AFK Etiquette (Killers)

Killers, how to you deal with survivors who are AFK at the beginning of the match? Personally, I will usually smack them once, if there is no response, I will leave them be until the crow notifications start, and it becomes a distraction, that seems more than fair.
On the survivor side, I used to see an AFK killer or two a day, but I haven't encountered one in months.
As Killer, I personally find the AFK crow notifications to be extremely annoying, so I go hook that survivor straight away. I sympathise with the team, but they're not actually in a worse spot for someone being on the hook versus just standing there.
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Depends on other teammates and if they are respectful or not.
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If I find an AFK survivor I down but don't hook him. That's the trade. I don't hook, but he should cost his team time. When the crows arrive i hook him when the noise begins, because this is just annoying.
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Insta down and hook.
Punish them for going AFK.
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I remove them from the game as fast as possible and the other survivors so they can move on.
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I hooked asap. If the other survivors are chill I usually let them finish the gens and escape. If not I play normal.
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My rule of thumb is I down an afk survivor but don’t hook them the first time I see them. I’d hate to eliminate someone that had a real life emergency pop up. If they’re still afk by the time they get revived though then I hook them out.
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The first time I find them, I down them but typically leave them there unless I really need a hook perk to activate.
Once the crow notifications start going off, I'll hook them the next time I'm in the area, because the constant noise pings are insufferable.
From there on, I hook them every time third stage crows begin (so 90 seconds after each unhook.) If I decide to farm with other survivors out of pity for the AFK, I'll carry them around just to treat them like a punching bag and surgeon dummy for the other survivors. More than a few times I've had a heavily farmed survivor wake up and start wiggling ten minutes into the match.
When I encounter an AFK killer, I treat them as though they're only pretending to be AFK and will activate with NOED once the last gen pops. I'll go around farming chests and stuff, but all the bones have got to go.
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I instadown and hook them, but obviously dont dwell on the matter and do it repeatedly. Its their loss for not paying attention and the survivors wouldn't stop doing gens if they discover an AFK killer, right?
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Actually, in my experience, survivors will cleanse all the totems, run about in basement, and open chests and such to get extra points before finishing the gens.
I know I personally check for totems before finishing gens up just in case of a cheeky NOED build, but I get your point.
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Hook and kill them ASAP for failing the cripplingly difficult task of actually being there when you queue up for a game.
Then I farm with everyone else.
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I'll generally hook them ASAP and kill them, then likely ease up on the rest.
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I usually down them and pick them up, and then go find and chase their team mates while they're on my shoulder lol. When I feel them start to wiggle then I'll hook them. And then leave them alone for a little bit haha
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True, but you're still going on the hook.
Can't bring myself to punish the team for one of their members not being present.
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If I'm running Lethal Pursuer, I take it as me getting immense value out of it and adequate punishment for the AFK. It's harsh, but I also think it's fair given the point of this perk is to immediately get the ball rolling and I'll claim my first hook, especially if I have Pain Resonance.
Without Lethal I would usually down the survivor and leave it at that. Gives me pressure but doesn't fast-track people to death.
My ethics do kind of waver depending on how spawns happen however. If I saw nobody around this person I assume they're all spread out, so I may as well reap the benefits of this stroke of luck since the game is keen on screwing me anyway.
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I usually don’t hit them but once they get crows, it gets annoying so I just down them then.
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I do the same, you hit the search for game button and thereby claimed your readiness for a match. If you show up afk because something happened then you'll play next match. It isn't my fault/problem. I used to just ignore them but then I got games where survivors were afk the whole game.
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I feel bad for agreeing to this, but you're not necessarily supposed to leave if you're readying up. At least not go far. If you get in a round against me and you're afk, sorry but you kind of got what was coming to you for leaving. Only exception will be if I'm playing Myers, then I'll feed my stalk off you and leave you be.
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Every few days I'll 'butt queue' - generally in the mornings where my queues can be longish. I'll then alt-tab and start doing something else...forgetting of course that I've queued up.
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I just kill them.
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instadown and hook, if they're still afk after getting unhooked I might let em go depending on how the game's going for me
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Depends on what challenge I'm currently on.
If no challenge when they get crows I hook them. If they're still afk after first hook I will carry them to teammate to indicate they should unhook the second hook. If still AFK I sacrifice them.
There was one time I didn't ready up and had left the room with my controller on the arm of my couch. By the time I returned the controller was on seat of the couch with my dog laying nearby, she must have knocked it down while getting comfy and kicked the ready button. When I looked at the TV an Oni was carrying me out the exit and dropping me so my character would automatically escape. Some how I got a pip and bunch of BP? 😂 Saw someone else in the match had DC'd and the Oni had also let the other two escape. Totally should've sacrificed my character, atleast for the BP because they deserved it.
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I try to kill them as fast as possible. I don't think its fair towards the other survivors if i just let the AFKer go and suddenly he or she is back and wins the game while the others did all the work.
So yeah i find them hook them and hook them again if needed but no free pass in my games.
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I mean, yesterday I was on the loading screen for a game when a big tree knocked over in my backyard. Can't exactly blame a girl for getting up to check out a huge crash in the middle of a windstorm. I don't blame the survivors for carrying on without me (weirdly enough, I still won the game arriving in at 2 gens remaining, on Badham, with Myers - I think they were overconfident at the start and Devour Hope is a beast when it works), but there are pretty legit reasons to leave the computer even if you did sign up for the game.
So a little lenience for AFKs is nice, because you never know what's going on - granted, if someone's gone too long, I'm just going to assume they forgot about the game and they're free bloodpoints. By the time they've got noise notification crows, they should be back from a small interruption. But if they come to life when I'm in the middle of carrying them to a hook, I'll always drop them and let someone pick them up.
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Just put them on a hook and stop making it out to be some huge moral dilemma.
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Go ham on their teammate. Most of them have zero respect towards the other side anyway.
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Kill the AFKer, try to clean up the team. Sometimes the survivors will get angry with me for not going easy on them, but honestly I don't want to play a game where I'm obligated by social etiquette to just stand around in a corner because their team mate screwed them over. Kill them quickly, I can get to a real game sooner and so can they.
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I'll hit em once and go find somebody else. If they come back I'll give em a free chase win and switch targets.
Not even trying to win anymore, tbh. Don't put that evil MMR on me.
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As a killer, I hook them before they can d/c.
As a survivor, I t-bag them.
As the afker, I fall asleep.
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If I come across an AFK survivor, I'll usually smack them once and move along. Once I start getting notifications constantly from crows, however, they're going on a hook. There's enough going on in a match that I don't need the constant distraction from the noise. If the survivor ends up getting unhooked and gets to the crow notifications again, then it's back on the hook (and hopefully dead at that point).
If a team has an AFK player that never shows back up, I'll try to go easy, but I usually don't completely go into farm mode, though I will give someone hatch in those situations.
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Down them and hook them. If they dont get back, I kill them and probably go easy on the rest of the team, maybe even let them all escape if I get BBQ stacks
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I used to hook them immediately till I had a bubba slug me when my family needed help with something. I didn't expect this kind of kindness at high mmr, especially from a bubba. I thanked him at endchat and he replied with np <3 so from now on, I will slug them too to pay it forward.
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I put them out of their misery quickly. Hook them and go on.
If somebody unhooks them I wait a moment for a response, then down them again and leave the one who unhooked alone. I do not want to punish another survivor for playing like this probably not knowing that their teammate is afk.
After that it depends. Sometimes I go easy, sometimes I farm and sometimes I go on as normal. Honestly, when somebody goes afk or quits after 4 gens are done I play normally. Most survivors can handle this quit well and finish the last gen, resulting in a 2-3 escapes.
As a survivor well, I hate afk teammates just as much as I hate quitters. Play the game, when you are in my lobby you are not in a competitive setting and I am not top of the ladder so Killers make mistakes and throw it all the time...
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AFK survivors die 100% of the time. As someone who also plays survivor I HATE afk people, so if I'm playing killer I'm killing the afk survivor and let the others 3 farm.
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Yea I never understood mercy for AFK survivors.
Down and onto the hook! If you don't care to alt tab back into the game or punish your team, then so be it. Sucks for the other survivors but as the killer, its definitely not my problem. Don't que up if you're busy.