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Sick of this game.

TheBigGopher Member Posts: 122
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

I'm so [BAD WORD] sick of it. Everything. Behavior have shown that they couldn't make even a decent video game, even if someone done it for them.

Looping? Annoying and boring. The killer can do [BAD WORD] about it and it's boring for the survivors.

Pallets? Broken! Absolutely no counterplay unless you're a killer specifically made to screw them over.

SWFS? Obnoxious, always.

Updates? Broken messes that buff survivors and nerf killers. Like Pinhead, who was literally a worse version of clown, who got [BAD WORD] nerfed. Or bloodlust, the only way to catch people in some loops that also got nerfed a while back. Or GH, who gets screwed over by the stupid ass snowmen.

Gens get done in seconds because the only viable way to play the game is to genrush. MMR is a joke and so are Hex Totems. Boons are completely broken and despite the fact that everyone hates them BHVR still hasn't done anything.

New killer is overrated and the survivor is just lazy, because of course they are. Maps are too big, making it impossible for killers to actually patrol the map.

Or when BHVR gives us a crappy little amount of blood points to 'make up for it. Or the new 'gifts' they're giving us that are actually nothing.

There's so much I could vent about that I can't even think about, like NFTs.

I can't wait for VHS to come out proper, and onto consoles, or the new Leatherface game by Gunmedia. Watching them squirm is good enough, and with any hope it'll push them to actually FIX THEIR GAME.

But they probably won't. This is BHVR after all, and you know what? I'm fine with this game dying. I'm fine with watching it shrivel up and fade away.

I've calmed down since I posted this so there's no real need to reply. Some of the stuff I said I still stand by (like the game being broken) but others I don't (I dont want the game to die though at the time I certainly did).

I actually regret making this thread since I feel the need to respond to the people who comment on it, I won't lock it because I don't like taking away people's ability to comment on things, just going to ask you don't comment.

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