeathSchemingWeasels 4 votes
The Hag's Phantasm Traps
ElusivePukkaMooks 2 votes
The Blight's Lethal Rush
FobboHeader 2 votes
90bubbel 1 vote


  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452
    The Blight's Lethal Rush

    Hard to say but i think it would be really cool to be super fast

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,502
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell

    It gotta be Wraith's bell, Ding Dong you invis. But it kinda sucks in the Daylight.

    Imagine that being light burned out 12 hours a day.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    Bear Traps, Chainsaws, Throwing Weapons, or Spearguns.

    Was a close call between Nurse's blink and Throwing Weapons. But I wouldn't want to feel super exhausted after teleporting.

    But yeah, it would be cool to be able to throw knives like Trickster which is something I could realistically learn. Something about blades (both knife and sword/katanas) are really beautiful to me and I plan on collecting custom resin knives and having a wall of them and collecting katanas.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell

    Really the only one I absolutely wouldn't want is the Nurse's blink since it's canon that it's agonizing for her to use it. Her post blink shrieks are intended to be a pain reaction from having just done that, and it's why she fatigues - she needs a moment to recover from it. I'm not aware of any other killer who has a power that actively hurts them as they use it.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727
    The Spirit's Phase

    I can just imagine the amount of people I'd be able to freak out with this. 😂

    Also it would be pretty convenient for faster on foot travel.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452
    edited September 2021
    The Doctor's Shock Therapy and Static Blast

    I do believe psychological damage is more harmful than physical damage.

    Then again, electricity hits both pretty damn hard. The idea to influence someone's mind and body with the power of electrical conductivity sounds oddly... Enticing.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,890
    The Hag's Phantasm Traps

    I guess I would have taken Demos Off the Abyss to create portals everywhere i want and be able to visit everyone anytime.

    But with the Phantasm traps I just need to figure out what to use to get the Mint Rag addon effect to have the same function.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360
    The Nurse's Blink

    I know the nurse's blink hurts her, but it feels like a worthy tradeoff for literal teleportation through objects.

    Other than that, having spirit's phase would be good too

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    The Doctor's Shock Therapy and Static Blast

    Mess with the brain? Induce madness? Oh yes, that's my jam!

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell


  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell

    I wanna be a thief and a pervert.

  • Xornedge
    Xornedge Member Posts: 30
    The Legion's Feral Frenzy

    I guess I am alone. For good reason.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069
    The Nurse's Blink

    It's the only power worth doing irl. U can tp in any place u want and none can prevent it. Others are way restricted and boring to use.

  • Leon_S_Kennedy
    Leon_S_Kennedy Member Posts: 66
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell

    The bell makes it easier to sneak around if you have the quiet add on

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,188
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell

    Almost all the powers seem extremely painful to use. I would rather be invisible, which is a cool ability, and just go around ringing a bell.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited December 2021
    The Wraith's Cloaking Bell

    The problem with the Blink is that lorewise it is actually supposed to be extremely painful and exhausting for the Nurse to do. That's why she's fatigued after every use of her power (that and balance obv. but the connection between the two- lore and gameplay- is definitely there) you can hear her wheezing as if she's perpetually suffocating, and she is both physically and mentally drained after from blinking in and out of reality.

    "The Nurse screams and sighs with every Blink. According to the Developers, blinking is a painful procedure, so she screams from pain and sighs from relief."

    That's why I didn't choose it, and overuse of the blink would likely cause a significant physical and mental toll on your person.

    Invisibility is a classic power that is multipurpose with some decent practical applications, and that's why I went for that. Even if it still came with the stipulation that you had to loudly announce every time you were cloaking and coming out of cloak.

    Although it would be really cool to be an expert at knife throwing.