If you consider yourself a Twins Main, or you agree they need some love, please upvote this.

I would make a poll, but that would have less visibility on the forums, thus the discussion.
We now have more than 25 votes for Twins to get QoL, which is more than 5 times the number of people asking for Billy to have an overheat mechanic.
I’m not a twins main, I don’t have them but I will still up vote
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I highly recommend you get them if you have any iri shards burning a hole in your pocket. they're really a ton of fun.
They still do need QoL changes, though.
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For the love of entity, yes.
It's starting to really tick me off how BHVR refuses to give them attention. They have a crap ton of potential, but BHVR just won't use their brains of theirs to give them the changes they need.
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thus the discussion.
obviously, this one discussion won't make a ton of difference on its own, and it'd be arrogant to think it could, but I think that if we break the "there are only 4 twins players" joke/belief there's a chance Twins will finally get the QoL they need.
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I'm not a twins main, I have them, but the last time I have played this killer for my ritual I was insulted in chat. Since they added hit validation for dh I'm not playing this killer anymore if it's not for my ritual...
Twins need some love.
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We'll have to see how long it'll take for our wishes to come true then. Any (positive/advocative) twins post makes me happy.
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Idk if I will buy them but I will say they have a really good chase theme. It reminds me of Han Zimmers score in man of steel. So yeah their theme really cool
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I’m currently playing them until they receive a cosmetic/balance change. They needs something ASAP especially after boons released
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Don't even play them, but they desperatly need... anything at all tbh
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Twins are one the most interesting and unique killers in the roster, the potential is enormous
Id love for some changes
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Waiting for their next cosmetics and buffs here...
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Twins Main here. They are one of DBD's most unique Killers and I hate how ignored they are. Plus, they have the #1 chase theme imo.
(Also, can we give Charlotte some more love?! All of her cosmetics are mediocre besides the funeral gown ones and she's pretty much just an M1 killer without Victor.)
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extremely unfun to go against killer and nightmare for solo players i hope he doesnt get buffs in any way or form.
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Not a twins main, but they do need love.
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It is unfortunate how somehow an opinion can be objectively wrong.
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Not a twins main but I am a long time twins enjoyer and supporter, they deserve all the love and it is a shame one of their best written chapters has this hated stigma on it.
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Was never a Twins main, but they definitely need some love.
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Just buff them I mean it's the coolest killer idea so far and yet I almost never play against Twins, so they have done something really wrong here.
You don't need to be a Twins main or even play killer to support this.
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Not a twins main but they do need a rework,
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Not a twins main but good god they need some major help.
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Not a main by any means, but I've been playing them more and more lately, they're still one of the more fun killers in the game despite their jankiness.
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As a Twins Main who Love the Twins 100% agree they need some Love because of Perks like Dead Hard and Boons, the Insane Gen Speed, awful Map Design they are kinda unplayable also the Snowman makes them unplayable this Event
I Really Hope my favorite Killer gets some buffs or rework in the Future they Really need it :(
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I'm not a Twins main, but they desperately need some changes. They're nearly unplayable in their current state.
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I think the only change they need is an ability swap. Victor should have a normal attack, be able to pick up and hook survivors, kick pallets and gens and Charlotte should scurry around on all 4 and pounce on survivors backs while screaming.
That will solve basically all of their problems.
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I hate the mental image, but I love the fact that's totally true.
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I agree I also don't have twins but I like watching people play twins so I hope they get love
I play slinger and he recently got made almost unplayable so I hate for twins to be unplayable
To me theirs no reason you should suffer a 8 second stun just for using your power that's longer then a legion stun and a slinger reload combined
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They need a total rework unfortunately. The concept is interesting but the execution simply doesn't work. They could use some buffs but it doesn't change that playing against them on solo is still miserable.
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I probably would main Twins if they didn't feel so awful to play.
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Yes changes and QOL needed, as of now my Twins are benched.
- Revert successful pounce hit cooldown to 2-3 seconds, on par with other killer's successful hit animation, Missed pounces kept at 5 seconds.
- Switching back to Charlotte should be instant and not 3 seconds.
- Victor should cause erratic movement on the survivor holding him, a way to counter holding W for long periods and crushing him whenever it's convenient for the survivor.
- Charlotte should get a passive or an ability in her own right to encourage switching and not be 90% reliant on Victor.
- Charlotte needs a haste effect whenever switching back from Victor after he downs someone or Victor inflicts Broken for 20 seconds on a down. (This somewhat helps with boons)
- Victor should be able to snuff totems.
- Addons for both Victor and Charlotte on all rarities
- Possible rework to Oppression and Coup De Grace
- The Idle Twin should take a health state from anyone within 3-5m and in reach. (Like a Nemesis Zombie but idle)
- Victor should be able to pounce through windows more reliably.
- Fix Victor's invisible collision
- Fix Victor being kickable on validation
- Victor should be able to call Charlotte when she's more than 32m away on a 90 second cooldown.
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as for your last point, I think it'd be really cool if you could move Charlotte by having her regrow around Victor.
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I was beginning to lean in to playing Twins and then CoH happened.
They absolutely need changes, so here's my upvote.
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I can't stand twins, the killer is so ugly.
At least Sally had the brains to have a pillow case on her head.